Show ¥wfcsarf 4 v 'v 4t4 4 r wv "' ' v v V V fct 4 MWL' 4 The Herald Journal Logan Utah Thursday November 5 nrnrmr 4 Mfv i DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am enclosing a other or innocent bystanders document detailing die Crimea of one man who has People become frustrated when they perceive die been arrested and released repeatedly I fear that our wheels of justice turning too slowly sometimes criminal Justice system does nothing but put leaving those accused of crimes out on the streets to criminals back into the system commit additional crimes But die most important Here is a partial list of “Johnny Doe's" charges: aspect of our criminal justice system is that everyone aggravated assault burglary retail theft assault with is presumed innocent until proven guilty and is a deadly weapon reckless endangerment assault on entitled to a fair trial That must never be changed What needs to be changed however is die length of police auto theft resisting police unlawful flight and time it takes to bring these people to justice Thanks rape robbery After he was charged with all of the above and for writing released this man raped a deaf-muwoman and DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently I read a letter then he raped another woman and side her car He is in your column about game-shocontestants who back in Jail but how much are you willing to bet that did not know that there was a Notre Dame in Indiana he will be out on die street again soon? as well as one in Paris How long will it be before vigilante Justice takes I watch die same game show regularly and a few over and people deckle to take the law into their own months ago I heard the following: hands? How long will good people put up with this “What did God give to Moses?” No one knew sort of lunacy? If our citizens knew mat this was not “What two states starting with die letter ’M' an isolated case that it happena all the time they border the Dakotas?" No one knew would rise up and demand duU something be done is die soul of wit'" No one knew “Fill in: ’ Ann you have the courage the readership and die die answer and when it was provided a contestant respect to generate change I know you advocate asked “What's brevity?" I was so astounded that I jotted these examples tanqg guns off die street but until criminals like this man are taken off the street people are gi to need down and now is die perfect time to pass them along their guns Will you help? — No Name No City to you — DJJ) in Sarasota DEAR NO NAME: I share your outrage and DEAR DJD: Shocking isn't it? On the other frustration but putting guns in the handa of more hand I have heard several contestants on Jeopardy people will not solve the problem It would in feet come up with answers to questions I could never malm it worse to in a million years I have concluded that respond Guns do not ensure safety They merely mean we are all ignorant — but on different subjects people will get shot And unfortunately too often die victims are youngsters who accidentally shoot each 1902 CFMlora Syndcate Inc J - 1992-P- age 1 5 kVbiiL AMEND te w ’' - I L' Vi W4WW JH1 s WtebbrtIHii 7 t tF 1 1 11 it i THlMK V0M&M TAKE COAPUx vVIEW OFAVpd AM OVERLY ARIES (March 19) A matter you hold a about very strong opinion might be seriously contested by another today Be each of For Friday Nov 6 1992 21-Ap- ril Your Birthday The aspects indicate your earning potential is likely to be greater than usual in the year ahead Find ways to market your knowledge and skills to those who need what you have to offer open-mind- ed TAURUS (April 20) Treat everyone you be involved with today with consideration but by die same token don’t set yourself up to be used Sbfoeone with ulterior motives might attempt to do so GEMINI (May 20) Use discretion in social situations today and try to behave in a manner that cannot later be condemned by gossip Even your smallest acts might be scrutinized CANCER (June 22) Your successes might be limited today in endeavors where a second effort is required Therefore if your initial attempts fail don’t get discouraged and quit LEO (July 22) In a conversation with friends today you might be tempted to embellish the truth a bit Unfortunately false claims or exaggerations will be readily discerned VIRGO (Aug 22) This might not be fc invest to time or resources in people or good day your know little Either one or both about things you could do you in LIBRA (Sept 23 Oct 23) Appreciate your own views today but not to die extent where you block out more profound suggestions Leave space for the ideas of others 20-M- ay SCORPIO (Oct 22) Your earning potential looks good today but your performance mightnot justify the compensation you anticipate Be fair to the guy who signs your paycheck SAGITTARIUS (Nov 21) Before volunto committee on a at work or in a participate teering social setting today be certain you know what you’re getting into This situation might be much more complex than you realize n CAPRICORN (Dec 19) Left to your own devices you'll know how to get things done today But where you’re overly concerned about pleasing 24-N- ov 21-Ju- ne 23-D- ec 21-Ju- ly 23-A- ug 22-Ja- t5”h01"'y0“mish‘"0‘d0 men b 19) Too much worrying AQUARIUS (Jan about what might never occur could severely impede your progress today Do what needs doing ana if a problem arises deal with it then PISCES (Feb 20) Share with others today but try to restrict your generosity to die deserving Let those who are not entitled to your help feather their own nest 23-Se- 20-Fe- pt -- 20-Mar- ch tiffin 44 t 4 -- — — A SMM lVWc iWWVfMpfr CfiWrpnW Avon ICNieHTARE r? larger quantities of femalehonnone secreted by the ovaries After menopause when the ovaries stop producing die small amounts of testosterone are no longer balanced and begin to make a difference Thus old women often have increased facial hair and gravelly voices Now where was I?) Ideally were old men to use testosterone their osteoporosis would probably be slowed and some of their earlier strength maintained However as you pointed out testosterone supplements appear to be assoc iated:with an increased risk of prostate cancer an unacceptable trade-o- ff Therefore most men will have to be content with maintaining an active exercise schedule and using calcium supplements (1500-200-0 milligrams a day) You may be interested to leam that a testosterone patch is now under development Initial reports are encouraging: Testosterone in this form appears to have general beneficial effects without affecting die prostate gland Experts estimate that the patch may take five to eight years before it is made available for general use so-calle-d er er Actor-playwrig- 4S 15Ls M 11 tei BRUNT- ADTHERMAMT510 SPEND THAkeWOtf WHAT WERE UM6 TO ALLOW HER A FEW EXTRA CMS WITH TD AD ANOTHER THIM6 IF AY - I THEM WASHT TAWMIM6! VWA6TRYIM6T0GErA WORDIN 00! AFTER ALL election for Ulysses S Grant (However Anthony never paid die foie) In 1911 Calbntith P Rodgers arrived in Pasadena Calif completing the first transcontinental airplane flight in 49 days (Rodgers had left Sheepshead Bay NY on Sept 17 and required about 70 slops along tiie way) Nov S the 310lh day of 1991 There are 36 days left in the year Roy Rogers is 81 Today’s Birthdays: Actor-singIke Turner is 61 Actress Elke Sommer is 52 Singer Art Garftmkel is SL Sam Shepard is 49 Singer Peter Noone is 45 Singer Bryan Adams is 33 Actress Tatum O’Neal is 29 Actress Andrea McArdle is 29 Today's Highlight in History: On Nor 5 1605 the “Gunpowder Plot" foiled as Guy Fawkes was seized before he could blow up die English Parliament On tills date: Lt 1872 suffragist Susan B Anthony was fined 100 dollars for attempting to vote in the presidential 44 45 & 1902 NswifMpsr Enterprise Assn By Tho Associated Proas Singer-songwrit- ARStfBNCNG WW BLENCH j wt ANASTASIA KLEWJ COUN NELLIE FLGWDS2 DEAR DR GOTT: Please provide information on die male hormone testosterone I understand from recent studies that the drug is advised for men to prevent bone weakness but I have also read that a man stands a chance of prostate cancer Would calcium tablets provide the proper nutrition for his banes? DEAR READER: Testosterone is naturally occur ring male hormone manufactured primarily by die testicles but also to a leaser extent by die adrenal glands Aside from die obvious consequences of testosterone (such as facial hair deep voice and sex drive) die hormone also strengthens bones and muscles by its anabolic effect Testosterone is probably die primary reason that men do not develop osteoporosis as early and as rapidly as do their female counterparts Regrettably as men age their testosterone levels felL This leads to predictable consequences called feminization: sparse beards higher voices less interest in sex (and more difficulty performing) loss of muscle mass and reduction in bone calcium (As an aside women produce testosterone too in their adrenal glands But this is neutralized by the Vte IN6A GtoOOTER LLOlV BIAASEV AMONSrOURQUESt5 ww-- a te-- k In 1912 Woodrow Wilson was elected president defeating Progressive Republican Theodore Roosevelt and incumbent William Howard Taft who ran on the regular GOP ticket Li 1940 President Franklin D Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term in office as he defeated Republican challenger Wendell L Willkie In 1942 50 years ago American showman George M Cohan died in New York at age 64 ten uim ! 4 KGCIOH II Stern SB Tteteba iter a IS MIX M ‘ IS w IS JJJnte ten Hi I IWCMtf NMn I 4 II IS U SOM lie 1SUnli — IS — — M M i II 1 Cm l JmS'iMi a -lSfnt UM Mterthf 4 41 H ( mu N -V- MM irSMuM nm N t i 'ML usmiat 40 IM nmXmm Tate Mala tea Mai r Among the real oya of parenthood are those little walks with the children I Steal anal I MiaM SSSnwiiMia “ ' IT 41 Laaaatal () ISM by MCA mo Final page ot ths Medical Boards 1 |