Show OUTBREAK IN fig THE BALKANS DREADED BY THE POWERS ce of press telegrams con news from the centers in the balkan peninsula could not be more rigid if war actually prevailed two constructions may be pla ed on this fact evera ever governa government nt wishes to con ceal its purposes from every other and all the governments are bent on suppressing reports likely to add to the general alarm probably the only persons really desiring trouble are the persecuted christians and their po lotical champion the macedonian corn com cittee which Is exhausting all its re sources to provoke a conflict in order to keep the revolutionary spirit alive the committee has done everything in its power to prevent the circulation in macedonia of the bul garlan subjects to preserve the peace and to trust to the powers to right their wrongs without exception the great powers are understood to be international arrangements the bul bill garian serviano ians Roum anians greeks and albanians are warring among themselves in macedonia but the leaders ot of the revolutionary movement assert that these differences will disappear when the moment arrives for a general christian movement against the turk the attitude of the sultan of tur key Is described as being extremely recalcitrant it Is doubtful i he ie will recognize interference of any nature it is represented to be his belief that the crisis in his european possessions has now arrived and he feels better able to undertake the inevitable gle gie now than at any future time the turk has no money but plenty of good fighting material he Is able to teed feed bla troops and does not need to pay them he ile Is amply able to suppress any insurrection in mace TURKEY u ss wasfi busm W ivl f enst SZ 4 1 bringing strong pressure to bear on the sultan to agree to such reform of the civil and military administration in macedonia as will guarantee the subsidence of the agitation there Is no truth in the report that england and germany are encourage ing the sultan to resist the demands of russia and austria for the just treatment of the christians it is de dared that england and germany merely specify that ottoman eighty must not be assailed unless a more grave situation should arise and then only in accordance with ironclad donia donla and even control bulgaria it if the great powers do not interfere it remains to be seen how a failure to effect a full agreement with aus tria hungary and the hostile attitude of roumania will affect russia s plans the natural inference Is this will have a deterrent influence but after all it Is by no means impossible that the turl will force the crisis in the meantime the situation engrosses the attention of european diplomacy at no time since 1878 has the issue of peace or war hung so evenly in the balance |