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Show PAGE 5 MARCH Unapproved Minutes Milford City Council _ March 7, 1995 Director, Councilman Sower seconded the motion all in favor. Whiting for temporary employment at the Golf Course, Councilman Dotson seconded the motion, all in favor. Kanell, Councilman Thomas motioned to accept the high Leadman Whiting, Chief of Police Don Hagberg, Norman D. Lamb, Nolan Davis, Elroy Nelson, Dean Thomas, Joey and Jolyn Leko, Norm and Sherrie Thompson, Neil Bradshaw, bids for both the Cemetery parcels, Councilman seconded the motion, all in favor. High bidder on both lots was James and Ethel Wheeler. Netto, Treasurer Griffiths, Attorney Dodge City settlement in the condemnation suit with Vernon Beard. Settlement was agreed at $5000.00. the Council West by the He ask that ‘As there was no further business, the meeting was allowed to use the street, parking would be parallel, Councilman Dotson seconded the motion, all in favor. accept the main lines, sewer lines also access City’ property. Councilman Smith seconded the motion, with the votés as follows: Councilmen Dotson, Smith, and Thomas--yes, Councilman is abstained. Councilman Thomas motioned to allow Jones and ~ DeMille to proceed with he engineering maps and data for help and preparation for the General Plan with the cost not the exceed $2000.00, Councilman Dotson seconded the motion, all in favor. A Special Meeting- February 27, 1995 parallel park on the side of the street because of the dirt being 300 West to Center Street and that only resident would be installation of main lines for water and sewer and the City will adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m. ‘the road be closed to through traffic and that the residential ‘piled in ch parking aréa. Councilman Thomas motioned that the street would be closed to through traffic from 100 North motioned that the City allow the mobile home park to connect at the existing rate with the $22,000.00 credit off the $69,000.00 for Attorney Kanell reported he had reached a Lary Carter, Ron Wunderlich, Sam Florence, Gary Malchus, Jennifer Carter, and Alice = representing the News. Nolan Davis, Fire Marshall, addresied conceming a traffic and parking problem on 300 High School. His concern was for public safety. Mayor Wiseman read the recommendations of City Engineers Jones and DeMille concerning water connections for _ proposed mobile home park. After discussion Councilman Dotson temporary employment in the Parks Department and Kelley Councilmen Thomas, Saith, Dotson, Sower, and Carter, recorder mapping and technical data for the general plan. Councilman Carter motioned to hire Brady Kirk for Mayor Wiseman called the meting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m.. Those in attendance were: 10, 1995 for the Dodge City News. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed mobile home park and to approve funding for Councilman Sower motioned to authorize Mayor at Wiseman to sign papers to request a grant application from the US approximately 7:00 p.m. Those in attendance were: Councilmen Forest Training, Councilman Smith seconded the motion, all in favor. Mayor Wiseman called the meeting to order Thomas, Smith, Dotson, and Sower, Recorder Netto, Treasurer Griffiths, Leadman Whiting, Lary Carter, Ron Wunderlich, Dick Rollins, Mark Whitney, Neil Bradshaw, and Alice Smith reporting As there was no further business the meeting was _ adjourned at approximately 7:50 p.m. . Elroy Nelson ask for a water connection out to his shop for a new building. He stated that he would buy a fire hydrant and install it at his cost. Councilman Dotson motioned that Mr.Nelson could connect at the standard rate with a fire hydrant, Councilman Thomas seconded the These minutes were amended and approved March 7. motion, all in favor. Ron Wunderlich presented a petition for North Star Addition Annexation, he stated that the plat map was not completed. Councilman Sower motioned that Councilmen Thomas and Dotson from a committee to work with advanced Development to complete a policy declaration for present at the next meeting and to consult with Attorney Kanell if further help was needed, Councilman Smith seconded the motion, all m favor. Mayor Wiseman stated that a special meeting could be called if needed when all information and the plat map was compete. Councilman Sower reported on the location of Circle Four Feedmill. He stated that because he felt negotiation had come to an impasse he had suspended any further expenditures on the mill wight east of town and planned to proceed on one of three alternate sights south of town. Councilmen Thomas, Smith, Dotson, and Carter formed a committee to act as mediators hoping to reach an agreement with the landowners on the sight east of town. Councilman Sower stated that he would wait two weeks. Neil Bradshaw ask that since Advanced Fabric tere e: a es Clothing For The Entire Family| 60% Off e * sees aran ord srennenaaneaae ena a Sale Continues Until Entire Stock Is Sold. Secon mainte? me ae pane ireens o Ferree SrieecneN eos % ince eusenenaeten ennuie ere a5 or resseoeares SS ee Deaneren Sot eer Renee rse a ‘Councilman Carter motioned to pay bills and payroll as presented except the Statement of John Carpenter, Councilman Carter also seconded the motion, all in favor. Councilman Sower motioned to appoint Jean Hanley to fill the vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Committee, Councilman Carter seconded the motion, all in favor. Councilman Carter motioned to accept the following applicants for lifeguards at the City Pool: Kylee Bailey, Missy Rose, Hailey Smith, Melissa Holm, Patti Dysart, Angie Hardy, and Kurt Jensen, Councilman Dotson seconded the motion, all in favor. Councilman Sower motioned that the City hire Roldo Tumer on a 30 day probation period at the base rate to be the Golf Course Manager, Councilman Carter seconded the motion, all in favor. Councilman Smith motioned that the City hire Lola Bridge on a 30 day probation period to ve the Recreation nonenete is to the Council when completed. Minutes of the February 21, 1995 meeting were approved as written and the minutes of the Special Meeting, February 27, 1995 were amended to read: Item #2, the City allow the mobile home park to connect at the existing rate with the $22,000.00 credit off the $69,000.00 for installation of main lines for water and sewer and the City Would accept the main lines. Sewer lines will also access City property, Item #3, to allow Jones and DeMille to proceed with the engineering maps and data for help and preparation for the General Plan, minutes were then approved as written. eee mee Ss Ses Development ini making the proposed petition and to present Peete gee SOREN S same time. He was instructed to work with Advanced ee Development was petitioning for annexation he would like to ask that his adjoining property of 20 acres be annexed at the Joyce's Family shoes é Clothing _ Beaver, Utah SS ES ne OES Eau Ss ES oe esae ee a es |