Show A SQUIRREL IN A CAR how ilow a boston doston girl startled some die rifled people oat out of tl TI air deserve ne serve A girl got into an open electric car the other afternoon stepped over the end man past a fat woman with a bundle and squeezed down tn in the fifth seat beat and then the tun fun began says the boston herald snuggled beneath her cape was a little chipmunk which the girl had evidently rescued from its wild life among woodland trees and wayside stonewalls and was intent on taming A tiny chain had been fastened about the pretty creature creatures s neck and the girl held one end of it while the captive took various runs on to her shoulder or over her lap to see what was happening in this strange noisy world so unlike the peaceful country he had left pa tience exclaimed the tat fat woman with the big bundle what s that and edged along crushing the end man against the rail the passengers on the left of the girl stopped gazing into the gutter and al 1 ao shrunk together aa as master chipmunk brandished his tall tail and peered at them from the friendly shoulder Is that a monkey or a rata inquired 9 woman of her neighbor no with scorn its it s a squirrel ohi ohl gracious it a goin to jump over here then the girl cuddled the little beast under her chin and fondled it as wicked girls will a dumb animal when they see their caresses nettle sensitive lookers on and the tat fat woman sniffed hard and the end man stepped off on the running board and the passengers on the left no longer contemplated the gutter but signaled the conductor to stop and in less than three minutes after the girl and the chipmunk boarded that open car she had a cool breezy end seat and it wasn gasn t a game of bluff either |