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Show The Deceret Gazette Page 7 September 5. 1975 PROFESSIONAL AND -- i (MU) i RUG STEAM EXTRACTION j. hr A J, METHOD COMPKTiNT CAIKT CUANUS d work, fnt aorvlco low roal r , phono AL MARK 244-830-2 5 Lance E or UNO LOTS iafrhiRwrs mmw MnaNpGy DBSIDESS EXPOSURE! DEVELOPMENT W ihrgBRdhRyMhsIdiNws. Juldid 1 rS 561- - 5184 Solicitation of Subscriptions Now in Progress nMkli McDOUGAL REALTORS Mona a MULTIPLE USTM6S a FMANCHK . FARMS . IUYIM CONTUCTS income properties . construction commercial properties SPECIALIZING IN SELLING YOUR PROPERTIES U 255-516- ifc Bring Then To lighi WHh Want Ad GOODJTiHlNffs SERVICE DIRECTORY .MtostoalhanMessM lEWCSI? AA 561-141- K20 9. 2700 DIAMOND MIKES pool refreshments So. 3200 W. 7800 Subscription Rate $9 per yr. WEBSTERS. INC. foosball electronic games West Jordan 6 Phono 4 W. WEPT JORDAN LUMBER S HARDWARE PAINT A GLASS (Sk PUMMM sumo a- - TWO LOCATIONS 255-980- , iztmii. fombdl loumrv mry IjlunUy night , 254-392- 1700W. 255-356- 7951 SO. STATE 1 1 561-518- Aimniiiimim nrr RIHIts Shoo Rspair 571-563- APPLIANCES ALTERATIONS LANDSCAPING e 255-659- SS Starter Now available. Many starter homes from $15,900 and up in West Jordan. Kearns. Sandy, and Riverton. McDougal Realtors Plowing, leveling, landscaping for yards and gardens. Hourly rale. Lowest in town. Alteration is what I do best. Call Maria 255-916- ffi urJ'dStoTn 8. Call Stoll AUTOMOBILE PARTS 4 254-07- 29 At PARRY7? 8 SERVICE WE REPAIR MOST ANYTHINQ el mn We WantTo Buy Your Farm Will MVECTIN 254-996- 0, Bills call Hank lathwell at All makes lawnmower sharpenfree pick-u- p ing and repair; Call 255-195- 1 and delivery. TIRES - New tread highway caps. $9.88 exchange - same guarantee as new tires. 3 year anytime guaranteed batteries exchange. Ca 521-05- $15.95 Sale 00 12617 So. 1700 W. MISC. 1 299-305- - Typing 4 For all your rental needs. equipment, yard tools, parly, wedding, sickroom, automotive equipment. Visit Taylor Rental. 9315 So. 00 East. Sandy. 255-688- Horses Allowed East Sandy, 4 bdrms. 2 fireplaces, balcony and many extras. Reduced tu $54,900 call 8 or Vaughn at McDougal Realtors Don't Wait Great starter, home. 2 bdrms up, 1 bdrm down, ac, fenced. Double drive, split entry. West Jordan. Call Fay or McDougal Realtors 4 4 05 Equipment rental- - l. Sex Appeal It wont New on the market. 3 hdrm rambler, Ig. last. bdrms. formal dining rm, corral, and more Riverton. Under $50,000. Call Steve at 6 or McDougal Realtors 561-715- - 9 4 H. yffcVcuqal West Jordan Mortuary 272-141- 7 Fast, reasonable FOR SALE It Call licensed child care, playmates. R,ycoPc lunches call i1 model S125 or best offer 3 . 255-43- 254-99- 72 Experienced 1969 International 12 ton lip, overload springs, good work, $150.00 h-- tcaclu-r- . p- - ing Call certified first will tutor read- 96h-(Ni- mills brake Phonn GEKRY MOONS 255-034- 2 Call 561-524- 9 DANCE STUDIOS Acrobatic rap, Ballet, Baton, lazz. Square Dancing. 6 or 561-702- Bill & Harold CLOUGH'S AUTO REPAIR 12619 So. Redwood Road 254-446- REAL ESTATE 6 Wrncker Service llontes for Sale: Sorrell Mare and foal out id registered stud. Some Iwrsr laek available. Call Seoll 56F358H No resoluble offer refused. Classes starting Sept. 18th 50 East 9727 South reduced $4,500 5 bdrm brick rambler on 1 13 acres with horse barn, irrigation water and more. Now onCall LaMar al ly $58,000. 3 or McDougal Really 299-305- Sandy,Utah HELP WANTED llalr dresser wauled in 4 Tor Salmi Sandy. Fnlkiwing nut Part-tim- e Call Huh Tor appointment nr infiirnialinn Call 571-155- 2 Hot New listing 4 Cnniplctly finished iHilnsims. beautiful family room formal entry, carpel, drAir Cnnd. apes carxirl. Area of extensive houses. May ettrrv contract. Paulina Warren Ml 5249 Gtifilcn West 255-515- 0 e Two salesmen positions now available to sell advertising fur (he Gazelle. Male nr female good supplimenlal income for husband or wife, high school nr college students. Call Randy al part-tim- 561-143- 1 255-650- 0 - 561-755- 1. Free Market Appraisal We w- ottld Ih- happy to slum you wliat your house should sell Tor No Obligation - is Ildp wanted: The Gazelle to Golden West Realtors looking for boys and girls 1 deliver our paper In the KeaJordan. of West rns, Sandy. Midvale. Riverton, and Draper. or Call Norm at 561-143- 255-651- .561-75- Tha owl ifar aaopia aatnw I a,aWanlM HOME SUPPLIES a FRUIT DRYERS, slims, juicers, wheat grinders, apple parers, deep freezers, wheal. Slones to make your own electric wheat grinders, ready to mount on your motor. GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) S.LjC. 521-05- Fwof wht ntmd wort. m mmi and sl Mm rbhomb U UK. ha PMfU MtaUs. a MBar T", ", mm U jam 0m to w an W until ,nuanuHiaaaaaiiNitlaaaah.Maiiaai1ii(.aiaaantaiilal pnxlMCtl nd wmwieiiiWiBiaiBirtliwiB - aouranaaiaUanm' WtmaiMbul laftt Want Ml can mdfcMpMtwn Via aanw ana? Dint McDavai 6 $20.95 Regular Main Salt Lake City, Utah $19.95 GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) S.L.C. Buy- - Lo"- 151 So. 531-77- WOK buftmu consider any size parcel of ground Ivory & EXNMST Light and Aliy 4 bdrm Contcmpory home with fireplace and rcc. rm., priced below appraised value for quick sale. Call Charles at 561-- 146 or La Mar 3 or ii McDougal Realtors SS CARPETING Pi 1 Horse Hone Horcc: We are in desperate need of property zoned for horses. With or withAll sizes and loout homes. cations in Utah. Call Golden West Really 0 1 or SOOTH JORDAN. DRAPER VIEW Day Service When Needed 9 77 0 So. 7 00 E. 7 Gazette 4 SANDY. MIDVALE. RIVERTON. WEST JORDAN. COPPERTON. MOUNTAIN Subscription Dept co The Deseret 1550 W. 7800 So. West Jordan, Utah 84084 SERVING KEARNS. Specialize in Cowboy Boots Announcing n Send To: and HMImUM |