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Show GARFIELD LEADER, GARFIELD. UTAH Friday, May 9, 1952 dm? m DAY-Gi- vo MOTHER'S har Sunbaam Mixmasiar, platform rockar or coatuma jawalry. lnclud ing watchas. bands of all kinds. Huffakar Furnitura Co. Magna. s RUGS Carpets, upholstery cleaned in your homa like new. Reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. For prompt sarvica write or phona Jacob Cleaners. 131 3rd 47. Avenue. Sail Lake City. 00. WANT ADS HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED HAVE IT REPAIRED. SELL RENT BUY 4 LINES or less 50c SHEET METAL-H!-- 10. your own conditioning, vorfilitod washing. Uso a wonderful, officlabor saving aluminum awning, gonoml sheet iant. ri.i work. RaaMHbla prices. Maytag, only IU0 par month. O. PInm dial 1SS1 or com in at 700 C. Finlay Salas and Sarvica, dial OA 2211. 00S1 Wast 2700 South. 00. South 1114 Wert. MAGNA lit Information concerning rental of tha Magna Woman's Club, plaasa call 3352 or inquire Mrs. E. C. Macham. 2909 So. 9000 Wast. 51. FOR SALE-19- 29 Modal A Ford, good running condition, 5(0. Dial 47. M51 before 1:00 p. m. SALE--Flowa- FOR MOTHER-- d. Company WE BUY a Scrap iron, metal, bat-taria- s. FREE ESTIMATES-F- or painting fc Nice patterns to choosa from. All work guaranteed. Sea Evan Jonas, 2790 So. 0500 W. 00. phona 2355. paper-hangin- rtsl&str SALE-50-flot in Magna al 2745 So. 9000 West, only 510 month. Write S. W. Ross. 70 I 47. Street, Salt Lake City. FOR LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY THE HILL AND HILL COMPANY. 47. old cars and all kinds of junk, also hides and pelts. Will 00. call and pick up. Phona 5502. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT E3URB0M WHISKEY PROOF Huffakor Furnitura large assortment. Sea our many ideas. pi In whiskeys lee, there is good. ..belter.. .and pin from gift oot cMothers Day 47. FOR aak On har day. wa are featuring special corsage and FOR SALE-19- 40 Ford pickup CURTAINS Washed and rtreich-a- bouquets. Beautiful flowers. Call No pin holes. Free pickup and Floranca Harmon. 3300 or inquire truck. 4 spaed transmission. In- 47. 00. at 1027 West 3200 So. quire 9041 West 3100 South. 47. delivery. Please dial 0474. '8es& i West. FOR SALE Good usad Ganaral FOR SALE-Ba- by Rant. 2 rooms. buggy, good APARTMENT--fo- x elaciric rafrigarator. Plaasa phona condition. Plaasa dial 0713 oc in- Plaasa phono 4432 or inquire at 00. quire at 3011 So. 1100 West. 7715. 47. 2627 South 7200 West. 47. old pigs. Si FOR SALE-0-weach. Inquire at 1511 Wast 700 47. SPECIAL For Mom. Ear rings South, or dial 2041. SM0 to SC.00 now only 75c to IU0. tax included. Todd Jawalry. TELEVISION k RADIO REPAIR 2741 South S100 West. Magna 47. 40. Phona (130 FOR tor all occasions. Plaaso call Mrs. Floranca FOR SALE--- '. Rollaway bad. Harmon at 1927 Wast 2200 South Please inquire at Al's Inn. Magna. 47. 00. or dial 3300. ON HER DAY Chooae a lovely FOR SALE- -3 bedroom homa.1. near downtown Magna. New roof, f now plumbing, now shake siding, gas beat. Priced to sail. Phona 0570 or call at 2742 South 9100 GIFT Headquarters Ladies' Golf An excellent attendance of ladies was present Tuesday night at the Utah Cupper Golf Club for :he opening of the season and enjoyed a round of golf. Prizej were given as follows: putts. Mrs. Ann Eckeriley Thompson; long drive average, Mrs. Bette Cutler; long drive, Mrs. Barbara Barton; short drive, Mrs. Roxie Gillespie. Ocher prizes were given to Mrs. Alta Wilkin, Mrs. Ruby Cushing, Mrs. Agnes Williams, Mrs. Muriel Sandall and Mrs. Doris Wilson. A smorgasbord luncheon was later served and card games enjoyed. The ladies will meet each Tuesday for their weekly golf gather- at Magna Lumber & Hardware Come in and let us help you select the right gift, 6r if your prefer to browse around at your leisure through our gift department, you are most welcome. pullsis. 2 to FOR RENT-- 4 room house, modFoul-ear- 's em. Phona 1320 or saa at 794 So. 47. Hitchary. MOO West 3500 MOO West. South, Magna, phona Mur. 0312R5. HER-- On Mother's Day. 00. one of our lovely gifts. rooms Many suggestions, to include loveFOR RENT 5:00 p. m. with lights, heat hot and cold ly coatuma jewelry, electrical ap- ings, Co. water. Also rag rugs for sals. So pliances. Huffakar Furniture These things have 1 spoken un47. Mrs. Nicolo at 3014 So. H50 West. to you, that my joy might remain 47. Wanted. 2 man. in you, and that your joy might be SALESMEN full. Christ Jesus mill TODD'S JEWELRY employes. You can Special for Mother's Day. All jawalry 1,3 to make extra money soiling appliThere is a religion in all deep 47. ances attar work. Phono Marl's !i off. Special Bargains. 47. love, but the love of a mother is Furnitura. 17(1. the veil of a softer light between naw FOR SALE-- On the heart and the heavenly Brad-la- y SALE-Usad FOR upright bad with mattress. Only $30.00 Father. 47. 1230. Plaasa phona 2171 or see si 3020 piano. Dial -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge 47. South 1850 Wast. STARTED--Leghor- n weeks old. For prices so -- Your selection is varied and approprifrom measuring spoons to automatic ate washers. ASK US ABOUT OUR part-tim- I I I I I I The Gift That is Always Right' I MAGNA LBR. & IIDWE. CO. I e, roll-awa- y I Gift Certificate Plan - - I PHONE 2271 MAGNA. UTAH SS .i teiaS'svi m?u I Up to on Glv Mom a holiday from the kitchen One of the nicest Mother's Day gifts give is to take over the kitch you en for Mom and prepare her favorite foods for her. You may have a little 6jj trouble, at first, keeping her out of the kitchen but shell love it! After all, . planning meals is just about a schedule for her. Thats why a holi- - ' ONE-VISI- fir-- : FINANCE "Mom-pleasin- E. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Townhouse Sweet or Natural Ig. 46 oz. can SYRUP Rich in RmI Mapl. WELCH'S APPLE JELLY COTTAGE CHEESE . 99 S ox. can Assorted Cragmont, 24 oz. No Sol. Dap. Sood Offer 2-2- 1c ZU AIRWAY SKYLARK ? 3Pkf.ioc & BREAD SLENDER-WA- Y 3ft ...fahef imarls s 'tfstyty'rroUM m lav la mMm Mg I CAKE MIX 20 63c ICE CREAM 42c FAnil Willi PEAS BABY Asstd. Flavors Assortment pkg. Gardomido, Sweat No. 303 can C. S. White Gardomido Ho. 303 can Gorborc FOOD Strained 3 cant SHEU10VE... 4 TMES FRESHER BUSY BAKERS 13 fft f ftrawberries 10 tpa. III FLOUR KHA 49 PORK & BEANS 26c bNaMm m Cftt UlM. iariM SUGAR box 21c HmM GRAPEFRUIT . Sib. bag 4) Itk lb. BACON SQUARES lb. CHUCK ROAST II. 5. Good and Choice Tender Beef lb. BEEF ROASTS Round Bono, U. S.Graded, Tondor COD FILLETS Tasty Fan Ready Fish and many more . These Prices Effective in Our Magna Store , 0 DAYft. 4k I - - ' 'A ) MOTHER DAY MAY 11 SAVINS I Gl Wiifw m Sefseiy verA 154 m m pecksftW FLEET MIX BISCUIT MIX vMh Bemberg Rayon Sheer Dresses at b. if MARGARINE ilw pwdMM 1 1.06 j& lb. lb. 45 23 59 65 39 HAMS Small Smoked-B- Shank Piece lb. ig "0M.pus.Nir7 values Value 49 ' Butt Piece Center Slices ,.55 8.89 Sheer Bemberg Rayon dresses re Mother's favorite way to look freeh and charming. Shell especially enjoy wearing this lovely style, which has the softly pleated kirt and ahirred shoulders Mother loves so much. Slice hand washable, ml only fJJ 14-2- 9, tt Sptciall Mtdi O' Day 51 Oaagc lb. LEMONS Sunlust Juky 'iptejyjn'jpw1"'. MODE Safeway Guaranteed Meats Boston Butts, Nearly Boneless Fancy Full Cup a nr UO Jy- - SUNNYBANK PORK ROAST .$1.05 II. S. No. 1, Solid Crisp Iceberg .D'. urn 19 APPRECIATE 10c LETTUCE 33, lakgs. A IS Uf CORNED BEEF DUTCH MILL CHEESE 43 'WWWWWWWWWWWVWWWWWWWWWJWWW , Dt$SR?S Salt Lako City Phona Garland 195 Logan 49. EASY-Wi- TH ViaiMe 10 (YITH... 2 lb. Ship or Deliver To UTAH BY PRODUCTS ' QUICK LUNCHES ARE A CINCH FOR HIGHEST MARKET PRICES m5 qt. Fin PRAIRIE BONES WANTED! JELL-WE-LL Safeway Fresh Produce Aita. Manh Saodlota Phono Tooolo ISO Ogden POWDERED SUGAR Small Code Wrapped fwoat Juicy Valonclas 51b. bag 13 S. Main Street KJeSh, 25 WHIPPING CREAM Sodas 2 lb. box k Uaf ORANGES TOOELE 33 dozen 1.00 ARE .Fresh Rich Creamed A Treat for Any Meo COOKIES 15 850 KaTA1" FLAVORADE Phono Provo 1045 Cream of the Crop Largo AA Grade 19 80c NOB HILL 341 W. Cantor St. EGGS 24 oz. ssr- 29 PINEAPPLE BEVERAGE Phono PROVO NWWWWmWWVWVWWVWWWWWVWWVWWSA Save On These Bargains Bargains she'll love! CLEANSER Phono Magna 6372 foods . . . g at prices that will please her, too. EDWARDS COMPANY OF UTAH MAGNA 9013 W. 2700 South SALT LAKE CITY .... 22 West 2nd So 4 SSSSSSS p8filH6 A LINE UP OF eagy-to-fi- x, COME IN AND GET ITI SERVICE. T NATIONAL 52-we- ek ' YOUR SIGUATURB ONLY at SAFEVJ&1 NYLONS ggt Full Fashioned! Guaranteed Perfect! PRICES SUBJECT TO DAILY MARKET Friday Evenings Till CHANGES. mODC O'DAY 9008 Wet 2700 South |