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Show Be but faithful, that is all, go right on and close behind thee there shall follow still and ,find thee, help, sure help. A. IL Clough To wise hearts this certain hope is given no mist that man may raise shall hide heaven. the eye of Keble A Community Paper Published hi Sugar home A BULLETIN OF NEWS AND EVENTS OF INTEREST INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWS NON-PARTISA- Son of Cleveland to Enter Movies " Last Tuesday afternoon In the Sugarhouse Baseball . Players Relief Society, a Sugarhouse group of eight boys and girls .Tom the Irving Junior High School presented a little playlet, Does and Donts of Socialized under the direction of Conduct, lira. Ralph B. Keddington. At a convention of ers recently it was found from statistics, that the wonderful winter in Salt Lake had been fine for some people, but the coal Base Ball practice for Sugar-houmen had only sold about thirty Merchants next Sunday per cent of their usual amount April 1, 1934. Municipal No. 1 of coaL to 12:00 Noon. a. m. from 10:00 Bud Hannan Mgr. Mr. Bud Gore, of Bud's Sandwich Shop, has been ill for several days from an infection. PLAN MEMORIAL ON se -- Jr. and Mrs. Merrill D. day-so-n are rejoicing over the arrival of a new son this week. Again we have evidence of our nusual winter June roses are . bloom in March. Those roseq are on the south side of a house and are sheltered by other shrubbery. Monday afternoon at the annual convention of the County Chapter of Daughters of Utah Pioneers, three Southeast women were elected to important offices. Mrs. Zina L. Glade was made president; Mrs. Edith B. Holt, and Mrs !rst Aurora H. Duncan, chorister. MISSISSIPPI RIVER Lou!, to Honor Pioneer and Empire Builder. vice-preside- nt; St. Louis. Mo. Plans for a na tionul memorial beside the Missis slppl river, ns a tribute to the liven 'nod deeds of pioneers and empire builders of the Mississippi valley and In commemoration of the The Fraternal Mutual Insurance purchase, are being made by a of St. Louisans, and congroup Company have moved from their will he requested to act on gress offices in the Smoot Building. the proposal at Its present session. Mrs. F. , W. Milner, of I.C.; 17th South Street was rcc sleeted president of the Mou.i.. Club. . -- : lxul-sisn- s Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howell are Francis Grover Cleveland, lawyer, actor, Harvard graduate and soi Mrs. J. O. Rex' of of the late President Grover Cleveland, photographed In his Belmont has been a guest o' ijjomp, with Mm. Cleveland, after news that he Was about to enter tives in Stiitftiy colonnades-anwajesfle Sugarhouse durir. . buildings' containing statues and : upon .if motion picture career, had been published The youngest son of past week. the furnier Chief Executive, Mr. Cleveland has already appeared In sculptural groups would be erectmany theatrical iierformancca. ed In a large site In downtown St. d School A very interesting cooking has been conducted this week in the Southeast Furniture school Company Store, demonstrating the preparation of different foods on the Monarch electric range. Miss Marjorie Whitney, a Salt Lakd girl who has recently joined the force of the Monarch demonstrators, has presided over the congress for authorization of the Federal aid will be memorial. sought. Thomas Jefferson, the outstsnd ing figure in the Louisiana pur chase, would occupy the commanding place In the proposed memorial. Under tentative plana the principal memorial building would stand near the rivers edge Just south of the Eads bridge and command a sweeping view up and down the river. Farther hack from the shore there would be two colonades, each about a Mock long, standing parallel to each other and containing statnes and sculptural groups of pioneers and empire builders who figured in the development of the Mississippi valley domain. The memorial plaza, for a width of one block, would extend to the historic old courthouse, four blocks from the river front, where the famous Ored Scott decision was issued In 1848. Razing of scores of buildings now standing along the river front would he necesaary to make way for the memorial. Mayor Bernard Olckuiann. one of the principal sponsora. of the memorial plan, said It was hoped that In about ten yeara SL IOiiis could hold a world's fair on the river front in a setting of permanent hulldlnga and sculpture. Luther Ely Smith, chairman of a committee appointed to promote the plan, described the place selected for the memorial as the most historical spot in the United States." It was from here that the Lewis and (Hark expedition took off In Its explorations of the northwest which has attratted several hundred women. In connection with the cooking school a bread baking contest has been staged. Bread has been entered from all parts of Utah, and some from Idaho. By Wednesday two hundred fifty lmtves After the had been entered. bread has been judged it is turned over to the Social Welfare department of the city. There will be classes Friday qsd Saturday. If you, lady read territory. school, - -- il Southeast Cooking : , Rand.-.-Utah- the new proprietors of the Success Cafe. They announce that they will keep up the usual Idmls overlooking the Mississippi, standard of the cafe, and will and a parkway almost a mile long would extend along the river front, welcome their friends. under tentative plans for the mentor In L anThe LueJeanne Shoppe The vast project probably would nounce that they have added the cost .between $25,000,001) and Martha Lee wash frocks to their Rills are being forwarded stock of merchandise. to Waahington for Introduction In A petition signed by some of the residents near Fairmonti Park, protesting against the building of bleachers in the park, was filed with the city commissioners Wednesday. The petition declares that the building of bleachers twill damage property values in that vicinity and will detract from the beauty of the park. Southeast Society Notes The Southern Utah Presbytery er, have not already attended one and the Women's Presbyteria of these classes, you will find it Society will meet April 6, 7, andr worth while to go. 8th in Cedar City. Coal deal- N me-mori- nt ABBREVIATED NEWS B The Veterans Pay Bill which has caused so much controversy, Wednesday a celebration was held at the site of the Hyrum was passed over the Presidents Dam, when thousands gathered veto Wednesday. It will affect to witness the beginning of work about 2000 Utahns. on a dam which will cost In the neighborhood of $930,000. The Kansas City municipal election this week was marked by riots, slugging of women and men and intimidation by gunmen terrorists. Evidently the spirit of war which is so predominant in Europe, is not confined to the European countries. Heavy Bomber planes have been ordered for the Army airSince the army took mail lines. over the airmail on February 19, 109,876 pounds have passed through the Salt Lake airport. H B A group of advertising men Were taken through the Fisher . Mrs. Amer Hansen, and jons Eugene and Paul, left it,.; for Omaha to spend the spring vacation with Mr. Hansen, who was transferred to Union Pacific 3f flees In Omaha last year. Miss Afton Love was recently made president of the Alumnae of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority, rhe local chapter has become affiliated with the National chapter. Other southeast women who belong to the national affiliation are: lone Spencer, Beth Spencer, Ann Cannon, Elolse Love, Jessie Perry and Beth Hooper. Most of the Wards of Granite Stake have entertained In honor fl According to William Green, at their Basketball Boys during President of the American Federthe past Week. ation of Labor, industry is not increasing employment sufficient Mrs. Justin Lillywhite, formerly to offset the closing of the C. W. Miss Alice Mitchell, Is here from A. work. He also reports that the coast to visit with friends, the buying power of the dollar and relatives. increased only one per cent and the cost of living increased three The M. I. A. Stake Board of ' per cent at Granite Stake - entertained Dick Gunns cafe in honor of. the Wasatch Ward Basketball team, n Arrangements were made in who are the 1934 champions of Washington this week to return the Churchwkle contest. tho mail flying to air firms, providing that they reorganize acThe vanguards and scouts of cording to government plans to Parleys Ward enjoyed an airplane avoid further filching of govern- outing Monday evening, March 19th. ment funds. The ComBrewery Wednesday. pany has expended more than $200,000 to renovate the plant, and they will have a payroll of $75,000 annually to Utah workers, Sugarhouse Ward members will B Mr. Frederick Crowton, of Salt be entertained at a dinner and f (The report did not state wheth er the advertisers walked away Lako, celebrated Bis 101st birth- theatre party In the Ward i ball this evening. fropi the brewery.) day Thursday, . , |