Show JOL mCSu lH said he “of rourae ym to alette not careful lay heie Be very B do- Marla if Ml Mackenzie think Alex- are her should table that you ith ml r 1 ih to speak And the when they “J I a k room: "You need not John” Hsn'bris— J§2!©4£J PJj©a©JaSO? -- ? ks& ? ueuii iA sss 4 ' J Y i irw4? I L C Glover Vice Pres JiMrs Milwaukee-W- - “Dti Mill Flxkuam : I wu married for several jean and no children tbued my huoie The doctor laid I had a complication of female troublee lad I eoulil not hare any children nnleae I could be cured lie tried to cure pe bnt after experimenting for aereral month! my huaband became die one ruled and night when we noticed a testimonial of a woman who had ben cured of similar trouble through the use of Lydia E Plnkiiam'l Vegetable Compound he went out and bought a bottle for me 1 need our medicine for three and one half month improring atcadity in health months a child came 1 cannot fully expresa the lor end ud In twenty-tw- o F thankfulness that la in my heart Cur home ie e different place now as we bait im lhing to lire for end I 11 the credit ie due to Lydia K Plnkham’l YegrtaMo Compound Yours eery sincerely Mas L'cUlover 814 Urore gt Milwaukee Wis" Vice President Milwaukee liusinesa Women 'a Asa'n Women should not fail to profit by the experience of these two Just an sirn-l- as they were cured of the trouble enumerated in their letters Just so certainly will Lydia K IMnkliam’g women y Vegetable Compound cure others who suffer from womb troubles inliumiiMflim of tiie ovaries kidney trouble nervous excitability end nervous prostration remember that it I Lydia K Pink-ham- 's Vegetable Compound that i curing women and don't allow druggist to sell you anything else in it place An ‘Indiana Lady Telia of a Wonderful Cure z — "Dias Mbs Piskham: It a pleasure for me to write end tell whet your wonderful medicine hee done for me I was sick for three ycere with change of life end my phyaician thought e cancerous condition of the womb During tbcee three yeare I suffered untold agony "I cannot And words in which to my bad feelings I did not expect to ever see another well day I read aome of the testimonials recomending you" medicine end decided to write to yuu end give your treat meot a trial " Before I had taken half e bottle of a ComLydia E PInkham'a Vegetable pound 1 began to Bleep I here taken now eix liottles end am ao well I een do all kinda of work”— Mss Lizzi IIisxl Salem Ind If there Is anything In your rase about which you would like pedal advice' Vi rite freely to Mr Plnkham She can surely help fur no person in America can speak from a wider experience Address is Lynn Mass lur advice is free i treating female Ills and tinny helpful min Ihs aristas) kttsn sad ilpixtxrM nnnot forthwith which will prim ihxlr xllut iiuIiimm Maas LjSIx a rUikkam Had Va FORFEIT $5000 slum inssMWlsIs CO AND CHEMISTS Lit Uli fiir ASSAYERS '"""“r! lid & NICHOLS IND SOS PSICI LIBT SALT LAKE CITY 101 FIs UIASLE ASSAYS n i ow im miwwr mm Ust'A Mif t'fit’re IM li pt winn T4 '"JLSCJKSi'- - 0drn Assay Co PSICI NIQNEST CABN PAID POS FURS AND GAME HEADS meheby the furrier nsiti poa paica slt taas eirr hit uraN hOihx'Vniw Xw ' plsisS IS I - pi tic Its ISI i MpCllNtHSV itwinv ro kslUkiCil CAPSICUM VASELINE ' ' ii V i 'I an l nj I !(- Wall v 'l h of iiiit aril' Is S'l s' M uU in 1 ' re I Lqptlhl TRt$) MF1 f 1 i I Mi vcri JfiM ll will kaail fttul mnifiFii'l il M llil ifiiidnltRSRl Pfaiilnisi IN IhK it si ft is l(ff M A !( i DiimI irs imifH - ' h fml blnlM klUVilitf Of $? mid iv hfi‘lfitsrt I'mI l tWMfflUir 11 il efcrsl Nhl Nhal In b lfva!it I f M fir 'll Jfl lr il IM ) nftfioj k'lhV !' 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I f m I h r IlfWVdtbiMHH' FlKi el - I M (i Mf (JaildH 4f lV I - h Csfl C"lll ft It " "i if I SI-- I (! 4UllllllM lpf by br lh w till M In' NMirlR Niilrat lb Hlllf id MWf IlMtlflltMM IH JHI II C HPIH ut ClIV is biaisfcUH'l Ksw DON'T TpKZQ'S iGET YET I'SSf DtAllB SLICKER mam wa FOB THE YOUB I EATINDIHG OUP MODE FHAN?f: ILMF A (INTUBT l m TOVftDi fvewntiand an m- J f tha test lt - t yslloe hr Ullnrvlief wat wwl fTuu-rx)ii umstirs s vou jik to I ewlf-ifel- fulness) ' ! agree of the hor"The table Is a small matter I think ciple of an allowance and 1 ' ror of the iIhjt ami u the wa-il- i inking of nothing of that” said the fqiher suit with Doctor liurie who It's another example continued the man of the world end hae wne the Light John And' man tl-- pi i he skip of son “of the awkwardness of e If I osn as to the amouut i He was having no money of hie own fellow you may consider youraelf infancy s wakened by ihe had a proper allowance like other fel lurk!" he added smiling risid as it might Iowa of niy ape this would have been "Thank you" aald Alexander hate Nen tea quite unnecessary” Before noun a detective bed and brought “A proper allowance!" repeated hie to John hie money yean sgo tapping In at the door The father In tone of blighting eercaam sad enough news Irujb inter sunrise was fur the expression waa not new to him perhaps the least ad own for aiming the east and as the window T have never grudged you money had been found In hla tern as to the bark of the bouse It shone any proper purpose" Terrace under care of the d “®“ wee into the room wlib many strange col“No doubt no doubt" said AlexanHe quite rifled butler ors of refracted light Without the der "but then you eee you ar'n't always Instead of going to priaon had gone wd'tr-e- d houses ere all cleanly roofed with on the spot tu have the thing explained to Morningslde Asylum Tha evicted ao snow the garden walls were coped to you Last night for Instance——” waa man It appeared purwith it a foot in height: the greens lay "You could have wakened me last tenant who had for nearly a and glittering Yet strange as enow bad night” Interrupted hie father sued his late landlord with threat “Wes It not some similar affair that insult and beyond thii the cause and grown to John during hla years upon Ihe Bay of San Francisco It was what flrat got John Into a mesa?" asked the details of the tragedy were lost from he saw within that most affected him son skillfully evading the point When Mr Nichloaoa returned For It was to hla own room that AlexBut the father waa not less adroit dinner they were able to pul ander bad been promoted: there was And pray air how did you come and Into hla hand: “John V Kirk-ma- n the oM paper with the device of flow- go out of the house?" he asked Randolph Crescent Edinburgh— look ng ers In which a cunning fancy might 'I forgot to lock the door It seeme” police has disappeared Krep mlnd yet detect the fare of Skinny Jim of replied Alexander for him All understood the Academy John's former dominie “I have had cause to complain of that Having bad this Austin" easythere waa the old cheat of drawers too often" said Mr Nicholson old gentleman "But quite explained to him the there were the chairs— one two three I 111 1 do not understand Did you keep took cellar key and departed the down HON JOHN T SHEAHAN OP CHICAGO -t- hree as before Lnel Only the carpet was the aervanta up?” for two bottlca of the ISM port Alexander's ni-cousin and the Utter of Marshall FMd "I propose lo go Into all that at dined there that day and Hon John T Sheahan who has been for seventeen yeare manager of M 'lot bee and hooka and drawing male length after breakfast” returned Al- Orelg U wv ee Regiment Infantry L and by an odd chanca Mr ft Co ' wholesale warehouse and is corporal Itoblna on the exander “There ie the half hour goof these the rials and a bis Cbmagix 1IL Macewen and the presence following letter from 3753 Indiana avenue Flat hava wall which (In John's eyes) appeared ing we must not keep Mias Mackenzie strangers relieved what might Peruna Medicine Co Columbus Ohio i marvel of proflcleney waiting” been otherwise a somewhat strained Gentlemen— -- Last summer J caught a cold which seemed to setAnd greatly daring be opened the relation Ere they departed tha famHe was thus lying and looking and tle In my kidneys and affected them tsdty I tried a couple ot kidfreamlng hanging a It were between door was welded once more Into a law ily help me any One two epochs of Ins life when Alexander Even Alexander who it must here eemblance of unity ney remedies largely advertised but they did not received in using had — be me the of told Flora-help great hla comforemen Leen led made of of on terms presand came to the door my perceived wee In the end of April John some once at case I and be procured ence known In a loud whisper John parative freedom with hU parent even Peruna In a similar to the altar If altar that may of let him in and jumped back Into the Alexander had never before dared to called which waa Indeed the drawingIt was Indeed a blessing to me as I am on my feet a large pari four but me affected Nicholsons had seriously as warm bed cut ahort an Interview In this high room mantel-plc- e I In Mr tha day and trouble such But the truth la the house with the Reverend Dr Durie bottles ot Peruna cured me entirely and I would not he without It for “Well John” said Alexander “the landed fashion in tha gulB cablegram is sent in your name an I very mass of hla aon'i delinquencies posted on the hearth-ru- g three months salary"—JOHN T SHEAHAN He waa of twenty words of answer paid 1 have daunted the old gentleman chroalo Ilymen'a priest Mr Jacob Fleig writes from 44 Sumner disease is st once suspected bnt the been to Uie cab office and paid your like the men with the rart of apples I saw of them on a recent coma on so gradually end inThe last may N variety Y: avenue — this waa beyond him! That AlexBrooklyn cab even saw the old gentleman Mm -- lam mow new men at the age of sidiously that its presence is not suspected visit to the north was at a di"n'r'f it hae fastened itself thoroughly relf and properly apologized He was ander ahould have spoiled his table In the house of my old friend Gellatly seventy-fiv-e your until aftervictim yetre ihenka to Jacob beIn hla out taken all his its had we Indicated money stayed night and upon after and Peruna"— Macbrlde: mighty placable wonderful remedy At the appearance of tha first eymptore lief you had been drinking Then F and then coolly acknowledged all waa phrase "rejoined the ladle" 1 had an Fleig conIn bed undreamed of the Flora of mneeus Peruna should be taken Thie remedy something of Ihe overhear inflammation to knocked up old Macewen out Catarrhal opportunity tha very not of the dim philosophy and transcended versing with another married woman lining ot the kidney also called "Bright's strike at once at and explained affair to him aa be sat chronic n or of acute either matter n comment The lie of And return the disease” dressing-gowchange canvaaard a may in and ahlvcied on the much A book on catarrh cent free by The symptoms uf such before that I had been to the High which the old gentleman still carried hmbnnd’s tolmcco "Oh ya!" said ahe The acute form produce reruns Medicine Co Columbus O of the nature serious the that In Im hla hand had been a feature of prominence Street where they have heard nothing "I only allow Mr Nicholson four cigars fixed of yeur dead body ao that I Incline lo poring Impudence It had dealt him a day Three he emokea at sniggering blow Then there was tha tlmee— after a meal you know my tlir idee that you dreamed it" when to John' original flight— a “Catch me!” said John CANKER AND DIPHTHEBIA REMEDY dear and the fourth he can take which ha know — do subject never always resolutely kept friend" the “Well police be likes with any In his own mind for he waa V ALL DRUMIST SALS "Bravo!" thought I to myself "thla FOR anything” assented Alexander "and curtained THHOAT MOUTH eon TNI NEVER FAILS- - and STOMACH AND BOWILS qsnbual sTonaa at any rate they have dlapatrhed a s man who loved to have made no Is the wife for my friend John!" and when he feared he recover to your might END and to man THE Inquire Nilden-Judso- n Salt Lk City Dtifc Drug Co General Agents trousera and your money ao that really lave made one kepi the papers sealed In view of reall I see these surprise and SLEPT your bill la now fairly clean and minders and of his son's composed but one lion in your path— the govand mtwierftil demeanor there began eiraage Ks pi sties at Welllnataw's Cura for tha Blues ernor ” Utah K doing "nrccoSy lo creep on Mr Nicholson a sickly Hsterleis COTTON rtLT si I'letorv see" adapted to Monday mornlna fHpeelally you'll ont I'll be turned again Waterloo He seemed beyond hla depth MAM Of S3 resdlnsJ In a new English hook on cure for tbs want csss s raid John dlamally If he did nr said anything he might there Is some wondcrfullyi Interesting of lilu-the returned wlin I don't Imagltm ao” It That ever drove man to eommlngl come to regret It The young man feoflKS personal matter about Napoleon other: "not If you do what Flore and lh n he aa Bums rods hail himself out lpPt pointed I'vs tried It mysalf quits Napoleiin bow tells hind ness and your I have arranged: times was playing a generous part And If of Waterloo (Or occasion or toss about and time no As I'vs lose Unger now la to dress and wrong had been done— and done t( “Otbere bringing forward many parthls""whon I set horison It la your watch right? Well you one who was after end In spile of ell s contenpurpling Tl ticular examples to prove thl five I Jolly semis fellow Uuxl's blusr tbsn have a quarter of an hour By e ahould certainly be tion urge that throughout the cammust hour you half minutes before the Boat nxsttrs In th world by under lighted paign Napoleon was Incapacitated lbrtlsr than any Eastern fnsks You nsver bmvs felt In your Ilfs I'll condibe at table In your old scat All considered monstrous In a things ill oast you loos mono ai and be assert dlwase will Flora Dutble'a was Ask your doolor for It picture sensation of I'nda It wee to be cut short In his Inquiries nd o strong Bo tha moment when energy at tion and Look for our trado mork countenance there to keep you the old gentleman submitted pocketed of all thing the most needful Tha But hurt Co thst ir you nought 'mid tbs msn Utah Bedding It was we shall see what we shall see the change and followed hi son Into truth seems to be that Napoleon that you knew davit whos M Wt ind Ilk Sort IK Is Late Mr tinting sum me to And You'd poor for stay the dining-roo"Wouldn't It be wiser During these few suffering trader the Influence of of bluo In bed?" aald John steps he once more menially revolted strange and mysterloua malady Oa Would' msk jrour own color stsm tm been own by III om-more and this lime Anally nature of which hse not yet and "If you mean to manage your Ba try on this rula I ao eftsn havs triad afMTED-- IO what nuch life laid down A hie ill arms a do can el small voice precisely defined concern! you accurately IM MC Af UTATK lo irsrsL hsvs camped if blue devils but th next When In hie bosom Alexander fatigue autook SIMM and illstrlbvia elrsolars having Informed him hla spent In privation you like" replied nd ninplas nf our mu da Hotair S8 minutes flva or no full tor younolf Is to thentically of a piece of news that and exposure And s"lyuu you are not In your place pur Biumh U per ilay for flaahea brief hands he waa afraid of Alexander with ftlll wash my I labor The hour half the and physical before Juat hul I around till you And soms poor KUHLMAN CO strange thing waa that he waa pleased of dissipation would not unnaturally ' of you for one CUM s ordiAllas Black som Oast tha with to which death muddled He had to be afraid of hlio He waa proud of Who's And thereupon he departed gencrale diseases from iiiuhs— therefore truih la hla hi son he might be proud of him nary man la trouble forest you art spoken warmly bnt the to Just sis up his And Ihe boy had character and grit and which bnt rarely present themselves heart was somewhat troubled men There And Joiiy tha fallow that’s blusr than watchknew what he waa doing DRUNKENNESS the olmervatlon of medical as be hung over the balustera - X?' 'oilman In th Baltimore Ammi- TT These were hi he had reflectlnns ns ha still remain to be written a work Hfc ing for hla father to appear CAD aa it which would prove as Interesting hard ado to keep himself braced fop turned Mlthe corner of the dining-rooCURED door Mackenzie was In the place would be valuable upon tha maladlea Soms Psrtlnsnt Questions follow must that encounter the flauntman Investigasee a scientific of t young and honor with a 1 When be and you men conjuring shall lurky” of great "If he takea It well III why a coxy anil behold! there wa another tion might he worse employed than In ing bis quickly gained wealth In your he reflected "If be take It IskUktCithUKS and mental fncp Just ssk yourself "How much did Tbt whisa perron the physical tracks present large portly John's across examining It'll be a herring It? How much of Bwin aa In men men kered Pope of end a comfortable loss such hs a getting of very Ilea brat condition and perhaps all for the air who now rose from and Napoleon Bonaparte What la cere himself has hs parted with in exconfounded muff this brother of mine rerperiabln his seat and came forward holding tain In NapnlMuTi caw w that nu change for tha money? Does it pay to soul" decent a aeema but be him sail one's manhood and character In out hfs hand malady had been growing upon At that stage a door opened below 1808 that order to get rich a little faster? Isn't "flood since he said force father" Nick Mr morning with Increasing llh a certain emphaela and Of Ihe rnntentlon of feeling that ran n sudden il safer to take the slower and apits attacks were notified by olson waa even solemnly lo descend Mh In Mr prosbosom to starched complete Nlrholon‘a proved method? Duesn’t a youth lose hla amounting apartInto lethargy the stairs and pass were that did po cffccla unless hi Ilfs I square and clean no nor outward was vhdble Its sign that and tration ment Alexander followed quaking hi he n con of battle matter what money be gotsr— Rue of moment cholre to make delay a long at aome crllhal but with a steady face )t- duct Yet In that Interval he had re- wonderful power of quick and correct cess and enter to bidden waa knocked ao much viewed a great field of possibilities decision seemed to desert him Fisa's Cuts ta tha best mrdlclno xro orar sard found hla father standing In front of both past and future whether It waa ao that for Ihe time being he almost for all aSaotlonanf Ihs tbroit sod lumm— Ws the forced drawer to which he pointed Can hsn teaaUNI wiMplaaloa kf sHng At O KabSLSf Vanhorns Ind Ftb U MXL possible he had not been perfectly wIm abandoned the relna to chanca as ba apoka LEMON CREAM COOK’S Avblle In bla treatment of John whether It he slept Wagram and at Hatilxcn "This le a moat extraordinary thing” Ilcwl asd mnhi-f- l UK nhls Ilk velvet SsU An Oddity In Cushions around as wa waa Innocent John rolling nls silk sack Jw fufMiriHstlv-s-sthat battle possible the noise of wld be “I have been robbed!" torlanstrial lUswiMfysMiiM-rselsr- l A nnw sofa pillow for a den Is mads whether If he turned John out a sec- him at Waterloo scaled on a woollen Chemical nntlre HmhII would It" iKilimrl t:ik afraid was "1 you ' of cream colored pongee in the shops MSIst prsusro-IIM- S arms Ce-- i tl 'niHOunirernl his hi a time ond mparlnr upon head outraged authority drooping hla such a made chair tasks Mil UIJi UWS Work observed bis son "It Kte'S Is with tied Ths sack of a meal asek miggcHiPd it was possible to avoid a railing on a Uble strelrhed out to acbeastly hash of the table” mesl a ss ribbon satin crimson just ha to went If and scandal he whether and papers commodate ills maps "You were afraid I would noth-- It?" for tbs ssrk would be and ths top Is faced II was p'wslble that lumlx-reheavily oblivion “And pray that extremity repeated Mr Nicholson forwith rad so that It shows a pretty conof hla crisis rebel Alexander the at even might moment whet mey that mean?" trast with the cream colored pongee decidwere and Mr which "Hum!' Nlrholson said event put tunes of the "That I waa a thief air" relumed lue It spreads open Cunningly peepas liand limp ami dead Into John's ing bis destiny" Alexander “I took all the money In from tha folds of this top Is n Send I nsr 41ml Aawlronmrr Uok — rl-rn-is ih'-ing alienee an embarrassed In Anil ease the aervanta ahould gel hold of sf ra c ncrtv ei velvet mo'iso so realistic in apbrown even and patha took their all wl vlsKW Is pulsin IS places to 1’orls It and here la Ihe change and a note kl source to much a of be a sisi is gentle-manII pearance old was Ihe vriiTO-flSYou were gone per from which The governorship of a stale Is heM amusement A design of wheat ear toV“is" Fllil Vt of my expenditures hahli losuck mortlflcailon dally MASON FINWICK A LAWNINOB by ihe man who give ihe shah Is embroidered Ultra ths front of ths to bed you ace and I did nut feel at yearly Washington D O Pstsnl kawvsrs as ha marked ihe decline of our Insti- the largest present 'luring his period liberty lo knock you up but I think nllfow furled even the paper lay by oil! re fa eolleei from the people ths when you hate oesrd Ihe elrcuin-lance- s tution Ihe present hs has given ths taxes you will do me Justice The his side Ilul prceeniiy Flora came lo the resfart Is I have reaou to believe there hsh and a good sulistanllal sum into smiasmumsuuuiiUimuuiutUMMuS 3 baa been some dreadful error about cue Hhe ill j Into the rilenre with ths bargain for himself Absolutely If John ellll took be It sooner ran asking Pi ths hnicality often seise will men the my brother John: pIllloiM his rleared up the better for all parties Il hi old In rdlnate amount of sugar lest stick of su old man ami If lbs burn Ihe to -It hut I e was s Them alep waa a piece of buslnese air and so starvation slnrlng them In tunes people seeing MUSIC CO took It and decided on my own re- Ins question of the day and real si they are liable to fsee the on tha commented Kan she a shaken little In a was telegram sponsibility lo send $350 PIANOS FOR $100 put to death by torture If wlist I'rsnelxco Thanke lo my quickness Interval since she had last made te month of every one was Inis la the $ 150 ORSAN9 FOR $75 I PAY SPOT CASH FOR There appears for Ihe prodigal and congratulated we muy hear tonight Il ws necessary to make ohl tha day MUDIO DNfBT him on his reftirn And Mien to be nn doubt sir that John h PiiO$ caravan LAND WARRANTS s frightful example of a r ID CINfl P$R CORF I leg Mr Mrlmlson she roiigratiiUted used" to keep (he road through ths rr r Wrlis ms stasTO Mi’Xk - l ruhheni nls nOed Ihul manner In a asked un also "When did tills take plare?" where It Is j j H SLlltS Srlh Blmk OSnVSSC0IA a In ND RON CITHOIUM country safe Kotahs I launrliwl in'o and from that the father h IK llertwe Trod to commit suicide in a "Lat nlcht sir after yu were tin- - tale of John's misadventures not customary gsarasIM li H Hwk and Fergus Coalter Music Co a for liihtanee when j j fanatleul way ills li ps'Ussisrs p—lilnullable wuiuwithout suppressions asirep" was the reply on their hua-- j tlienihelve CITY LAKE throw coutac IALT wives Mouri samitg ween bet A said Mr a (iraduallv Irxamlrr Joined “It's hi uni luuiaTix In India an ottl- - j gffTttmffWnnnnt!ffmTTmmtTTffnTTTTffa lisiis l "in lClVfVN mean In say tha' thmi whether he would or not they Irands' funergl pyres Nlrhid-u- n "lo In and made yet Is England often j and cry John from two or word nil fmred night?" you have been mil full of Kmopeana nivn are Clita Matrimonial Journal ‘'J' sir I hsvc llcne fell treiUuluUKlV Slid spoke BO In s rnnniry "All night ss I :iHfilil I Op f On MlffVNf'NirNlrBii'O'ri1 flf Pnff loqui-nily nf a min i oppressed with taken but In liruad duyllkhl and cruelly been III the lelrgritdi and Ihs police vlth Rliwtuis kilo Fuk On It U ID SsiUwKlkltt the roadside murdered relented At I linil by Mi-rDll Mr Miholwn I'irsd Mr that Slid lie (Hire Whsn Answering Advertisements question hug'll even ha uuiirlbuied my hainlx full" said Alexander Kindly Mention This Paper the father i nd the meal wa at an end all IMS ruallsl lsrhlsg- TOOTH POWDER "Very liregulsr" four wi re tslklug even freely "You gilnk of no one Inn llashfiil lover 1 I fear I must saeni 48 1003 W'nTu’ Balt Lake-- No "Tbs Osly ltsnllfrlr s of Iileraatlnasl “I do not see that I bire much lo 1'rayers followed with th servant a very Mahars of diillnesi this evening BapaUlMii'-4gN- 4 lbrut titling si this nr wi omer whon no on Mls I'lsi gain In bringing Imik in E sdnilKeil and 1 Slsndard 52 Years after prayirs there iar” returned rd Miieuilly gi'ir i’lNseased Young Woman Hired man old he uc l which enmr dock moment iln th Nn Mr The susaer phsvihu I'anklns you sis walling- )smiled "Well ri I wi'l g Into Ibis wa the signs! for Mr Nlrhn'aun'a de not at all Ilk s droeri You bitn'l l he after breekfsel” parture sny sand nt- - ! i 'I s Nfnps tun i ougti end Works Off Ibn Cold Laxative llrsuo (juiuiue Tsblsu Fries Km His Ambition Reellxed "At lest after forty years of hard work my highest amldi Ion le about to be reellxed” said a worthy fellow citizen who began on a capital of bralna and push and is now counting bis "I have wealth in aeven llgurra bought a house before whose doors nearly every parade of consequence I ran alt in tha window will pass night or day and ace the crowds go by hear the cheering end listen to the music of the bands without having myself squeezed flat my toea trodden upon my clothes disarranged my hat knocked off and all that sort of thing Ever since I was old enough to run away from home to witness s procession I have envied I he possessors of doors or windows along the line of arch and at !at I'm happy” fnt in blstk OP THE PWi Sirs WlMlnw's Urn Nine nrap' rRdt'FM tfc tlhl’itf NtflrfM 'lt nus S!ietbiAU nr-- r PbrNfM I—iiunn aiisyt ysia '—I Haadscha The ordinary feminine headache III be greatly relieved eud In many rases entirely cured by removing tha bodice knotting tha heir high up on the head out of the way ami while sponge soaked In water as hot as can leaning over the basin placing a be borne on the bark of the neck Repeat this many' limes also applying the apongo behind tha ears and tha trained muscles and nerves that have reused so much muery wll be felt to relax end smooib themselves out deliriously end ver fiieieenlly the pelu m consequence promptly vs'il-tfi- m arid llb rtT'NAM dv'd lln good FADKLMS DYKA Coed Definition af "Luck ileflnltlo ITrra 14 Mux (IMI Of using at ala n'rlig'k In lh inoinlnx living on a dullur a (ley If Mu earn two minding Tmk": un "luck nu-m- bimlui-sand ant meddling your Lurk mean a with other people's failed t polninii'iiH J"u luxe nexrr have never felled ihe ir!n uire ijua'ing In Qod lo raicn n t urea and your ki-r- ’s' s 2--1 g pencil-drawin- Nlch-obonl- I HILL'S — mil-tak- napoleon mil-givi- di MTg m Tommy's Essay on Preachers The following essay by a youthful boarding school boy throws quite a new and interesting light on church 'There are three kinds of IlgnlUriee: clergymen blshupe rectors end curate I tie blsbups tel the rectors to work and the curate have to do It Curat le a thin married man but when ho Is a rector he gets fuller and can preach longer sermons end becums a good man we should ellweyi rlspect a curat because sum day be may becum a rector and we must always pity those who ere low down In the vivid any of us may becum ndsfortunete so we must not hit n men with a stone"— English Exchange deputation famojs tl tju OFFICER i : - is Business Woman’s Association is another one of the million women who to health by using have been restored Lydia E Pmfchamfs Vegetable Compound I hOrc"ihik ' ( mi"fl RAW n on Cncle yrr -- w‘ 90 Pe-ru-- na A'" I CRISMQN a- -il ?'hmln sH II Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys by ' "J “ & R aid he i 1 J ay today” Ta vou XII X iC’ jl3 e office and amuse your brother it would he respectful to ASSOCIATION PROS Crelg And by sorry about the table" said the with a certain— dare INTERNATIONAL CHAPTER vsin-i- j“ I MEN u Wi Ur-rlld- 4 free-dlse- nses lea-po- lull) Mtuti MIDWIFE on ' EVERY WOMAN m S PflTEHTS t m-- l’sj ’s V -- Fergus Coalter addrees-sbnminab- lu-c- jhorcs' ITir mm ly I— 1 ‘ j - - S0Z0D0HT Iit Alrx-nnlr- i u-- V S0Z0D0C3T If |