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Show Friday, November 14, 1952 Garfield Leader, Garfield, Utah Attend Club Gathering Entertains Club A group of local ladiei attended meeting of the 8 and 40 group Wedneiday evening at the home of Mrs. Elsa Anderson in Salt Lake City, to include Mrs. Helen Gallyer, Mrs. Verl A. Haws, Mrs. Mrs. Vera Jones, Mrs. Harold Hawkes, Mrs. John E. Papanikolas and Mrs. George F. Cromar entertained members of the Lady Lions Wednesday evening at the Firehall. A delicious supper was Wallace Williams. Mrs. W. H. served at seven o'clock, followed Mrs. Linnie Wyatt and by a talk from the Salt Lake City Mrs. T. H. Morgan. Blind Center director, Donald Plan For Parlay A group of local peogje are planning to attend the Utah Poultry Association convention Thursday in the Newhouse Hotel. State officers will be elected and other pertinent business conducted. Jen-kinso- n, ass Party Perry. Hold Tuesday The Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Oquirrh Camp meeting was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Katherine Wolstenholme. A history of James and Elizabeth Reid was given by a granddaughter, Mrs. Maggie Richards, and the lesson, Mormons in Canada," was presented by Mrs. Ella Christ- ensen. Mrs. Rachel Grubaugh was cohostess at the entertainment and late refreshments were served to a large group. v Del Mr. Orton of MagHonoring na and his son and daughter-in-laMr. and Mrs. Bob Orton, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Martin entertained at dinner Thursday evening. Mr. Bob Orton, member of the Navy Air Corps, is visiting in this vicinity for ten days. He will report back to Virginia and then leave on a six months tour of duty in the Mediterranean. Humbleness is always grace; always dignity. James Russell Lowell Mrs. Helen Jeppson was hostess to members of the Creative Club Friday evening at her home. A gay time was held by the young matrons who plan to have a Christmas turkey dinner complimentary to their husbands at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hunt on December 6th. Members of the B & G Sewing Club entertained Monday at a party honoring the birthday anniversary of Mrs. George W. Smith. Fall flowers were effectively used in the living and dining rooms. Games were later played and prizes given to Mrs. Clyde Konold, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. B. W. Richardson. a. Mrs. Floyd Farnsworth and Mrs. C. R. Moyes returned this week from Helmville, Montana, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haslam attended a birthday dinner honor- after taking Mrs. Farnsworths Mrs. Rhea Beck and ing the 75th anniversary of Mr. daughter, Haslams mother, Mrs. Sarah small daughter home. Woodall in Salt Lake City SunMrs. B. W. Richardson enterday. The family gathering was held at the home of a sister, Mrs. tained members of her Bridge Club and special guest. Mrs. Carl Richard Haskins. Smith of Ephrata, Washington, last week at her home. A dainty Mrs. Harold Zogg and Mrs. Sam luncheon was served and the balPalmer were hostesses to ladies of ance of the afternoon spent playthe Community Baptist Church ing cards. Ladies' Aid Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Roland Reid entertained Birthday tokens were presented to of her Sewing Club Mrs. George W. Smith, Mrs. Leah members Mussingall, Mrs. Mildred Fraser Tuesday afternoon at her home in and Mrs. Gertrude Iljlliwell. A Magna. A lovely luncheon was delicious luncheon was served, served, and a social time later enand the time spent quilting and joyed by the group. sewing. A fheelrlng account saves time and trouble in handling family finances . . . tells you exactly where your money goes . . . and is convenient positive proof that bills are paid. This safe and service offers a plan to suit every family . . . and every family member. Its safe, thrifty and convenient. Why not put your financial affairs on a business basis by opening a checking account now at First Security Bank? 1 j 0 Regular Checks Personalized 4 st flBemmimg N ew Magna s Beautiful Funeral Home At 9139 West 2700 South Street McDOUGAL FUNERAL HOME Phone Mur. .4330 South Redwood Road 1636-- J These Electrical PERSONAL GIFTS PERSONAL GIFTS FAMILY Electric Bed Covering Electric Clock Electric Roaster Electric Coffee Maker Electric Percolator Electric Coffee Urn Electric Tea Kettle Electric Hot Plate Electric Buffet Warmer Electric Casserole Electric Reading Lamp Study Lamp Boudoir Lamp Pin-U- p Lamp Sun Lamp Heat Lamp Small Radio Waffle Maker Automatic Toaster Electric Mixer Electric Iron f's'ctrle Pot.!? Warner i FAMILY GIFTS Electric Electric Electric Electric r Range Home Freezer Refrigerator Water Heater I pp GIFTS Garbage Disposer Console Radio Electric Sewing Machine Electric Hobby-ShoElectric Ironer p Vacuum Cleaner Electric Chafing Dish Electric Popcorn Popper Electric Space Heater Electric Hair Dryer Electric Vibrator Electric Curling Iron Electric Shaver Electric Trouser Pressor Television Set TV it Available) |