Show UL The VOL 3 CASTLE DALE UTAH SATURDAY MARCH 7 1903 WW tfMoWAr COUNTY TOWfl AND COOHTY NOTES i CmWilf m now Furniture at Iraa tw Hallpox at Otic big discount 15 pounds of ler A Co 'a Suadv Jadfa FE TwbminP returned Irani Ibll auger for Plenty of honey 5c per pound Andaman Lake Citjr on Tuaa at L Wall Irrr Grrgrrsrn working for Prter Friadsen dislocated his shoulder this wk while tanking a boras Mbs Fan nie Carroll and EJ Carroll now of Huntington wrre nailing with Caetbdato friends on Wednesday Huntington la gotof to hare a creamer Caatlrdala Orangeville Frrron and Eatery should take a hint from this Orangeville Co op Snnltary'DIntricU ul Health Yon will act miaa it by attending the theatrical performance at Orangeville Mias Bertrudo Seely relumed from Provo Turedar where abe went to name her brother Dave who wee n victim of the mumps Dave returned to school Monday Wm Biukin will aet out 15 acre of fruit trees this spring consisting of ap phn pears plana a cherries and peaches The trees come from the Pioneer nur- serf of Salt Lake represented by F P Mr and Mrs & M WiHiama spent Saturday and Bandar hart r jailing with their ana They were on their way home from Price to Emcrr Swot a The receipts of County Recorder AnThe annuel muling of tbs Mammoth dersen's offleo for Fehruaiy were 842870 Cecal end Reservoir Ca wu held Monas compered with 158145 for January day The chief item of interest wu The January receipts were tba great- the report of the treasurer which est erer received in one month nnd the ehowod the company some 187 ia debt February receipts are the third largest Home little objection wee manifested uuinlh'e receipts ever taken in by that roucernlix the acceptance of tba report office With ovi-- r MUuO receipts for t's but when ib vote to accept it wu put Ural tan nulilLelha pioapn-llor a fee the opposition showing wu light The onl breaking year are quilt bright expense of building a flume and the matTbs play “A Loyal Fritad" waa well eriel for urns required more cash than usual bene leu work payments The patronised by an appreciative audisnoe Biallrr of electing officers wu deferred at Hucial hall last Saturday nighl until after the consolidated canal meet-in-g The play ia not ooa calculated to cull forth any great dramatic ability bsnoa AmernUy ball wen crowded Sunday J nous waa displayed Tba farce “What'a night and everyone wu pleased with Uie £jju a Name" waa presented by Mrs Sor-rendered thY M end Y Ie s by Banaen Robert W Lak and Hyrum program ami waa wall received Nails U M I A la conjoint session The lecture furnished tbs music from his by Mrs Carrie Larsen whom subject The entarlainmsot netted wu "Chastity” wu particularly worthy phonograph the Y M and Y L M I A about 832 of mention Tho speaker handled tbe Hon Orange Seely Orange Boly J r subject Id a moat intelligent end force A end Dave Seely ereenroute to Salt ful manner end wu warmly concrete lated et the cluae of tho "Sweet La‘Cily It ia understood a coolest Sabbath Evr" a prettymeeting selection wu ' tfgaae comes up before U ft Lead Keowv- nicely sung by Hector Evans Mr end ne Smith on Monday effecting the own-- ' Mre will King and Hyrum Zwablen A '“Oiakip of thu coal land ou Ivie creek humorous recitation wu given by Mies i Where the Kk Grande rued profssree to Louis Kuflurd end a humorous reading n new coal camp near the bv Arthur Andersen Mre Maria Allen 4kuulh of Ked creek Tba contest la be- edited tbe "Mutual Advance" which the radioed company end Jack contained e number of good things Wm Lak elm contributed to tbie paper Ueange and others Pen V -: -' jen Some Barnaitis r v Will lie nold t coat to make room for ftpring goods Wr are lo cloning out our Cats something will euon be doieg ie the wav ef railroad budding iu this Tbe Pwgreu hu contended all along that tbe particalar need of the Castle Valley railroad wu to serve link in a groat short traoeeMtinutel railroad from coast to coast This appears to be the groat ambition of Groifc Gould Reports era heard from time to time of Mr Gonld'i efforts ia the east towards securing aa Atlantic termiaal and this ha appurs to have secured tbe port being Norfolk Va Renee ho soar ku bath an Atlantic cud Fnciflc auport ter mine I 'jut tbrr arc several links of railroad to bo acquired before ho competes bia transeootioealal line It wu at Brat thought that Mr Ooold would enter into soma satisfactory traffic arrangement with Senator Clerk that would give Gould n Pacific coast outlet for his inland railroad system bat it look though Gould didn't propose to enter into any alliaaeu He apparently is for going it alone in his railroad schemes which Maku It eppur aggrava tingle slow to the people of this valley who look for the early completion of the local railroad Wo hope it is tru that tho Rio Grands railroad bou hu got a Pacific termiaal until That terminal Mot worth two-bit- e the Rio Grand romf is built to Sen Francisco with a line ranting to Los Angeles as welL Simultaneous with the commencement of the work to esteod the Rio Grand liu to the Pecifln oust work will begin oo the completion of the Cattle Valley road which will be pert end parcel of Mr Oonld'a coast to coast lice Let the work proceed COOL Dlda’I Rnlkortit Hlu la Deal tar Thou la tho GraagoEa ala MoouaJSlM GraagFa During the coming work THE RIMITIIIE STtSE' offer Secifi Bargain Many good can be had1 at coat and aome llov cost StntaucaL The fmlowiiig communicelion from Our large fttock of SPRING CfflffY? will won be here and in order to make room for same we offer special liargain the coming week on oldi Jamu Lobey Lodge No 475 Rof L F wu received by tbe Pragrrs this week u it approre to be written in a spirit bora of ths intention of clearing the order ef the charge of meddling ia an aouvory matter wa giro It apace: Bum Utah March R 1IKR Editor Emery Connty Progress: Dear Sir:— In your issue of Feb SB under the heeding "Won't Be Aey Com proaim "aad abo ia another column under date of Orangeville you puMtened two articles which we as aa organisaend tock You cannot afford to mia them 8 P OTTOSE- K- Christian Ottawa of Burtiagtoa TEACMEBS USTITUTL MIITIKIW tion will not tolerate county bu inspector for one year ulary interview la the (aa reported by 1350 par day for time actually amploved ragrou man") with Mias Grange eh Hunting too March 5 J U Brasher of Huntington fish and doro not uy or even intimate that Mr he softened ap a little sruther Tbe game warden ulanrl&O per year Carrington represented oororgaaiution A light nnd furthermore we went tea and the tho last thru or four days Tbe following road eaperrieors were The nert mast tog of tha Ooaatv arrow felloe of Tuesday erowog public iu general to understand now end sprinkle Teache-w- ’ selected IoslitalewUI be held oa next far nil lima that if Mr Carrington did AU goes hr oooo ua Wednesday Droert Lake James W Bradley March I4fhe- This will hatha Saturday approach Mim Grange yon have We notice oar townsmen E J Grange teat Cleveland— Sophu Olsen laud claiming himself to be a institute meeting during this uehool of tbs Brotherhood of Loco- hu just returned to us after as a bosnee Lawrence— Ob K Tuft Tbe following questions am motive Firemen plroan uadorstaad aod of a year sad a half He hu bun at Huntington— Peter bailee n by Prof J E Hickman tha inUte that ho did it without any and Weal Jordan Wa are Castled I— Lewis C Larsen stitute's iaatructor: or instruct ions from our orgaoi-utio- Bingham see him end family rotara pleased to Gbsmmsk Ovruns Orangeville— Joseph Jewken own vour For information nnd of that here skkoeev Tbe bu been of a mild 1— Wherein do boom aafilpy bom Clawson— Orson Barney the general public and naidente of Or- nature generally Perron— Andrew Paterson agroa end d bag roe? (b) What b the bw angeville we wish to impress slrnnglr on Moien— Dsn M Beach vour and their minda that the Brother Oa Monday tba quarantine flags were or rob to the au of tha hood of IaKometira Firemen no nor all dowa but one— at Ira Brinks place-bu- t (e) Iteflae who what that oh The plat of the uw town of Claweoo "traffic in the virtue of young women" wu approved nnd Bled oa Wednesday a new one wu raised they and 1st us state right hero that the unThe boundaries of tbe Clawson road 1— Deflu a verb (b) What au tha warranted and unjustifiable statements et th home of Haas Massing making modifications of a vorhT (c) Review district comments at n point on the mad in vour iemit of Feta Si ere abao two ia tho town lutely and totally without truth or founnorth of Clawson towns! to known ITS old eon ef Mr nnd the list of irregular verba Earl tho dation and do our orgauiutki groat la Five-mi- l 318 (d) Coojegate "hr” aad "hah" io wash uer Fouleoo'e timber M arsing ia uffsriag with tha to Mrs Bane justice entry thence south to mile put N 10k Trusting your unro of justice and diphtheria Dr Fursoa wuoalkd over north of Perron verba: (a) Kioda (b) tarma right will be aa ready and willing to ren- Tuesday to attend la case der our organisation ths reparation due folMoleo rand district wee fixed claamo d) vuica (mj agwmaafi with (e) ia We have a few ladiu end children' you hen been to publish the ioeio lows: Commencing at Molsu town Huntington is going to have the first aabjact uatiooe coot upon it end asking the use c 0M3 in Emery county ear It will creamery thence runoiog west to withu ou mil Mp 4— Aaslpu tho vorbo Io tho following' u “ of your valuable column to set bo and ran by local capful uotenors giving tho voicn modat team esiaUietd rood eoulh of county north and right before th people of Utah w ore labor A wall attended meeting wu anmber nod Your very truly "Should I go all throngh Ferroo town also com me Being Jamu Lobkt Louts No 47ta B oe!U F held Saturday night to pueh tho matter will he wen” paiua at Motea thence running northwesterly "Let aa sing" "I will gm" COAL Helper Utah SOMETHING DOING and oommiteea warn appointed to pro- "I am to intersect county rood bwtwun Ferroo C H KaaiOBACM uling" ceed with the orgenixalioa and th seend Clawson &— When should shall isod with wHJ P D Paves White New TIU J B WlSTBBOOE An ordinance mating boards of health Only curing of tbe necessary capitaL and would shall aad ahoaid can Buy J W Baawaa Dp Cam pa win and mating unitary districts throughThe baby daughter of Mr and Mra aad ba bo aaadf Lot yaar naewnu ha Committee out the county wu pa mad (The ordinLike Baaquo's ghost tke groat coal Lott Jr died oa Tuesday night thorough aad oc John Min Zina Grange wu shown the above ta—Whaa Aauld I ance is published eluwbsro in this im- - iodu trial peuihililiu of Emery county week aad wu buried tho follow of this loiter ne Thursday evening and hart is louked for awhile It (h) The had bet Jastily tbe am of the verba oa tog day keep bobbing up reroatly baby what she aaid: The sum of 138 wu appropriated for quite eertaiau that the Pwaaevlvaei of tba fromaa attack diphtheria "I did state that Mr Carrington 7- — the parpnu of putting in n bridge ever millionaires Kimberly aad BebLepprec-lateia that Study tho eaggeetlene oo p-- BE claimed to represent tho Brotherhood of ubva other complications eri el week Rock Canyon between Castled aad from thou laggeitiuu aoalyu fatal the fact that the groat coal mesa Locomotive Firemen proved But I may ba misend Ferroo under th supervision of urea of Heeling ton canyon were n good jugfaphi bom pp SU ta A splendid wmltling reception taken about his using ths word ‘brotherwere Commissioner Perry JM bold end secure but they to thing hood' But I will uv positively that given at the home of Mr aad lira Milo 8- — Tbe sum of 8140 wu appropriated to led utrey by the gang of Balt Leka City Study canfatr tha diaeamlaM aa whoa ha presec tad the paper for me la E Johnson oo Thursday in honor of tho of etyb from y 334 Io p- i complete the work oo the county road ehystera that persistently kcockf any qualities alga ha uid: "This is what the firemen marriage of their daughter Mbs laex to Write between Buctiogton and tbs Carbon contemplated Utah enter pries short paragraphs of aa! i not for Vo to sign" One reason for John Edward Johnson of Oraagavilla 80 word But th vast wulth lying dormant county line to be expended in tbe vicinsxsmplifyieg psruplealty i my using the word ‘brotherhood ’ Tha happy couple warn married la tho aad ity of Ptaaon Spring bench This work in tba Emery coal fields ia gaining gy Imagery whether Mr Carrington need that word Maati Temple oa February 2& The will be looked after by broader recognition end heoca local paror nut wu because of tbe fact that I re- reception wu attended hy a vary large Mart Jenaeo who formerly prosecuted lies are being alanot daily importuned 1 — Explain tho origin aad ceived a tetter from an attorney just number of tho relaliroo aod friend of geaiu it bv letters from euteroeri for more ape bride and groom Hue ting ton aad tho metric eysteax tbe Mr to and visit previous Carrington's Thirty dollar wu appropriated for rc- - eifle information eoouroing th extent hero ? 1— What ratio eoffaapoodo to 5 b what the attoruy said" Orobgevill having large representations pairing bridge over Cottonwood wish of the measures quality of coal etc Th of What ratio a tho aRsif of a b Tbs wu Mbs (b) showed dinur wedding tbe Grange grand tbe reporter a ret of Orangeville work to bo done un- - j riter wu this week shown throe such tetter which wu n proposition seeking aad tba reception concluded with a fine any order to a unit of tha aaat loww der euperintcodeocy of rs Sheriff Tuttle Utters ell from points out of Denver dance at night Many prettv and useful order? to have Mbs Graege withdraw her County Treasurer and Collector A K ) Then we learn that P J Quealy the 3L— If ot a solid CJach gkho E F Ennis wa qnote praMDta wen received bv the happyeeu-pami against Wall wu released from tbe charge of Kvin merer roel magnate who with f how mach will 4 soon will Mr and Mrs Johneoe this from pounds note weighs bo mid letter: "Tbe uncollected erroneous duel tea- - srl considerable cut land in this of solid 4 loch weigh lbs material Brotherhood of R R Firemen will pay leave for Oewleyla the Big Horn Baein and Savior county wu called to belt you enough Iu take cars of you during Wjomtog to set up their home Tbe bring of the mmo quality? A rood north of Huctingtoo ordered Lak City to discuss mature with 4— A com with 30 foal bam huoae Program adds its but wishes for their your trouble” enrvsyrd end opened up by the board of parties relative to hie coal interests her fourth of Ua volaaM broken off- - parallel Mre Milt Tuttle whn wu present future prosperity com uiiaai oners in 1883 oo petition of J It wu stated that Senator Clark of Moo Mr Car ring too'i visit corroborOo Wedawday evening of bet week with if a base what will bo tho Ute matoc L Brasher nod 37 other resident of tana wu interested with Mr Quealy ia during of tho part broken off? Mias Orange stated in refer- the Relief ated whet society of Huntington hold wu on Tuesday lut do- tbs matter Hnntiogtoo flu— A sphere IQ loohu is dmmeter b ence to Carrington'e is tog "this what tbe aoauel anniversary of their ctored a public highway and the road Lut week Dr Bracken tba right of the firomea sent for you to sign" meav timu larger thaaou5larhu bow a aim wu program orgaobatioa Quit upervisor instructed to open ume for way agsnt for th Belt Leke-UAngelas dbmatar? We art pleased that the locomotive rendered before only a fair attendance-1- ° the benefit of the public road was at Pri on eons important firemen's order aquaro of a Ifiimk lioo b : bu taken the peine to Borne perhaps wars absent because of j A road rureing south through K L da for Eaa:sra Utah Dr Bracken it Show many times the square of p5 mimioo and hups Tirp repudiate Carriegtoa's Smith's farm in Huntington canyon from ill be remembered wu the mau who it will go still further end push aey and b! 4b coal road west to tho county rood wrote th enuety recorder a year ago or Deputy Assessor J P Brockbank 7— Find th va-o- f lb brgeet poam-- all to them claiming persona represent wu ordarud discontinued going from place to place acquainting! more concerning the price of abetrarting io the above matter 'bb rectengb having a perimeter of 40 Bund supervisors wore required to give work for right-o- f way property in this peopb with lb amount of thoir real Th io interest matProgress' this valuation hoods in the sum of 8350 each county ter is bated na a decent regard for elves bngth of a roctangbb a The board adjourned to meet on FriThere wu a bruk to tbeuoal lulj This week lbs Rio Oramls people too public morale end a desire that an inUbMdtb b bat to Uwdbmal?-weeaod water hauling became ooeofi day Meren 2b uat men down to Ivie creek to look ef jured girl heretofore bearing an unsultbret fourths nf the bulk of so the tbe there Mar coal ter their occupelioee of the peopb On e oUrog equals tbe width and ite aroab property lied shall bn not reputation Well Miller A Co want Ova or ail and of the uw railroad grade Tbay Innocently count of much ia tho canal re- - 7(M inctro what tha bagtfcot tons of oela for which tbay will pay II 30 uer Orange ftasly Jr and Chris Ler-se- kd into further wrong doing been difficult hu pairing reto back earn Mdug? Thursday They per KjQ half cah Town Treasurer A P Johnson ha! port that they were prevented from your uwo weight lakilACADEMY NOTES of th ten because the properly reaching returned from a trip into ftenpet ograoiSL Averted just Tragedy Ik feel of bmw surrounding It— Work the 4th aad URh sum "Just in the nick of time our littlo Imy Humething I going to ip soon euro! The call to spring work hu already county wters bo visited with hie daughter Mrs If P Hansen of Fouotoia pbo found oo pi 340 (Warner's Aritkm- wu uved" writes Mre W Watkie of begun to rob ua of some of the Iwya Groan Hu Well Milter A Co inform me that they reports th eoualv well covITeeuot City Ohio "Pneumonia had However we hop to retain a goodly ered with mow and sledding b the regu-b- r lb) ’ 11o irilbme-tirand - IIuw many eabie bat of air will uw the geographies terriand him with havoc eed expert played order of bis then at prouaL Furnumber till tbe clewing day hobl aod how loos will books your to text with other in today ble cough set in besides Doctors treatther west tba snow b still deeper and tbe airdepartment if eoe child vitiates remain The pare arithmetic eighth grad sail at tbe romplrled sbup are dying rapidto- - Know oa the ed him hut he grew won every day At follow euon ubicb they will cubic feet a minute? work lut week and b bow taking up desert to from 14 to 2p Inches deep IU)I3L— its he Book to exchangeaYufktiauiptoX8aud length we tried Df King' New Discov- exchange price which makae it almost impoeeibb to for further use the subject of algebra 313 ery for CoosumplioD and our darling ble must be in eooditioo herds lb alb move at Kxtu Allis I A— Wbtoh b the aborted route for a Tbe ecborn alow suspended the reguwu uved He's bow sound and wall" Co Supt of Hchootet "Tbe storm of the eeanon" b upua ue spider to ccawl from tha upper auuth bonk text lar week this courts Iu spend to Everybody ought to know it's the only day with thru toebas of Ib beauti- a Ml corner of tho room to tba tower tbs time ia experimental work euro euro foe coughs colds and all lung ful already io sight north out corner? Th room b 40 feel LAWRENCE diaeaaae Guaranteed by Jemro i'ster-eAt au nthbtic tong 30 fed wide and 13 fed kigb Friday evening Ganiladvlet Price 50c and II Trial Mrs C F VaoDeuaea of Kiihuura Lnwrenu be at a committee to wadding wu a draft There b appointed to bottles free Wml afflicted with stomach Iroubto Headache often results frouia disorfur lli eaawia trail) A 11 Wihtoad aad Mam Clara E constitution and flOMti-attoan-- l time Hb dered condition of the etomuh aad fur brog Interested A flu liu of clothing lion shirts hate Hlaker ere tha particularly "I bare tried meuy preparations constipation of tbe bowel At dime or liu ami all It takes to maka a man Tbe boys have been doing good work say parties Tbe affair will be solemnised Imt non her doa me tbe good that Chamberlain's Hbimeck sad Liver TabMr of arthe takb's parents far a clothing is com rued has just et tbe home on tbe campus fur a week put Chamberlain's Htomach sad Laver Tabrived at Orangeville Our patrons and Mrs W A Hlaker and Bishop Mil- by lets will our reel these disorder and cure Bra Geo W tabiner will talk to us let have" Tbsae Ubbl are for tha headache bold by ail dealers ia uy the prices are "right” but th cUrka br will offii'bte Tha day a ill abo maik Irhfioja day uxt week oa bmsinerboua all dubisfroio pa la ot amdicioa Prtoa 30e patent medicine Karupba of of tba Insist the prices are "very low marriage 34th the anolreraary a euldierin tbe Civil uer the bride's parenU heur the rebbrslbia A MtOovsar ('ukigr Bra J D Killpech memhrr of tbq J M WuiTuoas I’reaident ia to be mad a doubly big affair winding Morn It lots G Millss Vic President hall at Rataag iu tbe dance board bight of slake education ailh the spent day Dieturhaocu of striker ere not surly up J L- - Roper end Maria D Witetseil with ua Friday We greatly enjoyed bto as grave ae an individual disorder nf tbs are to be meuie-- l Mil week preweoco and good couovel and bo io ystom Overwork luaa of simp eervous s Mr end Mrs Arnold hue a uw baby turn axpMNgd satisfaction with the teneioa will be followed by utter eollspu bum no I eta 31 of tba school daughter unleae a reliable remedy is Iminedi ilely Tho thus of lb muting of the stuemployed There's nothing so efficient WorhUig Overtime dents' eucietvhaa bun changed from 1 to to euro disurdera of the liver or kidney e AH Eight hour law ero Ignored by thou 7 M p m Hm Herne will lecture M Electric Hitter If a nnnderful liilesa evening oo "The Cultivation of little workers Dr King's New tonic no effective nervine and the tba Will" AJI ere iovilwd medicine fur rua Life 1'ilte Million are always et work tteftbehl Iteuhen O Milter Oeergw DIRKCTOKS- - J M WhltiuoT 5rteal all around Tbe Academy boll gl lut evening It disila aervnuenna night and day curing Indigestion Ml C Wbltiuora04 A verv larga and rheumatism end neuralgia and expels touaness constipation so b headache and was a social euuueao malaria germs Only fjUsnd aaHafac all stoniacli bier anil bowel IreubteeL jovwl crowd of both young and pel were Exchenge draw a principal cit FwnVh-ivl- 0' nrou Ftrwe btockw-u- svl lion guaranteed bv James lVteraeii fat Easy plasaenl safe sure I'uly !? el pertirlpaiitai Tha (r"gm ill- r firmnd lh wiunr " 4 t'ersMatir Bsnkir u u u u - repro-eentati- v )ur ub-mitie- d u pu u 1 - " rnaig I!00?- - oar-selv- II Sht I epMti pp-308- g - aairuina par-cut- nil ae-tio- o ooe-foart- U ! tho-hal- 0a u the fil( u iu b - au a u ub Co-o- AIho ftoim linen of SIiofh HubWrn and Hootlft u OATS We want nevernl tons of Oats immediately will jiiy $ 1 SO ur 100 Ltlf rash Hriug ui your irain Produce Hide Pelts Kte Wall Miller Here If it ie true as published in tbs dailiae the! the Goa Id intenaU have acquired Pari fle coast termiaal at San Francisco u The Early Bird Catches the Worm Brotherhood of Firemen Deny His Assertions h)-la- a Overcoats ot Cost other Work Imp In Ladies' & Children's Capes f Tmliitelliui y The enuoty commissioners with all members present together with County Clerk Fox aod County Attorney Trustee-me- t ia regular eaeeiea on Monday end T needs y and transacted n largo amount of bwaiueaa Tho following appointments wan made: Dr W P Winters of Castledale county quarantine physician for year at a ulary of 1240 per annum Bond p Delta-Pawai- EataMliM Officer Appoint edMftpprwprtatleas far I proving Road a Mias Grace Olipbant of Orangeriilr A Joseph Wilder end Miss Mary Ellen m clerking for the Peoples' Her Co at were married in Castledale on Day Caatlrdala and expects to speod the Wednesday by Bishop Jeneen The new hers spring and aumuirr pair have established their Bma of nor local dramatic talent are home ia tba residence formerly occupied rehraieirg a play “Stab or the Fwi1 by Frank CnrraiL (run Boston" wbith they will put oo Well it's pretty tough to my: "We the latter jmrt of tba present month went vour hides" but then wo will pay Don't you think it peye to farm? Or- you for thrm Be per poued giesn aod mill pay yon 85c per angeville Co-oiSe per pound dry Orangeville Co-obuibel for wheat 8150 per 100 for oats The regular monthly priesthood moat20c per do for egge aod 11 per wee held at Orenguvillu qo Thursing pound for butter day with President R Q Miller CounKepreerntalire J E Johnson of Em selors Pace end Mathis and Clerk Horsrry county baa requested the leg ielature ley present The matter of the Saints to appropriate 83800 for roads and loitering around saloons was again die bridges for bia county About 13010 mill cueard and condemned At the high bu boded perhaps council meeting at Hantingtoa on Cooimiarioner Georgs V Perry of Wednesday called to investigate a matFVrioa wee in attendance at the eeeeiona ter the complaining party failed to apof the commieeiooere tbie week having pear been released from a long quarantine for The stetf board of heal lb has ordered that purpoae All of Mr Perry 'e feniily that no mail leave Ferroo Dr T B bed the uiaroee Beatty aecrelary of the state board so Fox oo Ibaredey Tba present beebrea n glorious week informed County Clerk With over sii ioebre adding that bia office bed bees informed for tho farmer “Lbe me ae urea adopted for the con of snow end some rein proeipUalioa the that email po i ia that town wars enof tral flue eooditioo into for ground ie put insufficient and ineffective" It priag work with plenty of enow piled tirely boafd of health baa evident is the stale up in the bille to (urnioh a water auppl y been misled impacting the eemllpox sitfor future use uation at Perron The dimeee ie now Bene Mareirg of BuBlington and Wm pretty well controlled We learn this morning that Dr Beatty bu rescinded J Powell of Drarrt Lake ere preparing hie order regarding the retention of the to pull out far Idaho Oregon and Wash- mail ington to tiaa npsoma railroad and other Mim Ella Williams of Emery paaaed Last summer dirt moving contract town Thursday an routs home through Mr Maruing was particularly successfrom tba Provo Academy Hey father ful in contracts ou tba end Bane Cbriatenaen brought her over railroad in Colorado from Price ia a wagon the vonog lady President BG Miller of Pries spent being bo weak she wu obliged to lie Be spoke enWednesday evening here Mim Ella appear to upon a uinllroaa couragingly of the condition of sheep be in tba last stave of rooauojpt ion This in Carhoo and surrounding counties and fact is a sad affair to her relatives and thinks fkx'kmastere will pull through friends a ah ia raengniard aa one of with but a alight loss Ha thought the tho brightest girls So Emery and of a particularly sweet and lovable disposiprice of wool would he aome heller tion A short stop wu mad hero with than that received Ust spring CT William NO 27 COMMISSIONERS AIOTHU UIUMO MOYEMEIT REPUDIATE CARRINGTON Goa Id HcoItm Facing foul Appoint Several County Officers This Week Mil- First class straight grad Boar at Ot loam's for only 8325 a 100 day a County Emmery 8 The First National Bank con-ditto- OF PRICE UTAH vvwVwww Capital $50000 Banking in Co ‘5 Ite-Ul- 1 A V I 1 St Its Brandies |