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Show SALT LAKE CITY, UTAn, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, NATIONAL PARKS DO THRIVING BUSINESS Lights v FRIENDS and PATRONS or the GRANITE MART OU are cordially Invited to attend the FREE Cooking School In our store, 1088 East 21st South in Sugarhouse, August 12, 13 and 14, at S:S0 p. ra. each day. Y classes will be conducted by Mrs. Mary A. Burgon cooking expert, who has successfully conducted schools many parts of Utah, Idaho and Nevada. Tike well-know- n In i Special entertaining features at this Cooking School will Include a dance recital by the LANG'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. Also contest by the Hyland Stake Relief Society a pie and bread-bakin- g contest by the Granite Stake Relief and a cake and bread-bakin- g Society will be part of the program conducted under the leadership of Mrs. Jennie Duffln and Mrs. H. W. Latimer, presidents of the respective organizations. Judging of the pie, cake and bread-bakin- g contents will be done by visiting members of the Cooking School Class. Prizes will be awarded the winners in this contest by the MART. Pies and cakes baked in this contest will be sold to the public our store, with all proceeds going to the two Relief Societies. . at All cooking will be done exclusively on the beautiful ucted L II ELECTRIC automatic, steel-con- st Delightful gifts will ing School, also, a day. be) three-she- et new RANGE ic, given all visiting members of the CookMenu will be given to all members each Bring the children. They will be cared for In our nursery while you enjoy the many educational and entertaining features of this school. GRANITE MART Use Your Z. C. M. I. Charge Account and tendance Reported. Incre&ze in Revenues mi East 21st South HAMBURGERS We Acrer Close BUY EM BY THE SACK SEE MORGAN MOTOR FINANCE CO. 8 Vtf fA For Washington. Business is good in the national parks this year, according to reports submitted to the national park service by park superintendents throughout the country. Almost without exception they show substantial increases in revenues for the current year to date over a similar period of last year. The greatest percentage rise was at Crater Lake National park, Oregon, the receipts of which to date this year show a 68.3 per cent increase over the same period in 1936. Not far behind were Glacier National park, Montana, with a 60.6 per cent increase, and Lassen Volcanic National park, California, with a 52.1 per cent rise. Growing popularity of the cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde National park, Colorado, brought an increase of 44.9 per cent in park receipts. A larger total of revenues was received at Yosemite National park, California, than at any of the other parks which are experiencing greater prosperity. An additional above last years total brought this years figure up to 9 702 So. Main St. GOOD COAL Call Hyland 2520 CASTLE CATE BLUE BLAZE ABERDEEN KING COAL Agents for Sentinel Stokers A Prepared Stoker Coal ( LOBBS on the JOB SUGAR HOUSE COAL CO. Hyland 3320 $494,069.64. The same trend was evident at Yellowstone National park, Wyoming, where a 28 per cent upturn over last years receipts was registered. The total this year to date is $352,716.87. Some of the most prosperous parks art underground. During one month alone the net earnings of Carlsbad Caverna National park, New Mexico, amounted to $11,978.35. Park revenues for the year to date totaled $208,421.35, an increase of 34.7 per cent. A good year is also reported at Wind Cave National park, South Dakota, where revenues are running 20.7 per cent above last year, and at Mammoth Cave National park, Kentucky, where the number of paid admissions to the cave is d about higher than in 1936. (iNJ Furniture Moving Our Specialty REASONABLE G0 2nd East Cotton It a Villain to South Florida Miami. Cotton may be king in most parts of the South but in Southern Florida its standing is that of a public enemy, according to L. F. Curl, head of the Federal bureau of entomology here. Cotton is not grown commercially in tropical South Florida and it is in the wild state that since 1932 entomologists have been hunting it out seeking to eradicate it because it is host plant to the pink bollworm, the il insect that has replaced the as foremost enemy of do- mestic cetlun. Our Speedy Service1 Jirratone T&df Motor Oils " Lubricants Tubes Urea Accessories Hyland 8715 21st South and 11th East New York. Statisticians of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company, in a report entitled girth and death, declare that body girth and length of life vary inversely one with the other. They term establishment of the fact one of the most valuable contributions to life insurance statistics. Distinctly obese men, those who are 35 per cent or more above the average weight, the statisticians find, have a mortality one and a half times greater than that of men of average weight. Higher than average mortality prevails among overweight persons generally. Men from 25 to 34 per cent overweight have an excess mortality" of 45 per cent, while among those 15 to 24 per cent overweight the excess mortality is 30 per cent. After maturity, underweight is a favorable factor for longevity. The best weight for long life varies according to age as follows, according to these statistics: up to thirty, slight overweight; thirty to thirty-ninaverage weight; forty to forty-ninslight underweight; ages fifty and over, an appreciable degree of underweight. to enact a French ingenue part, she goes to a little French dressmaking hop and chats about various matters meanwhile keeping her eyes and ears wide open. Orson Wells, Charles Cantor, Anne Elstner and numerous others get their coaching from those unaware that they are giving it. New York, with its polygot population and many quaint neighborhoods, offers full opportunity for such study. Another advantage is that more often than not it is fun instead of work. That the public is becoming more conscious is and more string-musi-c the belief of Vincent Lopez. The g leader is a constant attendant of the opera and symphony concerts and thus gets his knowledge first hand. And so sure is he of it that he has adopted a new style for his band. During the past season," said Lopez, "audiences seemed most enthusiastic when string music was being played. They Just couldn't seem to get enough of it. To my mind this is a sure sign we are headed for a golden era of rich, tuneful and graceful music, music with a soul. Returning prosperity is being reflected in musical demands. With peoples pocketbooks no longer empty and life not so harsh, theres a definite trend toward more pleasant and more balanced music. the steps saved by a kitchen You'll appreciate piano-playin- Rambling right along from music to perambulators, it seems that baby carriages are now the only vehicles free to travel the streets of New York without coming into collision with the law, no matter how many shins they may bump. No horns, lights, brake tests or licenses are required for them. The ordinance says there must be lights on cart, tricycle, sled, kiddie car, or other vehicle of scooter, any size or sort, but it doesnt mention baby buggies. That information came out in Traffic court during a lad hearing of an eighteen-year-ocharged with riding a bicycle recklessly. He had collided with another bicycle on the Williamsburg bridge and that cost him $2. extension telephone Residence extension telephones cost less than 2 cents a day. Call our business office or order from . any employee Phone Book Sonvenirs American tourists are causing the Mutual Telephone company of Hawaii a great deal of trouble by walking away with Hawaiian telephone directories dor Honolulu. Quebec to Aid Teachers Quebec. The Quebec government will spend $400,000 a year to im- prove conditions among the provinces poorly paid rural school teachers. Some of the teachers earn as little as $100 a year. ffliUa ifrmrlrg (Company UP-TO-DAT- 2106 South 11th East Watch Repair Department E go-ca- rt, Famous Paulson Timer regulates watch in five minutes WHILE YOU WAIT Crystal maxing equipment for all shapes and sizes hl Electric Soldering Machine welds ring In 5 minutes, leaving no mark. A Full Line of Jewelry JEWELRY and SILVERWARE AT SPECIAL OPENING PRICES Baby buggies and babies theres continuity. It seems that the GraRound Crystals fitted to your Watch Friday and Saturham family in Yorkville had fixed it day, August 6. 7. up that when the stork was about or some to arrive, the father-to-b- e other member of the family would rush out and pull the handle of the police signal box. Then an ambuWASHING MACHINES lance would come. Instead of the REPAIRED e on was hand. father, the She rushed out and pulled a lever. We Repair Bicycles - Tricycles But she chose a red box instead of a green one and instead of an am- Washers Irons - Vacuum Cleaners FOR EXCELLENT SERVICE" bulance, there was a lot of fire apparatus. Only one policeman came. He took the expectant aunt to court on the charge of turning in a false .1107 EAST 21st SOUTH Sharpened and Repaired fire alarm. She was in tears when she appeared before the Judge. But after listening to the evidence, he IDEAL The' largest selection of forgave her and turned her loose. 1986 South 11th East Hy. 2111 WALLPAPER in the SOUTHEAST Meanwhile the baby had been born Is being offered at amazing in Metropolitan hospital. Prices NOW WELDING? True Story: Jascha Heifetz reDrop in and look. cently took up a residence of the Just Bring In the Pieces" suburbs. Naturally many friends of the famous violinist make it a point Wo Make The World Brighter GRANITE WELDING to drop in for a chat. 1074 East 21st South Hy. 8739 Tell me, Jascha, asked one city WIRE & what have you missed dweller, most since you moved to the coun- 2021 South 11th East . Hyland 458 try 7 FURNITURE Trains," replied Heifetz. FREE H. Van Harten aunt-to-b- Barber Shop Lawn Mowers REPAIR SHOP THE PAINT POT WORKS C Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. UPHOLSTERING LETS GO FISHING Fish React to Mnsle In All Its Branches London. Minnows can distinguish Feed It Desired, Convenient Terms between musical notes, according to Beit in Tackle ia Found at Prof. K. Von Frisch, of Munich university. He believes he has solved the problem, long debated between Hy. 859S anglers and biologists, of whether 1113 East 21 it South fish can hear. We Sell Fishing Licenses 1045 East 21st So. Hy. 8430 Em Feathers! boll-weev- Phone: Hy. 1220 XT Reduce Your Body Girth and Lengthen Your Life Was. 671 SUGARHOUSE TRANSFER COURTEOUS Broadway and Try n. $58,-048.- 13 Boston, Mass. The clock atop the African M. E. church, which inspired the poet Longfellow, will continue to strike the hour thanks to Beacon Hill residents. Several persons pooled funds to meet the upkeep of $15 a month after learning that the blue faced timepiece was to be stopped permanently because of a lack of money. Thrice weekly the clock is wound by Fireman Florence Moore. He uses a windlass, pulling the box weights up until they touch the top. Such notable abolitionists as William Lloyd Garrison, Charles Sumner, Wendell Phillips, and Frederick Douglass spoke, from the church's pulpit. It was the tower of this church as glimpsed from Harvard bridge that inspired Longfellow to pen the lines: I stood on the bridge at midnight As the clocks were striking the hour, And the moon rose oer the city Behind the dark church tower." Buy Only 20c gal. When Minerva Pious is cast in a Chinese role, she merely makes frequent and long visits to her laundry-maWhen Agnes Moorehead is Longfellow Kept Running Grant Morgan, Mgr. GASOLINE seventy-year-ol- Old Clock Glimpsed by Was. 6105 On Bite 1st Sugar Mill West of Mississippi River well-rea- e, NEW and USED CARS AUTO LOANS and INSURANCE j Don Hardman Service Many dramatic schools in New York are not advertised as such. In fact, they may be in an entirely different line of business. Yet they serve the same purpose. Edwin MacDonald is an Instance of how that comes about. Hs can imitate six distinct Italian types with proper nuances and accent for each. He has accomplished that through frequent visits to Little Italy. There he gets pointers from an elderly d Neapolitan fruit peddler, a and polished art dealer from d Viareggio, and a wine taster from Genoa. Charles Martin, who often is on the same program with MacDonald, spends much of his spare time associating with gangsters of various types. As a result, he can vocally portray 14 different types. Fortunately, he holds, none of those whom he simulates has yet recognized himself as a teacher. e, INDIAN HOUSE TRAILERS - NcvYorlr by L. L. STEVENSON At- one-thir- Visit our New Location ef 1937 Wind Carves Profile of Roosevelt in Rock President Elkrader, Kan. Roosevelt, who has sponsored Federal appropriations for the control of wind erosion, has been immortalized in sculpture by the wind. A large rock formation in a field near here has been worn away by the wind until it resembles his profile. The chin tilts lightly upward, a position frequently assumed by the President. The formation is part of an outcropping of rock in Beaver Creek valley. It is approximately CD feet high. PHIL and JOES Moon Over Honolulu Gives Cupid a Hand Honolulu. The Hawaiian moon Waikiki beach is given over part credit for the fact that Honmarriage rate olulu has a higher per thousand of population than other parts of the United States. The latest statistics show Honolulu leading with an 11.80 rate, as compared with about 10 SUGARHOUSE Upholstering Shop GRANITE MILL AND FIXTURE CO. F. R. SANDBERG, Manager General Mill Work and Kiln Dried Lumber Office Fixtures and Stair Building A Specialty 2 67 Highland Drive Hyland 1617 1 |