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Show -- L A A. -- j- -- t- -- L At Christmas play and Maks good cheer, For Christmas cornea but Once a year. Trusscr. i O VOLUME N ON-- 1 ARTISAN PUBLISHED IN SUGARHOUSE INDEPENDENT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 8. NON-SECTARIA- N NUMBER 48 1935 A Bulletin of News and Activities of the Southeast FOREST P.-NOTES T. A. . Down through the ages came the Spirit of Christmas, was the theme of the program presented by the Association Forest Parent-Teachschool the in Wednesday evening auditorium. j Pupils of the fifth and sixth grades presented an operetta The Magi's Gift under the direction of Miss Nina Haliday and Mias LaReva Crow. Grace Halverson read "The Little Mixer a Christmas selection. ."Fathers were especially welcomed and featured during the evenMr. Amo Kirkham accoming. panied by Mrs. Kirkham sang a Mr. Kirkham also baritone solo. conducted community singing. Mr. A. Clarence Gardiner gave the P.-reverence. Mrs. George F. Bolto, president extended the seasons greetings to patrons of the school and thanked them and all others who have supported the organization for their cooperation during the past year. Mrs. A. R. Ure acted as hostess and was assisted by Mrs. W. B. Richards, Jr., Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mrs. C. Koelliker, Mrs. A. R. Inch and Mrs. M. R. Eldredge. Dick Shepherd and Clark Romney were ushers and Bobby Freeman distributed the GREETINGS This is your paper, people of Sugarhouse, dedicated to you by the merchants whom you have favored by your patronage during the past year. A personal greeting to you all is impossible, but it is their hope that these holiday salutations will reach every one of you. They sincerely trust that you will appreciate these little prin... and so wc say, in their behalf. ted tokens of good-will er Itturrg (Eljratmaa to ffoit All WESTMINSTER STUDENTS COMING HOME FORMER Art Lund, Jay Brinlon, Bill Leaver and Bud Limb, former honor students of Westminster College, will spend tho holidays in Salt Lake with their relatives. The boys .are all students of Eastern Kentucky State University, where they were entered folowing splendid records at the local college. Iu a recent comment of the Associated Press' "Little All Americans, Limb, who played end on the Maroon football team, received honorable mention for outstanding playing. Tho other three boys have also , made a name for themselvee in the field of football, Leaver acting aa assistant trainer. OF STORE NEARING COMPLETION REMODELING T. ifffi the Sugarhouse Drug store will probably bo complete this week, according to members of the sales force. The new store has been made larger, equipped with modem fountain and lighting fixtures as well as tile flooring and enlarged entrance. Remodeling Schramm-Johnso- LETTERS TO SANTA The following letters were given to the Sugarhouse Santa Claus. We print tbs following letters to Santa, and "The Bulletin sincerely lopes that the writers, their sisters, brothers, mother and dad receive what was asked for and wishes all of them a Merry, Merry Christmas. DRAMA TO BE PRESENTED BY HIGHLAND STAKE ( The "Man of Galilee," a sacred drama will be presented at the Granite Stake Tabernacle Sunday evening, December 22, 1935 by the Mutual Improvement Associations of Highland Stake. Two performances are scheduled for six and eight oclock. We Invite you to attend and enjoy a beautiful portrayal of incidents in the life of Christ. (No charge.) ' . s. ' jl During the holidays it will meet on Friday afternoon at the same hour. FOURTH QUARTER INCOME TAX COLLECTION REPORTED Fourth quarter income tax collections totaling 3219,208.14 had been received Monday noon at the office of Ira N. Hinckley, Utah collector Deadline for of internal revenue. This class meets every Wednesday fourth-quartpayments on 1934 afternoon from two to four o'clock. earnings was Monday midnight er UTAn LAND Federal resettlement officials have placed options on 75,000 acres of Utah ind and already 128 men are employed on a resettlement project in Garfield county, and nine men on another project in Tooele and Juab counties, according to word received here the fore part of the week from regional resettlement headquarters at Berkeley, California. Most of the Utah land included In these projects will be put Into use for livestock grazing, and families which have been unable to make living there will be removed to better land. w pi it,, Dear Santa, Please bring me Patsy doll and will be the speaker. At 6:30 a spec- trunk and snow suit for my doll, ial Christmas Sunday service with machine, and telephone. Beth B Nephi L. Morris. Special Christmas carrols and music by Ward Cbcfir. Dear Santa Claus, My sister, brother and I thought Lincoln Ward Bishopric announces wo would write you and teil you Ward dinner in banquet hall, Sat- what we wanted for Christmas, urday evening at 6:30 followed by Irene wants a negro doll, teddy bear, program and party In the Amuse- a white doll and some clothes. WilDinner will be served lard wants a bow tie and a pair of ment Hall. by the Relief Society. (Continued on Page 4) FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR MR. WALKINGSIIAW Funeral services for Wesley 26, 2346 Park stmt, were held Wednesdad in the Nibley Park ward chapel under the direction of Bishop L. W. Mansell. Mr. Walkingshaw died Sunday in held Wednesday in the Nibley Park Walk-lngsha- w, Christmas Gfroa ufishes As Christmas comes again, it reawakens the appreciation of pleasant association rekindles the warmth of friendships and may It find and keep you rich In happiness. -25 STORE 1069 East 21st South Street in Sugarhouse .i . 'r. 1 y MARRIGE 5-10- d, Dear Santa, Please bring me a cupboard, telephone, piano and Shirley Temple doll. Be sure to leave Daddy tie, shoes, hair and clothes brush, and And dont forget to bring pipe. Mother a silver dress, silver shoes, evening wrap, and flowers. Shirley Rose The poetry class at the Sprague Library, 2131 Highland Drive, is doing some real constructive work in verse building. An example of their production is given below. UNITED ' Dear Santa, Please bring me a bugle or a wagon or skates. Please send Sister Be sure skates, games and books. to leave Daddy a nice scarf and slip-erAnd dont forget to bring Mother a new purse and gloves. Alvin POETRY CLASS Win alts in the big leather rocker Each evening, and rocks, and reads, With his feet cocked up on his table. Remonstrance he never heeds! What would you do If your husband Sat with his feet so high That you couldn't glimpse his features or catch the gleam of his eye? Would you go out with the others And stay tUl the clock struck ten? Or would you contentedly sit and knit And think him TBc best of men! By Mrs. Jennie S. Atwood. of n . Sjappti Nfiu TO ALL Illness. RICHARDS And A WARD NOTES Sunday morning at a special gramme, Apostle Melvin J. Ballan far GRANITE FURNITURE COMPANY I in Sugarhouse |