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Show Se PAGE 15 NOTICE TO WATER USERS | The following applications requesting an Division of Water Rights. EXTENSION OF TIME WITHIN WHICH TO of Use = USE) SUBMIT PROOF OF BENEFICIAL USE have been filed with the State Engineer. It is represented Fred D. and Merlene Smith, (s) 71-3236 USE: is In the Request informal proceedings as per the matters of US of the WEST Phone: Notice is hereby given that the above-entitled matter will be heard by the - Public Service Commission of Utah on Monday, January $2.00 per week if for billing. 1/4 page - $20.00 10:00 a.m, 1/2 page - $30.00 Full page - $60.00 will Public Witness be held on 714 North I 6 a.m.\to Main Stroet - Beaver, Uke 10 p.m. 847 13 oe 438-2977 accommodations (including auxiliary | communicative aids and services) during this hearing should notify " citizens are encouraged to calendar year on the first attend these open meetings. Monday of each month. By orde of the _ The only exceptions will be County Commission. the January meeting will be - Julie Orchard, Commission Secretary, at 160 East 300 South, Salt Lake City, and the September meeting . . held the second will be held {S/Paul Barton Monday, the _ needed to conduct _ business of the Board. December, 1994: /s/ Julie Orchard , Clerk/ Auditor. " Published in D sia first | Fourth Floor Room, Heber Hearing M. State Office Building, Wells 160. East 300 South, Salt Lake . City, Utah. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special Published in Dodge City ~ News December 23, 1994 COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE given NOTICE is hereby that the Beaver County Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meetings for the the The following is a Commission Secretary Subscriptions: ‘Milford, UT 84751 "Rial Soias Coking News December 23, Tuesday because of the Labor Day holidays. _, 6713, at least three working = The meetings will days prior to the hearing. ._‘begin at 10;00 a.m. and run DATED at Salt Lake City, to 5:00 p.m. or as long as Utah, this 16th day of 1/16 page - $7.50 1/8 page - $10.00 P.O. Box 224 Apshel’s Ca Utah, 84111, (801) 530-_ pre-paid - $1.00 extra 450 North 100 East 386-2295 - By the Commission: ADVERTISING RATES: _4-Line Classified: ~. Fax:801-387-5521 PHONE: KONG CAFE A Special "Thank You" to all of our distributors! Commission of Utah - Lola Bridge Marcia Eyre Ph: 801-387-2676 118 S. CENTER - MINERS COUNTRY CORNERS CAFE 31 W. MAIN - MINERSVILLE PHONE: 386-2487 Before the Public Service Charlice Brown 5.00 P.M. Tuesday BILL'S CHEVRO OPEN 24 HOURS 433 S. MAIN - MILFORD PHONE: 387-2251 Assets and for Transfer of Certificated Area: Correspondents: $35.00 per year _ Ad Deadline: 55 W. MAIN - MINERSVILLE PHONE: 386-2421 801-438-2470 HONG CENTRAL UTAH TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION, INC. for approval of the Sale of Editor/Publisher: Alice Smith Staff: Sara Smith & Angie Hardy JOOO'S MARKET _ New Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 31 N. Main - Beaver COMMUNICATIONS, INC., and SOUTH Dodge City STATION RESTAURA 425 §. 100 W. - MILFORD PHONE: 387-2804 — BEAVER DRUG CO. Public Hearing are FEATURING A BAKERY & DELI 270 N. MAIN - BEAVER PHONE: 438-2852 530 N. MAIN - MILFORD PHONE: 387-2424 News December 9, 1994 December 16,1994 ARE AUTO & HARD 241 S. MAIN - MILFORD PHONE: 387-2457 MIKE'S FOOD T¢ WN MILFORD GROCERY Published in Dodge City (801- SMR CHEVRON 430 S. MAIN - MILFORD PHONE: 387-5555 STATE ENGINEER STORE 238 S. MAIN- MILFORD PHONE: 387-2265 - MILFORD 387-9892 Udy Sighag Sloss Pp ns: TRAILSIDE GENERAL 402 S. MAIN - MILFORD PHONE: 387-5566 1/4 Cor, - _ RIOW. - 538-7240) on or before January 21, 1995. (Protests must be legible with a return of MILFORD S1/2NW1/4, NW1/4NW1/4, NE1/4SW1/4 Sec 4, T28S, filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 West North Temple, Salt Lake R655-6-2 1320 from W Sec 4, T28S, RIOW. request a hearing in the Protest. Protest must be Rule 437 S. MAIN ' PHONE: Irrigation: — total acreage 27.00 acs, sole supply 25.69 acs, Stockwatering; 186 head of livestock. POU: Protest stating the reasons for the protest. To have a hearing before the State Engineer, persons must These JOHN'S SERVICE STATION SOURCE: 14 in. well 350 ft. deep. POD: (1) N 1320 an application must file a ~ address). is available at the following locatio (a7851) : Charles W. and Carol J. Ivy, Lawrence Vieths, Van H. and Phyllis M. Leavitt | QUANTITY: 44.0 ac-ft. E Dodge itp Neins Point =POD; Place of Use = POU; Nature that additional time is needed to place the water to beneficial use in Beaver County. Persons objecting to City, Utah 84116, (LEGEND: of Diversion R 23, ee PE 1995 list of the dates of the meetings: January 9, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5, July 3, August 7, ‘September 5 (Tues.) October 2, November 6, December 4. All interested © ae |