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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., June 13, 1969 Of "5 f Dugway Open House A Resounding Success Silver Star Among Awards Given At Open House Parade An impressive arrav of awards was jjiven to families of four deceased soldiers and to two other soldiers in a ceremony diiriiH' ''ie Open House celebration. Hie awards were given as Medal fur the wounds which sul- led to his death were as part of a formal military seqin-ntlparents. Mr. and Mrs. Don B. parade in front of -the entire 1" ii'..n... military garrison ot Dugway FFC Charles D. Maurin was and several thousand spect Commendation awarded the ators. Making the awards was the commanding general of Deseret Test Center, BC Jnlin C. Appel The highest award given was the Silver Star Medal. Awarded posthumously to SSG Sliirl B. Nance, the decoration was accept- ed by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanely B. Nance. He was cited for his lieroic actions in a tun- ncl clearing operation in which he subsequently lost his life. In addition to the Silver Star, Nance was awarded the POSTHUMOUS AWARD - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Nance receive the Silver Star Medal awarded posthumously to their son SSC Shir! Nance who was killed in action in the Republic of Vietnam. BC John C. Appel, commanding general, DTC, made the presentation. Bronze Star Medal for ineritor- ions service and the Purple Heart for the wounds he sustained which proved fatal. Staff sergeant Nance had achieved the enlisted grade of E-- even though he had less two years service in the f) Army. Mrs. Kathleen Bailey received the Bronze Star for her husband who also died as the result of hsotile action in Vietnam. In ad- dition to tlie Bronze Star award meritorious service, SCT Scott J. Bailey received the Purple Heart for wounds sustained in combat, Army Medal for his meritorious service in Vietnam. The ARCOM and the Purple Heart were accepted by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maurin. present to receive their awards wt.re MSG DelmarE. Lomlwrd and Kvan A jjarr SCT Harr was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with "V" device for valor and First Oak Leaf Cluster (designating a second award) for his heroism in com-SSbat in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam, SCT I larr was also awarded the Army Commendation Medal with jjj The Dugway Open House celebration got off to an impressive start with a presentation of awards and military parade. As the afternoon progressed, it was clear that the entire event was a resounding success. Posthumous medals, including the Silver and Bronze Star Medals were awarded to the parents and wife of four soldiers who lost their lives in Vietnam. In addition, two enlisted men were presented awards by BG John C. Appel, commanding general of Deseret Test Center. The Youth Activities Council carnival was a central part of the celebration. The carnival and related activities realized a profit for the youth program at Dugway of approximately $1300. C Winners of the drawing were announced during the afternoon in the carnival area. The color television was won by Lawrence Smith. Bennie Lacy won the "V" device and the Purple Heart western saddle, and Sterling Nelradio. Rill son won the AM-Ffor the wounds which he n tained in the operation in which Hannan won a stuffed bull, and PFC Anthony Jncewicz of HHC he earned his medals for valor. MSG Dehnar E. Lombard was won a stuffed panda. The golf awarded the Army Commendation shirt was won by Don Heebner, Medal for Meritorious service and the savings bond was won by while assigned to the US Army Joseph Eva. Met Team, Hunter Liggett Mil-fo- r The Deseret Test Center US Savings Bond Drive for the month itary Reservation, California. Following the presentation of of May terminated on the day of awards the families and members the Open House. The announceof the military who were d ment of the winner of the ltond ated joined the staff and com-fo- r sales contest was made by MAJ manding general in reviewing the Louis T. Bowring post executive garrison as it paraded past the officer at the Open House. REVIEWING STAND - A military parade in which personnel of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, CBR Troop Detachment, Met Team and U. S. Hospital and the Fort Lewis, Washington Army Band. Awards were also presented by BC John G. Appel, shown above with PFC Lester Jacobson, MAJ Charles F. James, U. S. Hospital, COL Eugene Them, CBRWOC, commandant and MSG Dehnar E. Lombard and SCT Evan Harr who received awards. sus-tha- SCT David X. Rusinussen was the Bronze Star Medal meritorious service in the Rep- ublic of Vietnam. Receiving the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart reviewing stand. decor-awarde- Taking first place and over worth of merchandise gift certificates was Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson. Second place went to Kristine Cooper, and Karen Nicl-iotook third place. All three worked diligently to encourage people to sign up for the payroll savings plan at Dugway. Over 35(X) people attended the $75 n BRONZE STAR - Mrs. Kathleen M. Bailev receives the decoration which have been awarded posthumously to her husband, SCT Scott J. Bailey. Making the award is BC John C. Appel, commanding general of DTC. Open House. They saw displays of war materiel, camping demonstrations, and a mission display for Defense Depot Ogden, among others. During the afternoon, spectators were transported to a fire- power demonstration. They fired from the basic infantryman's rifle to an self propelled howitzer. On hand to demonstrate Tire controlling techniques was the Dugway fire department which extinguished a burning vehicle simulating a crashed aircraft. Hie entire event was capped by a dance held at the Sandy Acres Service Club at night. vl-- 3 ALL BETTER BRAND NAMES AT - Gordon's Mens Shop 14 COLOR GUARD Wttt Vint All Prices Slashed!! "WHERE THE WELL June Clearance DRESSED MAN GETS THAT POSTHUMOUS AWARD - The Bronze Star Medal is to the parents of SCT David N. Rasinusscn, Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Walker. Making the presentation is BC John C. Appel, commanding general of DTC. Wt Gih Wrap WAY." d Headquarters for Cologne All New i iLnew k i uiivn CIBQT II nilAllTV and e Dodge Trucks at Reduced Prices USED CARS pleeasers BeasS Chrysler-Dodg- 1 v 1 ARCOM - The Army Commendation Medal is presented posthumously to PFC Charles D. Maurin. Receiving the medal from BC John C. Appel are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Maurin. 68 Ply Fury 111 Air - A.T. - Air A.T. 68 Chev-Chevel- 67 67 67 67 le P.S.-P.B- P.S.-P.B- Olds Cutlass - Air A.T. P.S.-P.Chrysler Sed. - Air A.T. P.S.-P.- Real Sharp Real Sharp ..- - B. A - B. A Beauty Real Buy Chev Comoro - See this one Dodge 2 Dr. HT - Price you can't afford to pass up. t i f w h. a 67 yH-'- i Bird - Air A.T. T one owner Sharp SEE THESE TO APPRECIATE THEM l PTE HIM A 66 66 66 65 64 63 63 65 REALLY CLOSE SHAVE WITH FLOATINB-HEA- SPEEDSHAVER D' ITH THE HANDY -- I J, III III 111 A HH -- iV J "dEV .VkV II II. I I I ,1 Ifs soft! Absorbent! 100 Hurt He-m- an M AT A REALLY LOW PRICE! TcKRIrlC VALUE ON intot POPULAR STYLED WALLETS Am navdhM 0ft M" Mf im "i.wtw niitoiiilil-li-'H"i- l"'"M1 " "Wt Summer-righ- t! POP-U- P 35 HUMMER OO QQ Cool! Comfortable! Both long and short sleeves Pontine 66 Dodge - 66 Mustang - 65 Mustang Plymouth - 65 Chrysler - 64 - 63 Foid 9 Pass. Wagon Chev Wagon - 63 Olds. Chrysler GTO Olds Chev - 62 Chev. Wagon SEE US FIRST Chev Pickup AVOID ADDITIONAL SHOPPING OURTOWNCRAFT PLUS PAJAMAS, EMBOSSED COTTONS, BROADCLOTHS COTTON TERRY CLOTH ROBE it wiwfcii Kfcw . . . iMf Dmi tarn BRUT 7.98 Old tailoring in combed cotton TOWNCRAFT WOVEN PLAID ROBES 5.98 Open Monday Night 'til 9 Spice 3.98 M wii tp cwnhntMr i" (Stw wft nma fy li COLOGNES Tooele Store Open Friday Night 'til 9 Chrysler - Dodge mnt iSt pajwmi MhcSOT f cwlon ' ifch nJnV StifM 'n ittxm, prim. Vmnw bnt bt tlytM Mi MKh caSar, biifnn Hut pilwi My4t. iMm Hmb ttatficiMf nMt hM chV rfnifn for perfect IS. SifM S4Mtt. TOP TOO - First Sergeant John J. Raychcl of the CBR Troop Detachment pitches in and puts a parachute roof on the booth operated by his detachment for the Youth Activity Carnival at the Dugway Open House. The booth was a "tA race" booth. 666 N. Main - 882-416- 1 67 E. Vine - 882-357- 6 Tooele, Ufah |