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Show CarfieU Leader. Garfield, Utah Friday, January 4, 1957 a Christmas Eve baby. She weighMerrill Ray Dimitk, son of Mr. i Proud grandparents, are Mr. Dilley of Magna. worth of Provo announce the and Mrs. Blanchard Dimick of ! ed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and has a birth of a son on December 24th. and Mrs. Lyle Talbot of Magna ! Kearns. He weighed in at 8 pounds and and Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hep-hs- s brother, Max, at home. Baby Girl The prominent pair will be wed All concerned are doing nicely. a 24 year-ol- d Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Thumsen staler, Julie j worth of Hinckley and great-Ga-e I in the late fall. at home. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. of Magna announce the birth of New Son Announcement of the approachA baby boy arrived December ing nup'ials will be read with in- 20th at the Holy Cross Hospite1 terest by friends of the prominent to Dr. and Mrs Silvio Fassio, 2050 pair. Aldo Circle, Salt Lake City, weighing six pounds and nine ounces. Sylvia. 3. and Jimmy, 2, Colby - Patterson are happy sister and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Yee Colby of Mr. and Mrs. James Fassio, 1879 Magna announce the betrothal of 7th East and Mr. and Mrs Dom their attractive daughter, Barbara, Buffo, 128 W. 2nd North, are to Ronald E. Patterson, son of proud grandparents. Mrs. Jimmie Patterson and the Mrs. Fassio is the former Ann late Mr. Ross Patterson of Gran- Buffo. ger. No marriage date for the promFine Son Mr. and Mrs. Lester O. Hcp- inent pair has as yet been aet. I CRADLE ROLL Socie't4 Diamonds Top Gift Lit! December Coes Out With Flurry Of Wedding, Engagement News , No definite date for the marriage of the young couple has been set. Mr. and Mr,. !t:iy Keetch of Announcement of the engageMagna announce the on jagenicnt ment news will be read with Cub Scout Kiwi of their lovely daughter, Mi The Cub Scout Pack 185 of great interest by the ir ny friends Connie Ke.tch, to William (Bill) (. the popular pair. Magna First and Second Wards Johns, son of Mr. and Mrs. FI ;yd held a Pack meeting DecemJohns of Redwood Road, Granger. ber 21st at the Magna Wardhouse. A beautiful diimond was g'ven Skinner - Phillips Neslen Chapman, cub master, during 'he holidays to Miss awards to scouts and presented Keetch, who was chosen this past Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Skin- each Den. year as Miss Independence fur ner of Magna announca the enThe groups packed holiday the Magna area. gagement of their a1 tractive boxes and delivered them to ones Wedding plans for the promi- daughter, Deanna Mae, to Robert of their choice. The boys also sang nent pair are in the future. L. Phillips, Jr., son of Mr. and carols. Mrs. Robert L. Phillips of 4517 Their project for the month, West 3500 South. How They Celebrate Christmas Jenkins - Tester .Wedding bells will not ring for 'n Other Lands," was featured. the prominent pair for some The boys also made holiday gifts. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. (Jeff) Jen- time. kins o: Magna announce the beMrs. Mike Maez of Magna, actrothal of their lovely daughter, Wort hen - Dimich companied by her son, Mike, has Carol, to Private Raymond L. returned home after a most en(Roy) Tester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Worthcn of joyable trip to Lang Beach, John L Tester of 2900 South Red- Magna announce the betrothal of California. wood Road, Salt I.ake City. The son is a member of the their daughter, Sylvia Myrle to United States Navy, and departed for his base Friday night. He presented his parents with a Christmas gift of a new 57 Ford car. Keetch - Johns . Club Entertained Honoring eighteen members of the Eastern Star Club, Mrs. D. D. Punshon and Mrs. T. R. Colombe entertained Saturday at g prettily planned party at the Colombe residence. A dainty luncheon was served at tables that were attractively decorated with carnations and stock. The living and dining rooms were bright with holiday plants. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Arthur Zeldin and Mrs. Edward Skinner. Overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Godfrey and three children of Logan. I ! FIRST SECURITY PAYS MORE FOR SAVINGS TO BE 70 YEARS YOUNG. IS SOMETIMES FAR MORE Beginning Jan. CHEERFUL THAN TO BE 40 YEARS OLD is Geriatrics science a 1, 1957 new that concerns itself with helping you to grow old, happier and healthier. Your age is now numbered, not by Tour years, but by how wall you are taking care of yourself. Correction of vitamin proper diet, and right thinking are important. . Your physician can prescribe the particular medicine that will help you to live longer. In our pharmacy, ready to servo you. are these important aids to better living. deficiencies, YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE SAVINGS & LOAN BANK INTEREST 3 on savings in anj Savings & Loan is now available an addition . to First Securitys complete service. J t paid twice amount. In 8281 Magna. Kearns. AM a year June 30, December 3 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE 1 . Earnings distributed twice a year December 31. Pick up your prescription when shopping near us. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? Inquire a ; June 30, iy office Drugs By Duke Magna. Utah . and , Kearns Pharmacy Kearns. Utah SAVINGS A LOAN First Security Savings k Loan Assn., Inc. Utah l int Security Savings k Loan Association Idaho BANKS Quotation by Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-188Copyright 1958 (11W4) First Security Bank of Utah, N.A First Security Bank of Idaho, N. A Fust Security Bank of Rock Springs, Wye. Members FDIC 4) M Save your tape at Moris. Each $100.09 worth 2 j I pairs of sheer nylons. I W I FINEST MEAT SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES 7 DAYS A WEEK j Roast BEEF i Ground, Lean, Freah, 3 Iba. Steak ) Chopi j Veal j Roast veaL rib. sirloin, lb. patties, lb. pork, boneless, lean, lb. si Pot, A grade, tender Sirloin, A Grade, lb. 651 Chops I d)Di . lamb, rib, lge. loin. Ib. 491 Sausage Norbest, lb. Med A Grade, Freah, Doz. I Banquet, Mild, lb. Libbys Garden, 6 f or I BEEF 411 Velveeta corned. Libbys, can ifj $li 2 83 gjlj i S! j Celery 303 New, Green, lb No. 1 See for Yourself I SEE THE GOLDEN ROCKET e e e Lowest-Price- d russets. 10 ,63 j 43 lbs. 1 -j- 88 . Rocket Engine Carl costs much less than youd ever guest to step up to the value benefits at surprisingly small cost of an Olds! You get big-ca- r in Oldtmohilcs Leant iful new Golden Rocket 88! And you get look that gives you big-ca- r n stunning new prestige and smart Modern Accent Staling. Whats more, youll have the dynamic performance of the great new Rocket the luxuriously smooth riding qualities of Engine e all of 1957a mot Cluvii new advanced engineering features! So conie in, look around, and drive a Golden Rocket 82 now! . Racist fug ins llaudard m aft moduli qpsciaf Rsist Rafis, wit up It low-lev- 1 $11 Tomatoes Sausage siss, Libby's. , ..,,$11 Pineapple. j Jui Orange, CaRfeage 13lPotatoes with the Accent on Vou ! . . chaste food. pkg. Vienna. noumv court 65 i 4m White Star, Solid, 2 for jEGGS C Reese 1 49 j 49 link, lb. 491 Turkeys 65 T-4- ... W'ide-Stanc- ... TAKI A ROCKBT TISTI Step inside and get the exciting (eel of 88 OUR GUEST Interior and take a look this new Oldamohile. Settle bade in the luxurious Tech-Styl- e around. You'll see Oldimobile'a smart Accent Stripe highlighting the inside motif a new Golden Rocket 88, imi too . . . new design everywhere! Guest-driv- e 277-kp- ., arailobis O LDSM Q YOURI ALWAYS WIICOMI PAULOS t Olds-mobil- sf txfr coif. 0 EL. AT YOUR OLDSMOBIL! QUALITY DEALER'S! AUTO COMPANY MAGNA, UTAH AN ULUb IV UUUoLc iXAIUKc! irnii Jit ... iiwis, in his kovacb, with a hour-lon- g half-hou- r PHONE 8811 -- of returh T,JAN.Tv,i19 soio SAT., COMEDY ilevu: |