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Show SECOND SECTION THE BULLETIN School Students Problems Told at Rotary Meeting THE BULLETIN A WEEKLY PUBLICATION Printed at 2014 outh 11th East f , Utah Issued Every Thursday Business Office and Plant at 2044 South 11th East Advertising Rates on Application O. C. CONNIFF, Publisher Sugar-house- Phone copy for news items and events of Interest to The Bulletin" What to do with the Youth of Dr. Nuttal Invites the cooperation or Commercial Printing Company Hyland 364. was of the discussed Today, the Rotarians as business and protopic news social must and be in the office items, Copy for sport activities, not later than noon Wednesday, for publication in the following issue cf by Dr. L. John Nuttall, superintend- fessional men to assist these boys ent of tho Salt Lake City Schools in finding a suitable position until "The Bulletin." at the regular weekly luncheon of such time as they can be placed in CANNING MONTHS ARE HERE. AND THE GRANITE MART tho Sugarhouso Rotary Club. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION their chosen profession. IS MAKING IT EASY FOR YOU TO DO YOUR OWN CANNING. Dr. Nuttal on dwelt Mrs. A. It. Curtis, president of the the necessary Salt Lake City, Utah BECAUSE OF THE NEW IMPROVED EQUIPMENT . . . EASY, of of outlook the changes youth Tarcnt Teacher's Association took up One ........... ................ .....................SI. 3 ear in Advance EASY ON YOUR PURSE, TOO, BECAUSE PRICES ARE WAY of today where his ambitions ero the school child's problem from a 1.00 Six Months in Advance DOWN ON EVERYTHINK! concerned. different cnglc, tho home. She stated 2.00 One Year in Advance In the years gone by", Dr. Nut. that parents should pay more attentElsewhere in the United States tal said there were three hundred ion to what is going on in the school graduates each year wilh a diploma room and learn how their child comand learned professio n who went pares In temper, application and out into the business world and very with other students. She soon established themselves with stated that the shcool is the personal a firm and steadily Increased earn- right of every child and should be Press, ing and seniority but the graduates made as pleasant and interesting as Blue Enamel 7 size ...$1.29 of today number 2800 wbo have the home. the same ambititlons and hope but Mrs. Curtis also stated that the Stainless steel Knives, 5c, 10c, 25c there aren't enough openings in the youth of today was not so demanding 14 Enamel Kitchen Spoons, 10c Mra Bernice R. Beard, of the 'business concerns and professional "Confidence and Independence'1 in Mr. and Mrs. Morris B. Walsh, to Claresholm Alberta, motored library is visiting her occupations to start them out at once their lives. Armed with these, the 3 Alumimum Collanders 59c and sister at Green River, Utah in a suitable place." to visit his sister, Mrs. B. Roy Mil- problems of everyday could be met 9 12 Alumimum Kettles 1.49 "Now if the boys must wait two in a much more pleasant manner, Ie: A-- j 12 Quart PRESSURE COOKERS, Mra Jos. S. Edwards, returned or three years before they can find making exist ance Into real living. Were $12.89, NOW Sunday from a two weeks vacation a suitable place, they will very like Mr. Richards said, the furniture Mr. Mead Jensen of the Hyland n 13 Quart PRESSURE COOKERS Minnesota, where she has been ly fall into an attitude of careless- store of qn to carry a comtoday plans Lumber Co., returned from a weeks Were $15.89, NOW ness and disappointment which plays visiting relative. household line of necessities plete at trip, having visited friends 25 Quart PRESSURE COOKERS AT havoc with their ambitions. "It is Utah. Were $18.75, NOW now the problem of parents and from paint and draperies to stoves, BIG STAR ON HORIZON tj)10aVD ., floor coverings and furniture, and tha PROVES TO BE FIRE business people to give these boys an The big star that appeared over attitude of Sugarhouse has become the fum Mrs. Elinor C. Bartlett, librarian and patience help them Mt. prova evening Olympus Saturday from returned in Sugarhouae, see that they must fall in lino with iture centre of the city as well as two weeks trip to Mackay, Idaho ed to be a large bonfire made by surrounding towns as we now have where she visited with her son, Mr. troop 5 of East M 111c reek. At 9: p. changing conditions and accept any several up to date stores carrying m. sharp a signal was given from Job that will keep them going until E. C. Bartlett. first class merchandise. East Millcreek to the boys on top they can get their goal.1 and the fire was lighted and the Mr. Milton Chapman, of the Sug- flames leaped high in the air. .From ar House Lumber A Hardware Co. the city it looked like a big star with his family have returned from Adds on the top of the peak. Af- about a closer contact between tho resting a two weeks trip in the northwest. ter and tool sc as the well as parents Personnel spending the night on top of the peak the scouts returned to East Instructing the parents in the true Two new department heads were W. T. Ashman, fireman at the Millcreek from an eight day hike. value of tbe school curriculum. added to the staff of the Granite Principal A. J. Hagen, and Mrs. Sugarhouae station is on his vacatMart week was announced by last Winnie were of the school, Thorton, ion this week. Mr. Renstrom manager of the store. and endorsed all also present plans GONG ENDS GAME pledging the support of the school They are Mrs. Geneve Wilson who will manage the ladles' BUSINESS WOMEN OF Last Saturday the gong at ready to faculty at all times. 'SUGARIiOUSE wear Mr. RETURNS No. 3 in Sugarhouse rung and Alfred department Light refreshments were served FROM LONG TRIP and the exciting game of volley ball and all enjoyed the natural beauty Reese who willhave charge of the each of the new park. There were ten men and boys department. Mrs. Mrs. Laura Daly, owner of the was ended. l?ie score was Wilson wbo was formerly with the side won two had and the members present. games Granite Grain A Seed Co., with her Auerbach Company has had wide eon Elmer, returned Friday from a Yifth was about to begin wbo the experience in her line and will dissix weeks trip to Grand Rapids, gong sounded and saved the champlay the very latest in ready to wear Mich, where they visited relations. pions Oscar Carlson and Bill Ash- Fireside Shop and fall and winter goods, Mr. They reported that business condit man from a probable defeat by CaptReese conies to the store from New ions in the East were good, while ain R. A. Burk and Pat Passey. York city where he was with Abrato the middle West was suffering from The game will be played again A Straus in theirs mens do. ham who are determine the champions draught. The opening of tbe Fireside Gift 1080 21st 210 and has had wide experWe don't know what happened to partment Shop and Rental Library, located ience in men and Is Paul former Car boys ton's clothing. part- at 951 Garfield Herzog, Katie S. Rogers, of the Coverd avenue, was announThe Granite Mart invites you to Wagon Inn, who underwent a ser- ner, at any rate it looks as though ced September 1st. The shop is concome and acquaint yourself with ious operation lately, returned last the champions are do for a defeat. ducted by Frances M. Giles, and week to her place of business. Mra If any one wishes to play, just call carries a line of hand decorated gifts the high quality goods and merchandise they have at reasonable prices at the fire station and arrange- for ail ocasiona. Rogers was in a serious condition meet Mrs. Wilson and Mr. ments can be made for a real game for several weeks, Included in the glftware are such and to Reese of volley ball. personally. articles as complete table lamps, waste There appears to be mystery In baskets, PARIS FAIR FATAL parchment shades, SNOW-WHIT- E bread boards, sandwich trays, the air at Hyland park. Just what Irving P.-boards, coasters sets, etc. TO UGLY TROCADERO no one seems to know, but everyone We Meeting A service Is maintained at the is looking foreward to the 15th of Fireside Gift Shop for the enlarging Eyesore Partly Wrecked fer September, for the event to happen. The Irving P.T, A. held a prelim- tinting and framing of kodak prints ears do and and your eyes open Keep 1937 Exposition. inary meeting at Fairmont park, A cordial invitation is extended to not forget the date. 2182 Friday, August 28 at 2 p. m. to dis- residents of the southeast by Mrs. "Down wilh the Washington. cuss plans for the coming year. Giles to visit her shop and inspect Trocadero! was for years the cry tern Mr. Howard Bringhurst, of the Mrs. A. H. Gibson, president of her shelves of books and collection of artistic Parisians, who saw only nan, dalle des Fetes, sealing G.00U, Apex Electric Co., is spending a an eyesore in the huge circular which was used for occasional pertho and association of gave distinctive presided, giftwarc. week in northern Utah and will building on the north bank of the formances of the the outline for the years work. The make an extensive tour of nothern You Shall Seine. To clear the stage for the National Popular theater and for j to includes program bring plans Utah towns. Paria World's Fair of 1027, the organ concerts. The hail was ISO central tub" of Ihe strucfeet hiith, and its lavish oriental I New Building Replaces round ture and its two towers have been decorations were illuminated from I WHKUEVER YOU OO Old leveled. Only the two semicircular above through the glass dome. to remain allowed An elevator in the spindly northwings have been as unobtrusive features of ihe rivereast minaret cribouragcd a favorite 'J SCIENTIFACTS - BY ARNOLD summer pastime, a twilight ascent One of Sugarhouse' s oldest land side landscape. "The Trocadero palace was built to watch Paris become submerged marks tho "Alston Villa, will be for the World's Fair of 1378, and in a lake of purple dusk, dotted with ton down to make way for the cold to the city when the fair was lights. moderp structure to be erected by over," says the National Geographic Two twin crescent which critics remain unscathed havewings, Charles Petty, of Cedar City who society. "Complimentary 2046 Smith 11th Eut the permapurchased the property at 913 East called it a fair building, but the nent attraction of famous museum Just Upstairs caustic dubbed it one cf Europes collections. The Museum of Com21st South. ugliest public buildings. FOB APPOINTMENT parative Scu'pturc, in the northeast Same months ago Mr. Petty puro "Although unadmired, the consists cf of casts medieval wing, chased the Ford agency from the was an impressive structure. and Renaissance - Hy. 22 1 3 rtatuary arranged Morgan Motor Co. and changed the The circular central building, chronologically to show the develname to "Petty Motor Co. and is pinched up to a glass peak in the opment of that branch of French middle with a and colossal topped now arranging to put up the new art. The southwest wing houses a nmericans, who founiT many'fiome-likstatue of Fame, was flanked by twin collection of the fantastic art of landsite of old at tbe the in its neighborhood. building rquare minarets half as high as the Cambodia in the days of the an- Here features ends the Avenue mark. du President-WilsonWashington monument. In front, a cient Kmcrs d hydras, and on the northeast begins The home which in on old land terraced park sloped down to the d elephants, and gilded the Rue Franklin, with the famous mark in this section was built in river, ornamented with cascades modes of lacy seated bronze statue of Benjamin claboratey splashing into a centra! basin and Also an ethnographical temples. 1893 by Thomas Alston, on the corsection Franklin in the role of minister tc studded of with a huge ctatuc3 shows the varying cultures of difner of what was then 9th East and the court of Iouis XVI. Not fas horre, a bull, a rhinoceros, and an ferent races, with an Indian hut away is the site of his 12th South (but is now 9th East elephant, and figures Crawling across residence, representing from Tierra del Fucgo, marionettes where he installed the first lightCONTINENTS and 21st South. In those days the water and air. from Java, cyclopean monuments ning rod made in France. Former land connections' home wss considered one of the finUnsurpassed Location from the Balearic isles, and other is the Place d'lena, where Nearby UNKING THE CONTINENTS ARE stands est homes In the city. Many young "Demolition of the Trocadero Croups from world wide sources, in- an statue of George INDICATED BY THE FACT THAT equestrian ladies and men would imagine thet presents the coming fair with an cluding a collection of dolls dressed Washington, by Daniel Chester LAND TORTOISES, WHICH DROWN -Poisoning trees the villa was to be their home and unsurpassed location in the Passy in representative national costumes. French and Edward Totter, pre IP THEY ATTEMPT TO SWIM, ARE The U.S. Forest A Famous Sits aented to Paris in memory of Revotheir beaux would take them there district of Paris, with an unobstructFOUND SCATTERED OVER InDI ed area stretching across the Seine Service found has of the Trocadero lutionary friendship by women ol in the old horse and buggy days so at the Pont "Disappearance Europe and North America that The cheapest d'lena to the Champ is another incident of on a the United States." change lived could that EiiTel and Mars de they tower. This hill where WAY TO GET RID the they pretend history has justified the In the old house, and In pretending tower, like the Trocadero, was conOF UNDESIRABLE Parisian Only the temproverb, i n TREES IS BO' many of them had spent so much structed for one of the endures. Given away by porary POISON THEM Louis XI in 1450 as part of the old time that they would not get home world'? fairs held in that neighbor hood. This section of the Seine Is . WITH ARSENIC until the wee1 small hours of, the memorable as the scene of some of feudal property of Challlot, the hill FORD MODEL T and lye. has been the site of many pretend Robert Fultons early experiments morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alston tious structures, all of them torn In tho house 43 years ago with the steamboat. down to make way for more preteni,n. INQUIRE AT "The interior of the Trocadcro's and six of their children were born tious plans. 1882 South 10th East .ccntcaL building contained, the huge there. 'The Trocadero was fumjiu- - - . 1 LOCALS Fruit Rotary type Canner, qt. jar Paring . $1.00 Sug-arhou- se qt. qt. - All ijlo.yi) Tab-lcn- a, . Granite Mart To . fire-stati- on 2-- 2, Granite Mart Gift Announces Opening Popular Southeast Department Store East South Hyland i Peerless Laundry T. CLOTHES Guard Public Health With Sanitation A. Hold Phone Hyland Have BEAUTY AMAZE A MINUTE Landmark SYBELLA BEAUTY SHOP Tree-adcr- Phene e , seven-heade- three-heade- half-doze- FOR SALE -- mov-movo- $12.50 |