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Show SEPTEMBER 23, 1994 Badage City Nets PAGE 8 Praise The Children ‘And They Will Blossom} Milford's #1 Crop! ILFORD SCHO UNCH Monday, September 26 Spaghetti Casserole Green. Salad Hot Roll Pineapple Cake Milk Tuesday, September 27 Taco Green Beans. o: Sliced Peaches Chocolate Chip cookie Milk wednesday, september Chili: Cole Slaw... Sliced Pears... Cinnamon. stick . Milk 23 Yu mhursday ; ‘septenber' 29 Ham: continue as usual at 'the:Salt Palace. Everything will be. available--trees, wreaths,» Recently elected Lady Lioness Club officers for 1994-95 are (front) Cherron W..-Phelps, Vice President; Patty A. Cherry, President; Veda Cox, Treasurer; Gail Young, Secretary. An Open House will be held at 7:00 p:m., October 12, at the Senior Citizen's Center, to welueine : new and present Lady Lions. The theme is "memories" to honor those who have served in the past. Membership is $10.00 per your, All ladies in Milford are invited to this special evening. Festival of Trees. ~ Janet Brooks and co-chairs Janie A buffet For months, the past nine volunteers throughout Utah have been working to prepare for the 1994 Festival of Trees. These volunteers will gather Friday, September 16, at Promised Valley Playhouse to kick off the Festival of Trees benefitting needy children at Primary Children's Medical Center. A highlight for those attending the Kick-off will be guest Kurt Bestor, composer and Bestor and Melodie, are the two daughters, musician. his wife, parents of Erika and Kristian, have who the hot scone booth: All the favorites will be back!"": — This marks the twenty-fourth “year ‘of ‘the’ dinner will be served. FESTIVAL OF TREES VOLUNTEERS LAUNCH 1994 EFFORTS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 holiday — handmade ~ gifts, activities for: sweets, children, entertainment, and we can't forget to mention Heaps and Kris Wright are supported by an 80-member volunteer board. © Each member — organizes ~a committee of 10 or more individuals. who prepare all Sandwich: Pickle & cheese. Potato Chi aa ais ena Last year, rs the Féstival of Trees raised« over. $805,000 ee featured more than “420 ~ beautifully elie wall In 1971,. the’ first Festival of Trees consisted of 60 decorated trees and ‘was held i in the Armory“ on Sunnyside Avenue.” ” For more information contact in the Manti area:- Betty Craver, 835-9800 or Connie Cox, 835-5691; Helper are Margaret Marrelli, 472- eas september want all our loyal 30 Bue te Milk” no pérson shall of the grounds of: ‘Face, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be’‘denied the benefits of; or be otherwise subjected ito discrimination. If you believe. you have been discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, sex, age;.or handicap. write immediately to the Secretary. of ee aie D. C. 20250: 9" 5616;. Beaver... area: Kathleen Riley, 438-5054 or Primary Children's. Medical Center at 588-3684. patients at Primary Children's Medical Center. The Festival of Trees will open to the public November 30 _ through December 3, in the Salt Palace Exhibition Hall. "Many have asked where the Festival will be held this year because of the remodeling of the Salt Palace," reported Chairwoman Janet Brooks. "We eee year to make each Festival the best been patrons to know that we will ; Yard of the week is at the home of Wayne and Evelyn Wiseman, south of Milford. |