Show February 24 1994 Page 8 lEs save forensics in Denver Denver's Mile-Hig- h Tournament dealt CEU's forensics squad some of their strongest competition all year In debate their highest finish was third but the team shined overall in individual events as they placed more members in the final rounds than any other college Individual events were the areas in which CEU had a chance to shine In duo interpretation the teams of Danny Kourianosflnsty Atwood placed fourth and Jennifer MooreChris Theodosis won sixth In impromptu speaking Michelle Grogan placed fourth Renee Pressett sixth Tony on Feb 17-2- 0 Hoglund true-hearte- oortlrampage2) commitments get you d elected The candidates are taking on and are being granted quite the responsibility But it does not all go unrewarded ASCEU members are given scholarships and a stipend of $225 for executive council members and advisory council members will be paid S8590 1 don't think these are unnecessary but when you take into account that there are five executive council members and eleven advisory council members that are paid each quarter that is $620970 Maybe next year's student government council should evaluate simple issues as these Despite the responsibilities of day-to-d- planning activities and keeping the campus student life running smooth the president and the appointed financial make up the the At beginning of each budget quarter each student pays a student activity fee of $8250 ($8390 next vice-preside- nt year) $6350 of this is already appropriated (for your gee whiz collection the total student activity fees taken in by 2000 students all year is $495 000 do you know where it is going think about it?) but $1700 of all student's activity fee is given to the ASCEU for use This totals $102000 Do you know where to and what this money goes to? Me neither think about it Now that finance 101 is over are you a bit more reluctant to so quickly hand over such power to popular strangers? Me neither look into the issues when voting There is going to be a “Meet the Candidates Night" on March 3rd at 8pm I urge all of you to attend this meeting after you have picked up a copy of the ASCEU Constitution and a copy of bylaws to the Constitution Benjamin and Robyn Bliss were semifinalists Elisha Ray won fourth in poetry interpretation sixth in dramatic in inlerpcralion and a prose interpretation In persuasive speaking Michelle Grogan won sixth Grogan slated “We performed phenomenally in individual events As a team we had more people in final rounds than all of the universities and colleges at the tournament" In combined open and junior CEDA debate Jory Johnson and Robyn Bliss placed third Johnson was named third best speaker and Bliss was awarded fifth place speaker semi-finali- st at the Student Government room in the Student Activity Center Read the document that gives you your campus rights and your elected or appointed representatives the right to the above mentioned powers and many other surprising ones Also check up on this year's council and see how they're fairing It is time to make the Student Government Council just that accountable to the students Being a candidate is not an easy job but it is an important job that should be earned not just at the elections but all year long Your vote is what gives it that responsibility use it correctly Elections are a campuses means of striving along the dialectic of political ideals a cycle of that should never cease This year has been great but how is next year going to be better because of the people we clccLgood luck candidates nt Ulibarrl RimU liniMitM Sfwt Uttar Omtt htataaArtaA UtortataMMl Uttar Mm Owytinr Put— Uttar 1mm Wlay Atitarttataa Lna BtaMM Mmp Am SncibaA Say Sitiy BMq Sya Uml—S tUyw Im tfaitar 11 JmU Dfck D—y Kin— 1— ihr MmSm JiU Chm Myra Mncri OPnraaU ftwfc Swm A Nmt AtittMT ftt can become induced to the tenured faculty The nominee must have been employed at the school for at least six years and in their seventh year their progress is reviewed by the committee However some exceptions have been made for those in their fifth year of work A nominated teacher must come up with their own portfolio for the committee to review which includes letters of recommendation Haddock said The Wolverines were tied with Ricks who reigned as co champions of the year Snow jumped to third with 195 points Dixie 18 and CNCC 8 Men's basketball was CEU's only bright spot again with a second place finish (12-6- ) which earned five points for the Eagles Women's basketball earned two points for their fifth place finish volleyball earned 35 points for their fourth place finish (5-and baseball earned two points for their fifth place finish (7--- (7-1- 1) 5) 9) 1993-9- 4 Tenure (Coni from pago 1) English Tenured faculty are chosen by the tenured sabbatical committee made of faculty members and the academic vice president They review many different criteria that the nominee must endure to become tenured Haddock noted The committee review given consists of peer evaluations annual reports student evaluation summaries supervisor evaluation and the committee themselves evaluating the individual The annual reports consists of teaching ability attitude progressed towards teaching professional manner disciplinary actions community service leadership qualities contributions to the school itself creative activities student advisement and certificate or degree appropriate for the given field e Any faculty member director of resource center and any secondary assigned instructor (ie dean of students vice president etc) full-tim- Clhillcll Sports Excellence focrtlkompagol) UVCC set the pace at 28 points followed by Ricks with 27 Dixie 19 Snow 15 CNCC added 6 points that year 1991-9- In 2 CEU's records as the the Eagles tallied same stayed conference another 115 points and a fifth place finish UVCC amassed 295 points Ricks 275 Snow 22 Dixie 175 and CNCC 75 Men's basketball continued its dominance with a second place conference finish 1991-9- 2 gamering five points women's basketball earned two points for fifth place volleyball earned 25 points for fifth (3-and baseball earned two points for fifth (12-6- ) (3-1- 5) 7) (6-1- 0) 1992-9- 3 season CEU remained lodged in the fifth place spot with 125 points UVCC continued to spread the lead with 30 points accumulated for the season During the (oorittompag2) Care Light Housework Starting the first of May If interested: please Call: POBm The sports season has not dealt the Eagles any promise of finishing any higher than fifth for the excellence award With a down year in the men's basketball program and the women's team failing to beat UVCC and SLCC while splitting with Snow and Dixie the volleyball team staying the same the only team who has any possibility of gamering conference points is the baseball team this spring However with a 1 5 record in 9 in 0 in 3 6 in 90-9-1 in 2 the baseball team's chances may 1993-9- 4 9-2- 88-8- 8-- 6-- 17 89-9- 91-9- Advertise in the Eagle only $3 an Inch 637- - 4933 Ask for Michelle 912 Plies UII4S01 Earn SI 000 weoklv with your personal computer! Begin now! Free Details Rush SASE to Powell Publications Dept 291ID POBox 511053 Salt Lake City UT 54151 Staff Tin Egk da affiuri I OpiiiaM Mpanti Tit Stiftr A Ml Mourarily pMMl tint ti tin Calk(i of Fam Utah iM tag m Mtaita CotMMMMAlMMMda yrxatat npi— tl tta nritar McmwwitaA NtMfiimiMnMMMliltiky r Emuw Utak Pita ftuata TV Cathy a kyciliaf(IOI) Uttar UHcy TyyvnUM Imm mdra 100 warta wti nm priority printing AS m yrahrati ham M kora tin intan Ml mm akm Wrin cm V raoUnti TV yit oMqmily of opinio m mtin rycht yAran nitat titan nil TV ft of iMinM tin rgta taadoaiy kn £t(aflmn An to tin Mmtar V Imm My 92-9- be slim African-America- Utak 14101 12-1- 13-2- 1992-9- 3 Two Children youth account for over 50 percent of the incarcerated youths The emphasis should be on the Hispanic race not something else Hispanics cannot control They cannot control who the governor appoints but they can control the progression of youth The change necessary today does not call for something as dramatic as a bus boycott But it docs call for change as fundamental as in the 60s It is time to look in the mirror The enemy and the hero are one in the same Apathy crime and nonparticipation all lead to the same thing: failure La Raza should turn its focus inward Education and stability within the family are key to Hispanic advancement The population numbers are evident Hispanics can have the power if they take iL started taking it The Eagle Hi by Uttar lahia llitaiv Vliwytal Uttar Am Atiiir Nn Uttar in the 60s and womyn decades earlier When will the Hispanics start? In William Shalkespe are's The Merchant of Venice the villain Shylock states "I am a Jew If you prick us do we not bleed if you tickle us do we not laugh if you poison us do we not die?" Indeed all culture will die when poisoned The sad point is that the Hispanic culture seems to be poisoning itself And it is the only one with the antidote taloyti To have an event featured on the Mar 10 Eagle Calender call ext 250 by 3 pm Mar 7 |