Show ' - A5-' £ THE V UTAH ARTILLERY SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 2191? HERALD-REPUBLICA- N 15 SLACKER SUSPECT at tbe Utah light artillery camp where officers and nMn art wozUnf nifht and daj to master the war game Tran reveille to taps these Utahns drill and study under a blaring S CENES gun to Qualify themselves to play a big part in France when Unde Sam starts his drive on Berlin Tactics gun drill wigwagging and trenching are among things the the-importa- men and their officers are endeavoring to learn thoroughly There is no “beefing in the guard camp for officers and men alike have their hearts in the work break camp to entrain for cantonment at Linda Vista CaL they will be ready to undergo intensive training of the hardest kind WORKS HARDON dubs notice: The day the artillerymen IS SENT TO HIM SCIENCE OF WAR v 1 - Officers and Men in Strenu- oils Training to Qualify for Battle Brown Says He Registered Tried to Enlist In Utah SOLDIERS ARE FREE FROM ALL DISEASES at Park City on a charge of having failed to' appear for examination al- ? Artillery Clyde Brown who was apprehended though he registered for military service endeavored to show proof In'- ths office of the United 8tstes attorney last night that he may not be regarded as a slacker having altempted to enlist In the First Utah light field artillery and the United States’ army T tried to enlist In the artillery at Provo but was rejected because I have - San Diego Prepares to Welcome-Regiment at Linda Vista t - Drill a bit of class Instruction drill and still more drill— this might stand as a sample of tha tegular dailx pro gram of the Utah light artillery boys now encamped on a ridge near Mount Olivet cemetery - and between Fort "y- Douglas and the University of Utah It’s about all work' nowadays With the Utah soldiers for the officers 'are trying to whip the regiment Into first-clashape before It moves to Linda Vista Cal and the 'army cantonment there This will not be until about the middle of the month and in the meantime every bit of available time Is' being utilized for Instruction in tactics and gun drill Of course some time is allotted for play and recreation but It’s mostly hard work and plenty of it for Col Richard W Young’s' men Utah’s batteries made a splendid record In tbe Philippines during the war and Filipino Insurrection and the boys are a unit in their Veterminatlon to make just as good a showing in the great world war for liberty There’s no “beefing" In the Ruard camp even though the days thay be short and the drill strenuous for officers and men alike have their hearts in the work and themselves physically attuned to stand whatever lomes providing It goes to make them better soldiers fltudy Instruction Book! It’s business from the time the bugler sounds the "Can’t get 'em up’ refrain of reveille until taps sends them to their cots ' Almost any time - of day when they're not having regimental or battery drill you can see little knots of men about one of the guns with an officer explaining the Intricacies of breech locks or some other phase of too holds gunnery 'Almost any-tenIts little coterie of men 'busy over some Instruction book The cook tents and camp kitchens are always busy for the fellows who prepare the "grub" never seem to ho finished with their day’s work Break fast over they start right In to get the next "feed" ready for the always boys In khaki Appetites thrive hungry In the guard camp hence the cooks are real monarchs In their ballwlcks and respected just as much as the lordly ’N chef of a Waldorf or an Astor nhotel imThe hospital section too portant one although Its population has been mighty scanty since camp was pitched on the ridge Utah light artillerymen are a healthy bunch and are few and mighty hospital records far between ' among them Everything la In readiness however for any case of sickness that might develop the section being prepared to handle anything from mumps to an epidemic a wife and child" said Brown "Tbe office of the United States recruiting army will show that I also tried to enlist' at that station I did not report for examination because I did not receive my notice" While Brown was being examined by David Cook assistant United States attorney it developed that he has an interesting career He was born In Mexico and although his father at that time was an American citizen he later became naturalized as a Mexican citizen lie says he personally Is acquainted with Villa the bandit leader and that hla brother Roy Brown served as one of the principal scouts for General during1 the American drive Pershing into Mexico Brown says that having been reared in a bandit country he Is well trained and should prove of value with the American forces In France The statements of Brown were carefully noted by members of the office of the department of Justice and they succeeded In checking his story successfully Since his arrest In Park City hs has been communicating with relatives whom it is said Insist that he remain at home to care for his wife and child He was at Park City workarrested ing when was Brown arraigned before H V Van Pelt United States commissioner when he pleaded not guilty Pending Investigation of his case he Is being held - ss Span-fsh-Amerlc- an ’ SOLDIER BUYS LIQUOR MAN AND WOMAN HELD Purchase of a pint bottle of whisky for a soldier by ways that were dark and tricks that were vain- led to the arrest of two persons last night for alleged violation of the prohibition law Accosting a man In khaki who appeared to be thirsty May Roberta 25 years colored la said to have offered to get him a bottle of liquor She made the purchase It Is alleged in the Albany bar from tbe proprietor George Snuclc t Members of the police purity squad Interrupted the transaction by arrestwoman end tbe saloonkeeper ing thewas Snuck required to furnish $260 bail to secure hla release The woman remained In jail for lack of a bondsman A federal charge of selling liquor to a soldier it was said may be placed against her - t Isf-a- - With Knack for Figure Another important outfit at the camp Is the supply company’s headquarters Here the young men with a knack for figures and the bookkeeper’s bump labor over the regimental accounts and check up on the supplies used Headquarters are well stocked with everything a soldier needsseeand it’s up to the that nothing Is supply company to for the comfort of the Utah lacking men Word was received yesterday at the camp that the citizens of San Diego Cal are preparing to extend the Utah guardsmen a hearty welcome on their arrival at the Linda Vista cantonment near the res9rt city Arrangements for the Utahns receiving and entertaining from other and members of troops southwestern states are In the hands of the League of Southwest Conference But In the meantime welcomes aren’t Utah guardsmen They are bothering the now of making thinking more right the regiment the crack- artillery contingent of the country and that they’ll do it Is the belief of 'every citizen of the Beehive state - C TWELVE BOY8 SEEK HOMES Homes among Mormon families are being sought for a dozen lads by Arthur Welling superintendent of the Lund school for boys at Murray Each of the boys is declared to be a "regular fellow" who’d be a credit to any household' I The following enlistments were recorded at the local recruiting offices OLD BARRACKS POLICE AUTHORIZED : TO HOLD LIQUOR OFFICERS’ LIVES At the Instance of the city law department warrants giving the chief of ' police authority to hold and safely keep liquors confiscated recently under the prohibition law pending hearing were yesterday issued by Judge J Lb Brown of the Third district court The hearings will be set later and after notices of these haa been posted not less than five days nor more than fifteen ' days are allowed for filing of claims In that the law makes possession of Intoxicating liquors an offense it is hot anticipated that - any claim' of ownership will be filed Warrants were signed in sixteen' cases ' ARE THREATENED NOW HOSPITAL SOLDIERS FORM - "Y Letter Report :: Reports that George Robinson' Juven lie' court officer and Bert —Seager :city detective had received supposedly from sympathisers with a "gang" of seven youths they recently arrested —a letter threatening their lives was circulated at police headquarters last night The epistle It was said warned them against "sweating" the young defendants In an ‘attempt to' get confesfrom them sions ' The reported letter' followed a ' previous rumor that the father of one of for the the youths had gone "gunning" officers The "gang" was gathered’ In through two arrests In the first one Roblnaon took Into custody Dan Woods George Mace and John Doe Harris suspected of robbing the Western ' Foundry & Stove Repair works of brass worth 915 Two others Gus Olsen and August Sorensen were arrested later by Seager to rob after an alleged attempt mother of 25 The cases are now before the Juvenile court : i - ' A A V V J FOOTBALL TEAM George IRobinson and Bert Silent Seconds’ Forty Receive Warning Seager Eleven Promises to Cap- - : ’ Sorensen’s Castle Gate and Clear Creek Coals save yon time and labor with yonr cooking and heatingl They are clean and free-- - burning and ignite readily f i wV r :-- Ask Your Dealer ' - ' £ t ' PIONEER MERCHANT Hanson J Rivers a of Salt Lake has retired from business after : forty-thre- e years service His retirement was brought about by his desire to lay aside the long sustained - ploneer-Merchan- t - s well-stock- - ’ - - ' - as park-playgronu- d - beys only PASTOR BACK FROM FOOD LECTURE TOUR Rev' P‘ A tions Mlsa M Me asks: "X am writing for help I am so very very thin and 'scrawny that I would give most anything to become plump for I know It would make me more attractive That prescription can you give me?" Answer: Judging by my corre spondence there are a great asmany young people who want advice you do I know of nothing- so good to aid the nutritive processes as three- tablets and very ?rraln advise their use in these requently' columns Several months treatment is necessary to produce noticeable results it Worried Man writes: "Let' me aay that my condition puzzles and worries me the last year I seem to have been growing old rapidly though only 33 My food and sleep do not recuperate my and energy and lately headhave strength Iaches spells trembling dizzy loss of appetite memory and and worry hopelessness Despondency over my condition are ever present” then Answer: Cheer up get well and temconserve your vitality by proper n three-graiperate tablets living inObtain sealed tubes with full directions use them and an agreeable restoration should ensue to pleasing your entire satisfaction J IL G writes: "These are the symptoms which lead me to think I need and bladder: medicine for kidneys headache blood-sheyes chills followed by fever Frequent desire to urinate but scanty results of a dark color and bad odor Also smarting and hypo-nucla- ne - cad-ome- Se-ve- ne ro Simpkln returned last night from giving a aeries of addresses for the agricultural department on "Food Conservation" In Sanpete and Sevier counties He will preach at stinging pains Answer: When such symptoms are Phillips Congrsgatlonal church at 1045 and 74 B o’clock today present balmwort - tablets are pre ’ ot - ed scribed to tone up and Increase the elimination neutralize the alkalinity and produce natural functioning Get them in sealed tubes with full direc- - - - - -- self-address- ed - ‘ 77 - - - n Tbe questions answered below are or in character the eyrapioms general anawera diseases are given and tha will apply In any case of similar na ture Those wishing further advice free Dr Lewis Baker College may address College-Elwoo- d ‘Streets Dayton Blag Ohio enclosing for Full name stamped envelope and address must bereply but only given or fictitious names will be used initials In my answers Tbe prescriptions can be filled at any can orderdrug store Any druggist of wholesaler ' n d" one-sto- ry Mined Only by Utah Fuel Co and-I- ‘ cares and through 'the purchase of Rivers Brothers wallpaper and mouldings 23 W Broadway of which ho was head The new owners are Fred Bennett and Virgil Heymanson who had been with the store for years- - The new concern will be known as Bennett & Heymanson Mr Rivers started In business here II C Mortensen who in the past has in 1874 In a small building served as desk secretary of the Deseret located on the site of the present Keith gymnasium will hereafter devote his He later moved to the time to organizing one of the greatest buildingBroadway address membership drives In the history of the Institution The ranks of the members VOBLKER BABE DIES have been depleted as many of the son ofMr former athletes have heard the call Richard the and' Mrs Ernest F Vlelker died yes- and gone to the front Mr: Mortensen Ninth avenue Is outlining plans for a campaign terday at the home 364will be com- which’ he believes will bring In many Funeral arrangements pleted later" Si now members - Of&r Zenrjr JfaAer An old barracks structure built more l - v to y-t - TkcPoctor’ Relic of 609s Turned Into Model Sanitarium at Fort Douglas recent than half a century ago tiire Pennant years fallen into disuse has been converted by the prison guard company at Fort v Douglas into a model hospital Thirty picked men of the' "silent The work of reclaiming ' the building Forty-seconhave been organized into haa been done by the guards under the a football club which promises to take direction of CcL Arthur William and all pennants when the season opens Capt Stephen Abbott Its interior-aspick and span as if Among the new temporary lieutenants were barracks the newly constructed who arrived last week are former stars instead of relic of the 60s the a being from some of the best college teams hospital haa been fitted out with an in ' the United States and when the operating room treatment rooms and most patients rooms according to theand campaign for material among the en- modern la of demands surgery listed men was made' the nucleus for a equipped with such aids as shower first class organization was dlscoyered and tub baths dental laboratories and 'Capt J H Reaney of the machine and supplies for administergun company will manage the team apparatus anaesthetics the latest ing Lieut G W Brodle of the headquarters Fumigating boxesevolved Installed been have company one of the arrivals from the at the hospital building In which the officers school at Fort Riley ’has been clothing of German prisoners will reelected Tcoach Lieutenant Brodle was ceive "treatment! coach of the' Saint Stephens Academy and medical services The eleven Colorado Springs Colo prior to will be surgical rendered by Capt E D Giroux his enlistment Lieut- H P Von Drech and Capt- William F Beer of the starred with the Fort Oglethorpe Chat- United States army medical corps who tanooga Tenn team Lieut N Bents directed the equipping of the hospital adds weight to the organization byvir-tur- e ‘ of his past experience with the and Fortress Monroe elevens BOYS’ SWIMMING Lieut W B Cave In charge of comCLASS ' ENTERTAINED pany A has made arrangements for is funds and the outfit for the handling The boys’ swimming class of the Piothe appointed "scout" He reported was 'entertained much likely material among the en- neer listed men among them being two who with a swimming tournament in DesYale "Y" and a Har- eret gymnasium yesterday afternoon formerly wore the This Is an annual event when the Piovard man neer Utah of and Utah AgriUniversity park boys are taken to the big cultural- college’ of Logan are two gymnasium to enjoy the afternoon will strive to swimming Thirty boys were present scalps the Forty-secon- d Director SL A Jones says he Is proud get of the swimmers of Pioneer park but the sport seems to be more popular MEMBERSHIP DRIVE among girls than boys One hundred have Joined swimming classes and WILL BE ORGANIZED girls seventy-five All-Kans- ' yesterday: ARMY James A" Alexander Lund Oran R McTeer Jacksonville Tex Frank Seer etoHelper Robert F Boston Hanna Okla Aulcy H Lyon Hanna Okla TO ADDRESS PARENTS NAVY Dr J H Rose will explain means of Theodore W Robb Salt Lake James conserving health In an address before A Beck Salt Lake Aulacy A Benton the parents class or tne Twentieth Salt Lake' Lewis ’Astrosky Pittsburgh Pa Bernard H Beck Pocatello' Ida ward at morning aervices today 0 : i Roll of Honor J ' qc 4c sc It I Mr L CL B asks: "Do you think It Is possible to reduce my weight from 140 pounds to about 190 pounds?" Answer: It la Impossible to say Just can reduce until after how much one arbolone tablets but five-gratrying should be used according to directions with each sealed tube obtainable at most any drug store If tbe flesh is unnatural you should easily reduce as desire-in ' f Mrs N B B asks: "I suffer from headache and constipation periodically and my blood seems too thick causing and tired feeling I will thank languor you to prescribe for me" Answer: Three-grai- n sulpherb tablets (not sulphur) are most effective In relieving constipation thinning the blood and removing the symptoms of advise ss per I ig sealed package NOTE: For many jrears Dr Baker has been giving free advice and preto millions of people through scriptions the press columns and doubtless has In illness and distress helped more than relieving individual in the any single world’s history Thousands have written him of and confidenceexpressions similar to thegratitude following: DR LEWIS BAKER DEAR SIR: — I have been taking tbe Cadomene Tablets for the past month They cerdone wonders for me as I tainlyso have was nervous I wasn’t able to do my own housework I was so sick and miserable Now X can do all my own work and feel good all the time My and her husband have also daughter been taking them and they help wonderfully Respectfully MRS A E HAGER 908 London Road - Duluth Minn —Advertisement |