Show u nmmmm Si A at" ikm a - CASTLE DALE UTAH Official of SprinprilJe have began a vigorous campaign agalnat liquor aallera of that prohibition town Biabop Loui M Grant well known tbrongbout the elate died at Wood Oroaa laat week after a short lllneaa At Bantaqnin an inch of enow re sained on the ground after the atorm though moat of the fall melted aa It felL i The etilzena of SL George are facing an epidemic of scarlatina which laat gear canted the death of to manj children Frank Lore who claimed to be the king of that region waain the district court at Rich field last week declared to be Insane The GrantsvIUe Creamer eompaay haa Bled artidea of incorporation with the aecretarj of atate The capital stock Is It SOU Robison of Utah County Physician s u I eonnty denies the rumor that there are or bare been cases of tmallpoi in Lake lew this season A consolidation of the dairy and creamery bnslneta of Salt Lake City la an Important business change promlssd for the Immediate future The mayor of Lehl George Austin haying been elected a representatlTe to the legislature the city council will have to choose a new mayor A franchise has been grau ted to Proto parties for the right of way pritilegaa for the construction and operation of a telephone system and street railway in LahL Reporta from the deserts west of Ephraim confirm the gloomy outlook for sheep there this winter Sheepmen are facing their worst predicament la years It la reported that by January 1 the entpnt of the coal mine at Sunnyslde will be nearly doubled and that IJWO men will be on the payrolls of thenom pwy- Roy Ksighn convicted of shoo ting Wilard a llaynes in Salt Lake City a year ago haa been sentenced to lira years at hard labor in the atate Jus’ Itentiary boy and a match earned dea tract ion of Andrew llanrsa's barn and hay at Fairview Loss Ifoo which the people are preparing to make good A the The ninth annual meeting of the Sanpete Evangelical association held at Ephraim laat week proved a snenesa aa regarda attendance and InUrsat manifested Ibapah the Indian who killed bla father at Deep Creek some lime ago plead guilty to a charge of Involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to one year in Jail By the explosion of a steam kettle In a candy factory in Salt Lake City J 0 McDonald and Harry Osclcr were severely cut and bruised by flying portions of tha kettle The Lehl sugar factory paid ont for labor for tha month of October the t'im of I2IW0 The factory haa cut ay to this date 44000 tons of beets and has ' 14000 tone more to euL Undertaker Watson of Salt Lake who was shot by Clyde Ellison ha since succumbed to his injuries arid Ellison will stand trial on a charge of murder In the first degree ii In Da nth live Mali geaUiasy IX MJITIIIKN Florence McFarlan aged II year a music teacher was stabbed le fpelsg of Water In tha Meeert r races ta bs Heavily Charged With Ananla death in her father’s house io Rochesaad lias Caused Maatk ter New York by another woman nf Many and an hour later Mrs Lulu Young wife of I'rank Young at one time city A apecibl from San Bernardino aays: purchasing agent was arrested aa be- A party of prospectors headed by Tha ing the supposed murderer Arnell who I well known all woman who committed the deed rang flenry over the desert mining district haa the door bell of the McParlan borne arrived here bringing word of the and when Mis jMcFatian answered it In southern Nevada of tha attsckeil her with t knife Miss of aevernl people anppoeed to rsn screaming thiough tbn hall been n party of pro pec tors Into tha kitchen clusely pursued by have Arnell and party hnva been prospecther assailant In tha kitchen she ing In Nevada and wera on their way stumbled half turning In a flash her pursuer was upon her to thia city intending to com by the When near way of Norman Springs and stabbed her live tlires MIm what they supposed was Timber mono sank to the floor dying Intain they were attracted to a spring Tha murderess fled The stantly hy tha Inxnriaot growth of vegetation worda was she to heard ntler aronnd only it which conld b seen for wera: Upon nearing the spring they ‘She haa come between myself and miles wars startled to find first a part of a hnaband and I'm glad she's dead" Tha dead woman was the daughter hnmaa akeleton and a little further on of a railroad man She waa a person tha remains of several other skeletons showing that quite a party had perof reflnement and good appearance Mrs Young made no statement after ished Although the finding of a human her arrest akeleton on the desert is not an event that create much excitement the disREBELLION IN CHINA covery of the remain of an entire Rover Fprlalec Is faaslno Mark Troabl to party eaused much wonder among tha' prospectors and especially when they luipvrUI Force The Advices have been received from wera ao near a water euppiy Canton to the effect that the Kwang cants of their death was soon revealed however No sooner had tha members 81 rebels have captured the city of Szenfu and also several district eiliea of tha party drank of the water from tha spring than they ware seized with A number of io the seine prefecture inthe officials of the cities were erampe tome of the men suffering loa M:-Farl- Me-Far- lan Jsrb UNMHsId" tha interest of "Diamondfleld" Jack Davia who was formerly In hia employ an J who case oceupird a place la the publie mind fur five and a half year Iavia waa sentenced to dralh for the Harder of John C Wilson and Jraule lea-alu- trt V p r F- U I! i I i for mors An Idaho paper says: “The nest Utah legislature will hare a member who weight about 1 u ounls The people who elected this man ! Hie legislature probably dd an with the lea lion of furnishing bouncer which ! adjunct to sudi Unlit icliin died bra Tim sirasaoM tor Ih Orrmaa Voalh The movement among the student of the nniversitie of Germany against pistol duels i gaining grouod Meetings of studenis at 'I urhingpii and Ronu have pcti'-oiutthe minister of war to forbid istol 'h--: between ofll n-- st cers and stinii-nt- i in !hegrvst caw The I!1 i n ii nt litre Called meeting of dm tlg'lei to lake Meet ment troop pit In operation the inlintlve raferradiiui slid then submit t a i ) Of the people at I tc nex general e Le SLaiKT” lb’ Mount Pleasant has made tl lory inn for system of rlt work Thariiy nnm-i- l lo appoints roin io i Ur of stn 1 he council a i I! lifwm ?y"r spawn manatala atraams to 01 f I M of l il i I -- r l eon-inc- (- - fin rh i en-fu- to the Thdippiues Hoy istin-iprocure them in the thing Krj shape of a barrel romtn'-o)'gh I r Ii prli-the most iLIap'-'-'r-- l ng S'i I inn r Ii a!s- arc e tatremeiy t l‘t 'ab-uer- s llzwsi with a He I at vn i wi a iii or I Ci i'v oef nt ' ill-g- lien-yivri'- -o frr 1‘acifio FEB-M- sayr itire of m I staiMxIauiM ! io-ir- ii-s- e and behind it ashed in ' a ‘ lha- Ilia archbishop of Mdra1 chapter liir in i s'er f Marta aad a somber of other iGgi me - I ! IV s la k' irin been exeririiced m Victoria and New tli South Wales City of Melbourne at noon nz turd ay tuil ball of lire fed and t fire to The peopia acre several liui'd ug thrown in n state of pinn: a they llisiigbt the c or Id was comiig to an end A similar cl' i l of reddest hung like a pail over the I i ly of Sidney and many inland towns Friday i SWALLOWED I HV turn aka uf savrr- -l CAVE-I- sink Inis a v 1'rnp-rl- acrlake p? sec-i- ! ( liff iiiine s' top in 'I i ii l Saturday in a ' i' — ii land Hi- - in'iie st'i lias s' i i A - wi'-wkLi- hi t:e Gri-dh- in but it r'ai-d- o' Many rrfixed I wirk in Settled a font and is li'!e any iu!iieu' Gyia' the at the -d ii- Ix-r- larthean Ins ai it 1 ir':s In t !i- lie seen l4 iii at t i s m s nr of and iei4trd to a rom Him lauiar fam'v of nigiit ly slinot-in- g init'rd xuiei If miii in a r : fad himself witb a li track and a'iowmg a tiain I inn over Dm ing the eveiiing be an his body riiur-at I bade tered the h'ii be IriLiig Ilia pastor good bye l b to no pirn inr hoped -- p-- W4i-i- apeak Gi of I" " Kanlaiklass train at the Eighteenth street crossing 1 he motor and trailer which tlm electric train were crowdpassengers and it aeams a Hist ao many escaped instant The imslake of a tlagmau waa ' responsible fur the accident Chicago made up ed with miracle death Kidnaped ITgaraiakarab After a thorough discussion of the k’dntplng uf fourtern leaders of the union eigarmekerx' strike in Tamp almut a year and the more recent ahdurlioQ of t ! iiacor of that eity because of Ids alleged sympathies with Ih strker- - Hie I -- n'ral f cderatun of IaVir of New York lias iinauiniouk'y decided t lav the matter Prcal-- d if n I II'rfiRe-an ii qnest hiiu to rail fir a report of tbe miiini-!o- u which he some tin: t agi appu iitel l investigate the matter lir- -l mentioned if" ly Harlan Xiliti ’niiilrrmru who ara in toii-d- i with wbzt is gi-uon al 1 ant iii Cans I an government arc a'ann-over 'hi rumor Will b that a duly of ?l per l'rii !l- - l on I ana litn sawed 'uinlirr enJt i said tering 'hr I n 'ed Vote tha1 the inearore tended as a re- for 'Ii" ''"on of the provincial of Unisrio and '''ic’-ei-lgorei an emiiaig-- i on tbe export Wath-lng‘o'- (! u p's-'in- l llllllbr I hang" log 'll five ll I - of uiais1!! r I y e V Senlrii'rd lo i't iii-- in " ' -"iii of aI e r ' 'L I'y '' " I' "‘V " ‘f " "i'- ''-- I d - ' i- - ' It- !y ' Ilia RJ-- f" Buekisw f W t ' yard au i bei'V I' f t ' I'z'klua i t '!- - Izal llurHeil I m's packing i'sz which I r S i'ix i'v plant al four was valued 1 Rif W4s lulai y hy a Are lli at 'ar--on the second fl u of 'I nf ami is the frit! r llniiiglit I by Mans-i-- r till ii lo bsve torn riiin i 'aiienus om bust 'mi or to either to 1 ie b- - is part y an Iniperhc' m -ii ?s-!- toii'i-e-i- t 'i e Aitii'-n- llepaly Kald iiu-z-- s Lr-j- la Hi if the Mayer by 1 ' f bundled i'yr l'l lj ll 'u tba plant m pioyineiil I s ! possible ii i I e lll-V- if hr ie tnaple H I it Ber- p!a t Ii re w I ii Hut? ir H!! leflpfi fur pnv !n hiii'ii Jt in I M ly j lOjot'otfi ! M’iyn di V ilrin l'tlmi'lr h:fciiVii r uri D'dir y If ' 1 lill lae I'm !r sulc'-- ftMce wrrkft fn k in J I m in ug the Hill Rtji'iiig tl-- fff rid! ItliifJ I II I Jr h' ! K I 111 n tiiiig' ! i iin t t'tg i r! in a I I l till 1‘j JiiiiiiJm ' yr in MMvifii pr ' i'1 donr tuiNtr Full Hivn ty I f f I fl" 19 I rrlw i hi i t Jii 9 f'if Is t'lit s often (!eni Wi'j 4 (In I' ! ftVfr Hi the Grrnmii t ly kina S- t Ji fj i - tl- I a o e B P O h t! e r b t h Kdward Bcddington six years old is dead in tVilkexbarre I’a from injuries received In a childish football scrimII waa hurt Inmage on Saturday fl a a ii f a ternally The Bolivian military expedition of JO 001 men being fitted out to operate against the Brazilian revolutionists in Acre cannot arrive at its destination f under four months In Manchester ( during a contra James Master-su- n bill heard over a versy I’ M Prittingham fatally shot proprietor of the Hotel Brett and then killed himself has The Philippine commission passed an act lo assist the suppression It makes highway robof ladrou'iMn bery coin in it ted by three or more persons a capital offense King Kdward is reported to be considering thersiediency of reviving Ilia old custom of having a member of ilia ministry at court except when he is in ( at residence b v 1 ' Buckingham palace Elgbt persons are now dead ax tbs result of the holier explosion in the furnace of tbe Amrrican Iron and Steel Lebanon Pa Four addicompany tional deaths occurred Thursday night King Alfonso has entrusted Prime Minister Sagasla with the reconstruction of the cabinet and given hi in a free band lu the matter It ia believed that General Weylcr will not be retained Owing to the death of a United States marina named Schopplcin of yellow fever at Panama the three companies of marine stationed there excepting a small guard have been ordered lo Colon Admiral Kvans writing from Ichang China says the abundance uf the crops indicates a ph'iiliful supply of food-ttj- ff anil lie thinks there is lilt! probability of rioting or other disturbance due lo fa'niuc Mrs Carter II llariiviu wife of the lias become llie mayor of Chicago re- cipient of dcwna'inii at the bauds of Henri Merou the French consul for her work in advancing the interest of A ieM lion from the Imiiko) nra praying tba Sultan of 'J'nraey fir to settle in part of bis em pire which they mil cu'livale with their own band- - ai I not c''iipcl!ed to in SL is piibi-licotoy ii ll ink li la-- ' I'rtrrli'iig A ilvps--- i f Morocco where llc Kiby le ti i'z-- lisle rebelled allows tbit tbe s:'uii-lias grown A more m of ar nrd Tetu Suites has I r ll ib fisted in a fight with llie rrhea and nniiprlicd lo retreat to H tow n J M MeKi-Vlformer president ol ti e def t Natloun! Iauk ul biii’M lo Ky has six yeurs in Ho- - fn iiiten'imy having cm of tha lli fourth senliaiik's fuii is 'I hi-- is te nr on ll e sun e i t I s'l-ir- lihll J k m I r Mis m- - - to fiat ii I w j t)iV ! (in- - ill i man a iid I e Ill M iul if the Jjilis ( gtrivin s'atuus c d v urli d'n'i-i1 e 1 iu wlil'-l- l Dr mi waa i i lii'i l t e llp'ify tbrinlgli 5 iiie r Ms it t wax III with a mad- ns ii -- If t cniif t at W foa WCIilliO pr-- r I I r th i i i iiistiiui'Ui i gtii i n n the oil tli rliaig of iianig tbe oisls to defraud (liiun pie led g illty lo tiie indictmeul ! ing i v- -ll Ne J ly a bio it l Sti:'s!ii-- ill kll ey 'if I z i s'ru'g!- - lii-'i- if s' reels if waul c-- t teif'’e Il)ie ul tong s H pri' sly iii!ii-- of !r - lirr in- in ' I sig f v- V r iii'-iiri- Ii ifr ! f an Girdi-ne- e f- A Rji jl"Akb un wtl It W' ' r ii NV Y from tbe aG of I'aUi of a ni'-ed inshiac arme-- l i'-f I witli (in reel: ved psv wu ii! "or of them John so seriously Img ( liifc w'lid-zsa- I rin'-eziin- '! Rr 'Del Git III sF I! t'ii-lr:- r e ( ( 'I I in-- lltifi fcit c s 'o of I i4hvn Pe l in ii leiS ei an - tif I rfl HdBtFil I IliellZ- I fctf vAfiaf list depriid'-nr- In I f Nlef irIRIi9r i 'y peRfiflg III F from Hawaii show that Prince Cupid the ReDelepublican candidate haa lieaten HL'O for Wilcox by congress gate Serious trouble with the Indians on the reservation near Iudio Cal has occurred and some fear ia felt of I clash between the while and red men that I’l-'i'- A''-lla"-- iii f I A ll and alarming detonations Complete election return Nf "t r J (leclaing the Hr ! mi il ' hrnf jwii (I f I f fll S friv Jlny ciuuti feOll e w M In t ii r 'I D O Tbe rrnptlon uf the volcano la Increasing in violence and i accompanied by shock of earthquake Strom-bo- to-e- tram tiftrit-rnk9 ! oil Oi!h'nf ttrHihieR on ihe rtil hilt wIfu ( j ieir giyl 'I lie 'Jui-aI- tie t m--- Rois!J iMirrl Vifiu four ! s lli r y 1R llgf1 li'l ti I 'l l wile tieeu Mn lft'iu T)fvl(ff inr i Of III politics Tha general coal miner’ strike practically has coiue to an end although many of the men are still bolding out Tba Bulgarian cabinet haa resigned It on account of personal differences ia probable that Premier Daneff will form a new ministry It la announced that tha next annnal meeting of tbe National Good Roads association will be held In St Louis April tfith to Suth 1903 An advance of H per fbut will b made in Hie wage if all employers permanently in tbs service of tha Peunsyieaiiiw system east uf Pittsburg who are now receiving Irsa than I JU0 a month About I'''mI iiicu are affected The effo'ls of Ilia uiriulier of Ihs Lancashire Cull'in Growers' associafrom tion to rinaiicipilr tlieinsclee tbs American raw npply have been ‘I lie association extended to Inin a Ira has voted a largr sum of iiimiey to b expended on cuttun glowing In that island ife fur I It la reported that Senor Montero Rios president of the Spanish senate Intends to resign aud retire from the Alliance Fiammis carbolic sel l al ea-- h ntbrr and they are lioth Imii ned abnut 'lie face tbe busiiand lieiig ii'ie -- riiieiy burned than his wfe Hip ant is u the eonitiy jail awaitiig a lriing fur assau!' and bat'ery 'I! ih-I- i la si Shunt f! years nil wIi he acarre system (eilmlle trill H 1 ‘n tba c'lursc uf wliidi T passng tha quarreled Frid iy iiini nilig al liu:i hum on the Hast s de I'm I ami die life thins s'' O' of Fin ef sri i1 o say as iimio bb to tber ii iuiii-- 1 liraw t itvh (Ii her Archibald liry art and Ms With Cssad (1HairKmna lamber Sam Will pup Iv-- they 1‘urllanil Canvilm a Lati'iyxier Lamar Itxwson Ga aged e rie--tri- Railroad ( te track bp a Trolley Car One man wa killed and a dozen man' women and children more or less seriously injured in aeiliision bet wren a Western arenne train and a Chicago Burlington v Quincy freight laris Frit aa Ih 1 rack tul lltmaalf Elan-gaml- t'a 1 Hi vjc'n 'y of - Tbs sittings Thursday last of tba lower honaa of tba Austrian releharath wera aaipended on account of tha German and Csrch member coming to blowa Tba causa of tbe trouble was a debate on the advisability of the use Astounding revelation of great loaa tbe two langnagea in the names of of of of life and property by the eruption atatlona on the ISubrinian railroads thn Santa Maria volcano are being Herr School started the disorder by from made daily says a cablegram “You Germans are a lot of shouting: Novemof date Guatemala City under ber Bib transmitted by way of Salva- pig" Thereupon a number of German dor Eruptions continue east themselves upon Harr Many hundred of human beings depnties “kinakh him" “kick Febnal shouting of proppariabed and the destruction which kirn" they proceeded to do erty la considered greater than that in Solinal wa thrown Herr Eventually tha Island of Marti niqna by tba erupIlia down gangway to tbe bottom of tions of Mont Pelee All of tbe eatetea Tbe fighting conth amphitheatre are in thn neighborhood of tba volcano a tinued for quarter if an hour after burled under volcanie ashes which of the sitting Throughthe suspension reach to the tope of boose disorder the combatants were Tha richest coffee estate era com- out the encouraged by hearty plaudits from pletely mined Tbe principal losers are tbs large coffee planters mostly tba strangers' gallery United States citizen and Germans rrmldvat Gaaipvn' Warning te rnloa Man whose properties era ruined Two or three new craters have been President Samuel Gompcrs at tbe formed on the aide of the volcano meeting of the American FedThere was no eruption from the sum-ml- L opening Labor in New Orleans of eration Pumice and ashes were carried an impassioned warning to the western in and aouthrrn th chiefly directions The sea ha a coating of members of the organization Unit the volcanlo material esteudmg for many Immediate future uf trade and labor miles assemblies waa riiuily endangered by the conflicting claiiuaof jurisdiction TOOK A SHOT AT KIND L'uleassuch bodies made by different and Itallaa Anarrhlat Kailsavor to Slay tha thing were fixed in calmness bandied with moderation he declared Raise ef Hrlgluai the labor organizations of the country Three shots were fired at the King of would igjou be involved in a conflict tha Belgians Saturday morning nt which would by euinpariMin dwarf 11 the in which lalor orktruggli-Brussels as be was proceeding to the so far engaged Tbe have ganizations cathedral lo attend a TeDeum in mem- matter would unless checked lie -Marie of Hennetle late the Queen come to a point w here UlmriDg ory fert No on wa hurt but tha bullet men would light witli laboring man from behind Parricides in tba manner smashed the w indow of Comple In which men deal with their mortal carriage and grazed the foe Ilia warning of ilangrr aid hia face grand marshal's counsels of peace and moderation met The man who fired the ahot la an with a hearty response from the asItalian Ilffstood in front of the Bank sembled delegates and wild applause the speaker as lie closed that of Brussels on the Rue Royale Tha greeted of Ilia annual address in which man was arrrbted Immediately and tha portion be hail pointed out the peril which in some had difficulty police rescuing in hia opinion will aurrly come unless bint from the band of the crowd He method are altered and altered soon he ia a Rublno tha and name of gave bookkeeper Kagra Mnblwl in I'aart tlauvr lard According to some reports Rubino John I)ar':R a negro was hanged in lbs would-h- a assassin in the course of hi examination before the magistrate the eourt house yard at lwikburg declared that lie selected King Leopold Tenn by a mob of 5u0 men for the for hie attack on account of hia majesmurder of Hubert Adair a farmer livty's Inhuman cub duet toward lila Adair's body wa daughter I'riucrss Stephanie at the ing ucar that eity time of her mother's death and he also found in a terribly mutilated condition wished to show to the anarchiau la naar ills home lie bad started out in London who doubted lit loyalty that who was stealing tenant a pursultof while they only talked he acted He hi wliru and hi corn body wa found would have killed King Kdward he added but for tbe strung feeling of Uia the stock and lmrri-- of skuall rifle and a knife covered with blood were also English people in favor of the monarch found near him The knife wax IdenThe tified a th properly of Davia Twe Apples FimmI tar Hsvaa CaRlanaya sheriff orgauized a posse sod went to The London Daily Mail's corresponthe bouse uf Itavis and found a pile of dent at Wellington cables that the two bloody clothes hut Hie murderer had Hu was captured half a mils fled survivors of the wrecked steamer who were rescued on n raft by from town but not until ha had been He was brought back twice wouuded tbs British steamer Penguin went and tha sheriff and llrv John Harris The mads au appeal to Hie people to allow through a dreadful experience raft from which they were taken the law to take its course Th mob measured only seven feel long by however wasdeaf to all entreaties and twelve feet wide and had seven perhang th negro in thu court house sona on it when it left tha wreck Tbe yard only foci on board waa two apple SEARCH FOR SURVIVORS Th first apple wra consumed on Tuesand the second on day Wednesday each Forty I'asasagrr of t rrk-- il Mraoiar belag divided Into sixteen portions Fllasawltv Ar MImIii From Sunday the day they were Forty persona who were on board the wrecked until Thursday when they ware rescued tha aurvivura drifted British strainer Kilngauiite which was sixty miles on the half aubmrrged raft wrecked Xoremlier 'ith on ona of the Several attempt were made to land on islands off tha north tha Ihree Kings islands Three men Three King Zealand Nsw coast arc still miftSing of died Monday night from drinking aa't water All of the survivors suffered In spile of the careful search which has the tortures of thirst and four other been made and still I being made on men and Ih steward did of ex- Hie ivast and islands adjacent to tbe haustion before they were picked up scene uf the wreck The w reek age from by the Penguin They had a cruel disappointment Tuesday night A steamer tbe Llngainite lias drfted to a great wa sighted in the distance and frandistance from 'lie puiul w here the ship tic shouts were raised by those on the wa lust raft to attract attention 1 lie aleairer The ninety survivors of th K!inga-luitlowered a boat which passed within who were rescued two days agi fifty yard of them lut the boat's crew 'I bey a redid had the see not and pa i:ful experience raft apparently spent turned to their vessel When Hie Penthree daps on a barrel) Island where guin was sighted ouv one of th surhad to snlisl- -t nn shell lish until vivors wa able to stand and all wera they steamer wererrviied D'Out-reium- dispatch from Retalhulen Guatemala states that tbe volcano of Eanla Maria ia still in active operation Wbat la believed to have been an eartbquaka shock was felt at Mcbnt no damaga wu Pherson Kan dona Torrential rains have fallen throughout Spain causing great damage to tbs railroad track and to tha telegraph A Bla as Fight Laailag Quarter af aa Boar B Tha Daatracttoa ef I'ro party U Cowldvrli Graatsr Than Thai In tha blaad of Moftlalqaa hy tha KrapMoa af Moat Falta MOB HUNG BUCKlt g tha 'I'la Cereni'iny of deiv in a ashes of (hrs'ophvr I In iS'isoieiiin ial Waaea'nt ape eatlie-l- ' Hi at Nevlia hisit Monsolum ly 'I ha i filling day with - a of the eofl'n eon 4i ii n g (he i th oil navigator was afaitiiiders of a parly of ns" senn eilt g extraordinary dust An hMaober lalawaav liaiewllad la 4 V- - ioriunio g the federal t'- - i es hy the ret n' f n:i Him igli the burning of ii ' on of lli city ill wlii-l- i they l e I to s' imp out hi bonie plague ‘I lie ol of lip hii oily agreed on In la ps I at i in t' e lazi-uilhio a year rejireM-ii- Saliva nf ( Yu sai’-- on th G lataii San J Mad a'raiiier to Hilhilf lo fugtivas 'Ri tisi-- ai Acting ( an repri A made t urn or ir Terrible I Pc via r S nlrauie I raylUfS I’sscengrra froui (eti'ia! A:ieii-tha who have arrived at t'aiama of the lentloiy eoinplcta dt c anla aurroundiug the Mans prov oc of ''ueza leningo Ifialamaia in nme'i'i iMr of the 'I lie n'lj en vlages erupt on the ri'-- eo'T e p antat oua witli over ll'ailye swrih of rolfc- - alo'td lu ll and bull Ire Is (if ivca were arc a rv ng al Hie port of s Iy Ulla of Flra Fell Fmai Nky dispatch from Srdnev X lu'sina nn (I - Loin I com-iia- General il aim is I wi'ji-u- t rig! ring the sea! i te n iu Hie port of (Vuana wh'-ban Is uf the lrvrg I tie Dutch as no' !l d Gengoveruor of r-- t ) t! at Is'atni eral Matos sh i NuveriH-e11 Hist ! iir'-- observe a i - i 1 t stivliy Dv i'ral a''-'-o'berwac wil he ante I to ieava (runnel Hoih of the Shortage of llarrsl 1 hmsxnds of bushels of fins aj pies are lot'iog on the gr niii'l in Hiss's'r i buna Gi says hJf hiirri'is pri ruled the farmers siy they might ship large quanliti--- to fing'aiid and evi n K the iin-lv- r atlm-ice-- n-- all confidence in their army and mnoy know what war is and tbs reaction haa not been sluggish “That the army performed it duties well and bore its hardships uncomplainingly ia well known lo all who nav kept iu touch with it since the opening of the Philippine insurrection In fact it baa done only the things which we expect of it and which we will continue to expect of American hare ) Bcti-- flft hel svo physician germ Teaeiaelaa loverawest Slclorlusa A tugboat ha arrived at IaHuayra from fariipau-- tiiiglng tha new that on Saturday the Yrne govern- A movement I on fool in Prove n pell i ion to the stale to the effect lost it enact a statute Tli tha Insect waa infected with tryaipelat STUDENTS START KtFOHM Kd II h felluw-eonAtrym- r The swelling topira-- l until the whole upper 'riiii of the child e The ductors were body wa ila'rtiilfd powerless logiea relief and finally tha Miss Gould' home in New York City Apl'lea kind-hearte- a na Killed by linear a Fly Harmans Kaufmann tha three year-ol- d son of a tuhaeco dealer living in New York his dlej from the effects of a fly bite inflicted laat Wednesday A few hour inter a small spot made by the bit dcvrlojwil Into a swelling which ea (ended over tha eul:r cheek ce baby of Mr and Mrs Martin Johnson of likaKri) gave Its parent a good fright Tuesday by taking a drink from a toi'ilu of laudanum It wa discovered in (he act ami with prompt measures taken no III affect of tha drug wera noticeable The valley of North Sanpete have at Ut1 heeu blessed with a good storm (toms rain fell on Monday uight and Wadnasday night brought a light layer iif snow 'I hi is greatly appreciated by nearly ail lbs ieople tha farmers tspeciaiiy who era- - wishing almost entirely for their subsistence upon the commissary— where one ia always afraid to take even an ordinary drink of water without ascertaining first whether it has been cooked “Critics at home may search for cpi theta to apply to our general officers d bnt tbeaa officer are not 1cm than their erili'-- and are anxiously mindful of the sufferings which necessarily fall upon the innocent in warfare as wall as the guilty and are deviling means by which the poor may b eared fur and fed Thera is reasou for gratification that our m pau-aio- fifteen-iuonth-u- A r bc e Charles R Trait a street car ductor was seriously injured collision between too cars la Lake City last week the injured Orlealal Msar fca I’ermlHeil al Sul escaping death a if by a miracle lb M Louis I pwlilna Vink Mirgall an Austrian sentenced That no dance labelrd Asiatic arc to thirty days in the Sait I aka bastile for vagrancy ha taken a vow that ha lo be exploited in the Mol way at the St lamia exposition has greatly will not cal during his cnnfineuidiil He baa already fasted for a week pleased the Orient according to a disThe son of Mr and patch received by Miss Helen Gould Mrs John liigeluw of Provo fell in a from John Harnett firmer minister to mill-rawhile playing near the bank Siam who is representing the exposiand was drowned When tha child tion In the fsr east The dispatch war rea l at a meeting of the board of lady was discovered a physician was awn managers of the exposition held at moned but the child was beyond re- Sebastopol and associaway from homa inffuc-nration living ia coiiiinitniiira either openly or secretly hostile depending uu Camming sheepman In Cassia couiity In IWfl bla conviction liavirg been secured in April 1!7 Sine then there has been a determined fight to save him After everything had failed two men cam forward claiming they did the killing in One of them was put on trial and wa acquitted Mr Sparks himself told the guv rnor in support of the plea fur clem-tnr- y that J K Lowers oua of his superintendents who it is claimed waa connected with the killing told him tha story a few days after the tragedy but that it wa deemed best I'tsto OF HER X BEING IN bl’ATEXALA BCXDBEDI In hia annnal report General J I' of tha Breckenridge inspector-genera- l army haa the following to say regard-la- g bla inspection in the Tbilippines: "During my tonr in the i’hilippine It waa evident on all aide that the army aa a whole was laboring faithfully and patiently to solve the many vexing problems continually presented to lL Tbn diflicnl ties enconn tered and tha hardships endured never run be fully appreciated by any one who baa not been on the ground and observed the dally life of officers and men mile e of Neago In c lo Cam af Aaatrlaa Krlcharstb femlMva a Mavis Spark governor-ele- ct vada waa In Hois a few day ASHES As-a- can-lioue- Eadsavnrlag la Nacere Fanloa fat Jobs Baya Oanaeal Rreekeav Mga la III tensely Suspecting that tha watei soldiers" d contained a mineral poison Arnell his companions not to drink any HIDDEN AZTEC TREASURE more and started for thia city bringing with him samples of the water Great Mars of Oraanrati anil rteaIIa Foaad In ( avern The water was analyzed liy a chemist A remarkable story duly authentiand proved to be heavily charged with cated of the discovery of hidden Axlee arsenic treasures haa just been reported to the STILL WEARS HIS HEAD government authorities at Teplc MexAppear to tia Arrald to Isa-ru- ts ico by Reverend I'aMo Martino tha (itarral I'rlba-I'rlbpariah priest of Yrn-The priest makes a statement which According to news from Colombian battle ha Is concurred in lv Reveral reliable rtvolulionary sources taken place between the Colombian witnesses that a patty of Americana and beaded by an the forces expart government insurgent at Agua Duii-who gave the name of Meverick arThe government gunboats C'hucuitu and llngola were on rived at Yeses several week ago and thair way hither to take over and conwant front that place into the mountain! accompanied by Hire Mexican vey back with them Ilia war vessel Poaa which formerly belonged to guides Costa Rica and waa purchased by tha Th archaeologist obtained his bearColombian government at Its sale by ing by means uf a chart which ha anctlon early In Feptcinber Tha claimed to have copied from an Aztee Bogota according to these reports ia stone tablet in tin National museum now on her way back to Panama in a in tha City of Mexico He located a disabled condition as a result of tha vast cavern in n mountain near Years engagement live officers and fifteen of Immensa stone Images stood about her crew In leg said to have been thia chamber In one end was a handkilled Tha whereabout of tha revolutionsome altar above which turned a ary gunboat Padilla is uuknown Tha bright flame supplied by natural gas Coats Rican authorities refuse to permit Colombia to arm the I’d at this from a crevice In tha wall In a chamber adjoining this ntnin port and tha vessel is being steadily watched to see that no arms or ammn-nilitemple was found a areal store of orera taken on hoard naments and utensil belonging to the It appear that tha sentence of death Aztec or some other preiiiliiriu race Twelve burros were r ptirc I lo transpassed on tha revolutionary general Uribc-L'rib- e who receully capitulated port Hie articles to San IS as where to the goreruinrnl forces was not they ware shipped lo San Iranciaco carried out because General Perdomo accompanied by Hie Americans observed that General Herrera of the Crlm Follows Curonatloa Itejolrlag la revolutionary army lias fourteen govt axlaiMl ernment generals as prisoners and ha might avenge the death of Urtbe-L'riThe protracted coronation rejoicings on them in Ijindoii have been succeeded by n Accounts of murder wave of crime CONFEDERATE PENSIONS trial and stories of oilier tragedies fill Xaiuber ef rsaatoaerv Hmwlng aad tile column of sm-l- i papers as report Itrrresslnf those occurrence vi l u the long list The report of Comptroller-Genera- l ruse nmv proceeding some eriiiiiua! nf Dvrhain just publish I give tha total tragedy isadd-- d a!n ot dally Sn'clde pail out thia year in Confederate are also i jr v Get! the ni:ndi-as l’iM!: The total number of routined to the lower cluases mostly pensioners la 7751 Highly seven Much interest has lcen evoked this veterans received ll'oo in lien of artiweek over tin recent s'shhing ease in ficial limbs Tha increase in tha numwhich a )"Uig wioiian most drlilier-a'ei- y ber of pension grow yearly anil If kied a incnlx-- r of the stork exthia eond'liun coniuuea tha appropriio the busiest on change ation will furnish n pittance much tectum of thethe stice' city terribly emaciated smaller than that now received lo keep It secret The former adiniuistralina rrfuscJ to interfere but the present on comconmuted the sentence lo life imprisonle a ment Now a further commutation or Salt a direct pardon is sought man covery William Rlcharda an ago! and well known citizen of Wellsviile suicided laat week by banging himself Is bad been mentally incapacitated for some Cma lie waaa veteran of the Crimean krar and participated in the siege of NEVADA Mis captured either executed or killed by the rebels while some succeeded in esesping It la stated on good authority that the rebel recently secured a Urge amount of provision and magazine rifles and ammunition which caused the rebellion dormant for some months to be Two battalions of troops renewed raised in Hunan have reached Canton and been loaded in fourteen junk to bo towed to Wu Chou eo route lo fight tho rebel From Szechuan news wa received that General Ting ha defeated the Boxer The imerlal forces under General Ting captured the Hozer fortress at Yang Tao Chi between Hocbu nod Tai llochen and killed or eaplured the greater anmber only Mi many wounded In escaping by flight Tsaahalen tho imperial troops also repulsed the Boxers killing 3uu Reports are now being received from the province of Yunnen and Kueichon that Boxers are massing In lliesa provinces Bl'RIED BY VOLCANIC KIND-HEARTE- D Report DiM’otrKT msiir hv moarrrTOKS KltaL UTAH STATE SEWS 5 a In a Fit af t baivu mute OFFICERS ARE SPRING OF DEATH IS FOUND A WOMAN'S VENGEANCE EMERY COUNTY PROGRESS s i 1 |