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Show The Complete Home Newspaper" -- Read It in The Times or Leade- r- CHATTER From The Editor Thirty-eight- h Garfield, Utah. Friday, December 17, 1954 year DRAWING TO BE HELD THURSDAY! GLORY TO COD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH. EVE, DECEMBER 23rd FOR NEW, PEACE, COOD WILL TOWARD MEN! 1935 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Magna's Swimming Pool Several inquiries have been made to this office lately relative to the Magna Swimming Pool. We are most happy to answer them. Q. What is the size of the Magna pool? A. It is 35x75 feet, only five feet smaller than the spacious Tooele pool and larger than either Bingham or Granite. When the proportions of the pool were pre- sented to Superintendent Gaurley of the Granite School District, he "Why such a large pool? It is fell that the size will be sufficient, as it is smaller than Granite and they had a high school enrollment of 1800 pupils. Cyprus has just under 700. Q. Will it be finished early in 1955? A. The contractor believes so but YOUR money pledges are drastically needed. That's why many community events have been held for the benefit of the pool to raise more money to insure its completion. Shall we make a new Christmas rule of life from today on: always to try to be a little kinder than necessary-you- ng and old? Lucky Person To Have Holiday Brightened With Marvelous Gift That Will Be Given At Auction Night Next Thursday evening, December 23rd, will mark the final Auction Night, whc.sin many marvelous Christmas Gifts will ' placed on the block, and a lut'ky P,rson will be awarded the 1 deluxe Pontiac Sedan, This event is the la-- t in a series sponsored by the Magna of Commerce. and will be eld n the Gein Theatre, beginning promptly at 7:30 p. m. So, L. O. Larson, chamber president, says: Come prepared with your yellow tickets, to bid on groceries, toys, hams, toiletries, etc., that are being contributed by your MAGNA merchants!" Method Explained In another article of this paper, the method of selecting the winning number and name for the beautiful automobile is explained, so that all attending will understand the procedure. Tickets are still being sold at $1.00 a chance, and may be procured from any Swimming Pool committee member or Chamber of Commerce official. All proceeds from the ticket sale will be used to finish the construction work on the pool. Don't forget: The Event Final Auction Night The Time Thursday, December 23rd, 7:30 p. m. The Place Gem Theatre. Cham-querie- NAMED HEAD OF MAGNA C of C MAGNA of the First Security Bank. H. T. Dyches was named vice president. Directors include Gust Norcn, William Cocorinis, Pete G. Paulos, Harold Wacker, Frank Falvo and F. Dee Peel. RECORD CROWD EXPECTED AT CHURCH BINGO Beautiful Cedar Chest Filled To Top With Articles, To Be Given AND Just a final word Only 6 more SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! MAGNA KILLED MAN WED. Information was received as we go to press of the death of Neilse j j i i . Cyprus Wallops Two Class A Teams In a contest played at Cyprus Wednesday, the Pirates downed and the next day Logan, traveled to Box Elder and defeated the northern aquad, The Pirates had the game with Logan all the way. They were never pressed, as Logan let the Pirate defense push them out to long firing range, and then hurry any shots they got. The combination of Pirate defense and well balanced offense provided the lopsided margin, as Cyprus exactly doubled the Logan score. High scorers for Cyprus were Larry Reid with 18 and Gary Fuller and Verl Ncwbold with 11 and 10. The Box Elder game was a little closer contest. The whole story, nevertheless, was Cyprus' strong defense and even balanced offense. This time the high scorers were Bob Grant with 15, and Wayne Thomas with 13. 54-2- 7, 49-3- 8. P. (Pete) Skiby, 44, 3292 South 8400 West in Magna, who was killed at 9:40 a.m. Wednesday when he fell off a level on the west side of the Bingham mine. Mr. Skiby was a machine man in the powder department at the Bingham Mine. He was working with a crew, stripping the side of the level af ter blasting operations. He had Just ascended a rope which was hanging over the aide of the levPrimary Party el, standing near the edge when The Hunter Second Primary he toppled over. He suffered a frartured skull and other hsad will hold their annual Christmas party Tuesday, December 21st injuries. at 3:45 p. m. All children under 12 and their There never was yet a truly are invited. A fine proparents at not the was great man that been arranged and has gram same time truly virtuous. Santa will also visit. Benjamin franklin 50-fo- ' -- young people. 7:30 hem, This Saturday evening, December 18th, will mark the time when a fortunate person will be the recipient of a beautiful, luxurious cedar chest, filled to the top with useful, expensive articles for the home, The occasion will be a holiday Bingo Night, sponsored by Our Lady of Lourdes Church in the hall, and awarding of four prizes, to be drawn out by ticket stubs. The four prizes are the cedar chest, shotgun, set of silverware and a bicycle. Valuable Prises Many valuable prizes will also be given to holders of lucky bingo cards, consisting of kitchen utensil and other useful home articles. A variety of delicious cakes will be served, together with coffee, during the course of the evening. BENEFIT DANCE FRIDAY FOR HANSEN FAMILY To aid and help a friend and neighbor, a benefit dance is being held this Friday evening, December 17th at the Magna Union Hall for Mr. and Mrs. LaVor T. Hansen, who were seriously injured in a late summer auto crash, and have since been hospitalized. Their three-ye- a daughter was killed, two sons injured, as well as a nephew and Mr. Hansen's mother. Tickets are now being sold, and all receipts will be given to the Hansens to help pay their large hospital, medicine bills. Added Inducement As an added inducement, many beautiful and valuable door prizes have been contributed by local merchants, and will be drawn and awarded to holders of lucky tickets. It will still be several months before Mr. Hansen will be able to return to work, lie and his wife have been in casts for months and undergone operations. Will you help your friends and neighbors, and if not able to attend the buy a ticket? ld dance-drawin- g, "The Child of Bethlecantata by the choir. -- Many, special events are planned by the vai ions wards in their M. An undercurrent of holiday excitement and gaiety reigns at the Cyprus high school, preparatory to the joyous Yule. As a contribution to brighten shutins and hospitalized patients, the noted high school A Cappella choir of 120 voices is planning to go caroling at Salt Lake City hospitals during the holidays. They will also sing at the Christmas assembly December 22nd. The organization is directed by Jim Maher. Officers of the A Capella choir are Richard Wrathall, president. Don Bennion, vice president; Gayle Brown. Norma Fraser, secretaries; ElRay Pedersen and Ronnie Peterson, business managers; Gloria Pappas, reporter; Deon Eldredge, Laura Lou Huish and Norma Fraser, accompan- M organ.ations and details of most I of them wiil he found in other columns of this paper. HUNTER NOTES Mrs. Mona Louder entertained her Sewing Club December 15lh at her home. R 'freshments were served and an enjoyable time spent by the ladies. Mrs. Kenneth Aston ami family of Twin Falls, Idaho, spent last week visiting relatives ami friends in Hunter and Magna. SANTA CLAUS IS MAGNA BOUND Santa Claus in person will be in the Magna business district next week from December 20: h to Itie 21th in the evenings, strolling through the aluri-s- , ilistrihutin.' treats anil l.teiung to the wants of each ami "very y mngster. He will nuke the trip h"ie through the cooperation ot th Magna Chamber ot Cmr 23rd--8-(I- D of P tv, The Oquirrh Stake and North Jordan Stake presidencies invite ail to attend sM'ials and services. Santa Claus will arrive from merchandise for the gay holiday the North Pole in Garfield this season. December Thursday evening, Other Events 16th. ,j i Other forthcoming events in He will be given a welcome unlike any similar event in the Garfield will include the followhistory of Garfield and a gala ing: December 20th-2:- 00 evening of arranged events will p. Monday, m., 5th and 6th graders will be held in his honor with many carol around the Community festivities, beginning promptly at Christmas tree. 5:30 p. m. 21 At December Tuesday, He will turn on the holiday 7:00 p. m., Brownie Scouts will lights in the Townsite community, ting carols by the community according to the Garfield Com- Christmas tree, directed by Mrs. munity Council, sponsors, dis- Philip Comstock. tribute candy to the kiddies and visit and carol to They will also shutins. will be from 6:00 to 7:00 in the December 22nd Wednesday, Garfield Theatre to take Christmas lists from every boy and girl, Teenagers will carol around the tree, directed by Ward Conn, visit girl shutins and a number of homes. And what is more important, Thursday, Deeember he will have a treat for every- p. m., Adults will carol a: nun I one of his many young friends. the trie with Mrs. LaPrele MattAll are invited to come to Garhews direct, ng. field, to see the merry gentleman Prise Drawing and witness other festivities. Garfield merchants w.ll disGarfield's busings district has tribute tickets troin December been most attractive tor the event 16th to the 23rd and prize drawand stores are decorated and show ings will be held each night. windows filled with displays of Stores will award merchandise. Cyprus School Busy With Holiday Fetes 'officers LDS Wards ght L. O. Larson was elected president of the Magna Chamber of Commerce, Wednesday, succeeding Henry Mori, who has efficiently served in this position for some time. Mr. Larson is manager r i And this child in the manger was love and peace incarnate, mercy and goodness made law. Now was Christ born to light the world along the path to God. As the wonderful, d story of Christmas moves once more through our lives, there is no one of us who is not conscious of the inexpressible divinity of the season. It is a time to be generous, time for deep happiness, a time for neighborliness and good will towards all. --The Copper Printing Company Many Events Arranged To Welcome Arrival of Santa Who Will Have Treats For Boys and Girls-BriLights In District L. O. Larson OQUIRRII FUND RETAINS ALL liy unanimous vote, all officers Our Lady of Lourdes nf .hi lVui::!i I. I'..1. Community Baptist Church Tiu i mi vices will be retained Monday night to icive will lc Sunday, Di ivniU-i-19lli- , out Christmas Eve :in.l;in 195.Y the Christmas piugram at the Baptist Church Sungs and ic..d-- j Day at Our Lady of Lourdes y They arc Y. S 11 ings by the children will form 'aUilic Church: ideiit; O. K. Futheriiighaui, first Christmas Eva the basis of the enjoyable time E. E. Mat 'Lev, vice pn whieh begins at 9:45 a. in. Confessions, 3 09 to 5:00 p. in. second vice prcsiui ril and Y.ll.a:.i At the close of the program, Noveiu, 7.3U p. in. u, v. . Ungeier, scciil.iiy-trcj- s !he chiM.cn will receive their Confessions, 8.00 to 10:00 p. treats from Santa. A most cor- ill. Caiols. 11:4a p. in. dial invitation is extended to all for their attendance. Midnight Ma.s to St. Haul. 9:45 Sunday School Christmas Christmas Day Mass, 10.30 a. in. Progiain with all the children Mass, U:00 p. in. participating. 11:00 -- Morning worship service Sunday masses, 8:30, 10 30 a. in. with a special service award that .id 0.00 p. m. is held once in a lifetime. Everyone is invited tn attenj 8:00 Youth Fellowship for all t:io services. clothes. I. j an BFAUT1FUI YILETIDF SERVICES ,;s Citizens Invited To Inspirational Services In Churches of Their Choice That night the 10ft sky over Bethlehem was hushed with the peace of angeb and shining with the divinity of Gods highest blessing on earth. For His Son had come, as the Son of Man-n- ot a prince in rich robes but a child in swaddling THIS THURSDAY EVE, 5:30 ut f U)(;L SANTA TO ARRIVE IN GARFIELD HEART ATTACK Hoop Cj;( star-crowne- DIES OF Fla Gesture Desiring to see that everyone in this area has a Xmas Tree, Mori Market tells us that they will leave all trees they have left in front of their store Christmas Eve at 7:30 p. m., and any citizen who might not have been financially able to buy a tree, is welcome to come and take one. LARSON d, What Is Life? What is life? Do not think-on- ly act it the only philosophy that brings you in contact with its real value and enables you to grasp its hidden meaning. While change is the law of life, certain great ideas flow fresh through the ages, and control us effectually as in the days of Pericles. Mankind, it has been said, is always advancing, man is al- MAN ways the same. The love, hope, fear and faith that make humanity, and the elemental passions of the human heart, remain unchanged. Life is a straight, plain bus- Funeral Rites Being Ariness, and the way is clear, blaz- ranged For Donald ed for you by generations of Preston Shaw Strong men, into whose labors you enter and whose ideals must be Donald Preston Shaw, 59, reyour inspiration. garded Magna resident, died of a heart attack Tuesday at 11:15 a.m. And to the Firemen in general, at his 2783 South 8800 bless them, I just want to say: West. residence, He had suffered from a Women can keep a secret just heart condition some time. as well as men, but it takes more Mr. Shaw was born June 6, of them to do it. 1895 in Hyrum, Cache County to Charles W. and Emma Williams A Good Story Shaw. He married Vervene Park Bishop Fulton Sheen told a in Ogden January 12, 1921. He very fine story recently on one was a charter member of the of his TV broadcasts. As I re- American having scivcd member it, it was like this: in World Wr I. An American watch manufactLDS Ci. -- rh Member urer, who was extremely proud of Mr. Shaw was a member of the his work, sent a sample of it to LDS Church. He had been ema Swiss competitor. It was an al- ployed as repairman at Kcnnecott most invisible wire. He claimed Copper Corporation for the past that this tiny strand was the thin- thirty-seve- n years, and was a nest ever prepared by a watch- member of a local pioneer family, maker. Survivors include his widow; a A short while later he received son, Donald Grant Shaw, Magna; a parcel from his rival in Swit- a daughter, Mrs. Betty Moesser, zerland. It contained the same Hunter; six sisters: Mrs. Chloe fine wire. Alongside it was a Monson, Mrs. Phyllis Harkness, lens used by jewelers. Mrs. Mabel Hancock, Magna; When the American picked up Granger; Mrs. Mern Mills, Mrs. the wire he saw no change. But Dora Davis, Mrs. LaPriel Erickson when he used the lens, he noticed Salt Lake City; five grandchilthat a clear-chole had been dren. neatly drilled right through its Funeral Ritas center. Funeral services will be in Pride can play foolish tricks on charge of the Peel Funeral Home us. We have every good reason in Magna. to feel proud of a job well done, Mr. Shaw was held in high when we puff ourselves up gard by a wide circle of friends. to the point that we draw con He was a kind, genial man with a stant attention to our achieve- pleasing personality. ments, then we are inviting the Sincere sympathy of the comshame that usually befalls the munity is extended to the sorrowed family. proud. FINE L 0. Number 23 iviiirce. Party The Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Mildred Moure Friday, December 17th. Dinner will be served and Christmas gifts exchanged. All members are invited to attend. Give Event Wards Hunter Holiday Jmmm Xmas Party The Hunter Ward Primary are completing arrangements for a Christmas parly December I7th at the home of the president, Mrs. Norma Giovcngo. This social will honor teacheis and partners. A hot dinner wil be seivcd aiul gifts exchanged. jMPfe:; j ists. On Sunday, December 19th, the choir will sing at the Granger fourth Ward and December 21st. appear at the Salt Lake General Hospital, St. Anns and Veterans' Hospital, caroling. After January 1st, they plan a tour to Ogden and other sites of interest in the northern portion of the state. Yu la tide Hoop Gamas During the holiday week and vacation, Cyprus will play several hoop preseason games, to include: December at Christmas Cyprus; assembly 11:00 a. m., and matinee dance. rus December at Pay-so22nd-01ym- 23rd-Cyp- Cub Scouts Plan Xmas Party Dec. A Christina1! pus nici Hall. All Cub Scouts and parents are urged to attend and .ieh brin a 25 cent exchange gift. S.inta w.Il be Inc.e and n. December 29th-Sal- ina at Cyprus. Faculty Party Cyprus high school faculty is planning their annual get together Monday, December 20th at Peeler's Restaurant, 39th South and Highland Drive, beginning at 7:00 p. m. This will be for teachers and their partners. prir-m-i- tree. THANK YOUI Merchants in this vicinity wish to extend a most sincere 'Thanks" to the Utah Power 6f Light Company who supplied free power on outside Christmas street and community decorations. This is an annual service supplied by the UP&L concern. Mrs. Grace Squires of Phoenix, is visiting her many relArizona, PriWard Second Hunter The atives and friends in this area mary officers will honor teachers fur a short time. with a turkey dinner December 16th at the home of the Primary To cultivate kindness is a valPresident, Mrs. Arlene Wilkins. uable part of the business of life. Christmas gifts will bs -- Ben Johnson Paik partv f"r Cub Scouts 117. Spencer Ward, will be hill M n December 20th. 0:3'l p. jn- " 'he basement of the Magna g.fts Lem the j - v- ' VSv mi d . ?', J e. f J, J |