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Show PAGE 11 Badge City Nets PUBLIC HEARING The Milford City Planning and Zoning Committee will hold a- public hearing July 18, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. in the Milford City Office 302 South Main. Milford, Utah to hear comments on a Conditional use Permit for Pure White Pumice. All interested individuals are invited to attend. Dr. Yates, Pediatrist (Foot & Ankle) will be at the Milford Clinic on Friday, July 15th. To set an appointment call the Milford Clinic at 387-2411. Dr. Yates is now a provider with Union Pacific Railroad (UPRENS) City Council (continued from page 3) motioned for a_ special meeting to be held Wednesday, June 22, 1994 -at 11:00 am. for the continuation of budget of the fiscal year 1994-95, Councilman Carter. seconded the motion, all in favor. 17. Swimming Pool bids Councilman Thomas _ seconded the motion, all in favor. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:16 a.m. BUS DRIVERS Two positions. One part time. One on-call as needed. Two-five hours per day, sometimes longer. Must be at least 21 with good driving record and have or be able . to get a CDL (School Bus) - license. Call Job Service at 438-5498 and ask about Job Order #0228313. jv8 TEACHER ASSISTANT needed to assist Preschool Teacher Dr. David S. Howard is NOW seeing patients on a weekly basis at the Milford Dental Clinic Early education preferred. Call Job Service at 438-5498 and ask about _ Job Order #0230590. - = ee 1/16 page - $7.50 ' 1/8 page - $10.00 1/4 page - $20.00 Appointment Only! Must see to appreciate - $64,900. 801-386-2516 THE > 7 = CINEMA in Beaver "MAVERICK" Rated PG-13 Friday, July 8, thru Thursday, July 14 7:00 P.M. & 9:00 P.M. $3.00 ADULTS - $2.00 OTHERS 55 N. MAIN Classified: $2.00 per Week Country Living with City Convenience classroom activities. Manage classroom in Teacher's absence. Shop for and prepare snacks and meals. Variety of duties as Childhood 4-Line 2300 Sq. Ft. Country Home on 3/4 acre in Minersville.” 4 Bdrm - 1 Ba/ One more bdrm & ba. 75% complete. Balcony, attached garage, extra insulation throughout. Double pane windows, sprinkler system & corrals. in all phases of directed by Teacher. : Advertising Rates for appointment call 387-2432 or Ruth Smith at 387-2287 1/2 page - $30.00 Full Page - $60.00 Subscriptions: $35.00 per Year $20.00 per 6 Months AD DEADLINE: ' TUESDAY NOON Ph: 801-387-2676 Fax: 801-387-5521 450 N. 100 E. P. O. Box 224 Milford, Ut. 84751 438-2331 were tabled. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 26, 1994 1. Mayor Wiseman called the meeting to order ar approximately 6:45 p.m. Those in attendance were: Council members Thomas, Dotson, Sower, Recorder _ Netto, Connie Barnes, Jefferson, Ron Wunderlich, and Alice Smith reporting for the Dodge City News. 2. The purpose of the .. public hearing was to hear KIRK REALTY 438-2802 80 Acres w/S0 ac.ft water - South of Milford. 4800 sq.ft. commercial bidg. Main Street. 800 Acres north of airport. Co teereccreescens ATTENTION BEAVER SPORT & PAWN NOW HAS A TOLL FREE | = NUMBER <= for Milford Customers | 1 - 800 - 837 - 0949 comments on the operating budget for fiscal year 199495 and to make changes in the fiscal year 1993-94. Councilman Thomas OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 9AM. THRU 6 P.M. seconded the motion, all in favor. 3. Councilman motioned to Resolution . Sower accept 5-94, 85 N. MAIN BEAVER Police Offer a Free Ride Unable te Brive ‘ier De Bere _ With Semecse Whe ls Give You aBide Will Not Tell Your Parents Will Net Give You a Ticket BEAVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT my MILFORD POLICE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE! |