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Show Friday, June 6, 1952 GARFIELD LEADER, GARFIELD, UTAH EKraSESFI ROSE PLANTS I ANNUAL SALE OF ROSE PLANTS. Excellent Stock. Place your orders immediately. WANT ADS HAVE IT REPAIRED. SITUATIONS W HELP WANTED - ROSE PL ANTS Orders Filled in Rotation dos, 63.75 per half doi 65c each. Talisman. $7 per ds.. 63.75 per half doi.. 65c each. Joanna Hill 39 per doa 64.75 per half doi 85c each. Red Briarcliff. 57 per SELL RENT 4 LINES or less 50c BUY ANTED mother works or in cally new Mercury Super 10 Hur- dren whileCan give excellent ref- ricane motor. Only 0625 for the evenings. 51. , 1257. Dial complete outfit Please phone 2230 trances. 51. for appointment to see. from Magna to: WANTED-Ri- de not later than Salt Lake, leaving 02. WILL Haul sand or gravel. 512JO 6:20 a. m returning about 6:00 2272. or 6493 Dial load. per phonal 51a p. m. Call Grant Haber, I MCDONALD S FLOWERS FOR SALE Vacant lot in Magna, on cornar of 3000 South and 0200 West, aouthoaat cornar, 100x151 feet. Inquire M. W. Mahoney. 241 r.,1 Elwood Street Phoenix. 9072 West Main Street I Ari-aon- a. MAGMA SHEET METAL-Heat-i- Information concerning FOR rental of the Magna Women's Club, please call 3352 or inquire 9000 Mrs. E. C. Mecham. 2909 So. West Utah's Financial Respons-iliiLaw for as little as 51. FOR S ALE Frigidaire refrigerator. S' foot model in good condi51. tion. Please phone 6589. (plus original membership) Mayflower Inter Insurance Exchange Phone or See 16-fo- ot Richard Openshaw Dick 1p.m. your own washing. Use a wonderful, effilabor saving cient O. Maytag, only $3.50 per month.dial C. Finley Sales and Service, 00. 2211, 9091 West 2700 South. 3130 So. 8560 West Magna Where Your Dollar Goes Farther e, CRADLE ROLL Upi to $2; ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY y $730 every 6 month SALE-19- 36 GEM WISH TO BUY-Us- ed piano, spinet or small site. Please dial 6247. 51. You can be protected under Ford motor, radiator, chassis. 5 good tires and wheels. 16x600. Also Maytag deep fre washer and Excellent condition. Inquire at 3200 South before 9157 West FOR I chil- - Can You Beat This? bathroom set FOR SALE-3-pi- ace with fixtures. Dial 6170 or inquire 51. at 3580 South 5450 West 51. evenings. 5553. ng. air conditioning, ventilated RELIABLE Girl will tend aluminum awnings. general aheet metal work. Reaaonable prices. Please dial 9961 or come in at 2700 00. South 9104 West Rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl on Tuesday of last week at a Salt Lake hospital are Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Newbold of Garfield. The new daughter and mother are doing well. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Archibald of Garfield oecame happy parents of a lovely girl at a Salt Lake hospital, and the same day, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martinez, also of Garfield, had their family increased by a daugh- ter. ONE-VISI- rrlo,i' oa COii4E SERVICE. T IN NATIONAL FINANCE MAGNA COMPANY OF UTAH 9013 W. 2700 South SALT LAKE CITY ' 22 West 2nd So PROVO 341 W. Confer St. TOOELE 13 S. Main Street Phone Magna 6372 Phono 53 Phone Provo 1045 Phone Tooele 880 CURTAINS Washed and stretched. Mo pin holes. Free pickup and 00. delivery. Please dial 6474. WILL-Te- nd or inquire at nue, Garfield. children. Dial 109 East 14th 6440 Ave- 51. MEN'S AND BOYS WORK SHOES Guaranteed Quality $595 and up Danny's Shoe Shop Phone 9081 W. 2700 So. 51. 2211 lot between West See Mrs. Domnick Sanelli, 3321 Redwood Road. Salt Lake City or 52. phone Mur. 0110-R- FOR 2897 SALE-Mag- and na 2915 So. on 9150 - Purebred, registered At Stud Arabian stallion. "Naraihk No. 4978". producer of fine colts which can be registered in the Arabian Stud Book. Before you breed your mares, look him over. Vern Nelson. 3127 South 8400 West, phone 03 6414. FOR SALE-H- ay quire 7976 West by the bale. InSouth, dial 2820 51 6050. tor all ocFOR SALE-Flow- ers casions. Please call Mrs. Florence Harmon at 8927 West 3200 South or dial ML 3388. iron, metal, bat WE BUY-Scr- ap teries. old cars and all kinds of junk, also hides and pelts. Will call and pick up. Phone 5502. ML SALE-Ex- tra thick whipping cream. Inquire 7976 West 2820 5 South, dial 6050. FOR FREE Floor polisher with each GE Vacuum bought at our store. 51. Huffaker Furniture, Magna. pullets. 2 to weeks old. For prices see Feul-ncr- s Hatchery. 6800 West. 3500 South, Magna, phone Mur. 0312R5. STARTED-Legho- rn 8 AGENTS-F- or Hoover vacuum. See these fine, new models on display. Huffaker Furniture, NEW 51. Magna. DISHES (OVENWAREL Complete set in matchmi REFRIGERATOR design be ycOow end grey color combination. Set includes spacfrsaving nw dish, two cameroks, two individual -- na bowk. omgs pitcher, USEFUL! new Servel Gas refrigerators less than wholesale 5L at Huffaker Furniture. FOR SALE-T- wo - CLERKING Help wanted Magna J. C. Penney store. BDRRT! See at this big G-- E BONUS OFFER toJaj! Ex- perience preferred. Please see Mr. ML G-- E SALE-Cho- ice stewing hens. Tomato Ridge Farm, phone 7715. ML 7660 West 3500 South. REFRIGERATOR OVEN WARE SET, Value TOTAL RETAIL VALUE CUSTOMER PAYS ONLY Bowen. FOR FOR SALE-- 14 foot plywood runabout. center deck, steering wheel, pipe trailer, life jackets. Practi- $274.95 7.95 REFRIGERATOR, Regular LAZY SUSAN, Value ... 6.00 $288.90 $219.95 HUFFAKER FURNITURE CO. Magna, Utah Dial 4411 |