Show GOLDEN Pago Four Doing the "girl watching" spot was Steve Dougherty Dance Time atcbcil A delighted audience of over 3'H) got n poteni musical charge of rhythm and dancing May 22 as the CEU Physical Education Department pi own led “Dance Time” Directing the variety dance program and serving as faculty advisor was Joy Peterson Elements ol dance structure was the first segment of "Dance Time” Performing in a number to explain (Lancing through demonstrations of its elements were Jackie Nielsen as rhythm I anna Alain Migliorc as expression Trucott as motion Cynthia Kinder as syncopation and Ronnie Jensen as pulse Putting on a special demonstration of locomotion was Mary McArthur Augmenting Mary Frank Isenbcrg on the base looked the part of one of the “hip" stool pigeons relied on so heavily by TV detective Peter Gunn Just like a Peter Gunn episode then was a body on the flior (Mary’s) as the demonstration ended On tap ncxi was a scries of dance sketches illustrating why people dance Depicting emotion were Laura B"t(lxn Mary McArthur Bryar Purdic and Peggy Self who contorted to the of Ronnie Jensen An even dozen “trip the light fantasticcrs" portrayed the social motivation for dancing by doing a series of folk dances Freshman David Childs pnbahly gained a new kinship with the abomnablc Minwmnn as he found himself partncrless for an agoninzing IS seconds seemingly an "unmissod in EAGLE Wednesday May 31 1967 this Being Jackie Jewkes Re Nee' Mahleres Launa Migknrc and Carol Torrey Picturing the courtship dancing motivation were Norah Li'ster and Terry Siltirud with renditions of the Mexican Waltz and Argentine Tango the last half of Sponsoring "Dance Time" a dramatization of a "made-helioquiz show was c the drug company In g the expensive slot o'clock time "Ij'I's Win a Trip had almost as many commercials ns the "Tonight Show" With TV announcer John Torrey doing the mike chores the commercial were skillfully done by Jack Houston Toni Skriner and Selma Adlard If the advertising had seen people for these commercials there stomachs would have- been green with envy no matter what size or shape they're in During the course of the TV presentation tapes of the previous week's winners Raylcnc Corgiat and Peggy Seif trip around the world were shown In Texas they were entertained was Coella Jones l" Rcx-Nor- prime-viewin- Alka-seltz- 8-- 9 er - Best Dressed Don Jensen and Nora Ulster by square dancers Lou Juanna Allred Gerald Cly Michael Hedin Jon Holdaway Pnryln Jilanchi Hal Mecham Carol Thordcrson and Nancy Workman Winding up in the windy city of Chicago for their second slop the intrepid ((‘mine tourists wen almost gunned down in a blazing gangland gun battle between Gary Howland and Terry Sitlerud Spanning 'he Atlantic and the e Mediterranean Peggy and 'ink’’ touched down in the land of Israeli folk The "Girl Watcher's Theme" Israel Enacting was the melody used in portraying dances for the new gunshy duo dancing for exhibitions such as were Mayleen Balle Helen Brasharc seen on the "Boob Tube” er David Child Steve Dougherty "bon-gofyin- Ray-Jen- The Queen and her Court Connie Etzel Shannon Finley Gail Hamilton Cynthia Kinder Garth Johnson Renee Mahleres Tom Piantes Bryan Purdic Carol Smith and Alan Wright Moving on to Hawaii the twn winners were enthralled by the huluaing of freshmen Pam Chung Hawaia ian Having almost "gone - gone" around the world Peggy and Rayo lcnc went to n club Fro go-g- Must Humorous Tom Jensen und Cluislic Hutchings Rodeo Week lured there were girls Cathy Bunn ami Mary McArthur and go go men Billy Caskins and l ou West With their shimmying go-g- I c()nvi'siiijr I on mid Billy show- ed some of ihi moves that they faked their basketball opponents out of their shoes and whatever else they were wearing Climaxing the evening after the finale Mrs Peterson was presented with a bouquet of roses by the cast |