Show f I THE deemer of the world The tendency has been during all these years to get farther away from the principles of the the gospel as they are contained in reaThe worship of holy scriptures son of philosophy is greater now than it was then Men are depending upon their own research to find out God and that which they cannot discover and which they cannot demonstrate to their satisfaction through their own senses they research and their natural for the reject They are not seeking are not strivthe Lord they Spirittoofknow God In the manner in ing which He which lie has marked out by he known but they are walking may in their own way believing in their e teaching philosophies ana and not the the doctrines of devils God doctrines of the Son of Observance 'World Over “Today throughout the world the depeople of thearevarLous Christian in their nomination assembling churches because it is Easter Sunday there because They have not assembled have faith in the resurrection of they the Lord they have not assembled there because they believe in that resurrection they have not assembled because accept him as the Son of God and they I want to make honorable exceptions because ther are some who have done so hut I speak generally They have as- there for a very difference pursembled — it is the custom because fiose because cases and especially among thn sisters they want to show their of their clothmillinery and the styles are there more ing a their dress They fashion as show social function and than to worship the Lord and I say this notwithstanding the expression that appears in one of our morning papers to the effect that anybody who expresses this kind of an idea is behind the times The people of the various nations who call themselves Christian not worship the Lord Jesus today do as the Redeemer of the world to Christ the extent that they did in the day of the organization of this church The doctrines today that prevail are in opposition to that truth and ministers stand before their people denying the atonement of Christ and hence showlack of faith and understanding their in the resurrection of the Son ofing God and denying the universal resurYeurlieth him of rectlon which the Scriptures promise i d the Father shall come to all mankind I have an h has renewed mi whi-rh' 'v - expression here that I aeslre to read conIs which n on on yon finned hi This is taken from a book published in in ii upon niu lot- your sake and A Mt vniir w yokes onlv but for the the year 1914 the intitle of whichandis the Religion' Century'sAirChange ' iki- if the hole world In sin and author tinGeorge Harris speaking of lieth world ne-flies- changes has the following to say the under d rk and wmler frian-rlin regard to the Son of God: or sin‘The virgin birth is not regarded as know they! nine And I'V him rend r tin- h u la w e of sin because an essential doctrine of Christianity The belief that Jesus transcended iiu- me lln-not on mo is !: unto oini't whoso inanity that He was sinless notrests “t'or on the life work and his sin of tinteachings liondaae under not my voice manner of his birth There are only And win f and mv accounts two voice of the miraculous enn- not ac'ina ini d with and these are stories written the ception mac know later of vision- - that Mary years thirty a ml that the ‘ami Joseph were said to liave had There is no reference to the virgin birth elsewhere in the Xev Testament or by Jesus Himself On the Kesiirrcclioti ’Tiie resurrect ion of ch-- ' i signifies! the everlasting Lord Whatever tiie appearances of Jesus to The disciple may liave been who' her actual manior festations we cannot understand v tin' f in whi- ii His person t subjective visions seemed real it is certain tle disciples i‘f t were co lived come and handle Him and zee for themselves that It was His body that had been pierced and they thrust their hands into the wounds in his hands and in his feet and Into His side So Shall All Bis® "As He rose from the dead so shall the unall men rise both the Just and the come from grave shall forth just the The sea shall give up Its dead shall shall give up its dead all grave Judgcome forth and stand before theaccordment seat of God to be Judged shall not all their workSL same ing to forth time Those come at the Theycome man-mad- I j I - 11 I - - - o i 'I - i - - 1 : 1 ' t - re-a- : i 1 1 : j I I : i ti-- I ! I : - ! f 1 i wi-rli- i my- I !! 1 111 4 riu m i : ' :! -- ! Know I x:: II - i'll1' i ii t !' -- : ! g r- ’ '11 t : t ' !i: t t i ii "lit-- i‘ pii' i I : sii-- are i 1 : : world i ni mi tim 1“! ry t liel bodies uli t b 11 s tin- - J - from life to liiv instantly as the lowly fltnt responds to the light and heat and magnetism which the on pages 100 universeThis is found pervade and” lei Again lie says: 'M v iiifluenee tiie life of others lias in view shaping the values that constitute the man immortal And the of cannot be ban'bought ished but immortality in one form or persists another even if it he in so attenuated a form as influence on others Corimmorporate isimmortality as the only not much debated now tality we l elieve in it and delight in Itthough have the family — backwards to anpride in forward even to descendants cestry as the scripture saith the promise Is to the children's children to a thousand A rather bold writer generations of past generations of faithful thinking noble men links them to tiie present whii li surpasses them in knowledge of tiie truth saying that not only do they we us tail also that them: help the da u s of the that apart from us they should riot be of ate not part - made perfect h-I- ( i i are in ahncllcr of Jen o "'The Jews :il the time of Christ t w li": iuilgmeni tie- - lieveil in the requi re tion of the body ' s ’he Re- - ‘except Isthenosect of Sadduvees wiio said Coil tin Soil For several there resurrection centuries of The (Tiri3tian ere it was the common belief The earlier creeds Ts affirm it in so many words: “believe in the resurrection nf’the body and the life The apostle Paul diseverlasting” claimed it and called that man a fool-- j isii one who supposed that tills very body of flesh and blood will be raised up It is not a physical body that will lie raised he says but a spiritual body There are celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial hut the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another And as we have borne the of the earthly we shall also image hear the image of the heavenly I supliteral pose nobody now believes in tiie we reresurrection of the body 'When the phrase in the apostle’s creed peat we think of that for which it stands Li and which immediately follows — the life This is taken from pages '$5 everlasting' 177 and l7P "Another writer commenting in an in one of Faster sermon or editorial our leading magazines a year or two ago bad this to say in speaking of the doctrine of tJte literal resurrection of the bode: Xu hottor )iro a ration and facile 'All Itihistakeis atiiebeautiful world quite too faith rests everything on the ro- easily ofIt God cm ii lie ln’idc for tlio It is harder for us in power of to believe quite science tb'se’days vcrhi-i- l so readily what seems unreasonable “ra'mv (lav” itli- and on authority of a creed which the in refer-- 1 apostleto neer heard’ That cr for yourself ni creed already this ‘We apostles' to mentioned talk of the prefer bodv which is not the body of spiritual family tiiii 11 lift insur itlus flesh ft is the isspiritual body will survive: which will arise that n nco and the spirituai body is the soul immortal We do not understand any other body So we interpret Paul And in the assurance of the eternal life And next to having 'with Christ we rest on his promise this day shalt thou be with me in Para-- I till 1 o a i' v ! - : I I i bc-li- 1 11 t 1 i ! E ialte Life insuranoe a art of Y oar i i : fmm n-- j i some life insurance the host t li i n g is to have enough insurance May we send an export to tell you of some of our now polieies? INSURANC E CO “The Big Home Company’ Home Office Vermont Bldgf Salt Lake F v- - dise' False Doctrine "That Is the doctrine of the Christian want to say to you my world and j brethren that it Is false anl sisters doctrine that it is not the gospel of Jesus Christ that there is no warrant In the scriptures for any such concluPaul did not express anysions that where in his writings that there should not be a resurrection of the body and a reuniting of the body with the spirit and those who interpret the writing's of Paul and they have reference to his statement in the fifteenth chapter of understand First Corinthians do not no idea of the scriptures they have what Paul was speaking they misinconstruction terpret they put a false upon the teachings of the scriptures Lord not the spirit of theLatter-dabeing led 1 believe y all and byyou believe Saints believe In the literal resurrection of the body and Its reuniting with the spirit thus becoming as the inform us the soul of man scriptures For the resurrection of the Son of God was typical We are informed that his body did not see corruption although it was placed in the tomb and remained there for the three days according to the predictions in the scriptures Again and that body was taken up united body spirit and and again In form that inseparably He unto His disciples appeared and although they were unconvinced when he appeared to them and were the say thinking seen ascriptures of a spirit body they had spirit "He called to their attention that It was Himself and called upon them in order to convince them that it was the body that was laid in the tomb to ! i ' j while spirit is in a the foiees which spiritual but flows! norning- of d istaiu- - ii-- : I 'The in i” ! ! ! of : - t ' ” liV Lr I 1 1 - 1 at who are Christ’s shall informs forth us that His coming Matthew following the resurrection of the Son of God many of the saints arose from their graves and went into the holy city and appeared unto many These men have a very false a understanding of body spiritual what is meant by their conclusion on have based Theystatement Paul makes that the that the a spiritual body and body is raisedblood cannot Inherit the that fleshofand God They cannot conceive kingdom minds a body raised from the in their flesh and dead being composed of and not by bones quickened by spiritof the spiritblood When Paul spoke no reference at all ual body he had and there they have to the spirit body conmade their mistake Theyor have in other fused the spiritual body by the spirit words the body quickened of flesh and blood with the body blood or rather to the quickened bv bodv of the 'spirit alone I shouldin say the those who believe feeling that of the literal body believe resurrection be raised again quickened that it shall not the case I want which is verse by blood another from the Docto read Covenents: and trine “Now verily I say unto you that which is made the redemption through to pass the resurfor you Is broughtdead rection from the and the “And the spirit body is the soul of man "And the resurrection from the dead is the redemption of the soul “And the redemption of the soul i who quickeneth all through in Him ft is decreed thingsthe whoseandbosom the meek of the poor that earth shall Inherit it "Therefore it (the earth) must needs be sanctified from all unrighteousness that it may be prepared for the celestial glory: "For after it hath filled the measure of its creation it shall be crowned with glory even with the presence of God tiie Father: “Thai bodies who are of the celestial kingdom may possess it for ever and ever for for this intent was it made and created and for this intent are they sanctified” “And again verily I say unto you the earth abideth the law of a celestial kingdom for it filleth the measure of Its creation and transgresseth not the law "Wherefore it shall be sanctified: yea notwithstanding it shall die It s'nall le quickened again and shall abide the power by which it is quickened and the righteous shall inherit it "For notwithstanding they die they also shall rise again a spiritual body: : World’ r SALT LAKE CITY UTAH MONDAY APRIL 9 1917 N When they saw Christ ascend into the of upper deep it was said to the menInto Galilee Why stand ye gazing up that same Jesus which ye ' heaven saw go shall in a similar way return members of the It Is the duty of the Latter-da- y Saints church to teach the or the Lord It duty coming y°irwhom to word to allis with carry then receive of the same even a full- you come the uot contact It to convert wholly and so on After the resurrec- the missionin of the church ness" tion from the dead our bodies will be men doctrines and to accept the will be spiritual bodies but but it is alsoisyour duty toIswarn bodies that are tangiblethey not bodies that them that Christ men coming have been purified but they will nev- the slaughter on the earth in of ertheless be bodies of flesh and bones the air and under the sea a sign of the but they will not be blood bodies times? ‘Watch for ye know not the will no longer be quickened by day nor the hour not even the angels they blood but quickened Himself know by the spirit In heaven nor did He which Is eternal and they shall become the hour He would come to hold doImmortal and shall never die Now If minion over the earth It rests with our good friends understood this they of the man who Father Beware would not fall Into this error of think- the for His coming for date the set shall man to know” ing that Paul was in conflict with the is not given tosaid Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when he it Mr that signs were Talmage declared that the body that would be given to indicate the coming of the raised would be a spiritual body You Savior and that these same signs had read In the Book of Genesis the Lord been revealed to Joseph Smith the eald to Noah after the flood that the prophet in the revelations G blood was the life of the body the In his brief talk Fatrlarch blood is the life thereof he says Smith spoke on the love of Ilyrum the Lord Therefore whoso eheddeth man’s blood for children He asked that mothers by man shall his blood be shed be- not mourn over the loss of their chilcause blood is the life of the mortal dren "for the Lord called them home body but with the rescrrected body because He loved them” in the final with the Immortal body that is not day he said the Lord would glorify the case blood does not exist but the children that haveforbeen called home the work they power and at an early age lifegiving bodies spirit is theare no hence quickwould have’’I done had they been left longer they feel that the spirit of the ened by blood but bodies quickened by on earth and hence they are spiritual Lord has been with the conference" spirit “and it givc-- me bodies but tangible bodies of flesh and said the speaker bones just as the body of the Son of great pleasure to be here today to- bear God Now this is the doctrine of the my testimony to the love of Hu- Ioril Lord and Savior of the world for all His people The Latter-da- y “I had a conversation with a man Saints honor the Lord and are obedione time a minister and he took this ent to Him They will know the glory view which prevails so largely In the of the resurrection for their faithfulworld and I forced him by tne read- ness to the teachings of the Savior and admit that their performance of the thing which ing of the scriptures to to His dis- lie gave them to do” when the Savior appeared and said unto them “Handle ciples Everyday Religion Me and see for a spirit hath not a body The application of religion in every of flesh and bones as ye see Me have” was not alone on that the Savior spoke the truth day life and out in the addressSunday and I asked him really that being true ‘Then brought Apostle by “There is too how In the world do you believe how Stephen L Richards can you believe that today He sits in much Sunday religion” lie said “und the heavens without a body of flesh after Sunday is gone the religion is and our and bones?’ His answer wasof ‘After laid on the shelf Our gospel Olives religion is not apart from us It is in He ascended from the Mount He shed His body of flesh and bones’ the sinews and tissues of our being and the It is with us in our work and our I asked him for the was unable to it is with us in all that we do inplay verse and of course hechapter the clearly whole course of our conduct our regive it The Lord has veryresurrecset forth the doctrine of the ligion is there The intense practicality tion He declared shortly before His of it appeals to me Too much Sunday crucifixion that the hour was coming religion ha led to the devitalization and He said now Is when the dead of religion The possession of religious shall hear the voice of the Son of God belief is every day life brings joy and and shall live Even His disciples won- success “The dered what He meftnt They marveled of the gospel is a safeat It they could not fully comprehend guard inpurview ills in sorrow and in trouble It notwithstanding the fact that they The word of wisdom possesses tho believed in the literal resurrection of guiding principles of life and the nation the body in those days and the Savior need that word today The principles said unto them and truth which we demonstrate in the their perplexity who seeingunto were there word of wisdom do good for humanthe people and assembled: ‘Marvel not at this for the nt and bring good into the hour is coming when they that are In ity lives oflarge tiie people There are many their graves shall hear His voice and people who think more of their tem- -' come shall forth' poral success than of the saving of souls their “The latter-da- y Saints church stands for high morals and a high standard of ethics We practice what we profess and no communities are to he found anywhere in which the love "f music is developed to a higher decree Itliari tiiat which is to be found among the Latter-da- y Saints Wo preach and we practice it in our everyday lives Unr church offer opportunities where all that is beautiful I11 science and art may lie seen in its true light The Latter-da- y Saint church is deto the principles and freedom for Significance of Easter Is voted our government stands We Theme of Closing Day which Lave more reason to be grateful for this liberty and freedom than any oilier from the Addresses people Our protection came mont was the government The govern and we stand guardian of the church ready to protect the government in l 'nm inn td from Papv li Lenl” “They That Sow in Tears Shall every way necessary Broadens Vision Reap in Joy” “My Pilgrim Staff May Rest Thee Here’’ sung by the choir "The gospel broad ns tho scope of man but and a solo “If With All Your Heart Ye the vision not alone God to are as well man There to people Iran H Seek Me” rendered James hy Truly taken up with worldly affairrf to the Prof A C Lund directed the extent Nielson God They live they forget was pronounced breathe that Besinging Benediction and their sleep profesion by Bishop David A Smith to them tiiat appeal yond nothing The feature of the music at the afthave no eoiisirleration of anything ernoon session was the organ solos hy They only that whichareconcerns tliemselve what they Prof McClellan President Smith an- and men engaged in There with great talent doing much nounced that word had come that there are tiie progress of the race who were some who had not heard the organ toward as not ti see the reIn all its ranges and for this reason are so unfortunate man work to God of lationship he stated Prof McGlellan would treat Cithers find greatest and in club pleasures the conference to an organ solo For and social gatherings You my brethpossibly fifteen minutes the variations ren of tiie priesthood know that their of the big organ rose and fell first associations dwarf into insignificance compared to being a memberfra-of softly then to the highest and greatest when of God The true volume under tiie touch of the master the priesthood of God the brotherhood of man Not a sound of the slightest came from ternity is to be found in tiie offices of this the vast audience as the notes from the church No happiness can be compared instrument floated through tiie taber- to that which comes from ivors crone nacle The music seem to grip the for God thousands “All that is worth while in life is Other musical numbers were "Come found within the pale of tiie gospel 'What is there Unto Me” and “Hail Bright Abode” The question is asked Mormonism more than anything sung by the choir A duet “The Cru- about which demonstrate its truth?'” and cifix” was rendered by Horace En- else answer comes 'Everything' the "O sign and Dr William Worley Members of the Mormon church were Divine Redeemer” was sung by James urged to practice economy and conserve W William A Hyde of the on all foodstuffs by Bishop ( Moncarr Pocatello stake offered the opening Niblcv He reviewed the conditions the count rv faces today and reprayer of the afternoon session and which minded his hearers of the necessity the closing benediction fdr the confer- of He asked that they cultience was pronounced by Seymour B vatesaving in the proacre of everv Young In the final hour of the aft- duction of foodstuffsground He stated that ernoon session Apostie George A our country may need all that can be Smith read the report of the auditing produced and asked each one to help committee of the church which was in that direction “We are in a state of war" said Mr unanimously accepted Apostle M Smith pronounced the names of Nibley "and these arc indeed perilous of tiie times Here in the chambers secure the general authorities of the church mountains we are comparatively but we have a duty to perform: Pres Deprecates Sin rein his Apostle Joseph F Smith was the ident Smith stated In view of our dutyopening first speaker at the morning session marks that it was of the country to help Mr Smith stated that he was not one the condition to tiie increased production of those who believed the world was contribute foodstuffs Everyone should feel in He said he did not of growing better his heart that there is heart and her believe that the world was becoming something we should do for the time is more righteous and that the people momentous The Issues are the greatwere drawing nearer to God “I do est that were ever thrust upon a people not believe that there is a greater de- in the world" President Hyrum Vallentyne nrecently sire in the hearts of the people" con- returned from the tinued the speaker “to serve God than mission spoke on conditions lit briefly on was 183: in the (he year there countries and related some the warring other hand the peoples of the nation have been drifting farther and farther experiences When I make away from the truth this statement I sun aware that there have been strides made toward proam gression in certain directions aware that in these late days there has been a movement among the nations and in our land to overcome the I know that all evils of strong drink these things will bring good results but so far as the doctrines of the gospel are concerned so far as the moral condition of the people is concerned I do not believe they are any better I Is Simple Healthful do not believe they are as good now as they were when this revelation was Preparation —Satisfaction or Significance of Easter Theme of Conference Address je 'nd HEBALD-BEPUBLICA- Interpretationa "Now tiie world that to mean those who are iriterprei In trespasses and are in bondage of sin those who should hear Ills voice but iniquity Lord meant literally just what He the s: id when He declared tluit the dead Hi-- - voice and should come hoiild t'oitii they tiiat hail done good unto the resurrection of life and they' that had done evil 1:11m the resurrection of damnation for the resurrection shall come upon all mankind for they are not responsible for death The Lord will not punish them for Adam's transTherefore He took upon gression Him the sin of all mankind and redeemed every creature from death and unto each one of us a resurgranted but rection not eternal life not salvation not an existence In the presence of Ills Father in the celestial kingdom That comes through faithfulness perseverance on our part and through our ballef and acceptance and through our keeping of the commandments of -- && prin-cipl- God-give- BELL-AN-S Absolutely Removes Indigestion it 1 Acts like Magic EE2 es Present Prosperous Conditions have caused a flood of speculative securities whose values depend upon conditions tiiat may clianpe at any moment Avoid investment risks hi purchasing the 6 Per Cent Guaranteed Tax Free Certificates sold by this Institution in convenient denominations of $100 and These certificates arc secured upward for considerably more than their face value on first-claimproved real estate GUARANTEED TO MAKE GRAY HAIR NATURAL COLOR Q-B- an Money Dyes Back —Don’t Use It is 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arrived at Xamiquipa miles south of the border and less than 10 mile from Casas Grande according to an announcement made by General Murguia before he left here for Casa Grarides to take the field against Villa and prevent his advance toward the American border Villa' base was at Baehiniva south of XamiquipH and his forces occupied Namiquipa during the night according to (he report! received by General Miirguin from Ills scouts General Francisco Murguia left here late today for Gasas Grandes where he will take the field tomorrow in his enveloping movement against Francisco Villa and ni :(u0‘i followers who were reported today to be north of Madera and less than 300 miles from the American border Preceding General Murguia’ train were eight troop trains from chihuahua carrying his command and City which arrived here yesterday last night to participate in the most comprehensive drive against Villa since Murguia arrived from southern Mexico General Murguia denied any knowledge of German intrigue in his northeastern command and accompanied a correspondent of The Associated Press through his trains today to show that no Germans wore among the officers of the 400n troops In hi present command lie announced his intention of remaining neutral in the war between the United States and Germany following out his instructions from the war department in Mexico City rumors He characterized the of Ger NEWSPAPER OFFICE RAIDED Fraic Paterson N J April Widinar and Joseph Mm'sise here today when in police rni'i-ethe offices of New Era an that newspaper I: was charged had been instrumental it printing m seditious literature and ancirculating a mass & call of archist to protest against war we:-reste- : fr FORMER CONSUL ARRESTED Manila P T April 8 — The form-Amir German vice consul at Ccb was arrested today as a m'iur of r 3 precaution For tlirte months rumors have connected him with a plot to foment an insurrection among the Filipinos officials say he made ro GET REAL SERVICE From the 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how you how they may be utilized in your travel plans At your service — 307 Main Street Salt Lake Phone Wasatch 649 i rn-eiln- LIMITED XL d ar-aialr- URL1NGTON ST LOUIS Ko an an f' C® &TRIUST 3 2 an Q-B- an 4 IP J T y - desirable investments in every way We invite you to confer with us at any time regarding these certificates Yl I Swiss-Germa- : V We guarantee the payment of both principal and interest on these certificates which makes them safe and pu-jri- ty ra :a ss MORMONS CLOSE Hy-ru- light-mindedne- ss k&BS ! the Ixrd and Saviour Jesus (’hrisi Now I said In the beginning that the world is full of philosophy One prominent and intelligent writer has called these theories ‘scientific fiction” think he is right We have the theories of evolution of high criticism the ideas that prevail in the schools throughout our hind that are dangerous that are at the fundamentals of the "triking arospel of Jesus Christ trying to destroy the faith in the minds of the We students who attend the schools ate troubled with it to some extent even in our own land and the colleges the country are full of It throughout and the professors teach it they he lieve in it at least they profess to believe in it and it seems to me that the sole purpose of it is to undermine and destroy the gospel of Jesus Christ 1 want to say to the Latter-da- y Saints that it Is our duty to put our faith in the revealed word of God to accept that which has come through Inspiration revelation unto his servants through the prophets both ancient and modern and whenever you find any doctrine any idea any expression from any source whatsoever that is in conflict with that which the Lord has revealed and which is found in the holy scriptures you may be assured that it is false and you should put it aside and stand firmly grounded in the truth in prayer and in faith relying upon the spirit of the Lord for knowledge for wisdom concerning If these principles of truth you will T walk in the light as have read here and will receive the doctrines of our Redeemer He will grant unto you the inspiration that will come through from the spirit of the Lord a testimony of the truth and you need not walk in darkness nor in doubt but mav have a clear and a distinct comprehension understanding of the truth which will make you free It is our to seek the Lord to obey His duty laws to keep His commandments to put away from us foolishness the ideas and notions and of llie world and to acphilosophiesfullness of heart and in hucept with n mility these solemn and that will bring unto us eterprinciples nal life In the kingdom of God and we may do this is my prayer in that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen” arc of a celestial “They who shall receive the same body whichspirit was a natural body: even ye shall receive your bodies and your glorv shall be that glory by which your bodies are quickened “Ye who are by a portion of the celestial quickened then reshall glory ceive of the same even a fullness given" “And they who are quickened by a Ife stated that the world was full of portion of tiie terrestrial glory shall philosophy and doctrine that are not the work of the Lord “The world is full of false conclusions” he said “ideas and notions that were not a pare of the gospel in the days of the Son of God and are not a part of it now They are in absolute contradiction to the truth There are fewer people in my judgment among the Christian people of the world who bein the Son of God as the RedeemOne package lieve er of the world” James E Talmage was the next He declared that there are proves 25catall druggists speaker many people who confuse the kingdom of God with the kingdom of heaven The former kingdom he said was the for the kingdom of heavpreparation en The latter kingdom will be established he said when the King shall come "And come He shall” said Mr Talmage "to hold dominion over all the earth With the kingdom of heaven shall come justice and men Perfectly will no longer rule in unjust dominion over the earth Men will no longer harmless HP reign on the thrones and rule with an The earth will have a iron hand Pleasant monarchy that will do right "Such a government will be monarchy to take and democracy combined wherein men over the world will have equal rights Such will be the kingdom of heaven "The Latter-da- y Saints church is In M preparation for the coming of Christ I vTlj s ANNUAL MEETING 5 City Utah F NESLEN General Agent |