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Show 'I The Deseret Sampler, Friday, Feb. 23, 1973 . Mustangs assured Region Nine spot Tux assistance now available Library lists new records 1 Artist Album Title ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH A HORSE WITH NO NAME ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC TO THE WORLD I AM A WOMAN LIVING IN THE PAST THICK AS A BRICK SUMMER BREEZE CATCH BULL AT FOUR HAIR - (OCA) The Dugway Mustangs with an unlieaten record in league play have qualified for the Region Nine Playoffs. THE PLAYOFFS are scheduled to be played at the South Summit gymnasium on March 5, 7 and 8. The top four teams in each Division will play in the playoffs for a state tournament lierth. If the Mustangs can win agaiast St. Josephs at Ogden tonight they will win the Division 2 championship and will play their first game in the region playoffs at 6 p.m. March 5 against the fourth place team from Division 1. At the present the Mustangs first opponent will l)e either South Summit or South Rich. FIVE TEAMS from the Region will qualify for the State tournament which will lie held March 14 through SOUNDS OF SILENCE MANASSAS March 17 at Provo. If the Mustang lose to St. Joe tonight and then beat Wendover in their final regular game of the season and end in a tie for the Division lead there will lie a playoff with St. Joe prolialily March 2. eligible for OJT John Denver America Ten amv-tanc- Years After Helen Reddy tax forms. Jethro Tull Those people at Ft. Douglas wishing tax assistance should contact Lt. Aiken Jethro Tull Seals & Crofts Cat Stevens MacDermot (composer) Simon and Garfunkel Stephen Stills lie-fo- re March 12. Pass conditions at Main Gate CLOSE TO THE EDGE Y'es SUPER FLY ONE DAY AT A TIME THE GRADUATE Curtis Mayfield Joan Baez Simon and Garfunkel Melanie Moody Blues Carole King The Temptations GARDEN IN THE CITY SEVENTH SOJOURN RHYMES & REASONS ALL DIRECTIONS BUTCH CASSIDY' AND THE SUNDANCE KID PHOENIX SANTANA CARAVANSERAI Vets dependents Tax assistance is now available through the Judge Advocate General office at Dugway and from Lt. James D. Aiken at Ft. Douglas. Captain Keith D. Rodli and Lt. Aiken attended the Armed Forces Tax Seminar at San Francisco last month. Capt. Rodli and Lt. Aiken are available for tax e but will not fill out lape Title Johnsons Pass road condition signs located at Mills Junction and Clover have lieen removed since they could not lie posted adequately. Military police continue to check road conditions in the pass periodically during inclement weather. Motorists can obtain road condition information by contacting the Provost Marshal Desk Sergeant Burt Bacharach Grand Funk Santana (extension 2933). This information will also be available at the Main Gate for drivers departing DPG. Personnel driving to Dugwav during periods of inclement weather are requested to inform the military policeman at the Main Gate of hazardous road conditions oliserved. Artist GREEN RIVER Creedence Clearwater Revival The veteraas wives, wives, widows and children, who are eligible, for VA educational assistance, may now take training or apprenticeships in lieu of going to college, the Veterans Administration has pointed out. A law approved by the President in Octolier increased allowances for this type of training by nearly 48 percent and broadened the types of training available under the Dependents' Educational Assistance Program. IN ADDITION to training $133 to $196. For each additional dependent in excess of two, a veteran receives aq additional $8. TIIE NEW public law also changed the rules, on correspondence training to open this form of training to eligible wives and children, and to provide greater protection for trainees. The law also permits greater flexibility in classroom for vetere ans in farm cooperative training. Some of the required 440 annual classroom hours may lie rescheduled prowages paid by employers, VA vided enrollees. spend at least now pays trainees a starting 80 hours in classroom study stipend of $160 per month. in any three month period, The old rate was $108. it was explained. ' VA education benefits, inDuring Octolier, 102, (XX) veterans were taking cluding apprenticeship and and apprenticeship train- other are ing, but trainees under the De- available to those who served pendents Education Program at least 180 days, any part of were limited to institutional it after Jan. 31, 1955. Also entitled to these benetraining programs before the Octolier law. fits are: wives, widows and For job- - training veterans, children of veterans whose the starting allowance is $160 deaths or permanent, total per month if he has no depend- disabilities were service- - conents. For those with one de- nected; and wives and childpendent, the allowance was rais- ren of servicemen who are ed from $120 to $179 monthly; prjsoners of war or missing in with two dependents, from action for more than 90 days. I AM A WOMAN IIEY JUDE FROM WITHIN JOHNNY CASH AT . Johnny Cash Merle Haggard SAN QUENTIN OKIE FROM MUSKOGEE CIIER S GOLDEN HITS (PL-92-54- full-tim- Helen Reddy The Beatles Dionne Warwicke Chers BARBRA STREISAND'S GREATEST HITS TO Barbra Streisand More than 21.000,000 Americans suffer from high blood pressure, which sets the stage for heart attack and stroke. Only half know they have high blood pressure. See your doctor to be sure, and help your Heart Fund help your heart. STEPPENWOLF GOLD - THEIR strikes again GREATEST HITS Major William C. Miller, 14, of the Deseret Test Center Information Office at Ft. Douglas powers his way to. the basket for two points during a scrimmage between Ft. Douglas and Dugway officers at the proving ground. Ilis heroics went for naught, however, as the Dugway squad nipped the Salt Lakers in a hard-fougcontest. THE BEST OF MANCINI AT THE RIVIERA RARE EARTH IN CONCERT PLAY THE HIT THEMES Steppenwolf Henry Mancini Engleliert Humperdinck Rare Earth Ferrante and Teicher Saving is tlw hay to independence) When you save your hard oamod money at your crodit union, it provides gonorout dividonds Th Credit Union Umbrella Man lays: Savings at your credit union provides avartaMity anu 'vHOli UniQel (mnwri worn, kmvy ano save together not tor 'profit -- not for charity -but for mutual sorvico. "Savings is a koy to the future" Digway Federal 522-25- 2 Credit Union, raoKiuv dn ran EAKIG... For Dugway EmployOOS General Oiaries Colonel Robert A. Shade, DTC Commander, briefs writing TECOM staff members, headed by Major 14. of full meetings February day P. Brown (second from left) and their DTC counterparts during a Q. As a female veteran going to school full time un- der the GI Bill, can I claim mv husband as a dependent? A. Yes. Public Law 92- 540, signed by the President Octolier 24, 1972, makes edu-cational Iienefits and all otli- er veteran Iienefits apply equally to male and female veterans. To take advantage of this liencfit, you should apply to the nearest Veterans Administration regional of-- number for taxpayers Toll-fre- e I. Caainfs carefully far hidden damage. iniai'M Only aouad 3. Every rawnf bulled and balanred for amoothpaure ride. Taxpayers can continue to get quick answers to their tax problems by calling the Internal Revenue Service from anywhere in the state without having to pay long distance charges, Roland V. Wise, District Director of Internal Re- venue for Utah said. Salt Lake City residents can contact the IRS bv callOther Utah taxpayers should call ing Mr. Wise said. This toll-fre- e d plume service is available on u basis to help taxpayers in all their dealings with the IRS. Although help is as near as a telephone, Mr. Wise said, most taxpayers should lie able to prcare their own p returns by following the instructions that come with their Form 1040 or lOIOA. If taxpayers need ackli- tional help, they can call the IRS via the toll-fre- e telephone service. The telephone service also enables many taxpayers to get answers to questions on wage and price controls without having to write or visit an IRS office, Mr. Wise said. calls to the IRS Salt Taxpayers can place toll-fre- e office week from 8:00 a.m. to 6:(X) p.m.. City days and on Saturdays from 9:(X) a.m. to 12:(X) noon. Mr. Wise said. step-by-ste- FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE SEE 'htc TO& f Clyde Gibson Tire 725 North Main - 1 S82-035- T 3 The stale- - approving agency in the state where the school is located. However, the is Administration Veterans the approving agency for courses offered by schools in foreign countries, agencies of the Federal Government, and for apprenticeship programs administered interstate by carriers. Published as a civilian enterprise newspaper in the interest of personnel of the Deseret Test Center, Ft. Douglas Publishing and Dugway, Llah, by the Transcript-Bulletiof the Tooele Transcript Company, Tooele, Utah, (publishers and Tooele Bulletin) in accordance with Department of the Annv Regulations. It is not an official Army newspaper, opinions are those 4if individuals not to be considered those of the Department of the Army or its agencies Advertisements in this publication do not constitute an endorsement of products by the thereof. Dept, of Defense or any agency must be made Everything advertised in this publication available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to the race, creed, color or national origin of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this advertiser will result in policy of equal opportunity by an from that source. refusal to the print advertising For business and advertising matters call the Tooele News matter for pubTranscript Bulletin at (801) lication should be sent to the Public Information Office, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 84022, telephone Pictures not otherwise credited are U.S. Army photos. Army News Feature (ANF) and American Forces Frets Service Material is used. Printed by offset method. First Security Bank checking account means immediate money in the bank on pay day for civilian and military personnel at Dugway.' A plan has been developed permitting the delivery of your pay check to the First Security Bank on Base each pay day with credit to your account immediately! A When you pay by check you keep record of your expenses, making task of balancing your an accurate the tedious budget simple and easy. Your cancelled checks become your legal receipt or proof of payment n year-roun- 4. Thermal-promheal molded, far prrfrrt adhemon to tare body. Bill? A. The DTC Deseret Sampler 524-4CX- 3. Tliirk bend of near lire rubber bonded to raaing. aidewall Q. Who approves schools for enrollment under the GI and Military Personnel , 882-005- Open your account today choose either Regular or Checkway plans and request your pay check to be sent directly to the Base Bank in the Post Exchange. Itll save you valuable time and money. NAME and address printed free on each check FIRST SECURITY BANK 522-211- 6. tort lubwifs Building - Dvgwuy Omwid |