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Show PAGE 3 JUNE Milford ‘High School Awards Assembly The remarks awards this given welcoming at the assembly year by were the. Studentbody President for 19931994, Jared Barnes.. ‘New Council inducted oe AS: follows: .Thomas 0. Yee Jr.,. President; Brady Kirk, Vice President; Heather Cox.,,...-.Secretary; Kurt Jensen, Agv 8 ¥ bsot gg. Manager. Senior Class. history. .was..-given... by. Brandie Barnes, followed . by the. eS Senior... ..Class.tribute... “to. their. parents | given. by. Timothy Baxter.. Lu “ Mr. Swain ‘then. . made _a.-., special presentation... Awards were given to outstanding people _ who : had. supported our high He faithfully. presented these (Tiger Awards) to Mrs. Bonnie Williams, Mrs. Margaret. Miller,.. and Mrs. Jackie’ "> Williams. Mr. Donald Willden presented Award the to Mr. Faculty Tiger Swain. awards follow: ; Mrs. Cynthia Browning presented the Senior Cheerleading award to Brandie and Barnes the Senior English award Jerilyn Mayer. to Mr. Carter Cullen presented the Senior Wrestling award to Timothy Baxter. Mr. Joe Hillock presented the Senior Basketball, and the Senior Track awards which both went to Cody Smith. Mr. Leon presented Senior to Senior Gay the Shop Jared Mr. Grajek the every boy commenting, couldn’t have "We taken State without of Mr. Swanson and them!" — award Bridge. Mike presented Football Willden. Mrs. Melissa Rose and . Mrs Camille | Sibley presented. the Senior Tigerette ae Jensen | the award Science for all- help and year... | were: students help. _ a5 all Jerilyn. Mayer, who. received an. excellent rating, Jennifer ~<Forman, Vincent Hach, Jensen, Milena Stacie Brady Kirk, Pejic, Smith, and Kurt Tommy Yee. Mrs. Margaret Miller °. presented the Senior Business award to Brandie Barnes. She also presented Brandie Barnes with an Editor award for the Literary Magazine, Kerri Maxey and Editor award for the school newspaper, and Jerilyn Mayer, Kerri Maxey, Brandie Editor the and Barnes awards all for yearbook. Mrs. Connie Osborn presented the-. Senior Home Economics award to Kimberly Rose. Mrs. Osborn also presented various art awards students participated Beaver in County Contest. Osborn the Art Mrs. also presented Senior to who the Visual award to Thompson Arts Cynthia _ then. e eos . ‘ aopeter: Swain and Williams with and. thanked . for . all of who. The gave. | a Club’ presented “Mr. = participated . inModel United. Nations, this their support gifts. 2 z= _The to students. ‘Nisha Derek ~ Mrs. gifts them. their “7-12 Grades presented their advisors | with gifts, thanks, and appreciation.. The following club..all. presented their advisors with gifts: Council, Student Letterman, Newspaper , Yearbooesk , Cheerleaders, and Tigerettes. ~ I Mre,Swain taking place of the Hurricane Rodeo Club, gave awards Wright. various to The Cody Milford Search and presented a Rescue plaque to Milford High School for donating money for Toys For Tots at Smith Sgt. Robert presented the United Christmas. States Scholar Army Athlete Awards to Jerilyn Mayer Barnes. and Jared Jerilyn and were Mayer Jared Barnes also presented with the State United Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award. Mr. Swain presented the Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance They follows: Awards. are Honor as Roll- Janice Mayer presented following Scholars Muir, $50.00 the Sterling with check: Brandie BarnesEnglish & Florence, Literature, Jared. M. Barnes-. Mathematics, Jennifer N. Formar®. Kaleb James, Josh Long, Monica Thompson, Natalie Jimenez, Kent - 1994 Livingston, Griffiths, Steven Sullivan, Science, Timothy N. BaxterScience, Cynthia M. ‘Social Nicole ' Thomas, Cheryl - Barnes, also of and Mandy } Kerri thanked Mr. Swain and Mrs. Williams award to. jenn Mayer. Mr. Gary Jensen presented the Senior Social. award to. Science Jerilyn. Mayer. MY... Jensen, also. p.r.e s. enti dS, 2 a. certificates. to Maxey.“ They “presented Senior Micnae1 presented the Senior Mathematics award to Jerilyn Mayer. Student » Officers . #3 school award Sor. 3, Natalie | Nelson, Jenny— White, Kaden Leko, Thompson‘Arts, Visual | Travis. - Willden- J. Industrial. . Craig Thompson,— ‘Education, Kimberly Holly Willden,~ <ROS@= Home Shan C. Lynette Holm, Brady — + Economics, Business’— - Williams, § Craig . ‘HolmJerilyn Wiseman, é ~ - Rachel = Education, General Holm, Jennifer:~ » Mayer' Scholarship, Kerri | Nethoy:s -: Laura J. Maxey-~ Dance.= : Lola Bridge. . Wright, Matthew ' presented ., Kerri = Bettridge, Benjamin Maxey — with | ‘the U.P. _ Kaufman,— %& .L. achievement » Wadsworth,— - Jensen,_ scholarship for $500. 00. _ Jimenez, ~~ Chalys “Mr. Swain - Lamb, Kara Smith, presented the rest * Alison Carter, t he So £ Steven Erickson, - Stewart, - Lau - Brady Kirk, s Tommy Yee, _ Jake Ben Stewart, Netto, Heather = Lenn Cox, Vincent Rose, Jason Florence, Hach, Ricky Robert Banks, Fisher, Kylee - Bailey, Jeramie McDermott, Seifers, Lacy Jerilyn Mayer, Rachel Tribole, Forman, Jennifer Milena Pejic, Stacie Smith, Kerri Malina - Kimberly Jared Maxey, Mellor, Rose, - followin scholarships: Iowa University, Iowa- Baxter, Willden, Brandie Barnes, Shan Holn. Perfect Attendance: Bryce Muir, Bailey, Charlie Pectol, Jenny White, Dustin Whittaker, Rachel Holm, Ale Cortez, Lacy Jimenez, ‘g State. at Ames | $2,000.00 year academic a and she was also accepted into their honors program. I ° Ww a University, at Iowa CityShe was accepted honors Barnes, Timothy Travis Mandy scholarships. Kerri a received the. Mt. into — their progran. Cornell, Vernon, at Iowa- $5,000.00 pace setter scholarship. / centre College, at Danville, Kentucky4-year, $6,000.00 academic. Concoria, at Irvine California, &3,000.00 a . year @c.aidie-m 1c Whittaker, scholarship, — she was also accepted Shad - Lucia Cortez, Holn, Jeramie McDermott, Rachel Tribole (Six years of perfect Pepperdine, at Malibu California, she was accepted Spencer attendance). — Cindy Pierce presented the First Security Bank Scholarship to Timothy Baxter. into their program. into honor their honors 4-year program.. Southern Utah University, Cedar City at Utah, (continued on page 10) 4 |