Show THE CARBONICLE Friday October 3 1947 MIS RUTH KILFVYLE JOINS CARBON MEOW By FACULTY AFTER SOJOURN AT HELPER Ann Kandaris I im i a dirty rotten villain villain— I sneak stories yes —yes I do! I do As the Man Said PI Jr Class Elects For the first time in the history ve This week ladies and By we shall see who is not free Angus McDonald white and definitely not 21 Oh! She teaches clothing classes and Excuse me 41 A man was fishing on the banks is one of the advisors of the Hom-et- te Naturally when we start a col- of a creek Suddenly a stranger club umn like this we usually start spoke to him from the bridge Mrs Kilfoyle may be familiar with the steadies that is so that above to some of the students as she during the rest of the day week “Doin’ any good?" the stranger taught foods and clothing at Helpterm nobody will try to steal your called out er Junior High and later took a one and only The fisherman snorted “You position at Price Junior High as Judd Killpack goes steady witn bet I am Why 1 caught fifty bass an instructor in foods Mrs Killpack and his child so out of here yesterday'' She holds a BS degree from definitely lay off! “Is that so?" the stranger said the Utah State Agricultural ColBernice Johnson and Eddie “That's mighty interesting to me lege and as a student became a Howa but he's no Carbonite Just because well do yoif know member of the Home Economics er You argue with him who I am?" a Association Mrs Kilfoyle also at—I'm not! “Don't know you from Adam" tended the University of Utah Feature the Price girls stealing the fisherman said where she was chosen president the Emery boys! Take for an ex“Well I’m the county fish and of Alpha Delta Pi which was ample Evangeline Flatis and Jim- game warden here" founded at Wesleyan College in my Christensen The fisherman replied almost at 1851 Then a mad dash for Ballard once: She has various numbers of and Webb But I’d sure hate to “Well do you know who I am? hobbies but the special one is have a child accuse me of making! rm the biggest liar in Carbon that of collecting beautiful china eyes at his pop! during her spare time county” Well girls we have that tall She is married and has one son dark handsome and a football An American Walter two and a half years John correspondent heror too Rex Berry! Oh! That proud of his first assignment to old lucky wife She stated that she enjoys cover Moscow filed a story in Gee! This could go on forever which he wrote: com“During the big teaching here and has no so now we’ll shoot 'em off fast: to or make suggestions plaints Day parade I stood within a Jim Cima la Juana DeAngeles May stone's throw of Premier Stalin" concerning the daily life at Mike Kandaris £ Russian censor handed the wire Joanne Mclall — 'back having changed it to: “I Sherron MacDonald stood near Stalin I threw no In desperation she sauntered Elaine Waterman Grant Fausett rocks across the room and asked “Now Marilyn Theoharrjs how did I walk across the room?" Ronnie Jewkes Teacher was trying to explain Right away a little boy in the Louise Sqirl Red Dimkk to her class the meaning of the rear of the room yelled But this doesn't mean every- word “slowly" body is going steady What more do you want left than most of the A S P and Nick Zumadakis Dan DON'T LKT TIIK OTHER FKLIAJW BEAT YOI'R TIME Campbell Gene Plaga Sam Williams John Jones Earl Lacy Robert Bryner and scads more! See you soon— Meow!! -- taxi-driv- —a GAMMA CHI HOLDS HIKE TAKES A NAP First Girl As Class Prexy New around school this year is of Carbon College a girl has been elected president of the Junior Mrs Ruth Kilfoyle class inches tall brown hair and blue This only goes to show that girls eyes bom in Sunnyside Utah five-feet-fi- gentle-me- n Page Three are beginning to be appreciated in the world of ours and Jean Juliano is one of the best examples Jean came to Carbon from Notre Dame and immediately made many friends and also a name for herself when she won a debate contest and Carbon County's oratorical contest Jean is likeable intelligent sincere and clever What more could be asked of the Junior class prexy? The word moon probably comes from the words to measure the moon meaning a measurer of time Pi Gamma Chi under their new adyisor “Stubby” Petersen began the year with a “hobo" hike and slumber party last week About 6:30 p m'the Pi Gams and their guests went into the hills for a wiener roast and then spent the rest of the night in the gym playing games and putting on skits and next morning ate breakfast at the school cafeteria Barbara Campbell this year's president of the Pi Gams reported the activities very successful BESSO’S SHOES REPAIRS SALES Phone 41 East Main 1A3-- PRICK ITA1I VOGUE DRY GOODS CO For the latest in wear be sure to visit us FRED BOSONE mgr Helper Utah Htiiiiiii4inmnnnmMniiiiMWinitH Jr- - GET YOUR CAR SERVICED n! Eaglette Club Holds Outing ALPINE SERVICE Nine members of the Carbon Eagleette club played host at a picnic Friday evening according to club president Colleen Helsten September 26 at the Price City Park for approximately 40 college freshmen girls All the girls who attended the picnic are Interested in joining the club After the picnic the Eaglettes attended the first football game of the season for the Carbon Eagles Lila Bowman was in charge of the invitations DUES S T IT U T I ON when a woman says she has absolutely nothing to wear CALDWELLS JOE fllllllARDKLLI Manager WEST END OF HELPER HimimiHHHMIHHHM HIIHIIIIIIM44 FRENCH FRIES SANDWICHES - HONEYS - DINNERS To Fit Your Taste Ten Flavors of the Best Ice Cream We specialize in MALTS - MILKSHAKES - SUNDAES FROSTED MALTS and COLD DRINKS made to order East First South Price Utah T Dealers in Fine Spinet Pianos CHEESEBURGERS in Town Birthdays Weddings and Anniversaries HELPER FURNITURE CO SPECIAL EVERY DAY SUPER DE LUXE HAMBURGERS BAKERY A aFor the Best in Furniture9' HEAP-O’CRE-AM SANDWICH SHOP Managed by your old pal “ZACK” Utal Price NEW OPENING MILKY WAY SHOPPE 391 NORTH FOURTH EAST QI ALITV HOME-MAD- E ICE CREAM DISHES OF ALL KINDS Try Our Tasty THICK MALTS and ’SHAKES HAMBURGERS Meet the Gang Across 'the Street DOMINIC OLIVETO Owner I 9 K t |