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Show Teamwork Needed to Incorporate Changes in Incentive Awards Program The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., June 27, 1969 New GS Pay Rates in the effort now needed to iniprmements made in the These improvements, which will of Julv, are living made after an intensive year long sttidy condneted In the Civil Service ComThe suggestion promission. The two major changes are: gram will concentrate on ideas which contribute directly, to the economy, efficiency and increased effectiveness and 2.' The minimum standard that must lie met to earn a suggestion award has liecn raised to $250. This will eipiate to a minimum award of $25.00! Employees will benefit from All of us share a part take full advantage of the Incentive Awards Program. become effective on the 1st r v, - these changes by receiving lar- ger awards and more prompt action oil their cases. Manage- inent and supervisors will liene- fit in having the suggestions targeted mi ideas that earn out the mission more effective- ly. The need for economy in the use of inoucv and materials, is clear and ur- gent. For maximum economy to the military approved by the Post (iiiiimunder. In Uith instances the diunuut uf the award would lie up tn and including $350.00. Icilujis (he most significant .lun: in Uidiiii- cifective on the imi nl ul on the Awards t the lmentive Awards pnii,.- IWi.i.ii is: Not more than one award Ium'iI upon siqierinr a spirit fiirui.mcv may lie granted with-i- s needed throughout the Fed- - in any period of 24 months. A statement liy the nominating end workforce. Another significant change is supervisor certifying that on the the time limit imposed for sub- - lusis of past experience, he missimi of suggestions. Your idea lielievcs the emplovee's high must lie submitted before or quality is likely within 45 calendar days follow- - to continue, will lie included ing the date it is adopted. A imi each award nomination for is not eligible for a (Quality Salary Increase. Nomisuggestion consideration if it appears to nees will not lie informed at lx: of the complaint type or any time that they are under proposes an employee service consideration for or have lieen or lienefit unrelated to produc- Humiliated for a superior performance award. tivity. Change 1 to AR 672-2- 0 delegated to directors and office Committee Reviews chiefs the authority to approve Test Guidelines at suggestions up to the amount of $3(X). Effective the 1st of Deseret Test Center July this amount has Iwen increased to $350. Also, the apTest Hie Deseret Center Medical Advisory Committee met proval authority has lieen delegated down to and including at the Center on June 12 and 13. liattalion commanders for miliThe Committee reviewed and endorsed previous programs and tary organizations. If the is military and his sugrecommendations and reaffirmgestions pertain to his work site, ed safety guidelines. It recomthe suggestion can lie approved mended that the close liaison by the director or office chief and coordination lie continued for whom he works. If his sug- - with Dr. G. D. Carlyle Thompson, Director, Utah State Division of Health, in carrying out future ecological and epidemiological programs. The committee agreed that its meinliersliip should lie expanded to include members man-hour- BEST LAWN' This issue' selection of the best lawn on post goes to SGM Eugene A. Mackle of the CBK course. Hu's is the second in a series of selections of the best manicured lawn on post. The campaign is planned to promote the care of lawns and shrubs on post. Lets follow the sergeant major's lead and help keep Dugwav a prettv place to live! M AJ Franklin Haskins, the new Vice President of Dugwavs Toastmasters International accepts the gavel from outgoing President Sharron Johnson. Looking on is the outgoing Vice President John Robert;. it van lie - s, stig-gest- PASSES GAVEL gestmn pertains per-resul- ts er affiliawith tions. Tlie purpose of the Medical Advisory Committee is to advise the Commanding General of the Deseret Test Center concerning medical aspects of the Cen- ter's testing activities. Each leader and aupcrvlaory eaployea will receive an increaae over hi current aggregate tale of pay which la no lasa than rhe aaount shown for hia new grade in thla col iasn except thai the ainioua Increaae for each aupcrvlaory eaployea in gradea 19 Lloyd Urges Committee - h, half-starve- Congressional authori- ty over CBW activities is now spread over the Committees on Armed Services, Science and Foreign .Affairs, and Government Operations. The President has already esEnvirontablished a cabinet-leve- l mental (Quality Oxineil to give greater executive priority to environmental problems," Lloyd said. It seems logical to me that d Congress should also take a approach by providing necessary committee with expert staff who could apply themselves squarely to euviromiK'iital issues." He said many of the problems are currently under the scrutiny of two, three and even four different committees of Congress, and the situation as neither efficient or conducive to coordinated leadership which the nation needs in its envinmmental quality crusade." R-- single-minde- des-erilx- xl Night 'til 9 Tooele Store Open Friday Night 'til 9 be $.13. Shift Differentials: WASHINGTON Rep. Sherman P. Lloyd, joined in a bill establishing a House Standing Committee on the Environment to provide a unified legislative approach to problems of air and water pollution, weather modification, solid waste disposal, use of pesticides, and noise abatement. Though already a serious problem in our own time, despoilment of our earth represents a threat of major magnitude for future generations, Rep. Lloyd said. He quoted Dr. David M. Cates, a Missouri botanist, who described a future earth populated by depressed billions gasping for air, depleted of oxygen and laden with pollutants, thirsting for thickened eutrophic water, struggling to avoid the constant prvv ence of one another, and in essence continuing life at a degraded subsistence level. The full weight and resources of our nation's government must be brought to hear on the problems of polluted air and water, disposal of all wastes, the use of pesticides and other chemical poisons, weather modification, and noise abatement,'' Rep. Lloyd said. Congressional Committees, and the President's executive council, given clear authority, would leave no doubt as to national intention to stop fouling our own living space. The Utah Republican said the committee would also pull together the duplicating and confusing authority of various committees cuncemed with the testing of chemical and biological warfare agents such as that being conducted at Dugwav Proving Ground in Tooele County. lie said will 2d Pay Hike Retro for Wage Board Shift 8C .id Shift lbC Effective first day of first pay period beginning on or after 1 July 1969 The 369 wage grade employees, leaders and supervisors at Deseret Test Center Headquarters and Dugway Proving Ground received pay increases this past week. The pay increases were made retroactive to the pay period starting February 16, 1969. All employees under the Wage Grade schedule are guaranteed the minimum increases indicated on the salary chart. Supervisors above WS-1- 0 are guaranteed 13 cents a hour. The employees at Dugway Proving Ground will continue to receive the special Skull Valley pay rates while those employees at Fort Douglas are under the Utah Wage Area. For those at DPG the average pay increase for personnel in positions was 16.9 cents per hours, those in positions received a 18.6 cent per hour raise and supervisors received an average of 62 cents raise. The shift differentials for the second shift will lie eight vents per hour and 16 cents for the third shift. er Twenty Five 1969 Oldsmobiles Now in Stock! Come See Try and Buy at Mantes Chevrolet Co. Phone 882-314- 8 Westinghouse (heavy-du- ty j:j Automatic Washer speed selections temperature selections water saver 2 5 Famous double wash action Heavy duty transmission Heavy-dutstabilizer system Automatic safety lid lock Lint filter and water recirculation system Automatic fabric softener dispenser Porcelain enamel wash basket and tub y Prices start at $19900 Tooeles Most Experienced Servicemen Back Every Sole Radio Electric and Hardware 14 North Main Street i |