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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., May 23, 1969 Don't take a chance with your life by taking chance in traffic. Even a minor violation can result in a serious accident State Patrol records show that it can and does happen every day. Safety Engineers See CBRWOC Demonstration Thirty nieiiilwrs of the Salt Lake City Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers recently attended the Field Demonstration of the US Army CBK Weapons Orientation Course located at Deserct Test Center, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. The iiiemliers attended the demonstration upon the invitation of the Course Commandant, Colonel Eugene F. Them. Hie Mahar Is New Chief of "We hold these truths to be that all man are created aqual; that they are endowed by their Cre ator with certain unalien- Casualty Br able rights; that among A native from Santa Monica, has replaced ILt. California, Timothy G. Decker as Chief, Assistance Survivor Officer, Casualty Branch, Dugway. Lieutenant John S., Mahar arrived from Ft. California where he was an administrative assistant for the Purchasing and Contracting Div., these are lib, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The Declaration ol lndm- pencfance Mai-Arthu- Fort YOU Mat-Arthu- On February 8, 1967, Lieutenant Mahar entered the Army as an enlisted man. He later entered the transportation officers candidate school during June 1967. In 1968 he entered the installation traffic management course at Ft. Eustis, Virginia. He also attended the defense small purchase course in Pasadena, California. Lieutenant Mahar graduated from Oklahoma State University, Still Water, Oklahoma with a BS Degree in Business Administration. Lt Mahar is married to the former Linda Glover, a native from Still Water, They now reside at 107C East 4th Avenue, Dugway. mission of the Course is to acquaint senior Department of' Defense military and civilian personnel and selected personnel with a general knowledge of United States policy, doctrine, technique and capabilities in the fields of chemical, biological and radiological operations. The trip began, after a chapter luncheon at the Dugway Officers' Open Mess, with a nar- The Salt Lake City chapter of tlic American Society of Safety Engineers attend a demonstration and lecture on CBR weapons given by personnel from CBR detachment at Dugway. rated bus lour along the route to the demonstration site. The colorful history of the old wild west was described as well as Safely Zone By Lawrence Smith the development of Dugway The American tradition of from Cround the early Proving days of World War II to the "mechanized death" will continue with near zealous pride present. next weekend as Americans At the demonstration site, throughout the country will challenge each other to beat the Major James C. Faisoii presented a briefing on chemical op- estimated IHH) traffic deaths over the Memorial Dav holi- erations which included chemi cal and physical characteristics day. News broadcasts will relate and physiological effects of the the death y count on a nerve agents organophosphorous so that we, Iasis hourly and treatment of personnel ex- on our car radio, can listen exposed to these agents. Captain citedly as the score climbs e high. Donald M. Ford, the Course probably to an Weather are the on lectured pmgnosticators Officer, Safety safe handling of nerve agent predicting near perfect weather for the race with other world munitions. powers in an effort to widen Each memler received a re- the mechanized death gap during cently published Department of this notorious holiday. the Army Chemical-BiologicVehicle operators will vie Safety Summary. This summary with each other in attempting descriled the responsibilities of to cram more miles than ever the Armed Services Explosive before into the span. Hiose who don't actively participate Chemical-Biologicthe Board, Safety in furthering the American death Joint Technical Coordinat- rate image will end up aiding ing Croup, the United States tii cause with their "it can't Army Nuclear Weapons Surety happen to me" attitude. Auto safety lelts will rerevarious the well as as Group within the Army, main unfastened in 8fi of the sponsibilities to provide a safe and secure en- vehicles in au effort to increase vironment of chemical - biolo- death ami injury if an accident should occur. gical agents and munitions and Hie only hold-buc- k in Utah's to insure that the public is contribution to the success of properly protected from accident- American Mechanized Death al exposure or injury from their Day is the state vehicle inspeceffects. tion. How thoughtless of state leaders to cramp Utah's style During the regular demonby requiring a vehicle to le Edstration presented by Major in condition prior to the good ward L. Bennett the members "big day." witness to had an opportunity Drivers will toast America's in the latest developments traffic death lead again and chemical weapons. again in taverns and at family picnics across the nation before tottering behind the wheel to pilot themselves and their families home. By Lawrence E. Smith You play it safe this holiThe Dugwav Toastinastcrs day. Don't livcoinc a Memorial No. 2108 met at the N.C.O. Open Day statistic; use caution and Mess on May 5, 19fi9 at 5:30 common sense wherever you no. p.m. The meeting was brought Alxwe all, watch out for the to order by Sharron Johnson, other guy! Club President and acting Toast-mastfor the evening. Hie 'Table-Topic- s' subject for the evening was introduced by Mike Masoian. Contributing speakers at the meeting included John Rolierg, Jerry Bishop and Franklin Haskins. Dugway Toastinastcrs Club is part of Toastinastcrs International. If you would like to le a guest at a Toastmaster (.lull meeting to learn more almut the organization, contact Club President Sharron Johnson or anv current member. Guests are alnest wa Acruuur im ui ucs' play-bypla- V - ;V.'V-- - 1 i (: I v tii i it . imrwjKMsmiicaiiailiE w WOULPN'T PABI... r IL- Q I -! The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: Saving is the key to independence! Start saving today at the credit union where your money works. You receive generous dividends because credit union members work, loan and save for profit together-n- ot -- not (or charity -- but tor mutual service. Johnny R. Frederick, Jr., 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny R. Frederick of Dugway was awarded a second place silver medal for his rendition of "I've Been Workin" On De Railroad" on his clarinet. He was participating in a Contest held School. The for elementary You ore sure to be more pro fitable saving at your Lredii - Dugway Feaera Union. 2 Credit Union - recent Solo Band at Tooele High competition was band students. 522-257- SEE US FOR ALL YOUR fllfll VALUES m;;L, (JD WE HAVE THE INCREDIBLE Instant color pictures Black and white too Electric eye and electronic shutter Built-iflash uses flashcubes al n 4-sh- ot Simple rangefinder Fast loading with pack film J. A Ol Olldrp triplet lens Light weight, easy to use COLORPACK I! J Camera ONLY II 3 II 5-fo- ot I REGULAR I The least expensive color camera ever made by Polaroid that's Colorpack II. $29.95 VALUE g Colorpack II uses Polaroid pack film color or black and white. x 4V4" Gives you big quick-loadin- BLUECOAT 3" B pictures in seconds. (Type 108) REGULAR $5.39 VALUE POLAROID FILM Toastmaster Topics f8 Sharp CfnA er MM KODAK MS. 1"! INSTAMAT1C 'HE 'L If II fvimj A IV REGULAR A feet" and "beyond 6 feet." Automatic return to "Beyond 6 feet" setting. Automatic electric eye exposure control (CdS type); luminous signal. .. ii i . I -- L CI...M . Film 145 flash close-up- s. Quick action lever film advance. Clip-o- n wrist strap. Usei 2 batteries (supplied). -- v iwj, 'V00' 124 Sharp, preset lens no focusing. . Ml n lever mm oavance. Mil VAUUI Kodaklnstamaikj(12', 7 KODAK ?0 sec changes automatically to 1 40 sec. for flash. hu,tr (P QoPfaccs camera. KQDSK CAViU n $ batteries. VlMCHROMt PAN The 1 wrist strap. Uses 2 The new 26-- 1 $1.40 VALUE,S 2 COLOR OUTFIT wuicK-actio- Clip-o- ways welcome. CXI REGULAR VALUE INSTAMATK & $1.88 VALUE REGULAR For color snapshots in daylight or with blue flashbulbs. Pro- duces nnnntlvec fnr rnlnr nrinta and enlargements up to 1 1 x 1 4 inches. Speed 80. sec. in inadequate light. 1y0 Lens stops down automatically for good $39.95 "pko "2-- 6 focusing low-lig- m CUBES lens. color-correct- n 314 FEWER WASTED SHOTS LESS WASTED FILM per pack fillll black-and-whi- for snapshots outdoors in daylight or indoors by flash. Speed ASA 125. film, it Reg. 70c VALUE 3' A KODAK IJNSTAMATIJJ CAMERA "RAINBOW" CSAND KODAK INSTAMATIC 134 COLOR OUTFIT (CdS-type- REGULAR $27 JO VALUE PRISM Automatic electric eye exposure control luminous ) signal, " Sharp, preset lens no focusing. Quick action lever film advance. Daylight and flash shutter speed, 1 50 ec. Clip-o- n wrist strap. batteries (supplied). Usei 2 low-lij- BINOCULARS WITH PIGSKIN CASE EXCELLENT Reg. $24.91 i30 Ref. $29.f5 91933 FOR BOATERS. FANS, SPORTS HUNTERS, BIRD WATCHING 7x50 cmttr-focudn- CONGRATULATE jT THE GRADUATE J THIS HAPPY OCCASION DESERVES THE A GRADUATION CARD VERY BEST ... HOOD DRUG LIMITED ssvsci Store Hours 9 to 8 Daily g binoculars wss?s2mF QUANTITIES VALUES SO HURRY! JimzRiZA Store Hours 10 to 6 Sunday 151 No. Main 1 i VARIETY In |