Show CEU— Friday October 15 1982 —5 Forensics offers 12 areas area of interest to them By Lona Colby The CEU forensic teams Of the Eagle Staff tournament is October 22-first For those who are interested at the College of Southern in competitive speaking the Idaho where Warren will take CEU forensic department offers 12 areas of competitive all students who are prepared The following weekend CEU speaking Debate reader’s theatre will host a tournament The duet acting and various types next will go to Wyoming the of speeches are offered The next weekend With the aid of four returclass is under the direction of Neil Warren ning students and nine new The class is open to all ones Warren expects a good students and those who are year These returning students chosen as members of the traveling squad need to take the class “Introduction to include: Wiley Gerard President of the Phi Rho Pi Chapter Donya Gardiner 23 vice-preside- Wayne nt McAndless and Bob Yuksinick The new students are Claire Maxwell and Nanette Turcasso Roxanne Randall Phi Rho Pi Alan Peacock Chandra Chapman Gary Owen Mark Hollingshead secretary Mike Huntington and Susan Benjamin Veteran forensics instructor Neil Warren Photo by Dave Spencer Forensics” at 3 pm In the intro class students are taught about the different areas of competition and they prepare speeches According to Warren it can be helpful to have had previous experience in forensics and if a student is willing to learn and has an interest in competitive class may be an the speaking The most important thing in your life right now Applications available Jobs are not always the easiest thing to find especially when one person is faced with a full load of classes This year the College of Eastern Utah is developing a service to help students find a job Located in the Student Center is a Placement Office It will provide a location for students to get job THAT GOES You when job found an effort is are openings to students made place This is one of many services the Placement Center will be offering this year During the first quarter the center will continue to organize and link students with work A promotion program is being planned for the second quarter and in the spring plans are underway for workshops on how to secure summer jobs The department is hoping students who plan to get work after they' complete their courses will use the Placement Service to improve their chances at securing jobs The greatest problem the Placement Service is facing currently is getting enough positions to advertise There are more people willing to work than there is work and available Students are encouraged to visit the center and get on the list for job application aren't here to worry about your bank But your bank should be here to worry about you And we are TO SCHOOL That's the First Security feeling Confidence security rust Ifvou're from any one of over 100 Intermountain cities you may have grown up with that feeling And you have every right to expect it here in- formation Records are kept of the student’s interests and abilities probably not your bank And that's as it should be is WITH YOU Even if First Security was not at home we want to be your bank here your bank Come in First Sccuolltv GSa nl&s Each affillata bank of Fim Security Corporation ia a member of FDIC Price Office — 180 East Main Lobby: 9:00 am — 4:00 pm Monday thru Thursday 9:00 Drlve-ln- : am Helper Office Lobby: 9:00 9:00 Drive-in- : — 6:00 pm Friday am — 6:00 pm 6:30 am — 62 am South Main — — 6:00 9:00 am Monday thru Friday 4:00 pm Monday thru Thursday pm Friday — 6:00 pm Monday thru Friday |