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Show Budge City News SEPTEMBER 2, 1994 Hospital: Board (Continuted from pase 12) 2. Discussion on proposal regarding our support with the county commissioners for funding for a new ambulance for Beaver. This was not given. Consensus that Minersville's need for an ambulance is as great as Beaver's. Beaver would also like the Milford and Minersville EMTs to furnish coverage in Beaver. Decision pending. 3. Clarification on who should attend —_ board gees Members meet - wit department heads prior to meetings. 4. Gina resigned. *Reports: Administrative: Hospital looking into obtaining a vending machine for employees so the kitchen can be locked at night. * Air conditioners at the old clinic running continuously. *Dr. Howard asking for rental agreement. *Policy committee formed. *Recommendation that separate names be used to identify clinic from hospital. *Approval of another parttime RN for Home Health. — Meee a *Committee: (No reason citations remainder that good service even better. Call me. “BRENT STAPELY Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® “@ @® INSURANCE proposed NOW HAS A TOLL FREE *Theft of a boat was reported by a Milford *~800~837 +0949 ~ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 2 A. M. THRU 6 P.M. 85 N. MAIN BEAVER. citizen. _ *Three California men were arrested and booked into jail on charges of Possession of Marijuana and Possession of __ Paraphernalia. They each posted $450. bail. *Three traffic accidents were handled during the week by the Sheriff's Department. One involved injuries and the other two involved property damage only. : property tax tax SOURCE: 16 in. well 700 ft. deep. POD: (1) N 1320 E 1360 from SW Cor, Sec 10, citizens public are invited to a hearing on the tax increase to be held on September 8, 1994 at The’ Conrad Grimshaw__ Fire Station at 7:30 p.m. Published in the Dodge City News September 2, 1994. R7W. from Apr USE: 1 to Oct 31, total acreage 0.25 SOURCE: 4 in. well 200 ft. to 500 ft. deep. POD: (1) N 1470 W 1080 from SE Cor, Sec 35, T28S, R7W. revenues ~ concerned T29S, Irrigation: acs. POU: W1/2SW1/4 Sec 10 T29S, R7W. : HEREAFTER: QUANTITY: 1.0 ac-ft. (North : ~All Point(s) of 77-1744, A26637a). HERETOFORE: QUANTITY: 1.0 ac-ft. revenue one Rule 77-1745 (a18254: Leonard exclusive of new growth is : as per I. and Imogene Rouchleau propose(s) to change the POD, POU, & USE of water as evidenced by 771745 (segregated portion exclusive of new growth; - and (2) $20.40 if the proposed increase in property BE USE) on last year's property tax Intoxication. before = 1994. Diversion = POD; Place of Use =POU;. Nature of use = rate and budget paid $15.32 in property taxes, would pay the following: (1) $15.45 if Beaver County Special Service District No. 1 does. not budget an increase in booked into Beaver County charges of Jail on or _ 15, MUST (LEGEND: value of the tax base due to new growth. A home valued at $75,000 in the Beaver County Special Service District No. 1 which based was Lake R655-6-2 of the Division of Water Rights. from natural increases in the SHERIFF'S REPORT Week of Aug. 22-28, 1994 man proceedings will - proposed increase will come Gray Salt LEGIBLE WITH A RETURN ADDRESS). These are informal .000305 to .000400; and (b) $1543 of the concerning on (PROTESTS come from the following sources: (a) $9002 of the proposed increase will come from an increase in the property tax rate from hog farm operation. Minersville 7240) in tax revenues Temple, OCTOBER The increase property office spdébaspitainic. *Minutes approved. *Financial Report presented *A North ~ City, Utah 84116, (801-538-_ total budget from $127,400 Report: included in minutes. *Reports: Reha filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 West tax revenue ~ to $88,000 or 30%. * Financial request a hearing in the Protest. Protest must be from $26,571 to 37,116 or several nurses aids to the BEAVER SPORT & PAWN The verbal 39.7% and to decrease its reported that she is losing ATTENTION issued. received its property stated) — by Mark Stoddard. No data @ three 1 has proposed to. increase : Presented — by Mark Stoddard’ No data in minutes. *Report concerning grant money to purchase *Discussion with The Beaver County Special Service District No. ~ computer system.” ~ 801-438- 545 1 Sheriff's Notice of Tax Increase *Minutes read and approved _ And our new computer system makes the warnings. June 29 (Clinic) good neighbor service.” by Department ually : ae *Executive Session at 10: 35 12 were to *Seven traffic stops were made Craig on The State Engineer received the following Application(s) to Change Water in Beaver County (Locations in SLB &M). Persons objecting to an application must file a Protest stating the reasons for the protest. To havea hearing before the State Engineer, persons must check out suspicious persons or circumstances and seven were to assist other agencies. Adjourn at 10:58 p.m. I sell with Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Of these calls, pathologist and recreational therapy consultant. *Future need for hospital based vehicle. *Nursing staff wages discussed. *Mission Statement and Motto contest. *Hospital steak fry set for August 3. Nursing: Hepatitis Immunization Policy. reported _ Assurance. Notice to Water Users the Sheriff's Department to 21 requests for assistance. Session’closed at 10:55 p.m.= ak etl the family insurance State Farm Insurance Companies *Responses were made by Health Department. *Need is replace p.m. 757 N, MAIN, BEAVER PAGE 10 of Beaver) USE: Irrigation: from Apr 1 to Oct 31, total acreage 0.14 acs, sole supply 0.14 acs; Domestic: 1 family. POU: NE1/4SE1/4 Sec 35, T28S, R7TW. /s/ Robert L.Morgan, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in Dodge City News on September 2, 1994 | |