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Show Badge Gity Netes JULY 22, 1994: PAGE 4 NEW MINING CLAIM FEE REGULATIONS Owners of mining claims or sites must either pay a $100. per claim maintenance fee (previously called "rental fee") or request a maintenance fee payment waiver (previously called "small —s miners exemption") by August 31 of this year. The fee or the waiver would be in advance for. the 1995 assessment year. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of August 10, 1993 required changes in the mining claim fee regulations. The draft regulations were published in the Federal Register on May 11, 1994. Although the 2 final August regulations lish 31, 1994 deadline The draft ions extend the $100. per claim/site fee into 1998. Claimants must submit the fee, along with a list of the claim names and BLM file numbers being paid for, to Team 2 = 4 1 3 2 vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. 4 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 4 1 vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. 3 2 4 2 4 1 - Aaron Jones Team 2 - Dedra Kinross Team 3 - Chris Thompson Team 4 - Michelle Barton Games times will be 7:30 p.m. Games will be played on the new fields. Home team is listed first and will be responsible for bide a: an umpire and a scorekeeper. CO-ED: Wednes eteday July 27 on and has the claims in the assessment year just ending. BLM , Utah State Office P. O. Box 45155 - claims/sites performed assessment work | Forms requesting the waiver can be obtained from any Salt Lake City, BLM office. UT 84145-0155 Claimants who own All or have an interest in 10 or fewer claims/sites can request a maintenance fee payment waiver. The waiver certities that the claimant owns: or has an interest in 10 or fewer claimants requesting a waiver must submit an Affidavit of Assessment Work and/or a Notice of Intention to Hold to the proper BLM State Office by December 30, Failure to file the maintenance fee or the waiver certificate and Affidavit of Assessment Work/Notice of Intention to Hold within the proper time frames will result in ne 2vs.1- 3 bye Wednesday Aug 10 3 vs. 2 - I bye Team 1 - Chris Barnes Team 2 - Jared Bridge Team 3 - Chad Barton Game times will be 9:00 p.m. Games will be played on the high school field. Home team is listed first and will be responsible for finding an umpire and a scorekeeper. For more information, call Gina Pack, BLM - Beaver River Resource Area, 801-586- 2458. 1994. Auction and Estate Sale} Saturday August 27, 1994 10:00 A.M. Until Done Milford Methodist Church Parking Lot 350 N. 100 W. Milaif ford, Utah For More Information Call 387-2457 Days 387-2871 Evenings MEN'S: Monday Aug 1 Thursday 2 vs. 1 3 bye Thursday Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 - 3 vs.1 Thursday July 28 Aug 4 Aug 11 Aaron Jones Chris Barnes Travis Hugh the clams or sites being declared null and void. the BLM State Office where - 4 WOMEN'S: July 25 July26. Aug 2 Aug 8 Aug 9 Send - money or waiver to: Attn: Mining Claims are hi still holds. CITY RECREATION SOFTBALL Monday - Tuesday Tuesday Monday Tuesday the claims are filed. 1 vs. 3 2bye lvs.2 3 bye 2 bye Game times will be 8:00 p.m. Games will be played on the high school field. Home team is listed first and will be responsible for finding an umpire and a scorekeeper. The Rummage Sale WILL NOT Held On This Day Be |