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Show A Bulletin of newi Activities and all events of Interest securing in the Southeast pan of Salt Lake City. A section that is the finest Residential and fastest growing part of Salt Lake Valley. WEEK'S NEWS SUMMARY 50U0P BY OUR COMMENTATOR 9 PUBLISHED IN SUGARHOUSE HOME EDITION SUNDAY, December 25, 1939 VOLUME on the fronts h German war of the declared an unofficial truce to tenable them to celebrate idea.'OU!fai had th .brav. that Chrutnuui wai ine ceie oration of the birthday of the Prince of Peace. The bellgerant SUGAR HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER VlL 29, 1939 cents 5 Single Copy, NUMBER 46. Anglo-Frenc- Christ-,Cllfro- w UnilCA UUUdC ALASKA FACTS GIVES LIVELY 1940 Achievements SHORT LOCAL NOTES Residents Should Are Reviewed Recalling major achievements of the Sugar House business Line Patronize David Samuel J. Nicholes, TOPIC FOR ROTARY SESSION dis- At Colorado, Wray, Evans died making the fourth That the bus which runs down member of a party which was in 21st South, No. 9, should be pa an automobile accident to die as tronized by the residents of this a result of injuries. Sugar House district la a foregone conclusion. Thii bus runs 21st street to Main thence The Soviet Union citizens went down 2nd South thence to State to up an of through the South and turns back and 4th There was only one election. to travels to 21st South Main and ticket In the field and that one turns east again and where It acceptable to Stalin. goes up to 15th East where it turm around. This bus will give Members of the outlawed IRA you better service when you go made a raid on an arsnal of Ire- down town because it la not so establishment. crowded as the No. 10 bus. Some- land's military They worked for two hours and times we think that the sponsors a half and hauled the looted of the No. 10 must have been in munition away in trucks. France during the world war and have taken as their model the 40 make-belie- ve trict for 1940, president of the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce, stated in an interview with a representative of "The Bulletin," that the chamber was highly pleased to note the progress of the removal of the prison, the actual starting of construction of the new the completion of the South widening of Twenty-firand the completion of the new telephone building. "We have many more things to work for In 1940 and in reppoet-offic- e, Son of Dr. Townsend SPENT CHRISTMAS IN NEPIII To Speak in S. L. Miss Margaret Carpo spent several days at her old home in Nephi during the Christmas holidays. She returned to Salt Lake on Monday night. January 3rd Robert C. Townsend Secretary-Treasurof the Townsend National Recovery Plan Inc., will stop over In Salt Lake City Wednesday evening, January Srd to fullfill a scheduled speaking engagement. Mr. Townsend is the son of Dr. Francis E. Townsend founder of the Townsend Plan. His trip to Salt Lake City winds up a speak ing tour which has taken him to every state in the Union. In the last National Convention at Indianapolis, Robert C Town-sen- d endeared himself in the hearts of the delegates to such an extent that they honored him by making a resolution which names him as next in line to the presidency of the organization. The National Secretary-Tre- a surer is an elequent speaker and has been acclaimed by thousands for his sincerity in presenting a plan which will give work to youth and security to the aged. Mr. Adolph Sorenson, chairman of the committee on arrangements has secured the Tribune Auditorium and the meeting will start at 8 p. m. Mr. James W. Johnson National Representative of Utah will act as chairman. er st resenting the Sugar YOUTH RECEIVES BURNS SAVING HOUSE Sherman Smith, sot House of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith, of can 1520 South 13th East, was Chamber of Commerce, I severely burned Wednesday evensay we are out to "get them." "The of the Lion's ing while he was throwing a Christmas tree out of the winand Rotary clubs of Sugar Rouse to save the house from dow has made the years work doubly vyw flames. The tree had caught fire 'the front. patronizing the new interesting and successful and I ban team left for a nine-da- y trip i Una Vtflk a short circuit in the defrom Ktiat ttisa malr iwim. want to take this M MM HIM W4U opportunity to corative through the Midwest wiring. pany put on a better and longer extend a hearty wish for their own schedule and add to your success through the continued next year," said Mr. Nicholes. Fire destroyed the home of comfort. MOTORISTS CAREFUL Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Adams DRIVING COMMENDED Cedar City while they were at Chief of Police Webb voiced his An overheated tending church. appreciation of the newspapers, furnace started the fire which Noon at pedestrians and motorists for caused damage estimated care during the past two After dispensing with the meet 12,000. Some men go around complain their or three days when the streets ing to have been held December, ing about the weather this time were Motorists were slippery. nearness due to Christto Its 26, of year but the coal men find David Kramer, 90, an Indian commended for their especially will Lion's House the mas, time to stop in their labors and Sugar care fighter of General Custer's regl-t- take up regular meetings again in driving. grin. The more the snow and from causes incident to old next and meet at JeanTuesday weather, the broade. hospi-agLake Salt In a died ment ne s Tea Room at 12:09 noon. er the FORMER grin. APPLIES He escaped death in the Grant Midgley, secretary of the Sugar House is the center of FOR POST massacre on the Little Big Horn urges a good attendance several large coal yards, namein 1876 by virture of having group, thirty-thre- e of members at ly the Sugar House Coal,- - Curtis L Reed E. Vetterli, of New York, the been sent to another locality on to start 1940 Coal, Bamberger Coal, Standard formerly of this city and one of Tuesday's meeting detached duty. He was a chartoff with a record meeting. Fuel, Pack Coal and Southeast the aces in the F. B. I. has ap er member of the local order of Coal Companiei so there are plied for the position of chief of the Loyal Order of Moose. police for Salt Lake. plenty of grins in this district ASKS FOR BEZOMNG Farmers have more than a OF 21st SOUTH MONDAY, December 26, 19S9 smile, they laugh out loud. WILL PULL OFF A George B. Catmull, of 1159 HOLIDAY DANCE n rock which feu on Stratford Avenue, has asked the A the D. & R. G. tracks about ten city commission to rezone the ATTENTED A HOLIDAY The M. I. A., of the Granite miles west of Salida, Colorado, entire street so that business PARTY at 2005 South 9th East Stake, wrecked the eastbound train in- houses may be erected thereon. Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Burton, of amusement hall, will have a holi' juring two enginemen slightly. At present it is in class C which Sugar House, attended a Christ- day dance tonight. The engine and four baggage permits residential and small mas party at 2146 Roberta street cars left the rails. It Is thought business houses. last Wednesday night. WILL VISIT SISTERS that snow loosened the rock IN CALIFORNIA causing it to fall on the tracks. rr "f r at.t Lion's Will Meet Again Tuesday Coal Men Grin at Snow and Freezing al sub-freezi- ng Merchants Report Record Business ' 40-to- k Latest reports from the battle front in Finland say that the Russian troops have been forced to retreat into Russian territory. About the only thing that the Russians have been able to do so far la to bomb civilians and hospitals. CONGRATULATIONS The British admirality say that the total of the week in destroy ed vessel amounts to fourteen. street. Week's News Summary Editorial Pythian News notes University Notes Rotary Notes Lions' Notes Madam DeLore, Advisor Chamber of Commerce Notes Serial Story Floyd Gibbons' Comment Page of Comics Miscellaneous Program Ogden Stock Show The lovely snow storm of Christmas Eve added much to the success of the spirit of Christmas when Alexander gave a concert of Christmas music over the special loud speaker system set up on the Plaza from nine to ten p. m, Sunday evening. Granite Stake chapel, where the concert was broadcast from, was filled to capacity and received Mr. Schrelner's recital with deep appreciation. The concert of the famed or ganist concluded a week's series of Christmas music, sponsored by the business men of Sugar House with Wendell Aafaton act ing general chairman. Sch-rein- er - Program of Ogden Live Stock Show for January "5 Mr. Habbeshaw was Custodian of the Mclntyre Building until 1911. In July of that year he wag hired as a Conductor for the Utah Light and Traction Company, and at the present time he is a Bus Operator for that company. Alfred has enjoyed an enviable sefety record while oper ating buses for the traction company. He has operated Utah and Traction Light Company equipment for 1 years without a chargeable accident and holds a National Safety Council Award AEROPLANE PIONEER for 2 years operation without a PASSES AWAY single accident of any kind. If he continues his safe operation during the current week he will be eligible for a 8 year award from the National Safety Council. Alfred follows local sports for his spare time activity, with particular interest in baseball and basketball. "The Bulletin" also extends congratulations to the following Sugar House residents, also employees of the Utah Light and Traction Company, who celebrat ed their birthdava during- the current week: Louis J. Scarlet, 2575 South 6th East, Painter; H. S. Goudle, 814 Harrison Avenue, Operator; D. P. Earl, 1819 Green Street, Operator. - Anthony G. Fokker, the man who did for the areoplane industry what Henry Ford did for the automobile, died In New York Saturday after a three week's illness of pneumo-coccus RECEIVES INJURIES. When his bicycle slipped and overturned in front of an automobile at Ninth East and Twenty-first South streets at 6 p. m., Reed Passey, 14, of 2137 Tenth East street, suffered minor brui ses. O Do your shopping in House. It pays. THE BULLETIN Wishes Sugar you1 all to 11 Several program changes de- to work their way to the highest signed to enhance the Interests winnings. Under the system the of farmers and livestock men in unlimited number of Juniors could the intermountain country have show their animals in the highest been arranged by the Ogden live grades, while under the former stock show, to be held January procedure there were only three 5 to 11. The management is overall spots In individual fat particularly anxious to have supsteer, champion port of neighboring exhibitors in hog and champion sheep. asmuch as the show's twenty- - Market grading classifies fat first birthday will be celebrated. animals as to prime, choice and Cash prizes totaling more than good, and youthful exhibitors 818,000 are being offered to ex- whose entries qualify in these hibitors of cattle, sheep and grades will receive cash awards swine, along with additional ranging from 88 to 82, in addi money awards to winners in the tion to being awarded a certifiagricultural and poultry divisions. cate of merit by Governor Henry Purses in all major divisions of H. Blood of Utah. the show have been increased All Junior department activi over amounts given in winnings ties will be held January 6, set last year. aside as "Junior department day." A procedure entirely new to The program will open with ring livestock show circuits in the side Judging of cattle, sheep and United States will be Introduced swine by Four-club and future to benefit Future Farmer chap chapter members, with Howard ter and Four-club members Gramllch, of Chicago, secretary All fat steers, swine and sheep of the American Shorthorn entered In the Junior department Breeder's association, acting as will be classified according to master of ceremonies. After stumarket grades, thus eliminating dents have placed their animals, championship class titles and af Mr. jGramllch will make his fording more student exhibitors (Continued on page 8) classes-champi- This week "The Bulletin" ex tends its birthday greetings lo LOCAL Police warn young- Alfred Habbeshaw who celebrat sters that they are in grave peril ed the anniversary of his tilth on December 27th. He has been (Continued on Page 8) a resident of Suur House for the past 20 yean and now re sides at 2496 South fcta Eftst FEATURES YOU WlUfUKE Well Attended well-kno- The latest reports from the state which was always hailed a the stockman's paradise, Wyom ing, shows that there is now 840,000 head of cattle and 3,615,000 head of sheep on Its ranges. Thomas and John Durbin, of Cheyenne, brought the first sheep into that state. Now Wyoming is second only to Texas in the num ber of woolies, having passe California during the past year, Hi Organ Concert Highly pleased with the suc cess of the Christmas program arranged and executed by the Sugar House merchants, reports of a good Christmas business have reached the ears of a rep resentative of The Bulletin." has been the big towards about thing bringing Walter Webb, of Sugar House SPENT CHRISTMAS IN this success as and House Sugar a furniture salesman - GRANTSVILLE name has the a of progresbeing to is going leave next week for Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cask and California where he will pay a aive community that combines its best of 1585 South 9th East no is wonder it the efforts, visit to his sisters. He expects Christmas so street, been has spent Christmas in program to be gone about a month. successful. WYOMING HAS VAST AMOUNT OF SHEEP Reports show that it is safer to be in the trenches on the battle front in Europe than on the highways of the United States three hundred and fifty three met death in traffic accidents, twelve were kilted in train wrecks vid eight took occasion to end their own lives.' In tune with the Alaska like weather Sugar House Is experiencing, J. I. Davidson, employee of the Alaskan Branch, Geological Survey, of Washington, D. C, gave an interesting talk on Alaska for members of the Su gar House Rotary club at the weekly meeting Thursday noon at Weasku Inn. Mr. Davidson told some facts about the geography and weather of the country, and was interest ing in his explanation of how the airplane is replacing the dog sled for transportation of pas sengers as well as maiL Mining has netted the mine owners seventy-tw- o million dollars, that amount being mined and shipped from the country since its discovery. The sixty thousand people who inhabit the cold country find their enjoyment in self arranged social meetings and card playing as there is very little chance for entertainers to come Into the country after the winter's snows set in. on H H A HAPPY NEW YEAR |