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Show ‘Barge City Nefos Justice, for a 90-day period Sullivan is not convinced. "We are trying to keep something that didn't work," to determine the citizen reaction to having one he justice said. opinion, Despite his commissioners for Wage both expense courts. would relaxed their POrvom 544 &. 100 P.M Special: $20.00 Grexsville S0/-3S6-2430 not stance on in the County. Resolution #95-01, adopted by the Commissioners on February 6, states that the maps in before Cerylic Nails By Danine Sorenxe have protection of RS2477 roads Exhibit "A" were used 1976 and that the County has every intention of continuing that use. One copy is to be filed with BLM, one copy filed with Secretary Babbitt, and one copy remains in the Beaver Beaver County records. be will copy County's commission This not only saves time for Barton, but Milford City _ and debt, mostly long term, stands at $315,363. Hinton described the city internal controls as operating efficiently and in complete compliance with federal and state regulations. Copies of the audit are available for inspection in the city office during business hours. Mobile Home Park: Ron. _ Wunderlich and Lary Carter requested an opinion from the council concerning a proposed mobile home park to be located north of the city. They would like to Milford Drug 464 S. Main St. - Open 10:00 A.M.- 6:00 P.M. 801-387-2104 recognized within the allotted 180 day period, the County will file suit. Expired Terms: Terms for — a number of board members What President was one Lincoln's of © two occupations prior to becoming president? 3) What year was Lincoln elected President? 4)Which States of the was Southern the first to stated "All slaves in the rebellious territories are to be set free by January 1, 1863"? 6) Name one of President Lincoln's Presidents? two Vice- 7) What famous American automobile maker was born during President Lincoln's term of office? 8) In Native 1864, what. American were massacred Creek, Colorado? two Tribes at Sand 9) In what year did "In God We Trust" start appearing on U.S. coins? 10) What was the ficial name of the southern states that withdrew from the expired January County will 1. The advertise for replacements. Planning and Zoning Commission applicants must approved by that first be board before names can be Commissioners to submitted for final approval. Applicants for all other oS : ‘Guns Over'$1.00" “noun MANIA Look for the RED TAG to find SPECIAL CLEARANCE items at HALF the REGULAR PRICE or MORE! boards go directly to the Commissioners. One vacancy needing to be filled right away is on the Fair . ~ Board. Item 6: "Update of future soy Bop denies dei ban Monday - Saturday (cut off time 1:30 on Saturday) Abraham Lincoln born? 2) Union? ‘ (Answers on Page 8) (continued on page 4) AR A Delivered at 5:00 P.M. date was If the claims duly not On what what document Hinton, ae Order by 3:00 P.M. are 1) Ken WE Tar Daily Prescription Delivery up. withdraw from the Union in 1860? 5) On September 22, 1862, laminated to preserve it's authenticity. United provides public information immediately. Monday's minutes are on page 12 of this issue. Milford City Audit: "You are to be commended for wisely running the city," Auditor, reported to the council Tuesday evening: City assets total $2,237,326. for certification of Shad Bradshaw, newly appointed justice. RS2477 Roads: Commissioners of minutes. the States, Abraham Lincoln since his birthday is coming Soe 4en 26 N, Kain 98-5958 STOCK UP! it’s gone, it’s gone! Beaver 10-7 wee Cliff Cook presented a petition requesting appointment of a Milford Court Justice. Commissioners had previously voted, Marshall and ~ and Johnson for Sullivan against, to contract with Jetta Davie, Minersville recording of 16th GAR funding of a reorganized department. Commissioner Symond and be President the SORA SS AANA for when Phyllis will invited to the next meeting. Commission Minutes: Paul Barton, Clerk/Auditor, has changed to electronic of 25 N. Main Cedar City 586-4884 9:30-6 a tags BS nes iA GLEE TRAP YT ROO fiscal year Commissioners stepped on a few toes. "Sometimes we go down the wrong road," Commissioner Marshall said representatives Commissioners agreed to advertise the position immediately in order to hold interviews February 28. Beaver Justice Court: According to state law a non-retained justice leaves office on February 2nd following the election. This poses somewhat of a problem since the state court administrators have not assembled the essential five judge panel to conduct - the required 3-day school It's time to test your knowledge FRO next money, Davie personally. for Commissioners to consider. Company ean the Milford Precinct Justice: In an attempt to safe a little local court, and not toward By Jason Fisher 7 willing to send a check for $2,500. immediately, followed by another like payment at the beginning of that they do not want to participate at this time. directed toward loosing the discussion on the commission agenda. There was no hard data available EATEAM ERO reported that Minersville is evening of training one justice. The petitioners objection is Honest Abe Quiz ays economic development administration. Paul Barton Tuesday County could save the cost plans of Circle Fouy Farms" was listed as an item for gee down" cost for the previous | Sullivan the same, but the a BO ARSE. Satopia espe Economic Development: County Commissioners are still in somewhat of a quandary as to the most equitable disposition of an economic development entity. .Funds from the 1994 County budget will be used to pay the "wind remained GA IEMU SP News Briefs directed Sullivan to get a committee together, draft a job _ description, and advertise for a director. The entity has a questionable future in view of the fact that Milford City Council members — told PAGE 2 1 10, 1995 5) FEBRUARY |