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Show SEITING CIRCLE IATTEHNS Kathleen Norris Says: t' Mind Your Oivn Business Bl ByndlcaM. A f . Is y . . , ,f ft , f H0USEMW iif OS ; WNU Vaatimra. f v.'. , . . J .V. hvt. .V. eCfait'cce. .v. Cfimlehs .v, ri y o yJ-vn-n . i ' Pretty Nightgown in Larger Sizes Complete Wardrobe for a Doll L A AW.V V . ,'v.v. wvwww.ywtwv .. r Ias 1 ' . "Mi OUSEHOLD Qas. 011 Stomach imssp Heating raisins and flouring them before adding them to the batter keeps them from sinking to the bottom. e look To avoid that "glaied which appears on rayon, iron it on the wrong side with a warm iron, never a hot one. Lard may become rancid if exposed to light, warmth, air or moisture. Store it where it is dry and dark and cool. Use honey instead of sugar on cereals and fruits. It blends deliflavor of ciously with nut-lik- e cereals. Fried eggs will keep their shape and not stick to the pan if a pinch of salt is added to the frying fat. (Mil awwb am hum J! 7,1 Lucky Stones Emeralds were once believed t, be beneficial to the ejes and am, thysts were thought to pri vtat drunkenness, according tt Encjrle. paedia Britannic. The belief u lucky stones still exists. Defeated Nation For the first time In modern hi, tory Japan is a defeated nation ang for the flrst time in all history fa eign soldiers will tread the ancient soil of Nippon. Versatile Frail Peaches adapt themselves read, lly to innumerable types of deni'-and salad. In addition to delicm flavor, they offer fair amount f vitamins A and C. Furl Food remove cranberry stains Peanut butter is a fuel food from linens, stretch the stained It Is around 45 per cent f 3wL Then and a meat alternate because of portion across a it hold a kettle about a foot away high protein content. from the bowl and pour a stream of boiling water through the stain Frozru Coru until it disappears. Other fruit For freezing, use only corn that f stains may also be removed in this so young and tender that the mi' manner. flows from tha grains To uhtlnrr TSki la running around with ana a Iha luun buyt, and deeply in lain." ka it By KATHLEEN NORRIS are good days in to mind your own THESE For one rea- son, because everyone's business is going to be complicated and hard under postwar conditions. And (or another, because interfering in other persons' affairs is a harmful, wasteful and often useless employment. Here is a letter from a woman who feels that she very decidedly ought to be minding other persons business, even while she gives me a distinct impression that her own isn't being too well managed. My petition ii a very painful ana." writea Carolyn Miller, from a Tesaa town. I live with my mother, who is a dear. hue-band- 's She Is only 52, active and capable, and we manace the house easily between ua. I have a baby ais months old. The ' trouble la my twin alatera-In-luwhom 1 will call Joan and Jean. They are 20. Joan married to a captain of marines, and Jean d to hia brother, who la In the air corpa. This marriage and this engagement took plare before I moved In here. My husband. Bert, baa been away for almost a year. Net Ilia Baby. Joan, the married one, had a baby 10 months after her husband's departure for the south sens. She did not notify him ef Una baby's arrival until it was five weeks old. then a Joyous cable was sent, line little girl, both well. Ilia answer to this was so pathetically eager and happy that It made me aick, for in the family we all know that It la not bis baby. Joan admits herself to a time of Indiscretion, Immediately after his departure, with one of his friends, since killed in the raciflc. . "The whole family exiiects me to be a party to tills outrageous deception, of which I never would have beard, if 1 had not unexpectedly arrived here at the old home. My own Instinct la to try to persuade Joan to. write the truth to Art. and If she will not and her mother will not. to write him myself. Jeans case is, of course, less serious, but she la running around with one of the town boys, and whatever she feels, he la deeply In love. This seems to me terribly unfair to her absent llance, but her mother will do nothing but look worried and say that time will settle all these problems. Personally I don't believe In leaving such matters to time; human beings have responsibilities, and our duties to our absent soldiers are surely the most sacred among them. "My husband Is now returning, honorably discharged, and we will move back to our own home, in a town some milrs away. My dear Carolyn, my advice beads this article. Mind your own business. Bullnn up your lip about Joan's affairs and Jean's affairs, and concentrate upon managing your home ful'tunately tn another town, and keeping your husband and baby happy. Let Jean Tell Husband. You don't know and you have no business to know what the relationship is between Joan and Art. Perhaps she has written hun the full truth already. Perhaps sic is waiting until he Is home again, and at work normally again, and In love SILENCE IS BEST It ia often difficult to keep quirt trii'fl you happrn fo know some acandidoua information. Many pro pin ihemtelvet that it it their duly to tell, breauta sooituofy is bring drr rived. They irldom atop to think that they may bn making a bad ailuation worse. Tli a rase diacuaard in to-d-o Jrs article conrrrna two young wivra whose husbands are alill in service and out of lb i country. The girla are twins, young and pretty, Joan hna given birth to a daughter obviously out of u'eillock. The other girl, Jean, ia going around with one of the local men who ia (dainty in ore with her. Carolyn, their sisler-in-luarea all thia and feela ahe ought to write to the a and reveal the ugly facta. Miaa Norria admoniahea Carolyn to keep out of thean prodva affairs. There ia no good purpose to be aerveil, ahe soys, by telling the soldier-huahnnnow. Perhaps they will never need to know. In any case, it ia the wirea who ahould do the telling, etui under mitre favorable circum per-susi- ls hua-band- atanert than now m mp mil tall turn ufioa ka ntunu. niif. with the little girl baby, to say to him; Art I don't know what weakness or craziness came over me 1 never loved Tom as I did you. 1 was lonesome, and he was going away to his death, as It happened and we were carried away. Cun you forgive me, and love her for Tom's sake. too. because he gave everything that hr had, gave life to keep her world safe for her?" Family hungry fur cake? As a general rule, familiei take It easy on cakes during the spring and wJ summer because theres a wealth of fruits and bets rk' 1 solve the dessert problem. But, comes the first whiff id fall In Utc air, when the kitchen will stay cool enough even for baking, and there's the family on mother's heels cake. begging fur Then, too, husbands and sons will soon be returning, and they will want a big lasle of mother's good homemade cake. Be ready for the call when it conics, homemakers, with a brand new line-uof recipes that are bound tn win the family. We're still aware of the strategic situation in regard tn sugar, so the t for following recipes don't go and sugar. They're delicious In spite of it all, and there's a grand variety from which to choose. Take your pick: Bran Devil's Faad Cake. (Makes IS rupeakes) 1 54 raps sifted cake flour 1H caps sugar Stuffed Veal Shoulder Browned Onions Carrots Potatoes Cranberry-OrangSalad Biscuits Bran Devil's Food Cnkc Beverage Recipe given. e .r'J j dress especially designed for all-ov- er 4 rap r tiros 24 traxpoona baking powder teaspoon soda teaspoon salt H rap shortening 54 rnp whole bran 1 rap milk 1 tranpoon vanilla eggs Sift flour onre, men mire then sift again with sugar, cocoa, baking powder, soda and salt into mixing bowl. Add shortening and whole bran. Add about 4 nf the milk, then vnnilla; beat until perfectly smooth, about I0U stroke. Scrain bowl and spoon and mix well. Add remaining milk nnd bent until well blended Add the eggs Fill greased muffin tins 4 full. Bake In a moderate oven about 25 or 30 inlimlca. Do you like a cake served warm, in squares, with the tangy flavor of a citrus marmalade? This, then, is 54 1 well-flour- . ; n n 1 egg cup molasses raps sifted flour 54 tesapsou salt 154 tesapssns baking powder 4 teaspoon baking soda 4 teaspoon cinnamon Marmalade Tea Cake. 2 tablespoons melted batter ar subli teaspoon ginger 5i enp sour milk alllute 4 rap brown ongsr Bottom of pan: 14 rups corn flakes 2 tablespoons batter ar sabslllute 1l raps sifted flour 54 rup light eon nyrnp 2 teaspoons baking powder H enp nuts 2 tablespoons sugar 2 sliced apples sr oranges 54 teaspoon salt Crum sugar and shortening Add I tablespoons shortening egg. best well. Add molasiei. Mend. 1 egg Sift dry Ingredients and add alter4 rnp milk with the milk lo the nately 54 marmalade rnp Blend together butter, brown sugar creamed mixture. To prepare pan, and 4 eup coni flake. Set this aside melt butter and add com syrup. Ar- -' for the ti'iniiiig. Sift together flmir, range fruit and nuts. Four batter over fruit and bake for 35 minutes In baking jam drr. sugar and salt Cut oven. Turn cake out in shortening. Beat egg and add milk. Add to dry ingredients, stir- of pan immediately after removing front oven. ring only until combined. Add reFor thine of you who like your maining I pup of cornflakes. Turn Into greased square pan. Dot get It, here "is a n" Vxrel t7it w a y of nuking 54 15a I homemakers are concerned with the proper amounts of raleium and of riboflavin, known now at vitamin Calcium huilda honri and teeth. Itibnflsvin promotes growth and ts nere-sar- y to normal nutrition at all agei B 2 vitamins are t.iund in milk and milk rnsluets. among other foods s'or folks have been drinking 25 per sent more milk sinee 1934. and ipercasvd their consumption of the D 2 vitamins about B-- one-flfU- i. Vitamin l and niacin have been added. Iron is an impoitunt nutrient and it it usually fan lw well supplied in average mixed diets and the enrichment program adds eten more. The average qr. unity (1f v). t..min B I that you and your family had las! year u.is 33 per cent higher lino in prewar years III IMr cent of this l in. reuse was dm. lo t'.r e- -r c' -- ioril . ( pr.fc ueli You homemakers have lo.irued l.' .'l il jour iuiiiiiy uiH-- not have enough B- it is apt lu result In a poor physiral cnudiliun, poor appetite and nervous disorders Pt B-- Make Dixhwaxhlng Faxicr: Stunt flxhy odors on dishes by waxhin; thorn soapy water tn which some vinegar h.is been added. Ritso dishes in hot vine-sta- r water, nl Tint, soapy water ' indicated for greasy dishes; cold water fur egg. t,trrhy and milky dishes. SiT.i;e dishes before starting to wash and have a strainer in the sink to collect all leftovers. If much e.ixirr than scooping them up out of the water. Stark dishes csrefully before washing It won't seem like you have 0 many, and there's less dinner of their breaking China can he allowed lo dry by Itself on a dish rack, but glasses, silver and cutlery, should be wiped immediately after wash111 ing. Make sure you have plenty of absorbent dish towel handy. Cse paper toweling for hands to save doth towels. good Cream. 14 teaspoons plain, nnflavnrrd gel5 I atin rap cold milk ar water rap light cream J. T. GREEN HAS BETTER SUCCESS WITH LESS EFFORT 1-rV HARRINGTON, DELAWARE. Mrs. James T. Green is a Texan who moved to Delaware. While in the East she used some other 7 , MERCHANDISE Safetv Device wrll-t-hillr- d Soflrn gelatin in cold liquid. Set over hot water and atlr until thor- otighly dissolved. Pour cream into Wl niakln it i ilivp enough so rream covers at least 4 of the beaters. Stir in softened gelatin gradually. Set bowl in a pan of lee and lot stand 5 minute, stirring around edge several limes. Leaving bowl in iee and water, beat with rotary beater 5 minute. Cream will be light and fluffy but w:i! not ttand uff enough to peak. Let ,tand T or 8 nunute more in iee water, stirring gently. Creant will thieken and become atiff enough to peak. Thi may be sweetened and flavored to taste. It may be served immediately or kept in refrigerator or cold place until ready to aerve. Texture improves on standing In refrigerator for 4 hour. Stir until smooth and enre. RciftiM by Western Nwituptf Union, I Rie ErispiMRQUi! tilt wkk Hpt mSm ill the profctnrt food ffltwf dcfcwd MRS. Jvcrcd It; Whipped KcDocc (275-19- ' e Lynn Kays; Jfl Address brands of laundry starch, and then wrote this letter: ASK "When 1 was in Texas 1 became acquainted with Faultless Starch and liked It very ANOTHER much, 1 never used any starch like it. I have used many other brands but I ean have better success with less effort with Faultless Starch. I have my son's little suits to wash often and ft Is a great help to know that 1 can just dip them In cold starch and they will iron so nice and smooth." Faultless Starch has been especially made for women who want to do beautiful starching and ironing with as little work as possible. Thats why Faultless Starch satisfies women like Mrs. James T. Green. It is truly a special kind of starch, made a special way. PERFECT HOT OR COLD Whether you want hot starch or cold you can make perfect bat must be no longer than what? starchstarch, WITHOUT COOKING. For B. What does a gold nugget cold starch you simply add cold weigh? water to the starch while you stir. 10. What army first discovered For hot starch simply cream the usefulness of olive drab in the starch with you a little cool water warfare? and add boiling water while stirring. Either hot or cold, it takes The Answert barely a minute to make perfect starch. MAKES IRONING EASY 1. No. Commando means a BritAnother special feature about ish military unit of about 600 men, Faultless Starch is this Faultless and not one soldier. 2. Garlic, of the lily that family, Starch contains ironing-aid- s keep the iron from sticking. Your grows above the ground. 3. At 72.000 feet above the iron just slides along. No more fighting a "sticky" iron. Youll enground it becomes pitch black. 4. Sun Yat Sen. joy ironing over Faultless Starch, for beautiful ironing becomes a joy 5. A shilling. not a job. 6. In Cremona, Italy. You might just as well enjoy 7. Eratosthenes 5 B. C.). Faultless Starch just like so many 8. Forty-tw- o inches. 9. Gold nuggets have been found thousands of other women do. Just that weigh over 200 pounds, and ask your grocer for Faultless' some have been found that are so Starch today. Use it the very next fine that 10 billion of them barely time you wash. Save the work of cooking starch. Save the work of e an ounc-ean- 't iron. Do beau10. The British soldiers in India fighting a "sticky that by dipping their j tiful starching and ironing. &IaSly uniforms in muddy waler j change to Faultless Starch. they offered excellent camouflage. ME 1 Vitamin Intake Sufficient fab-batte- r; rc J tistr-teinptin- g gRICEWKRIS 149 tiie slightly heavier figure. Make flowered spooned on top of it in a pretty and use soft lace to edge the sprinkle with mixture set side for topping. Bake in hot (400- - neck and brief sleeves. 0 0 degree) oven fur 25 minutes. Serve Pattern No. 1900 Is designed for sizes 38. warm, cut in squares. 38. 40. 42. 44. 48. 43. 50 and 52. Sire 38 Sour Cream Spice Cake. taxes 34 yards at 35 or fabric; 2 54 yards lace edging to trim. 54 cup shortening 1 Doll's Wardrobe cup brawn sugar 1 egg I UST like a little girl's wardrobe i rnp thick sour rream a complete set of clothes for i cup sifted rske a doll including coat and beret, 5i teaspoon baking dress and panties, jumper or slip 2 tea spoon baking and nightgown. Use pieces from !4 teaspoon salt your scrap bag. 2 teaspoon cinnamon 54 teaspoon cloves Cream augar and shortening, add egg and beat well. Add sour cream. Sift flour with baking soda, baking powder, tall, doves and cinnamon. I Add two tablespoons of the dry InI A General Quiz gredients to the creamed mixture. Beat thoroughly. Add remaining dry Ingredients to the flrst mixture, The Queationa beating well. Pour Into a well--1 greased and 1. Is it correct to refer to a solpan and dier as a commando? bake In pre2. Does garlic grow above or in heated 350 do the ground? gree oven for 30 3. How far above the earth does minutes. light disappear? An unusual va4. Who was the first president of riation In cakes Is to use ginger- - the Chinese republic? bread as sn upside-dow- n cake with 5. How much is a "bob' (Eng an apple or orange topping. This lish in coin? slang) ssves both sugar and fuming si ft Is 6. Where did Stradivarius make not necessary to make an icing for his famous violins? this type of eake: 7. Who was the first astronomer to attempt to measure the distance Gingerbread Upside-DowCake, 54 enp around the earth? shortening 8. Baseball rules say a baseball 54 rup sugar ull-ou- You CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. New Montgomery St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 29 cents In coins for each pattern desired. Size Pattern No. Kama SEWING Roomy Nightdress CHARMINGLY simple night with marmalade, p popped Extra Crisp Far doll size 12. II and 20 Inches. Individual yardages, see pattern. Due to an unusually Ursa demand and current conditions, slightly more time la required In filling order for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: made-to-orde- r: Perhaps, If something like that happens. Art never need be disillusioned, Art's heart need never be broken; perhaps there will be other children, and the little oldest girl not the least dear. But whatever happens, your putting jour stiff, moralizing, clumsy hand Into this affair can only ruin everything, and do you no good. Leave Joan alone and leave Jean alone Jean isn't the only pretty young flirt who's sniusing herself in the absence of her heart's true love. Jean will probably meet her sweetheart with I invent eyes and a roval welcome, and to all the world Joan's mistake will remain hidden, and Joan's daughtrr will have her honor and her plare in the world untouched. In a word. Carolyn, mind your own business. B-- Ska ha feels, All American passenger vessels over 5,000 tons are now required by maritime law to carry a radio- direction finder because this de-vice, being independent of the ele- nients, provides the most reliable means of determining the exact position of a vessel at sea. i s i i i j QUCK HERE'S WHY gently warming, soothing Ben-Gagive cuch fast relief from simple hcsdache.-Ben-G- ay contains 2 up to li times more of twofamous agents, methyl salicylate and menthol known to every doctor -t- han five other So-i- nit e, on widely offered nib-in- k quicknwting BenGay for welcome, toothing relief I y . xi gen-uin- to be Consistently Advertised BUY ADVERTISED en - Gay pain-relievi- ?: Must Be GOOD iM3M GOODS r. thxij.'imipu'it'M mI ai ? itTO gKa t 9a r -- I If the vaccine youre using fails to protect your livestock from disease, its expensive-n- o matter how little it costs. If, like Cutter vsccines, it reslly does a job your dollar buys a lot of security. Developing more effective vaccines for livestock is as important to Cutter scientists as products for human use. And youll find them always reasonably priced the better buy because they do the better 'ob. Cutter Laboratories, Berkeley, California. It pays to insist on CUTTER VACCINES & SERUMS |