Show THE EMERY COUNTY R T HiIih ACADEMY NOTES PROCESS LIBERAL NEWSPAPER OFFER The lecture by 8 W Williame ’net Sunday night wae one of the treata of the atuiienta meeting arrirc “A via and Ita People" wae Mr Williame' autijret and bn took un right Iron Utah Into the HntrBrni hml HNwi To every new ttulwcriher paying one year iu advance we will jireeent them with one yearn FREK Pshlished every Saturday Suhacrip-liaAdUJiO per year in advance vertising retee on applicatinn heart of the frr o entered Office at faille Pale Becond Claie Matter la the Poet SATURDAY APRIL rn ruute an well an thune in Aaia ailli a minub'iiiiie that only close atudy afford Tlie H!eaker injected conniihTable humor into the discourse and held the attention of bin audience for a full hnur 4 1003 Inter-Mountai- n Fur Pain 'Jtiu ke semi-weekl- Broom of Arimoa te a Tha conference vacation liegan Thura bravo fellow After both honarn of the day morning when ell of the Aendrni) teachera left fur Salt Lake Sclo n leglala'ure passed a law granting the convene Wrdneedav morning lint right of auffragi to women the goverA pleasant eocbtble wae held by the nor vetoed the mraaure But thie gover etudente on Wednesday evening at nor may not be wine which a miacellaneou program wee rendered gamee playeil and a Him luncheon It will be hard luck indeed if with nerved The aaeemldy room wee well all of the twenty live railroada that ate tilled end a merry limo wae enjoyed bv alL to be built “immediately" to and from thin etate tho little old Caatla Valley ORANGEVILLE railroad our hope and proapcctira joy Tuttia and George Snow hould be eidetracked toft Wedneaday fur Iho maoganeae Held It wae certainty unkind of Senator at Littie Grande Smoot to announce ao early that ha had Mrs Belle Reid wife of not received an invitation from tle Clerk John Rekl of Sanpete county la Americue club of Pittaburg to apeak viaiting with her mother Mrs Jane Wilkin in Orangeville Mra Reid haa atitabauquet Tha rumor thatour jun- letclv returned from La Grande Orego ior aenator waa to nrnta liefore that whom heruelf and kuaband are now reGovernor 1 Semi-Weeki- y y Makes a Cleea Streep There's nothirg like doing a thing Of ell the salve you ever thoroughly heard of Bucklen'e Arnica Salve ie the best It swse swsy end runs burns eons brumes cuts boils ulcers akin eruptions and piles It's only 23c end g nr ran teed to givs sstisfadi in by James Petal Cast Male In connection with the R G W Railway the 8hoiit Ltxg Utah to Kansas City St Joseph Chicsgo Galveston El atul the mining camps of New Mexico and Ariaon Special attention paid to Wool and Live 8tock shipments For particular about tha Reduced Passenger Rate h summer apply to C BUOriKLO IIRAXCH who is well post Consult County Clerk or the respective signer for further lultormstlon In the Heventh Judicial District Court of Ihe Htals of Utah In and furKweryecnuly In lb Matter of tho Estate and GnaMlan-ki- p of Alfred K Fall s minor— Notice I’slltlonof Fred Fail for letters of guardianship Ie he lulled to him hsi been set for hearing at IS o’clock a m April srh IStO at Iho court house In Castlodaio 15 square miles uf coal land and haa 20 county Utah ! miles more to lucate parties to furnish Kmcry K W FOX JR Clrrk First pnh March 21 ISM namea or otherwise Choice locations (23) per tyre showing ont or more vein of anthracite Common coal land 81 NOTICE per acre lie has also aoma goid and ore: silver claims showing free milling I ITnlled States Isind Offlre blanket vein Halt Lsks City Utah March IS ISM I some showing s assay To Whom It Msy Concern: that according to pocket-knifXotlen Is hrrliv given thst IhsHtstsof givee 12 in silver win shout two mile tab has fllnHn this office s list No 171 of long and aia feet wide gives 8190 in I' ths mid Hints Sir the lands selerled gold and 81 in silver and some copper sstsbllshment by permsnen’ t vein of slum 00 percent rvolrs under sectloa 12 of 'he set of Also approved Jut ISth ISM The folsesay traceable for five mile or more Congresa low In tracts embraced In mid list arc In a Other rich alum deposits Beat fire- township containing mineral claims ol proof mica showing red green yellow record vis: 8 W B W b Hm 2 Tp 22 H R I and white and black colors with enough E The H L mer gold and silver to tint This Is ths most A copy of Mid list so Ihr ns It relates tn valuable vein of this mica ever dis- Mid tracts by descriptive ha covered Glass manufacturers' attention been conspicuously isisted In this nffiee fna by any person Interested sad by is called tu a valuable deposit of sodium Inspection " generally Has kits of other good proposition to Within the next sixty day following the In offer nroile who mean business He date of this not lee under departments! Inns of November 21 KM (3 I D fntl si rurl anslv and asks tne closest investigation or contests theelnlmofthe against protests sis of mineral offered Only jieraon who Mtsre many of the tract or hereinbefore dmerlticd on Ihe ground that mean businsss need apply Ai the Mine I more valuable for mineral than Progress Castledale Utah for agricultural purposes will lie rceclvrd and noted for report to tho General Land Office at Washington It C Failure so to protest or contest within tha lime specified C CHR1STESEN will be considered sufficient evidence of the character nf the tracts and the selection thereof being otherwise free from oldvellon will lie recommended AKfe FRANK II HORBH for approval GKO A MMITH Deceiver Registry First pub Mareb pub Mny IS IDOX A fine old Bourbon A reeponsibto'party sd on mineralogy and thoroughly au al quaiuted with Euterv county's mine-rasotircas is prepared to sell to or locate parties on some choice mineral land of various kinds Us can supply most any dsmsnd fur precious and rare minerals Coal land a specially He hae located 1 - uul H-H- m 21-- last at Residence it :?H al Watchmaker Inter-Mounta- in In a dlti-bi-- repn-wnte- s NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION o i' To Cure a Cold in One Day 11 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaUauc’vZ STOCKHOLDERS' N Min i vie-th- I’RTSS C Express prepaid w Knclusv stamp for reply If ynu are not perfectly satisfied wllh goods return at my expense and your IA4U will be reHend for trial order HUNTINGTON turned by next mail Remit by postal order or bank exchange Ilrference Nstlonal liank of Repuh- He IHia’s and Bradslrver i C H REILLEY Elk Liquor Co 90 East Firat Sooth Salt ICC Finn public si Inn Muiga Jaaeaa i I'araaasx ‘"wtora Feb 11 STOCKHOLDERS' MWI K 8t Uk City Utah 0n"'vlllB’ Km"V county Wit rums rhe Hlar- - lili h company a IMah mafu IlflTih I United Mlelea Uaf Roll Lake Clly UtahTMaNhi To Whom II May Concern: Xotlce to hereby Riven that ths im Ulsh Iim Hied Ie this oflM s List £s lands Mlecled by Ihe sold Mats Mu tsbllshmcnl and nwlalsnsnc sf i and Dumb Asylum asder serltas Ri set of Cmtgrrm approved July IAMl Ths following traels embraced Is mil are In township qaalslulos claims of iwentd via: The K H H K V Hw W q H K I H K H He- - ATp n Ih ft ft! A copy of Hid llat so far as II tsld tracta by descriptive snbdlnriNU been conspicuously pisiled In thh Inspeclhm by asyanoa Inlersstoftm Within Esmsi days fbltovMi data nf this unites slaty UBdardepartMsts struetloiis of November 17 IM iRl 41) protests or eoatest afalast Us q of ihoHiatstoany of ths tracts mm visloos benriabefora described m ground that the rams Is rmn vstodh mineral than for agrtcallsral pm will bo received and noted for rspsrl b General Iswd Office at WssklsgtosJ Fallnic so to protest or contest wlltel time spcvlfled will be considered siifiR evidence of ths chanmr the irons sad ths selection ihsm(hl otherwise free from ohdaetloawlH ki hr approval FRANK D lIOBBIIeghSi GKO A SMITH Receiver First pub March B— last pnh May ft I ill NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United Bis tea Land Office Hall lake City Utah February 6 IMH Xotlen Is hereby given that the following named aellltr has filed nnrleo of his Intel tlon to make Dnal proof In support ol bis claim and that raid proof will be made to fore the County Clerk of Kmery county Utah at Castle Itale Utah on March 14th I vl I WI John W Davies upon his Homestead Entry No IXcm forN the H 4H W i N W H K and WNX UHre HecXITpISB R I K H L mer Ho namea Ihe following wltneasea to prove his eonllnnnus residence upon and cultivation of Mid land via: Kphralm Hawks Charle A Htllson Charles Curtis and Adelbert Child all of Orangeville Utah FIIAKK D HOBHH Reglatur First pub Fab 7— last pula March 14 IfXH WiiaaKATho Mammoth ('anal and Reservoir company the IParr Illleh company and the Ureal wealern renal company are earh anil all ofMhem Utah corporations now existing anil each and all or I hem engaged III the miiw general liiislness In thn iho Mid rlljipr irrigatMine vlrlnlly ing Cannl nimpaiiy tu wilt— The business of Irrlgsllon In llm vlrlnlly of Orangeville ainl ( nsI In Dslt Kmery county Utah all taking their water from Cottonwood creek Now tlirreforr Ihe directors and uffirers aforeraundersigned Id of l In aid Clip per Irrigal Ing Canal rouinaiiy hereby give nollee Ibal aancrlal ers1 meeting nr ihn Mid Clipper Irrigating Canal company to railed and will ha held al Horlal hall In Orangeville Kmery enmity Utah Un7th day nf April lauL at 7Ji n'rliN-P-- tnnf Mbl day fur Ibe purpose of and voilng upon a proposition nf alllig wild i llpi er Irrigal Ing Canal will) llm raid Hunt ninth I'slial rnnipany r y romp in v llm Hlarr Dileli and the Ureal Western Cansl y rurporallnns aforesaid under l hu of Heel Inns XW and III or I he Revised Mamies of Utah of Isas and oilier provisions nt law appllralilu thereto upon silrh terms and eomllt Ions as will he put before Ihe alnrkhiilders el said meeting and In transact rack other IhinIiicns as may lawfully rnme liefore said lueel Ing Dated FnfoSUh IHS A non-ailnc- NOTICE United H tales LaadOMm Fait Lake City Utah Febrnsry Lm To Whom It 'May Col The Mate of Utah having srlechda port of lie grant for Ihe eslsbllsk maintenance of a School of MIbm m the Illh sectloa of tho Art of Cnami roved July M net ths foilowlag ?met returned by tho United Vital) ae mineral lead ewhi hereby given Ibal I he Mid tlatewlgisli as totheeharaeier ef seldlmil fmiof Register and React vsr si tkti flee on Maoday the Uti day at Arill at M o’ebiek a m vlst The H H HK)( Nee l7TpSIR-BR- l! L Mer smbmred la list Xawffilhr thi laMIshmenl and malntenanae of afliM Mines All peretmi elalmlng any port toads deserllied Irani as mlneral ltnderMi to protest orohjeel to Ihe irleetlee by the fllste are hereby snsasnosed h) pear on that data and submit IsstlMW support of their claims nr obi eel torn FRANK I) HOW GKO A DMITII Kerelver Raghln First pub wtb I L— last pah Aptfll M veynr-Gener- sliN-kho- mini-pancom-pan- President(lJawggs aud lilrectur J O Ll'gg A Hecrelarand K R First puhl (ration Felt A lilh-eto- r It a l n t'ux Chaw pon n J H 2 iwl 11 1 Sure Thing Irrigated crops never (nil aurra of irrigated Innda Thou-sandao- r I Idaho Tlm I’lmnce of lire time tor of moderate (eiipl men ns tu Secure a Home MEETING f ipeeisl meellng of the of the hlarr Dileh rninpaiiy a with It rliirloali!ao In this favored country Choiest Garden Spot Wesl of the RockyMountains rurwii Hum euiageil In thn huslnessof Irilgslbm In the vicinitygeneral of 'RCVI '“JJ"1"1 ll'Bc I ’ale In Kmery county Wiikskah The thn Hi ln lule the melon and aim unileralgnndamall uf llm Niarr lillcb company mndu errriary curniral ion and W it km an The ('llpfMir Irrigating Causl I the nhly direct rmita to all ronifiaiiy the Mainnioih I'aniil A Ki'wrvnlr (mint to Idnlio (Iregnn Mohlnr rimipany and llm llreat Wnslnru I'anal earh anil all nr iheni ltai and tlm Nurthweat niniimiiyara now roiporniioiis anil each ml all of IliPin engagpdesisilng In ibn snnm gpnnral '®rtiMin Mu no h" “lB" tlm Mid tlrnw a io all-:roinimny K U UUKLEY 0 P A T A IIPSS of nfllnSnn irrlgsllon In Ibn hmory eouniy L'mb" vjllpaiil "lraaip1ilM faH Itk Qity Utah hlr n"l I'nl tun wood rrw'i Now Ihprpriire ihn umlprslgneil lura and ulllei-r- afnrpsabl of tlm Mill tiiree BO YEARS' Hlarr iii-l- i rumpaii?Mlb-n-hrmliy give nolle a EXPERIENCE Ih" ' of Illl'PlItlg Mid emiifianv Is eslled Slid alii in hi'lil aljillch MopIsI hall In Orangeville Kinerv I I Mil roil my un llm Till day ol Aprl ID at li In of aaldilai for llm purnnae TjtJiN'Im-- The Oregon Short Line Railroad rU' $ a lri STOCKHOLDERS' MEETE OTICK of special meeting nf Ihil bidders of the Grant Westers ( company a Utah enrporalloa wHl principal pise uf business at Kmery riiunlyMalo of Utah W ll saBASTbr Great Western Csasls Utah enrnnralloa eiigamdlsa pauylsa g n rs! business oflrrtgatton la la1 of Ity Orangeville and CMtlcdato to Kan eiiunly Utah and Wn aae an The anri dlrartnn and alsonnderatgned Inrlude the and aerrrlary uf the Great Weststl OS company Mid aorporaibmiaiid WitansAS The Vllpper irrlgaltogDe rompany the Hlarr Dltrh cmafiar Mammoth Canal A lleservotr cuaimafi each and all iglhem UlahenrporaOsaiw exist Ingjind sorb and all of them Ihe rants general business In Ibe mm Inlty as the Mid Great WMleraftoadm Iriislnessof IrrlgatM' imiiy ihe vlelnlly id Orangeville and CastHte Kmery eiiunly Utah all taking Iheheer from rotlimwHiilrraekj Now tberafora tho uaderslgsed lors oml offirera afuiVMld of the saM— Western I'anal rompaay hereby gW£G lice that a special luckbidders' awetSUg-th- e said lirrnl Wealern Canal eemeM eallnl and will lie held at Hnelal hall' aiignvllle Rmery nmnly Ulahea lay of April IMA at 7Jn nVIork the purpnw of eotisMeringam day ng upon a pnqaisIlliinormmsolklallH' Greai Wealern ratal oHMtHtny vd said Clipper Irrlgal Ing Canal coMaaaL r Illleh company and the !( l (anal lleservulr rompany cwwirsijaf fonwalil iinSer the proelsbHis of fi and Jll nf the Revised ataldlessl ir isms and other provisions of lavaed01 bin l hereto a pun such lermaandreeW as will he jiut hetorn Ihe alnrkhsMM aid merlins and to transart ssrbiv ’ Mislnest s msy lawfully soma kstotv imwtlns Doled February rth IRA A II Cox Freeldenl ami Ml N fr to!'' Gnanas FoxIHtMrai erratory sod Osomis Htvrxsck W w Terms Wa U I’igwX imesto Flrsl piibllrsl Inn Feb NOTICK I fFrte4x' St Trsdi Aliwa Dcbionr CovmoHT Ae ketek and Sea riMinn Wn I niil'in leRN M IMpM mu Kitr rimi 'Mriry “ 14 111101 jvIM JL iiiiwiiir I I ' IRA PuniJCATIGNUft Rivm htatxn Larr Den ltt his ronllniioiis residence upon ass lion nf said land vlat Arthur J 1 Main J Jrift Mori and Jai an gImh COS all nt Castle Dale Utah FRANK It HOHHM Hfsl mills March 7— Iasi pub Aprl RGTICK FOR I’UHLICATIOfi imv jmHi Ipriiia rii I'oiiij riKiiio n iIih Ridefc iniiipri Mini liilmiikAi’i m isAL-VT7 FOU 9 Hall Lake Utah Ketofl Kullee to herebyCity that then named aeltlerhas given Aled notice of h lion tn make Anal proof In anppo claim and that Mid proof will be I J'" I ue County Clerk of Kmery Ulsh at Castle Dale Utah on Apt George Colllnebam on Hi h ntry No IfcMO for the W 4 N RCTp IX H KR L Mer He names ihe following wltnesse riiiiaiilprlng smlviit mg iiimiii a priiMiall hm said rooiinr wllb llii'abi I llpMT art lillibt'snai -iir Ibe Mammoth l!mml I riiiiiimny mn ihn 1111 Wuetiirii rniitel lhl ikliiiiH ill H!'! Illlla fn Mini ni ihn (M t- UTAH NOTICE Agencies Mlllsa I’resblent anil Iilrector Ham Am ax Feerelary and Director I 55T (W To any point on Kailroad in IMah Idabu and Wyoming Four foil quarts parked In Jilaln i Howard Und Filingi Proote and Coni Land Eatrfe Tilrfc7 at any pise in Beaten UtahT Deed MortgRR and bpiiL pen Roe rally drown TitlmL amined Abstraeteffarnkdiii Rasters Blah Farm Cool for sole or trade Loan KsnetC ColleelkMil Mads a ad a ’EX Imw Boilaeu eotiSuetrd 4 Foil Quarts $340 Ho-ri- al bqp2Sc I MEETING OTIFK of special meetlnsof the slock holders of I he Msmmol h Canal A He ervolr company Ulsh corporation with Its principal place nf biialness at Castle lisle Kmery county Hi aln of Utah Wnaassa The Maui moth Canal A lleaer vblr company Is a Utah corporation en Iho general liuslnessor Irrigation of Castledalo and OrangC' vllle in Kmery county I'lah and WHKHgaathe unilersIgiiMl are all the directors and also Include Ihe presldnnt and secretary of Ihe Mammoth Canal Reservoir roinpany sold corporal ton snd W IIKNKAM Thn Cllpie-- r Irrigating (!anal company the Hisrr Dit'i'heiiniimny'and i'be Great Western Canal company are each and all of them Vlsh rorporatiuns now and eneh and all or lliem In e the umi general business III theengaged sms Mid Mammoth Canal A Itcaer- Inllyas voir company In wit:— Thn liuslnnss of Irrigation in Ihe vicinity of Caslledale and Orangeville Kmery enmity L'tah all tab Ing l heir water from Colluiisnael crack Now therefore Ilia underslgied dime-tor- s and officers afinesald of the mm Mammoth Canal A Heservoir company hereby give mil Ice that a spcrlal slwk holifers meeting of t hn Mid Mammol h Canal A Is called and will be held at eoinimny llalf Id county Utah or April I ISM at on the nth dayHHinunirniiirrj TJVi o’clock p ni of Mid flay for Ihe purpose uf nmsld and a erlng voting upon proposition nf con solldallngsalil Mammoth Canal A lleser- volrroniimuy with Ihe Mid Clipper Irrigating Canaj company tlie Hlarr Illleh com pany and the Ureal Western Canal com pany rorporatiuns animald under tha provisions of Herllnns In and X4I of tha lie vised htaiulrs of lllah of lost and other provisions of law appllraliln i herein 'uwm such terms and epiidilbins as will le putTie- fore llieslurkholdi-rsa- l Mid meet liig and to transact such other business as msy law folly eonie lielore Mbl mei'tlnx Italvd February Xiili lung on every TUl lgBdRI2® Wtlleinp CmC years old 9 N pe com-plet- a Utak Land Attorney m Notary Public ' I United males land Office I 11)0 Balt Lsks Clly Utah March 'Notice Is hereby given that the following-name- d settler has Bled notice of his IntenSTOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING tion to mskn filial nroof In support uf Ills claim and that Mid proof will be sivls lie for the County Clerk of Kmery County OTICK of iperlal meeting of Ihe slock-hulde- n Utah at Caatlcdale Utah ou May Htli of ihe ('llppt'r Irrglatlog Canal P Pierce Upon his IM vlst Nephl No a Utah corporation with liaprlu-- I company 13174 for Ihe E Homestead Knlry Kmrlpai place of business at M K H Her X2 and W )j S W t Bee 3 Tp 2 ery county Ntjte of Utah Oraugevllltt tLItTKHLmer Wiikmiai The Canal Clipper Irrigating Hn names tho following witnesses tn to a l'tah corporation engaged In pmvn hia eonllnuou rvsluunee upon and company business of Irrigation In the eulllvnllon of Mill land vis: Chris Peter- thu general of Orangeville and Castle Dale In son William II I’rlee David I’rlcs and vicinity Kmery county Utah and Jesse Fugate all of Ferron Utah WnangA Tlm undersigned sr all tha FltANK I) HhHHH Register dlrartnn slid also Include the president First pub April last pub May 1M and secretary of t be Clipper Irrlgal Ing Canal rompany said corporation: and T' u Wm NOTICE P e Caslle Dale Elk Horn Whiskey AND GUARDIANSHIP A CtiAKCE FOR CAPITAL Office Attorney at U Price Utah two-foo- M F Z WOODS JOHN K REID PROBATE Dentist Uenerii Agent 411 Dooly Block 8nlt Lake Clly Utah 20-fo- r WARREN F- - No 34— Leaves Coltin for Scofield 12:15 p m and Clear Creek t'o 35— Leaves Clear Creek for Sco74J0 a m field and Colton naaveiDB march ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUNLIC Now 38— From Mound itoSun'de 8:40 am No 30— From Sun’de to Helper SKJO p m ColloctloMB Spoclalty For information oncerning route OIAXGEYILLK UTAH connections rates ale apply to orad-drea- s B R McDonald Agent body wee juet putting into aiding Since going to La Grande aha FRUIT AS A DIGESTIFS AID eonie awfully funny raading contrasted a ecvere caw of aathmi end Are Kepealally lot her physician recommeoded a change of fee Ferrous AHIM with maitrr climate a the only thing that oould benDyspepsia Mt Plrasxnt ia to have a waterworke efit her They may be thuaeompellad to The partaking of a slice of pineapple cornu back to Utah to live for Mra Reid a ayatem having cant a big vota in favor health after a meal ia quite in accordance with physiological indications since Moat of tha propoaition hat Tueaday Bishop Robertaon and B P Luka am though it may aot be gcnriolly known In of tha larger towna Emery county attending the general conference fresh pineapple Juice contain a recould put io waterworke for only a amall markably active digevtlre principle ARBOR DAY similar to pepsin This principle has fraction of what it will coat Mt Pleaaaot been termed “bromelin" and ro powfor ita ayatam and map a big harveat on April 15th is Arbor dev State School erful is its action npon proteid that the great cooven ie oca enjoyed and tha Superintendent Nrlsnr to therefore urg It will djgest as much a 1000 timea ing the county superintendents to have Its weight within a few hours Its dibetter health of thecitiaena tM school children in parly observe this gestive activity varies In accordance the kind of proteid to which At tha World'a fair in Chicago in 1883 beautiful day He requests ell superin- with It is subjected Fibrin disappear! entendent to the nunilier promptly report Emery county honey won tha big heat after a time aaya a medical of trace placed by the schools in their tirely authority merit of award The honor wss from respective counties The record will lie With tha coagulated albumin of the farm of John Zwablon at Perron An published In ths newspapers The folrggs the digeetive process I alow exhibit of our honey must aho be sent lowing program are suggested: while the albumin of meat Its action seetns first to produce a pulpy gelatPNIMABV DRFANTMBNT to St Louia neit roar juat to ?iow inous mass which however comTime 8 a to tu lUbl) that wa atill produce the beat article in Vatur I minute pletely dissolves after a short time song When a slice of fresh pineapple is in that line on earth Thie euggeatioo Prayer “ Bprlngson “ W placed upon a raw beefsteak the surie made with a feeling of local pride and Htnry ortho early forest ' Heellallun I face of the ateak become gradually tree t not to diacourige prupoeed rzbibitor Ills A Nona gelatinous owing to the digestive acHow In earu fur Ireo tion of tha enxyme of the juice Of of other land M Ill Budding course it to well known that digestGreet forests andl their lubslil- CASTLE DALE UTAH 11 10 tanl ive agenta esiat also in other fruits A “ Etkrt number of the ‘nun I hut a It considered that anaverage-toe- d A llllle gardens Planting EXECUTOR’S SALE Punier of Soli Lake City ja a veritable Ureal men who planted aanleii pineapple will yield nearly two “ W Kuikineie seen be will it that Estate of fur tho Song pint rf Juice encyclopedia of Information i “ Hugh MuKae deceased Teachera should try if siasilile to have the digestive action of the whole termer and fruit grower Bra Wright will sell at private Tbs underaigned some uf the hove learn to bud liefore fruit must be enormous The activaale to tha highest bidder for cash on io oertainly the right man io tho right Arbor and of allow thl to show them others ity day peculiar digestive agent or after the 6th day of April 1003 tha Have some horticulturist attend vour la destroyed In the conked pineapple hereinafter described and pleoe And right here we desire to ro school and illustrate budding and graft- but unless the pineapple la preserved property written bids will ba received at Goshen mark (although wa had do thought of ing by hent there is no reason why the Utah county Utah addressed to the 10:30 to 12— free planting tinned fruit should not retain the undersigned The property to be raid is doing ao when wo started In pen the lit dexcribed aa follows: orahmar drpartmrht digestive power for the Parmer) that paper tie bouquet Lot 1 block 43 Hnnlinrfon Utah Time 8 to 11 a m The active digestive principle may to given free fur a whole rear to every with improvements 1 be obtained from the Juice by dissolvHong 8harea of stock in tha Huntington ee beenher of tho Pro- Prayer ing a quantity of common salt Co-o- p appmiaed at 8781 Korins Nuns I or in it when a precipitate i obtained declaration Grlgin Kimy Shares of stock in the Roller mill ap M gress Thie offer hold good only for a of Arbor day possessing (he reinnrkahle digestive praised st 890 I abort while longer Tha Progress alone Reading 0 Recitation power Just described I'nllke pepOne cow 10 Commercial Value nfTrae sin th digestive principle of the WM B STEELE Executor ie worth 810 a year 'but wa only charge Oral Ion— Arbor Day IS S will operate In an arid Goshen Utah county Utah Hour pineapple to am and It IlGOfbr I get Celebrated Trar mighty glad Wm D Livingston Altorusy neutral nr even alkaline medium S Original Poem Dated March 19 1001 Beef Ruddlng UraDIna and PrunluglS to the kind of proteid to that amount for it whan we get School 0 round end lluw to Imwhich it la thereIt may presented 10 prove Them fore lie assumed that the pineapple Prull Kslslng and Its Prospects Tun eumpletioa of the Ffenaum SHERIFF’S SALE In Utah 77NI would not only a hi the work enxyme Hon will mark the realisation ul a dream 300 of digestion in the stomach but Ill Ike liltlrlel Court at the Seventh Ju II to H— Tree planting dlclal DUIrIrt at Ih Histe or Utah In Afternoon— Planting and pruning of would continue that action la the Inyearn old Tha building of the cam! waa and for Emery county trace testinal tract I'lnrapple It may lie dreamed of by tha Bpnntoh conqueror added contain much Indlgeitliili1 11KNHY K KIhHKR l'lslntlir vs ofMeiico and South America hytha MOLEN matter oi the nature of woody filter Briltoh adventurara whose ships of war hut It tr quite possible thnt the de- liKOIlKK imN and ADORATIIA W Dclhiidsnl Frink B ns’i ai l Mist II annab Amler cidedly digestive prnN-rtirof the To he wild si Rherlir aele on the SOI h day swept the Spaniards from the Southern sen ware married ou the S4th A fire julee compensate fur this fact of April IM at IS ’dark soon! Iks front waa and by the navigators and engintliKir of Ih County Court House In CmiIc reception and dinner followed the eera The Wreear Kapreaaleu eers of all uationa In all times Da Lea moay all terminating with a pleasant The Millrrinan heard high words Dais Emery county Nlale of fish Dm fol Inwlnx rvsl yroperty to wit: and poked his head In the door wpa dreamed of It and found it the dance Lot On II) In lilook Twenty ISO) lu the on here?" he de“What's goln' On Friday night tost most of tha Town of Huntington Kmcry county I'lsh gram of all hia hopes Only tha firat manded seen Minx In Ihe reeuril pint of Mill town folk of Ferron came ovor here to “Nawthin'l Nswthln' at all!" an- and atop haa bean made but it to a mighty young all and water right dance musiu with them bringing Only one Irishswered of the hrlHgrrrni etrM llinreunlo pertaining or In n ay way lie Tha canal to yet to be built but three Molnn girl were there and none of men in the middle of the floor Innglnx whether by share of them to do one to doubt but that Amer- our boye The Ferron people filled the "There s nawthln' gnlV on but rspllsl lnek In any illleh company or liy setiisl ownenhlu of any dllrh ur illlrbe there's a fight enurin' iff In lisa than or ican geoiue nod labor can build it The house Interest Ibervln if a minute movin'"— keep MW OliNKX only ye'll United Slates will succeed wham Prance Mrs V I Martin of Mush came here Hherlff of Eineiy County Utah Chicago Post SS Msreh iwo Pint pnh failed The cannl will be built end It tn attend her brother Frauk'e wedding ItlkliC Atwrmlac She wa ancumpantod by Miss Johnson-Mrwill be ao American canal Sharpe— What strange sound your want to Sunny- - wife '! making! I'm afraid aha ha Abner Tnoummdb Saved By aida last week tn join her husna oil a At SALVATION RAILROAD Whaltnn -- Don't ba alarmed Khe where aha will stay tbL summer DR KING'S HEW DISCOVERY h'r Peter Knulsen ha aoll hia tot on Not long ago a 8unday newspaper bor while she has her mouth full of Thh wonderful medioini poL aekad a number of preachem whom they Main street to Win J ohms hi Chicago Daily News clutheplns— cures Consumption Cough tively regarded aa Urn greatest foea of Chr'a 8nm Caldwell the other dsv gut mixed PneuColde DronohitieAstf and writers apeak up with a bucking horse ami had hia tianlly particularly Favar monia bad been who suf A customer ours of Hay Pleurisy era The answers included a number of thumb thrown out uf juint Hoarseness Sore Throat fering from a severe cough for 6 months pereuna such a Huxley Ingersoll Tom lined Nolen is in of a marshal tu keep Isiught two bottles of Chamberlain's Croup and Whooping Cough Itolna and Spencer Tbis list ia not the boys in line List N Sunday night Cough Remedy from us anil was entirely Every bottle guaranteed without tho name of a Missouri re- several families were cured br ope ami a naif bottles of it It No Cur very much annoyed Prioa B0o&$l Pay vivalist who recently published the ful gives perfect satisfaction with our trails Trial bottle Dree by a gang of y oungsters — Haynes Parker A (to Unavilo Ala towing remarkable announcement: Our school ctosetl un Friday with For sals by nil ilsatora in pstsnt medicins SALVATION RAILROAD OrriUCKN results accomplished ami our good President— Almighty God left us Die following'itoy teacher SAVE TIMB AND MONEY BY USINO THE Superintendent— Ttie Holy Ghost one case of Motet! but has -emallpox Naxarath of Jeau Trainmaster QUAKER PATENT CARPET FASTENER Train on Ibie road ere run on ache-dut- that uf Jusepli Bwasey Ihsp aie mSs sf gsb timo No etuporer allowed - ton Farming is well under way cssuM MmI wtrs M mat sr hrssk set at much at stake Your sin jmjs your tore M awrt lM Uclil ssd Lika Kaparlenra Xetlilug I Give it up “Eternal life" beautifi scenwill law Mow Aar “One truth learned by actual expericarps! heal lagrals M ery Treine ere run through Karrifle valhme BtimcUs css he ence does mom good than ten rxsri-cnee- s ley over Triumph hill and Paradis Plain pel Sows hi hsH Iks one hears alsiiif" Tell a man that an and css ba liko with grand terminal at Celestial City p with the kasd m Clndera and Dinr tael raipSrsd la fas Safa pnwuige guaranteed if )uu nlier the Chsuilierlnni's Colic will euro cholera morhii Isstn wHKaet pnaal Is auiierinlentlunt Driot at corner of Kaith rlmca Remedy dssgsr sf tasrtet si Aa w III iiiimI likuly liefore it anil lie forget a CM avenue and street Ciunag h Wa aae Kepentanca him have n SeCilpM tleket quick Whosoever will mny come the end of the dny Let r Teas feel that he vern altnrk uf that discs Writ la Will you gof Is about to die us till remedy and ualur SsscripSae one hn learn from bis uwii eterirnce how A disordered atumach tuay cauw no end quickly it gives relief and he will reinem-lir- r TM QUAKEI CARPET FASTENER CO When the sloniach fails to it all his life For anla by all dealer uf trouble Rkkms4 laJUas II LA srfurm its function the Imwel lieeoine In (Siteiit medicine drrangrd the liver end kldne) songesl-icausing numerous diseases the UMist falsi of sbk'h are painless and llirretorn the inuia to lie dirndrd The iiuporlant hi Two Days thing Ie to d store the stomach and lvrr to a lie by iuMiitlup and for llila pur )iao no better pn rarnl Ion can Ini used than Chamlx rtoin s Klomaeh stul Liver Svw Mteow towns soMlw port 13 Bondt lalilels Huiti lijr all ilealvrs lu lt ul rimiplfi SANTA FE ROUTE Effective Sunday O stuber 27 1801 No 6— For Grand Jum tion Denver l3l p m end all pointa East- No 2— For Grand Jum tion Denver 7:37 p m and all points Eid No 4— For Grand Jur rtion Denver 102 am and all pointa East No 1— For 8alt Lake City Ogden 720 a m and Pacific Coast p int No 3— For Halt Lake City Ogden and Pacific Coast puints5:ifl p m No 3— For Salt Lake City Ogden and Pacific Cnaat point (doe not top at Price) Leans Helper 5:02a m Semi-Weekl- y Oun Price neighbor are to be con"Merrily Oil" wna nplendidlv aung by gratulated on their purchaae of the Mianea Tbora Jubonon Franco Bird Mammoth reeervoir It will prorethe Amelia Bolt Kelwcaa Petrraen and Menem C T William & W William beet inreetment they ever made andHector Evan RAILWAY CO CURRENT TIME TABLE to the Farmer Utah1 groat farm and family journal published at Salt Lake City The regular price of The Progress and Farmer is $25u per year Send us only $150 and get both papers for a full year TribOr if you prefer the Salt Lake each Herald une or the Salt $150 a year send us $240 and get your home and a big paper (almost etjual to a daily) published at the State capital and containing all the state general and legislative news for a whole year To all subscribers a year or more in arrears who will pay up to date the nltove offers hold good aud to Hiilmcribers a year or more in arrears who will settle their present iudebtodness and ay for the home paper one year in tulvanee we will give them their choice of any of the other pajKTs and send same a whole year alutolutelv free nulwcriptioD continent peupln and instum met with u Atchison Topeka&Santal IVJWI svirs lllinel GsrmHntrs Scienfifit Jlmericatt pnlftiiiifi nr Hrn jin l"r-- rif aPimiiiHfl MriMiL Unreal Hn Unllml Hi ales Land OJ Hall Itoke Utah MafcJ Not lew Is herebyClly that Ihe Fdl naiiM-s- l filed Mirtlrenf hk eelller has given lion in make filial proof la suppo claim and ihal Mldpnml will toi fora the County Clerk uf Kmerr al Cssile)ale Utah on A Iktol vlat John K HiNleniulsI llomesinml Kniry No lUMfortket and K h Sf K He 7 Tp P if I mer lie nanii'S the witnesses Ills I'niiiinuiiua lollnwlng raslilenna lliem and lion af raid IsndiVlsi Christen ( ''n IS1"' Ibtsmiisseii Andrew liorvslil Hasinusseii all f yJ'ljTI "r hissrti OISaeTJ Mr-- I FI’ANR pul Men-- i II IliillltH Hn pul' F' lul - |