Show THE CAHBONICLE Page Two THE CARBONJCLE David Forsyth Hollle Sillltoe Teruko Enkojl Lucille Jorrensen Associate Edlton iSTTSS IMlMMHHIIMIMIMIMMHMlHIIIIMHMMHMlKMStUllCy Advertising Manager Neilsen Lewis - Blair Walklngton Sporte Editors Ann Kandarls Evangeline Platts Society Editors : Carmen Atulrrei Judd Killpack Rewrite Feature Reporters—Jeannine Clark Mary Hardy Berniee Johnson Alice Robles Alex Markakls Vn Perkins Prolographer Reporters— Richard Saccamano Norman Jones Jolene Bryner Laura Martin Maxine Vuksinlck Jack Stevenson Nick Zumadakls The Carhonicle—A Weekly By HARDY A JOIINSON Carbonicle staff with the cooperation of the students feel it will be possible to put out a weekly paper if the students are willing to support it by paying one dollar for the rest of the year or fifty cents for one quarter This money will put out three papers a month that are charged for and also one free paper for everyone Following are some of the remarks concerning this question: Theodore XArras Senior — “It's a neat idea and it’s worth it David Fausett Senior—“I’d pay that much to get the paper more often and if our staff can do it" Betty Flaga Freshman — “I think it’s a good idea" Jay Donohue Junior — “I’m Beginning with the first week following the Christmas Holidays ly will attempt a weekly the Carbonicle heretofore a we This deem advance necessary to assure broader covpublication erage of activities in the class room and on the campus Too many times in the past “brevity" has been stressed because of the lack of space Now with the added space afforded us your school writers will be able to go more into detail of Carbon activities You can all readily see that it will require more work from the reportorial staff and a keener interest by ALL the student body in willing" other words more cooperation will be needed to make a weekly a Robert Thayn Junior— “Ya!” success Marjorie Migliore Junior— "I Along with the new publication policy will be paid subscrip- j think it’s a swell idea" tions fifty cents a quarter or one dollar for the remainder of the Jackie Jensen Freshman — “I school year Your subscription along with advertising will help de- think it's a nifty idea because it fray the cost of publication We sincerely hope all students cooperate gives us a better opportunity to wholeheartedly in subscribing to the Carbonicle and making this know the school's “Betty Gates Senior — “Well year’s paper the finest ever published at Carbon College to sure!" was ly left of or a The decision entirely weekly Grace Lupo Senior—“I like the the student body A vote was taken and of the 800 students only 11 I don't like Carbon at the idea voted against the weekly This is a fine showing by the students and bottom” we hope with your help to be able to fulfill our duties and make Harold Nelson Sophomore— the Carbonicle weekly a success in favor of it" Ts HOLLIS SILWTOF Beverly Nelson Teacher — “I think it's a nice idea very fine" Coach Garrett —“I think it’s a BOYS very good idea We can get all the school news upto date All 14th marked November the slander particularly" Friday Notice a change in the weather? one of the best lyceum assemblies Helen Liapts Junior —“A freThe indoor weather that is the thus far presented if sights quent paper will be a good thing $15000 worth of new heating of the feminine population of the for the school" equipment has been installed at school are any indication Tommy Migllacclot Sophomore Carbon during the past two “The Melody Boys" consisting —“I believe it's a very good idea months Anyone taking classes in of Clyde Zulch at the piano and and I want to compliment the edithe Business Building has cer- Johnny Bloem baritone present- tor and his associates" tainly discovered the tom up con- ed a well balanced program of Rex Berry Freshman— “I think dition of the landscape at the rear ic and popular num- it’s a good idea" of the Administration Building bers Dan Murphy Freshman — “I The new stoker and whirler Mr Zulch made a very defi- can’t read very good but I think although the same type as the nite hit with some of the best it’s a good idea" old are capable of putting out piano playing this school has seen Pete Llapls Sophomore— “I am twice the heat as formerly or heard in a long time with an ardent fan of the newspaper The combination of new and Clair de Lune" "The Ritual Fire racket because they always spell Peter Paul right!" old stokers will enable the school Dance" and “Bumble Boogie" to take care of any expansion that might occur This will include the new chemistry building and eventually the new semi-month- ts" semi-month- NEW BOILER INSURES HEAT MELODY WELL RECEIVED Essay Contest Has Odd Climax By Barbara Johnson For quite a long time now X have been sitting quietly rackbrain for ing my poor worn-o- ut sufficient words to tell you of my ambition and what has become of it Perhaps the easiest way to put this point across to you would be to start from the beginning Since winning (he contest Barbara haa become the "good" wife of Arden Aplanalp When I was a little girl (much smaller than I am now) my friends and I used to always have at least one serious talk a week believe it or not During these conversations our minds gradually turned to the topic "What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?" Everyone had his separate chosen vocation whether it was to become a doctor lawyer or an Indian chief a second Florence Nightingale a dress designer or a very efficient secretary I of course had my two-bi- ts to offer and my ideas change as often as night changes into day I can well remember how I dreamed for days at a time of becoming the world’s most famous gown designer I could see thousands of gorgeous models parading before my eyes wearing the lovely dresses I had created I fell out of that cloud (but fast) when mother decided she didn't want me using her curtains for evening gowns Then too I planned on becoming the nation's Number 'One business executive For weeks I had my office “equipment" strewn all over the house I grew tired of that soon after mother burned my things just because spring cleaning interfered Oh yes I’ve dreamed hundreds of dreams and I’ve watched just as many dreams go up in smoke But still I have one ambition prevailing in my mind Most people say I have too many high ideas and that I’ll never stick to one job especially this one for very long Yet I plan on doing everything in my power to ‘“make some guy a ’good’ wife!" Ballard: “Tell me one or two things about John Milton" Milovitch: "Well he got married and he wrote “Paradise Lost" Then his wife died and he wrote “Paradise Regained" BUCK’S SPOBTIIIG GOODS Headquarters for ALL HUNTING & SPORTING SUPPLIES HOTPOINT RANGES semi-class- RCA RADIOS 45 EAST MAIN STREET PRICE UTAH COMPLIMENT'S OF TI1E Boston pencil sharpeners at The Sun-Advoc- Welcome Students TOGGERY ate a A COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S WEAR Ill ALL YOU GUYS South Main Helper Utah AND GALS tans Dun C’mon Down and See "Where Hamburgers Are a Specialty Us Sometime O Let's Go Carbon!! J PRICE O JEWKES Owner HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR SCHOOL CLOTHES THEATRE PRICE 1947 Inquiring Reporter ‘My Ambition’ Takes Carbonicle STAFF Oo-Edit- ers Friday December 5 408 North 3rd East UTAH Price |