Show THE METALS It's Fair and Square A Quality Newspaper Salt Lake Smelter Settlements f THE WEATHER Thurs and Fri generally fear Little change Lead 03c j Silver 74c oz Copper (cathodes) 29675c Zinc (St Lonis) 975c — : —— —- i IntermountAin Republican ol 16 No ST Salt PRICE FIVE CENTS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH THURSDAY APRIL 19 1917 Vol LftVe Hi ITS Id- No - ST tJ f FRENCH 'UNCHECKED ffl 0NWARD RUSH -' v Allies Are Given Right to Recruit in This Country ri -- FORMER UTAHN WOUNDED BY MEXICANS DIES AT EL PASO 18— 'Beth WASHINGTON April Senate today call the roll without paxfird Mil to permit the ento recruit their eltt-xenation tente In the United State to flffht Germany against that the hill aa To meet objection drawnmight open the originally of way fur eompuloory enlistment an foreitfoem the llonne added reamendment providing that the authorised ahoold bo carcruiting on ried lindey regulations by the ereurtary of war It tlon David Spillsbury Who Served With Pershing as Scout Was Attacked by Men He Caught Stealing His Property ma House Military Committee by Vote of 13 to 8 Adopts Amendments to the Staff Bill Providing for Calls for Volunteers PRESIDENT OPPOSED TO ANY COMPROMISE w ASHINGTON April 18— The lines were drawn today for a great fight between the administration and opponents in the House of the plan to raise the war army by selective draft ’ While President Wilson was at the Capitol telling senators and representatives that no eompromise between the volunteer and draft systems could be accepted with safety to the nation the House military committee by a vote of 13 to S adopted amendments to the administration bill' authorizing calls for volunteers in increments of 500000 and providing that the draft shall be applied only in the event the President decides that the force needed cannot be raised and maintained under the volunteer plan Chairman Dent headed the antifiraft forces and will Introduce the amended bill In the House tomorrow with a view to pressing it for passage Monday Representative Kahn of California ranking Republican member of the committee will Join in leading the fight on the floor for the administration WILSON SAYS HE’LL APPEAL TO COUNTRY The Senate committee formally voted to 7 today to report virtually without change the bill as orlginally drafted by tho general staff and apand will preproved by the President measure sent it tomorrow The may be passed by the Senate without waitfor action In the House ing 'The President’ made it very plaint to those with whom he talked his determination to have the staff bill enacted There seems no doubt that he will peal directly to the country If necessary and tell the people that in the opinion of the military advisers of the government as well as administration officials national safety demands that (Continued on Page 3) 10 pre-aerlh- PASO April 18 — Mexicans ‘attacked David Spillsbury ELMexico and brother of Lem Spillsbury the Mormon ed la expected that the amendment will be accepted by the Senate lleprewentattvea Lenroot and Madden sought vainly to Include an amendment looking to the exemption of Industrial employees They of the labor now aipucd thatInmneh the mines and facemployed tories of the country was recruited from foreigners and that unless these men were protected the industries probably would be parathe lysed Mr Webb declared that also powers secretary of wart would enable him to deni with this phase of the problem - Austrian Emperor Delivers Fervent Prayer for Peace Pledges Himself to Build Church and Hold Service to Commemorate War's End Amsterdam via London April 19 125 a m — The Vienna correspondent of the Tijd aends an im- presslve account of a solemn peaco Sunservice held in St Stephens ' day' ' Cardinal Plffl officiated and at the elevation of the host Emperor Charles in a loud voice read the prayer as follows: “Almighty God who hast promised us that the patient shall taste abundant peace Thou knowest what patience we observed towards our enemies until us righteous to draw the compelled of this war midst the sword In thus forced upon us we recognise bethe blessings of peace ourWeimposeech Thee knowing tence yet trusting Thee although we have often spurned Thy grace Lord God give peace to our landa The ruler and people of‘ Austria kneeling this day before holy throne promise to build aThy church dedicated to our a lady solwhere the queen ofwillpeace be held every year emn service to commemorate day andfora all sonls maw on peace day requiem Austria’s fallen warriors! Oh Lord and grant bless this undertaking us peace in our days’ TO LEGISLATION se SEVEN RED MEN ENLIST IN NAVY 16 — Seven AprilPima Papago Tex and Indians from go Papa Indian school at Phoethe government nix Arlz enlisted in the United today They were States navy here Indians from the first of thirty-tw- o this school who have arranged to enlist in the navy full-blood- ed of Pantages Obtains Option on Main Street Property With Agreement for Lease on the property extending back from the Utah OBTAINING an option 223 S Main street Alexander Pantages of Seattle one of the foremost vaudeville magnates of the west is reported to have completed tentative arrangements for the erection of a $250000 theatre in the heart of Salt Lake's business district The option was secured for Mr Pantages by Frank R Newman man-ugof the local Pantages theatre er ' abroad and Get Big Indemnity Boston April 18 —To show the "deep hatred” which he asserted Germany has held against the United States former Ambassador James W Gerard tonight disclosed facts which he said had been American people during kept fromtwotheand a half years He was the past the principal epeaker at a national defense dinner given by the Pilgrim Publicity association Mr Gerard said that Admiral von TIrpitz in thinly veiled statements and the German reichstag and Prussian discussions proposed parliament In open the institution of unrestricted submarine warfare against England with the intention “when England should have been subdued by hunger to come over to the United States and collect the us” price of the war from Mr Gerard addtell you’ I want to we had not gone Into this ed “that if war Germany would have fulfilled its intention to come over here afterwards and attack us and would have done so almost' with the applause of the rest of the world I can tell you also that consistent with honor was everything done to keep us out of the waK yond that1 1 am sure none would have us go” The former ambassador expressed from L 13 Goldberg California "capitalist who is now in Salt Lake While at the offices of the Tracy Loan & Trust company yesterday Mr Goldberg said that there is good reason to believe that Salt Lake will have a new playhouse at nn early date The location of Mr Goldberg’s property is considered ideal for theatre C W Midgley who was inPurposes strumental in the building of the Liberty and American theatres conferred with Mr Goldberg in Oakland recently relative to the securing of an option on the property having In mind a palatial motion picture house ' When decision in the matter began to lag it Is reported that Mr Pantages became attracted by the property and the record business which his local playhouse has been doing under tne direction of Mr Newman as manager Consequently with the arrival of Mr Goldberg in Salt Lake Mr Newman was directed to secure an option ' Fifty-ye- ar Lease Secured' ” Announcement was made yesterday Newboth by Mr Goldberg and his belief that citizens of German deman that the option had been secured scent 'would prove loyal but he added do not stand with us I think with an understanding that Alexander we know wlier to festoon them” (Continued on Page 3) - “If-the- - HUNGARIAN PREMIER COUNT TISZA RESIGNS 18— An London April Amsterdam dispatch to the Central News says that the Budapest socialist paper Noweszavk announces the resignation of Count Tisza the Hungarian premier r I JTHIE great offensive of the French " army against the Germans from the bend in the line in France from Soisons eastward into the Champagne continues unabated Numerous new points of vantage have been taken prisoners and guns captured and violent counterattacks put down with In three days of heavy casualties more than 17000 unwound ed fighting prisoner have fallen into the bands French together with seventy- five cannon In Wednesday's battle in hs forest an enveloping moveof ment was carried out against the Germans and 1300 of them threw down their arms and surrendered In addition 180 machine guns were captured there Between Soissons and Rheims the and villages of Os tel were captured together with territory about them the Germans in the latter region retreating in disorder and losing to one French regiment alone 300 prisoners belonging to seven In their flight different regiments the Germans left behind much war material Here the French captured ninecannon of-th- - FLAG IN FRANCE ATTACK BY 40000 REPULSED BY FRENCH April 19 1215 a m —Ed- mond C C Genet the American aviator whose death was officially announced today was the first American to die in France fighting under the American Genet who was a grandson flag of former Governor Clinton of New York and ” of Genet French minister to the i United States In revolutionary times was killed near Ham while escorting Sergt Raoul Lufbery great-grands- “Cit-isen- on French Claim Toll of 30j000 in Killed Wounded and Prisoners in Attack on Lines From Rheims to Champagne 18 — The great western battle front was extended for another PARIS' April miles yesterday when tlie French drove the Germans from all of their first line positions and part of their Second line from Rheims to the GERMANS BURN TWO Champagne front The victory was staged on-- tlie ground which saw the TOWNS IN RUMANIA great offensive of 1915 and the German loss is estimated at 30000 killed Petrograd April 18 —A report received here from Jassy the seat of the Rumanian government says the Germans have burned the towns of Braila and KokshanL The dispatch says Rumanian military circles consider that this foreshadows a German retirement 18 — Heads of state departments in war council today following plans for Idaho: state police duty to ask the builde railroad spur 'to coal deposits to place $509000 of ing of a state money in banks: to proclaim a farm cultivation preparedness plan to delay public building and road work until crops are planted to ask watering of 33000 additional acres from the government dam at Arrow Rock to' give high school seniors their diplomas if they enlist Suggestions were made for drawing the right of habeas corpus to destroyer of property and for turning spies and traitors over to the military ' branch for trial corps-fo- twelve-mil- ’ r Between Juvincourt and the Aisne the Germans threw a counterattack against the French line 'with about 40000 men but according to Paris the artillery of General NIville’s inen repulsed the attack with sanguinary losses South of St Quentin during Wednesday the Germans also attacked the French east of Gauchy This attack which failed was followed by another in which the Germans peue- (Continued on Page 3) TEUTONS SUFFER TERRIFIC LOSSES wounded and prisoners The Invaders were exceptionally well placed along a aeries of wooded heights varying in height from 600 to 800 feet and running north along the d main' road from Rheims to St ' The Germans were well aware that an attack was coming and had made full preparation for it The French attack however was delivered with such skill and vigor that the defenders disheartened by a long and furious preliminary bombardment broke ground after a reasonably stiff resistance and the whole line fell Into the hands of the French South of Moron-vllllerthe impetus of the attackers carried them clear through the first 11ns into the second line system which centered at Mont Haut This summit 850 feet high was stormed The general who commands the armies of the right center had been several weeks planning the attack for and had left nothing to chance Everyprovided for and the chiefs thing was had under him nothing to do but follow Instructions to the letter As soon as the result of the battle between Solssona and Rlieims was known the order was given to attack Punctually at 445 the French infantry “went over” well supported by a powerful mass of artillery They swept forward in magnificent style and in two Hilalre-Le-Gran- es To call the militia reserve ois teen AMERICAN - 'April BOISE Ida the is Brays-Ea-Laonn- AVIATOR KILLED Pari e Ville-Au-Bp- one-thir- io ) lo Norwegians Wish to Arm Christiania April 18 —Norway which has been most deeply stirred by America’s declaration of war against Germany is showing Increasing indignation at the results of the German submarine war as it affects Norwegian shipping and shipping men are becoming more and more insistent for the arming of Norwegian ships d of the Nor-- v Nearly merchant marine has been weglan destroyed by the Germans and 450 sailors have been killed Shipping men declare the submarines now are deliberately shelling the survivors of torpedoed Norwegian craft in order to prevent' reports of the outrage reaching Norway UNDER ‘ i PRISONERS CAPTURED neutrality” - Bel-grar- Ful-genc- 17000 IJNWOUNDED statement: “It Is necessary that we shall keep in constant state of preparation although Spain wishes to maintain a policy of absolute - FOR CITY PLANNED Fifty-Yea- r occurrence has further inpublic feeling in Spain much excitement was recently by the torpedoing Spanish steamer San The Spanish government sent a protest to Germany and is reported to have demanded an indemnity King Alfonso reviewing the troops who were leaving for Morocco today made the significant This flamed where caused of the BRAZILIANS BURN MAY PUCE LIMIT GERMANSTORES — lost - $250000 THEATRE F R Newman Manager Tom Torpedoed Teutonic Forces Fall Baclcj Without Warning and inf Disorder at Some Points 18 Lives Lost Under Energetic Pressure 18 — The of French Infantry and MADRID April Tom 2409 tons has been torpedoed and sunk withMurderous Fire of Cannon out warming Eighteen lives were Steamer astl-Germ- ' self-defen- a refugee from scout who was at Carrizal by Carranza troops and inflicted wounds on his head Munitipn Factories Closed captured from which he died in a hospital late today said to have been stealing sand from property owned in Three German Cities by by The Mexicansandwere when the owner protested attacked him with shovels Spillsbury The Mexicans escaped Walkout as a Protest David Spillsbury mus also with General Pershing as a scoot at one Against Short Rations time Persistent rumors of fighting be- wounded had been brought to Juarez to the tween the forces of Francisco Villa from Casas Grandes switched sent to Mexican Central railroad1 and and General Francisco Murgula south Chihuahua City It was also reportMOB TRIES TO BURN of Casas Grandes near Cumbre tunnel ed from the same source that the in the Santa Clara canyon have been fighting near Casas Grandes had been FACTORY AT BARMEN in circulation here for the last three a defeat for Murguia’s forces These days but are denied by Carranza of- reports were denied oflclally late tono ficials here and In Juarez day by Consul Bravo who said Villa’s United between occurred States had government agents fighting T ONDON April 18 —A dispatch to gave out a report today that a train of forces and those of tbe government the Exchange Telegraph from The Hague says: According to frontier reports German munition- - factories at Iser-loh- n Krefeld an£ Barmen are idle owing to strikes Abont 75000 workers of both sexes ceased work as a protest against the lack of food V There have been no serious dis- Riots Break Out in Porto Leaders to Have Planning orders except at Barmen where the Congress Consider Only Alegre Which Has Large strikers attempted to bum a factory Teuton Population Emergency Measures The police interfered and three men were wounded Many persons were ' Porto Alegre Brazil April IS Washington April 18 —Efforts to arested ia In loss the “Tke confine the extraordinary session of A Reuter dispatch from Amsterdam riot which resulted lu the feurn-la- g Congress to emergency war legislation Berlin from there It is reported says af several Germm houses totook form on the Senate side today la in estimated at 20000000 that city day that the last of the strikers milrels (Prior to thpwe anllrels have resumed work after President Wilson’s visit to the was valued at 55 cents American) The Vcssische Zeitung of Berlin says capltoL firemen were wonnded but that as conditions of returning to work Three nre Senator Simmons a member of the no supthere a of demanded sufficient the strikers reports any deaths The city Is now calm and police Democratic steering committee subply' of bread and potatoes proper dis-of tribution of food and a guarantee patrols are dispersing the crowds mitted for Republican consideration a the promised Prussian electoral re— 18 feelRio Janeiro plan to limit legislation behind which April Popular form ing against Germany is increasing and the majority Is expected to line up and Demand Mere Bread in the of Porto Alegrt which has Senator Gallinger the Republican Berne Switzerland April 18 —Swiss a largecity German colony the situation leader promised to sound out sentisocialists with close German relations today passed beyond the control of the ment on his side of the chamber learn on what they regard as Indisput- police Crowds attacked several Gerable authority that the representa- man establishments burning a hotel The proposed plan considered would of the strikers and & large store They marched have committee chairmen engineer tives of about one-ha- lf in Berlin yesterday formulated de- through the streets cheering for Brazil their meetings so that none but emermands under which the German gov- and the entente allies gency legislature would be brought ernment was called upon to confiscate Late reports from Porto Alegre say out Party conferences probably will all foodstuffs redistribute them equal- that several big German stores are in be held later on the queetion House leaders are agreed that only ly and revoke the order reducing the flames among them the business house bread supply of Bromberg & Co and the building of emergency measures should be considthe Germania club The Grande Hotel ered and have predicted that the emerConcession Made to Unions Schmidt has been reduced to ashes gency session can be adjourned by 1 June Copenhagen April 18 —The Weser — head of Buenos Aires April 18 The governZeitung says General Groenermunitions ment has ordered that beginning this the German department of has Issued an order that two members evening all German residents of a northwest suburb of Buenos GENERAL B1SSING DEAD of all municipal food supply comlttees evacuate that zone All of must trades Aires shall be representatlvems unions This Is regarded here as an German Austrian Turkish and Bulto the strikers garian workmen in the various workImportant concession Rumors that a general strike will be shops and arsenals have been dis- Had Ruled Belgium With declared May 1 have not been con- missed from service The garrisons of firmed the powder works have been reinforced Iron Hand Since 1914 The Vorwaerts alone of the big BerThe armed cruisers San Martin and comment to for leave lin papers ventured today General Belgrano will tonight It said that an unknown destination editorially on the strike London April 19 410 a m— Reuter's the demonstration was based not only Amsterdam correspondent says that acon the food situation and the demand BERNHARDTS MADAM to a Brussels dispatch General decording no reforms be longer that Internal on von German governor general Biasing of the also but Jong deep lug layed DOUBTFUL RECOVERY in died Belgium Wednesday evening for the people peace his rule in Belgium since NoDuring While claiming that the peace sen1914 General von Blssing has timent has a decisive role in the move- Shu Stood Operation Well but Out- vember come into prominence many times notcome of Illness Is Still ment the Vorwaerts argues that the Uncertain ably in connection with the execution strike cannot be regarded as anti- of Miss Cavell the English nurse fre(Continued on Page 3J New York April 18 —The outcome of quent clashes with Cardinal Mercler the critical illness of Madame Sarah primate of Belgium and the deportaBernhardt who was operated upon tion of Belgian last night is still uncertain “because It was reported in 1915 that he had of previous underlying conditions” ac- ordered the round-u- p of spies and percording to a bulletin tonight She was sons suspected of working against the however to have stood the op- Germans in Belgium and that scores of DISCLDSEDBY GERARD said eration well in spite of her advanced executions followed the carrying out of the order age It was stated that the famous actress Several times by his order Belgian was resting quietly and that she fre- cities and towns were fined heavily for quently slept for brief periods Many alleged breaking of rules laid down by S Planned to Attack U more than a hope for her him He had been ill for telegrams expressing ' were received from year recovery speedy Britain After Subduing all xiarts of the United States and from Spain Roused by Sinking of Another Ship hours the first line system had been Later news came that the captured French soldiers were carrying all before them and taking prisoners by tbe score: They seized Mont Carnillet Mont Haut and all the crests commanding the region On the right wing the struggle was equally to the advantage of the French Auberive on which the left wing of the Champagne offensive of 1915 broken fell speedily as well as all the surrounding works The French made especially good progress north of Auberive In the section east of Vaudesin-cou- rt hill 112 was stormed as well as a small wood east of the hill which was a regular nest of German machine guns According to information from a reliable source the double offensive of the British north of Arras and of the French on the Aisne disarranged the German plans Field Marshal von it is declared was preparing an offensive against' Riga and another while on the western against Italy front he was considering an attempt on Calais on the one hand and on Paris on the other The allied western offensive spoiled all this by obliging him to bring back a large part of the effectives Intended for the Russian and Hal-lan fronts Jlin-denbu- rg I |