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Show S& mm. n Friday May 23, UTAH VALLEY NEWS EMERGENCY VEHICLES HAVE RIGHT-OF-W- AY All notariats and pfdntriini throughout ths stats wore mrged today by W. D. Hammond, Chairman of tba Road Commission, and R. Whitney Groo, Superintendent of tbs Highway Patrol, to clear traffic lanes Immediately for emergency vehicles, snch as fire tracks, and police cars, wben emergency signals are event of fire." sounded by the drivers. Mr. Groo called attention to the Observance of the siren signal state law governing this point Is purely a matter of public safe- which reads as follows: "Tbs ty," said Mr. Hammond. "Upon the immediate apIren Is used only In eases of proach of an authorised ememergency or necessity and la the ergency vehicle, when the driver is giving audible signal signal tbat traffic lanes MUST be y cleared Immediately and by siren, exhaust whistle, or without Interference be given bell, the driver of eve ty other y ths emergency vehicle, continued vehicle shall yield the Mr. Hammond. and shall immediately "Delaying or Indrive to a position parallel to, terfering with emergency vehicles and as close as possible to, msy endanger life, or cause considerable property loea la the the right hand edge or curb right-of-wa- right-of-wa- 3E Summer Styles in Furniture Make the Most of Summer with Outdoor Furniture Take your place in the sun" be outdoors more, resting and enjoying fresh air, and taking your eaae on furniture denigned for hot weather comfort. Lower prices here, FLITS easier terms. FIX UP YOUR LAWN and GARDEN NOW! We Carry a Complete Line of Attractive Lawn and Porch Furniture! You Will He Amazed At IIow Reasonably of th highway clear of any Intersection and shall stop and remain In such position until I be authorised emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer. Moat cltiea and towns of the giving tale have ordinances y emergency vehicles the on the afreets and highways, bnt sometimes thoughtless motor-iat- a fall to observe ths law la such case, as wall as tbo common aenae rule of personal safety. It la hoped that special emphasis will be given this Important matter by all police officers and public officials of ths various communities. right-of-wa- BREAKFAST SETS. Set Ensemble 17-F- c. Senior Week events begin Tuesday, Msy ST, st Brigham Yonng university. That evening s Tear of Review program consisting of pictures of campus activities will bo shown on the screen by Dr. D. Eldon Beck. Wsdnexdny will bo ths annuel xenlor trek, while Thursday's feature will be a softball game between the seniors and faculty. Friday will be "Senior Day, when all seniors will be guests of tbs Junior claxa at ths annual senior breakfast to bo held st 7 a. m. on the lawn In front of the Messer building. ih Only A beautiful st tub- - with Am cap f DUCM LAWN HIGH CHAIRS All hardwood HIGH choice of colors Each CHAIRS in Am cum Large "FIRST MOWERS ttelf 16-i- n. Mower with ball- - bearings, rubber tires. -- sharpening aq mm 9w7j - - 81 North University Avenue PROVO STORE: ($18,-000.0- 0) a, lttl ($1.-000.00- ft r.h, (2) ft 2. LOVE MATCHING 1M7 ROGERS BROS. FIRST LOVE" Immljr Sn Hive . . , Thrilling So Own! If you have 1MT Roams Bras. But Lots SMrarplsIs, why not ssmplsts your set by has-ks- g myslsl to match? If you ara giving a praosnt ta a hrida, why not give hse ths sllvorplota pattern most bridra ara ohaoringf Ibis Dunaan pa Horn Is sangsmsat with 14? FiURNItTiURE Never Undersold on USED CARS (Z) 16-8-- 0, Trucks i. p K-T- BUCH-ANNA- Mi-To- W CID E L IV E 2 Rlt VE R YJV HERE -- 3E ANDERSON'S D-T-R-C- Compare this price with the lowest! Until you actually compare the pries of a 1941 Pontiac "Torn pedo" with those of other well-know- cars you how little mere a Pontiac costs. And what a tremendous difference in value you get in a Pontiac greater comfort, smoother performance, increased prestige plue economy that challenges the best Ask your Pontiac dealer to show you these figures today. lowest-price- can't d Used Car Lot Ot Specials hilly appreciate Delivered mt Pontimc, Mkk Stmte Ux, eptieuml equipment meed mcceutriet extern. Pricee mud epeefemteeui subject It cbmuge witbeut notice. I , st Mayor ATTE8T: City Recorder (SEAL) There shall be endorsed on said bond tha following City Auditor's t rtlflrato: (City Auditor's Certificate) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS BOND IS WITHIN the lawful debt limit of Provo City, Utah, and Is issued according to law. SECTION UNITED SALES & SERVICE 150 North University Avenue ( J to-w- it: Lamp light in haw, large ing and light shade ansa Legal Notices ORDINANCE It Is Priced! 7 - WAY LAMPS Break-fa- to attesL and affix the seal of TIC1PATION BOND OF PROVO borrowed without Incurring any Provo SERIES OF MAY City to said bond, and the CITY. UTAH, Indebtedness In excess of ths taxes Auditor is authorised and Zl, 1041. City 1 of said City for tha current year, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, directed to place upon said bond and hand set my Consult County Clark or the and have hereunto and manner in the certificate of said WHEREAS, the sum of (he lorm set forth above, and the sets affixed the corporateof seal A. D. Respective Signora for farther Eighteen Thousand Dollars May, Recorder, and City, this Hal day City said of Mayor. now to bo raised is uot Information. Auditor In so doing are and 1141. In excess of the revenues to be City I. G. BENCH ba the act and deed of Provo shall 1041. for the raised year Provo City, Utah. Recorder, City . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT City. . (SEAL) 4. That the Board SECTION NOTICE TO CREDITORS ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF shall levy In Publication data: May ZS, 1041. OF PROVO of Commissionersa sufficient COMMISSIONERS tax to 1041 B. Estate of Martha Bullock, CITY, UTAH COUNTY, STATE the year NOTICE TO WATER USERS and ths Interest the deceased. principal pay OF UTAH: ssma shall as ths bond oa said Creditors will present claims, SECTION 1. That said Provo Utah State Fish and under oath, with voschors, to the City, Utah, for ths purposo of fall das, and for tha payment of 1S1 State Capitol thars-o- Department, Interest tha and bond said administrator st ths meeting current expenses of said andsrstigned Laka City, Utah Salt taxand Building, credit atfull the faith, office of Brockbaad 4 Pope, City for the .year 1141 until ths haa filed Application No. torneys, salts 111 Knight Build- payment of uses for tha year ing power of Provo City are here- to change tha nature of use of ing, Provo, Utah, on or before 1041, shall borrow tha sum of by irrevocably pledgad and ths Z.41 see. ft. of water from foar Commissioners hereby Board of 1141. Zl, July ), Eighteen Thousand Dollars the holder of said unnamed springs In Utah county. DEAN O. BOLLOCK, and for that purpose as covenants with will It levy In tha year It la represented that tha water Administrator. evidence of such indebtedness bond that unPublication dates: Msy ZS. 10, shall issue one bond, numbered 1041 sufficient taxee to provide haa heretofore bean divertedCertider Application No. 10447, the of principal the Jnns 0, It. for payment one (1) of the denomination of from npriags at tha Interest of said bond, as ficate No. ). sad Thousand Dollars points and In quantities as folNOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Eighteen Said bond shall boar tha same shall fall das. SECTION I. That tha Farm- lows, all locations from tha quardata of Msy Zl, 1041, and shall Notice Is hereby given that a bo due and sad Merchants Bank, a hank ter corner between Boca. 17 and ers December Z0, payable SLBAM: 7 B., R. 1 1.. corporation of Provo City. IS, T. ba held Board will log la tha meeting - 0.07 1041, bearing Interact at the rate said (a) N. Zl18' W. 1766.6 to offered parchaea has Provo of two per cent per annum Room, Central Building, ace. ft; (b) N. 1444' W. 1411 aecrued interest, and bond at par Msy Z7, payable st maturity, both princi- which price is satisfactory .to thU ft. - 0.70 see. ft; (c) N. 4861' High School, Tuesday, 1041 at 7:00 P. M. for the purpose pal and Internal being payable at and E. Z07I.4 ft - 0.17 see. ft and Board of Commissioners, - MS of giving a public hearing on tha the Farmer and Merchants Bank, which la tha highest, best and (d) N. $1 10' B. 1010.5 Bald bond bndget for Provo City Schools for Provo City, Utah. received that tha water has been used duroffer most advantageous ahall bo designated Provo City the fiscal year 1141-4of said bond; ing ths entire year for tho propaTax Anticipation Bond, Series of for the purchase BOARD OF EDUCATION offer la, and tha same gation of mnakrata, after which It said that bond 1041. shall Said Msy Zl, By J. FRED FECHSER la accepted, and the sale has been returned to the natural Clerk Treasurer. be signed by the Mayor and at- of hereby to tha above named stream at a point N 714' E. 170$ bond said tested by the City Recorder under ratified and con- ft from tho E H Cor. of said Sac. la firm hereby the seal of the City, and shall be tha and City Treasurer 1 18. It la now proposed to divert firmed. registered In n book kept by the and authorised and use tha water as heretofore instructed purpose, hereby City Auditor for that said Eighteen and In addition to nse it for flah the to deliver and the City Auditor shall endorse Dollars ($18,000.00) culture purposes In IS ponds to Thousand reAN ORDINANCE PROVIDon xsld bond the certificate thereof, Its ba constructed. After having the to bond purchaser ING FOR THE ISSUANCE quired by law. Said bond shall and when been so naad the water will be as or assigns, AND 8ALE OF EIGHTEEN be substantially in the following agenta la legally returned to the natural channel at and be shall bond the THOUSAND DOLLARS form, leaned and delivered upon receipt the point of return hereinbefore ANTICITAX (111,000.00) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of tho purchase price therefor, described. PATION BOND OF PROVO 8TATE OF UTAH the same being par and accrued of Protests resisting the granting CITT, UTAH, SERIES OF said Application, with raaaona COUNTY UTAH Interest. MAT Zl. 1041. made in affidavit form, therefor, the 6. City That SECTION CITY PROVO bo filed with T. H. Humph-ery- s, Recorder la hereby Instructed and must TAX ANTICIPATION BOND WHEREAS, there la sn ImState Engineer, 408 State directed to cause a copy of this Series of May Zl, 1941 mediate and pressing need for the 8alt Lake City, Utah, Im- Capitol, be to In of published funds amount Ordinance No the of $18,000.00 raising with one extra copy and $1.05 the Issue of In one BY THESE MEN KNOW ALL Thousand Dollars Eighteen mediately (f fee on or before Juna Z0, for the purpose of meet- PRESENTS: Daily Herald, or the Utah Valley filing 1041. That Provo City, in the County News, dally or weekly newspapers ing the current expenses of Provo T. H. HUMPHERYS City for the year 1941 until the of Utah and State of Utah, here- of general circulation In and State Engineer. Provo In inof to Itself be and for the published takes acknowledges payment year by printed Publication dates: May 1, 1, IS, received value and for Utah. debted 1041, and City, BE IT ZS, and SO, 1941. WHEREAS, said snm can be hereby promisee to pay to the NOW, THEREFORE. THE BY bearer hereof the eum of Eighteen FURTHER ORDAINED SUMMONS Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00) BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS lawful money of the United States OF PROVO CITY, UTAH COUNIn the Fourth Judicial District on ths ZOth day In December, TY, STATE OF UTAH, that It la A. D., 1141, at the Farmer and necessary to the Immediate pre- Court of the State of Utah, la and Bank, Provo City, servation of the peace, health and for Utah County. These Cars are Reconditioned and Merchant JAMES A. BUTLER, Plainwith thereon at the safety of said City and the InInterest Utah, READY TO GO! tiff vs. SARAH E. SNOW, rate of two per cent per habitants thereof that thla OrdinIMS FORD DeLnxo Sedan $885 annum from date until paid, pay- ance take effect Immediately beMARTHA HINDMAR8H, NELLIE F. FRESHWATER, 1038 DEHOTO Sedan, Ovve cause of the necessity of funds to able at maturity. HUGH J. FRESHWATER, $405 This Bond Is known as 'Trovo meet the current expenses of said drive, radio, heater FRESHG. KENNETH 1088 FORD Sedan $245 City Bond, Series of May Zl City and AN EMERGENCY IS 1085 PLYMOUTH Sedan ...$345 1041," for the aggregate sum of HEREBY DECLARED, and this WATER, ROYAL E. FRESHNORMAN T. 1084 FORD Coach WATER, Ordinance ahall be In force on the $185 Eighteen Thousand Dollars (1 NANCY 1088 PLYMOUTH Sedan ....$145 FRESHWATER, issued pursuant to Sec- date of Its passage, approval and HICKS, RALPH BARNECK. Revised Statutes of publication. tion CHAVLES BARNECK, JOHN PASSED by the Board of ComUtah, 1033. DOE FxiZCHWATER, tad 1088 DODGE Pickup The Board of Commissioners missioners of Provo City, Utah $185 JANE DOE FRESHWATER, 1088 FORD Pickup $155 shall levy in the year 1041 a suf- County, State of Utah, and apall the heirs -- -- law of 1080 International Pk-kn$245 ficient tax to pay the principal proved this Zlat day of May, A. D. GEORGE FRESHWATER, 1030 CHEVROIiET $405 and Interest on this bond as the 1041. n deceased, and ANN 1084 DODGE .$ 03 same shall fall due, and this bond ANDERSON MARK Defendants. 1084 CHEVROLET Mi-To- n $ 05 Is Issued In anticipation of the Mayor of Provo City. Utah THE STATE OF UTAH 1085 FORD Mi Ton Jt85 payment of snch taxes for the ATTEST: TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS: And 50 Others to Choose From year 1941. BENCH You are hereby summoned to It Is hereby :ertif!ed, recited I. O. Recorder of Provo City. Utah appear within twenty daya after and declared that the entire in- City (SEAL) service of thla summons upon debtedness of said City hereby InUTAH you, If served within the County curred la not in excess of the STATE OFOF UTAH In which this action la brought, taxes of said City levied or to be COUNTY otherwiae, within thirty daya after levied for the current year 1941 I. I. 0. BENCH, the duly aervlce and defend the above en305 SOUTH UNIV. AVENUE and that said Indebtedness was land is contracted for the purpose chosen, qualified and acting City titled action; and in case of your Recorder of Provo City, Utah failure so to do. Judgment will be for which said taxes are levied. Utah, do hereby rendered against you according to It Is further certified, recited County. Stateas of such official I have tha demand of tha complaint, and declared that all conditions certify that acts and things essential to the the custody of the records and which haa been filed with the flies of the proceedings of the clerk of said iourL validity of this bond exist, have Board of Commissioners of said This action is brought to rehappened and have been done, and tha above and fore- cover a judgment quieting title In that every requirement of law City; that la a true end correct the plaintiff to lands described In. affecting tha issue hereof has been going of un full, Ordinance passed by the complaint copy and this that 'duly complied with, of BROCKBANK AND POPE bond Is within every debt and the Board of Commissioners said City on the Zlat day of Plaintiffs Attorneys. other limit prescribed by the AN P. O. Address: Conetltntlon and Laws of said May, A. D. 1141, entitled: ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR Suite 111 Knight Bldg. State, and that ths full faith sad credit of amid Provo City ara here- THE I88UANCE AND SALE OF Provo City, Utah. EIGHTEEN THOUSAND DOLPublication data: April ZC; by irrevocably pledged to the LARS ($16,000.00) TAX AN- - May S, 0 10, and SI. punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond according to Its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Provo City has caused this bond to bo signed by Its Mayor, Its corporate seal to bo hereunto affixed, and attested by Its' City Recorder as of the twenty-firday of May, 1041. ($18,-000.00- Largest Stock in the State! SOLID OAK 1941 Provo, Utah. Street ilni&tiss Provo, Utah. p m coven-- 1 ants, statements, representations and agreements contained In said bond are hereby adopted as covenants, statements, representations. agreements and promises of FHetdhiers 368 West Center City Auditor Z. All the tteeu J Provo City, Utah. SECTION J. The Mayor of Provo City Is hereby authorised and directed to sign and execute said hnnd. and the City Recorder Is hereby authorised and directed OPPOSITE GREAT MORMON 20$ Rooms 200 Tile Baths TKMPLB Rates: to 14.00 11.50 Hotel Temple Square Salt lake flry, Utah I Exposure Room Dellahrtully Air CewM ERNEST U. ROSS ITER, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED i t |