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Show Dodge City Alsi FEBRUARY 3, 1995 PAGE 2 basis by others. The "Uruguay Round" has been accepted by 84 nations to date. Last November, when the treaty was _ accepted by Congress, Senator Orrin Hatch stated that it would bring 60,000 jobs to Utah over the next few years. According to The family of Mitch Fisher would like to thank all those who have helped comfort us during our time of loss. The expressions of sympathy have taken many different forms. Each one has been cherished and appreciated. Beth loved living in Milford because of the people. Thank you for the love you have given back to her family. Bob Lockwood, a public relations representative in the economy department of Senator Orrin Hatch's * Washington office, _ that projection was based on studies by the Department GATT 'Cha! Dodge City | Nelns Editor/Publisher Alice Smith Staff: Sara Smith & Jason Fisher Correspondents: Charlice Brown Marcia Eyre Lola Bridge Heather Cox Ad Deadline: 5:00 P.M. Tuesday Ph: 801-387-2676 Fax: 801-387-5521 450 North 100 East P. O. Box 224 -. Milford, UT 84751 of Commerce and the U. S. ; Trade Commission. Software, bio-tech and environmental sciences, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, passed by the "lame duck" Congress _last November, round in was a_ the 8th series of mining and metal finishing are among the anticipated projections 1946. The original treaty, took effect January 1, 1948, established for future. Utah's However, Lockwood said that in order to protect software export potential, it may be necessary for the U. S. to impose trade sanctions against China for piracy. The purpose of this — round of the treaty was to negotiations dating beck to which the basis for a an international trade code of conduct. By the mid-1960's the International Trade Center "harmonize tariff schedules and establish world was in partnership with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in an effort to bring developing countries into the world market. By 1991 the treaty had been signed standards." "The people creating jobs saw this as To Large Or Too Small Call For Free Estimates 801-387-2846 years for the expanded market activities to reach the job base. Daily Prescription Delivery > Randy's Showcase of Milford Properties LAND: * 160 Acres N/W of Milford. West of 5-mile Dam on Hwy 257- * 80 Acres 5 miles S/W. ‘of Milford. Between Milford Flat and Lund Hwy. : * 80 Acres 10 miles S/W of Milford on Flat near new pig farm. —_ $16,000. * 200 Acres 5 miles S/W of Milford between Flat & Lund Hwy. * 320 Acres N/E of Milford on the road to Roosevelt Springs —_ $30,000. Geo Thermal. $16,000. $24,000. i Order by 3:00 P.M. Delivered at 5:00 P.M. $32,000. Monday - Saturday * 440 Acres 7.5 miles S/W of Milford between Milford Flat and Lund Hwy. (cut off time 1:30 on Saturday) $66,000. For Further Information Call: RANDY MORRIS Cedar City, Utah, 84720 No Job take several months or even (= 965 S. Main ~ - ] B Construction Handyman good business," Lockwood said. He added that it will and nations 96 by facto de a on recognized Century 21 First Choice Realty Katie Gledhill is right at home with a coloring book from the January 21 Health Fair. Milford Valley Health Care Services staff dedicated the event in memory of the late Kenneth Munk. Office: Res: | 801-586-1221 801-865-1802 Cellular: 801-590-1924 Milford Drug 464 S. Main St. _} Open 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. 801-387-2104 |