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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Mar. 28, 1969 Data Corporation. Rockville, Maryland, has Ixfu awarded a $7.3 million contract for Many local taxpayers are niak- - jjle east anj installation of 13 ad- ing mistakes in computing the valued computer systems in Army new tax surcharge on their 1968 Command (AMC) iustal- Federal income tax returns Roland V. Wise, District Director of Internal Revenue for Utah said today. Some taxpayers are forgetting to add the surcharge to their regular tax while others are figuring it incorrectly Mr. Wise said. If the taxpayer is expecting a refund, it will lie delayed until the mistake is corrected. To avoid mistakes and refund delays, Mr. Wise suggested that taxpayers read the instructions that come with the tax forms. The tax surcharge is explained in both the 1040 and 1040A' Instructions. Mr. Wise said the tax surcharge on 1968 income amounts to 7 Vi percent of the taxpayers regular tax. For example, if a person's tax was $1,(XX) before the surcharge, it' would lie $1,075 with the surcharge taken into account. is Although the surcharge generally described as a 10 per cent tax, it did not become effective until April 1, 1968, Mr. Wise said. To simplify calculations for taxpayers, Congress specified that taxpayers pay 7V4 percent of the tax on all of their 1968 income rather than 10 percent of the tax on income earned after April 1, 1968. Control Trip Taxpayers Beat the Sales Tax Increase Effective April 1, 1969 that New Buy Chevrolet or Oldsmobile Now Mantes Chevrolet Co. Phone Alv"d Hus AMC New Tax Surcharge 882-314- 8 ComIm,er lationsthrouglunittliel'nitedStates. The new computers will replace leased and government owned equipment now on site and signifi- canllyexpandtlieCommand'sauto- data processing capabilities functions associated with the initially will install both a test lied and a prototype facility at Army Depot, Chambers-burPa. The test bed will be used by AMC's Logistic Systems Support Center to develop, test and debug standard systems. Followingthe successful demonstration of prototype performance and systems operation, the new computer systems ' will lie installed over an 18 month period at 11 additional AMC depot sites. Target date for installation of all systems is set for December 1SL For Depots eratiou of and mainte- Systems large supply nance complexes. The new system is an extension, of AMCs System-wid- e Project for Electronic Equipment at Depots ishort title SPEED) and renresents of the Command's the depot-levoverall National Automatic Data Processing Program for Logistics Management (NAPALM). Contingent upon a successful test demonstration of the equipment. Control Data Corporation op- - SEE YOUR g. SHAT-R-PR0- 0F AUTO GLASS PROFESSIONAL Exdusive Warranty on Every Windshield Bradshaw Auto 50 North Main Street WORK WONDERS . $$ TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN RATES: 5 cents per word Regular (light face type) Business (dark face type) 10 cents per word 50 cents per issue Up to one inch (monthly rate) $1.50 per inch Display ads Over one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, with no changes. Except with business firms and individuals who maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a classified ad should he reported immediately-t- he paper is responsible for one incorrect insertion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the DESERET SAMPLER B newspaper distributed to 2,000 Dugway, Utah residents and workers twice monthly, without additional charge. DEADLINE for classified ads is 11 a.m. day of publication. TWO BEDROOM APT for rent DON'T MISS seeing us liefore carpeting, drapes, air convou buy or sell. PUFFER REALTY and INSURANCE, ditioning. $105 per month. Ph 453 N. Main, Tooele, Utah, place. Ph - CRI ORDER OF MOOSE NO. 2031 MEETINCS WED. 8 p.m. JOE E. HEFNER, Secy. PHONE 882-196- 4 Appliance, FURNISHED APARTMENTS -- FOR SALE 4 liedroom home, 2 and 3 rooms. New kitchens family room with fireplace, and appliances, including elecnice neighliorhood. Close to tric ranges, automatic gas heat. three schools and church. Pricchine shop, auto repairs or Air conditioned. 'Large recreaed to sell. Ph 8823536. manufacturing. Inquire O. T. 11 tion area. Rates start at $75 or Barms, phone ' CRI per month with all utilities furnished. Rent by day, week, WE ARE STILL IN month or year. Linen service BUSINESS AT TRAILER SPACE convenient available. WESTERN APART191 N. MAIN locution. $20 per month. Call 515 North Main, MENT, construction of new 27 during Tooele. Phone 8824X162. offices. We offer excellent CRI HOUSE FOR RENT or SALE-C- all building lots zoned for animals 82x200. Also V4 acre liefore 9 a.m. FOR RENT furnished apartor CRI and after 5 p.m. larger, 3 new brick homes. ment. Clean, excellent locafor occupancy. Ready tion. Inquire REALTY HAINES TWO BEDROOM APT for rent after 5 p.m. 8824)205 or see 191 NORTH MAIN, TOOELE $1(X) 382 So. Main. per Carpets, drapes. 8821394 month. Call 116 WEST MAIN, GRANTS-VILLTHREE ROOM HOUSE, partly ' FOR RENT New 2 liedroom apt. furnished. Call CRI 6 EVENINGS Gas furnace, carport. Inquire COME IN AND SEE 259 North 1st West. BEDROOM API1 unfurnishOUR LISTINGS ed. Carpet and drapes, fridge CRI and stove. $95 a month. 260 North First East. 1 W acres, COUNTRY LIVING CRI n partly remodeled 2 or 3 210 new home,, wiring, CLEAN liachclor apartment TWO BEDROOM furnished apt. for stove, dryer. New thermofurnished - Upstairs. All utilities Unfurnished $1(X). $130. stat wall furnace with outside 260 North 1st East. Phone paid. $70 per mouth. Tel wall vent. MX)' x 30' cindcrhlnck 1 CRI outbuilding with lights, water, corral. Near new pump, 5 165 North FURNISHED AIT shares water. Fairfield. Only Main. $4,8(X). Phone . 882-19- Non-smoke- ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 11 F&AM1 MEETS 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 7:30 p.m Ml 882-192- 5. 884-663- 5 884-504- 882-356- WANTED qe SALES TRAINEE - Uncqiiuled opportunity and security. Guaranteed training allowance. Up to $fXX) monthly with highly respected life insurance compunv. Ph Murray 2 hl ar 266-449- 6. - lied-rooi- 882-139- 8. 882-459- 7. I WANT TO RENT a three liedroom home in good location either Tooele or Magna. Call 884-332- WANTED 882-285- or 9 - 255-881- 7. P- - ?: 9 used camper trailer. 884-332- 8. MAGNA $60. 4 in trailer. Completely furnished, carpets and drapes. house Ph 2 5 297-245- - FOR SALE 66 Opel. Phone -88- P-2- 8 - three i FOB RENT Furnished apt. WANTED TO HUY 4 rooms new. Ill liednmin house in Tooele area. No agents please. Reply Home Box, 3!X), Tooele, Utah. FOR RENT liiiclielor apt. Utilities paid. Reasonable. 882-081- - - 1906 Renault RS FOR SALE 1929 Ford $379; FOR SALE A A Truck. 214 Crest Circle. - 'FOR RENT Utilities - 3 room fur. apts. paid $65 month. Ph 882-357- 2. 882-447- 882-361- 0. 3 1 ar WANT WORK SECRETARY EXPERIENCED clerical e would like lunik- Inline, work, ly pingtiiiloal krepln's. Mi Appli- .59 English Ford. Ill TRUCK Sports-liuCanopy for sale. $150. Gall 882- - 4913 after 5 p.m. LONG-BE- cr -1 Divan and Chair. Suitable fra- small home or apartment. Good condition. 8821197. - - set Great Books of FOR SALE the Western World. Ph 882 1200. - - tion. 8 - fluffy white pup in U)ST of Valiev View Dr. cinity vi- Ill 484-444- RABBITS FOR SALE 2852. - Ph 882 8S2-374- 7. FOR SALE International 460 tractor, plow. disk. Massey Ferguson Mower, new haul lwler. Take over John Deere contract. Contact Max Garter 1 collect or or Mrs. Ted Spencer. 19 camping trailer, Self emit. Sleeps six. Ph FOR SALE 8824882 FOR SALE tmek. $1(X). Cliev So. 2nd. 'l ton 882-352- 14 BRACE yourself for a thrill the first time you see Blue Lustre to clean rugs. Rent electric sliam-poo- Western Auto. $1. NOTICE! Super fresh pasteurized milk is again in good supply at Drouliavs Farm in Erda. 1 Ph 8822868. SELL FAMOUS KNAPP SHOES Your own business full Lilieral on the or part time; No despot commissions; Free investment; and insurance plan; Free actual samples. Contact - Wally Ervin, Knapp Sliia-s- . Inc., of Calif.; 6401 E. Flotilla Street, East Los An- posit Iannis or- geles, Calif., Stereo Divorce Settlement Cost Over 3S0 New IXX122 FENTAeR GUITARS anisj Salt Lake prices. As low as $8 down and $8 per month, ghau-doi- n Music Co.. 220 So. Slain, Tooele. Phone or 882-333- & 8821081. JP-3- 1 DONS REFRIGERATION ' SERVICE SERVICING AND 4 INSTALLATION ON ALL TYPES OF REFRIGERATION EQUIP. DON BATCHELOR ! 4 882-282- 4 Perfect condition. Ani-Fprofessional R.S.R. turntable. Iieau-tif5 ft. hand niblied console. 4 big speakers. Full lialuncc due $210 Or assume $10.84 payments still under factors- warranty. 47 Collect. Plume 484-4- ul 4 8 TRAILER SPACE available at Court. Trailer Vorwallcr 6S7 Norll: Main. Ill d 4 FAST economical ceiling and wall cleaning. Superior quality with Till-- ' proven earpet cleaner Blue I.ustre is easy oil the budget. Restores forgotten colors. Rent electric slianqaaa--r $1. Cordon Furniture Company. 60S. Main newly invented machine serves paint. MEETING to Friday, March 28, Sat. SI I A KLEE 2)), 7:30 p.m. Pre- Saves-redccoiti- Economical and work guaranteed. No muss - no laitlu-l- j - no drop clothes used. Phone for estimate Rnisli Wall (lean- d 477 East 2nd North, Tooele. All distrilm-tor- s and anyone interested in giaal nutrition invited. Speaker Max Riecke of Las egas. ing Service. 882-2- 1 07. 4 TREE TRIMMING and renflival. Free estimate. 882-3- 1 16. 8 2S -Basements REMODELING finished, family naans, win-ctages, carports, Plume dows, kitchens. 28 8824)593. s. LAWN SWEEPERS TILLER & LAWN RAKES FOR RENT 3S4 West SS24XS40 or 882-3- Vim-Gal-l 1 93. G-2- 8 CAMPERS and TRAILERS REPAIRED (Robin Hood Couch Co.) - mittXf IUIS HI ISIS PRINTING WANT ADS 4k im. ''"'"P'lnv. j. WOMEN WANT W(jlIK a WILL DO HOUSEWORK KS2-266- 6 SUMMER LEAGUES now forming. Inquire at desk or cull Tooele Bowl. CRI -- c. 882-309- Free Estimates - 7. Ph 28 28 CEMETERYMEMORIALS Quality Craftsman. Tiaa-l('all NCR cash register. FOR SALE Hans MonuRepresenting Other items. Reasonable. S82 ment Co.. 1555 East '33rd So., 3012 Salt laike Citv. 882-473- 2, CHILD CARE -- Day og evening. Ironing. Reasonable. Ph 8824740. 8 e 1,11 L ELECTRIC IRON repair: if. All makes. Steam irons cleaned and repaired. ELMERS, 88 W. Vine. CRI 1968 882-320- - Sears Gold 20 FOR SALE grass ami alfalfa. $25 a ton. Will deliver. HAY -1 e 3S6-2SS- 1 1 -4 - 3852 ABLE. 8S2-2S7- 250 Spyder Bike SUMMER LEAGUES now formRed Seat. Reward. 14 North ing. Inquire at desk or cull 8 882-32ml West. 1h 8824702 1. Tiaa-lBowl. GUI U)ST 8 3193. wills. $S.5(X) unfurnished. See al 65 K.ist 4(H) South, incrican Fork or call WEINER PIGS FOR SALE -756-2- 1 10 after 5 p.m. 10 weeks old. $13. Ill SS21743. P - 8824254. part-tim- - a 4 4 884-383- CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING -YOUR CORRAL CAL& US WE DO THE REST. WHOLESALE MEAT, USDA CHOICE OR CRANITES ARfcTO-CRATE- S 52 LB. PROCESSED. TOOELE ICE JAND STORAGE, 8822601 og 882 1179. EASY TERMS AYAIL-- , OUTZEN LAWNMOWER Repair and Sharpening Service. Chainsaws repaired. All types small engine service. Pickup and FOR S A LE small John Deere tractor with plow and cultivator, KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER or 7)4 hp garden tractor with scruhbs, huffs, shampoos, tiller, snow plow and hay mower. fully attached. Responsible Your choice for $300. Must see party. Assume last 12 payments to appreciate. of $9.33 For further informaALSOPS GARDEN. 381 W. 7 tion call Coflcct. Vine. Call 8824)640 or 882 HOME FOB SU E -- FARM EGGS FOR SALE -Double Mobile Home with 3 Delivered. Marie Spader, phone 1962 Ford pickup FOR SALE Ph 8824)503. AVAILABLE. PHONE 484-444- - I CUSTOM KILLING UNDER STATE INSPECTION CHOICE GRADE A CRAIN-FEBEEF, 52 CENT$ MUTTON, LAMB, 54 CETS; PORK, 40 CENTS; PRICES INCLUDE PROCESSING. FINANCING 882-465- 4. delivery. RICHARD OUTZEN 345 North 2nd West. 21 i i - rug care. Carpets and upholstery cleaned in your home. Free estimates. Singers Touch and Sew Equipped to Zig Zag, makes button holes, blind hems, over casts seams, appliques and does all types Zig Zag stitches. Want reliable party with good credit to take over last six payments of $8.40. For further Colinformation eall 7 lect. 8 : 884-505- PROFESSIONAL Phone t - BOARDKENNELS ING SMALL DOGS OATS. 75 DAY. INSIDE KENlLS. SAGE 30 18 FOR SALE 386-2M- Mans watch. Identify FOUND and claim at Citv Police Sta- - Ph 25-28 MOTORCYCLE SUZUKI cc, six speed, 8S24I82 LOST and FOUND SUMMER LEAGUES now forming. Impiire at desk or eall 882 3204. Tooele Bowl. CRI MOBILE I1 TORO MOWER SALES Lawn Rake Rentals DICKS SALES & SERVICE R. S. Burraston 136 Utah Ave. ;V 'Tooele, Utah CRI WE BUY watches, diamonds, gold rings or trade them in on new WE WILL pay you $1.65 for merchandise. Bateman Jewelry. your silver dollar, or better CRI still, get $2.25 in merchandise. Bateman Jewelry Your Silver STore. CRI TOILETS, TAPS REPAIRED. 8822603 after 5. Easter Bunnies. 50c FOR SALE each. Ph 8824)105. - 882-039- 2. ' 8 CRI CEMETERY LOT for sale 8822245. In- supplys. janitorial Coleman Industries Incorporated. Free Delivery. 8824)936. e FOR SALE 8820117. ABOUT WORRYING STOP You can earn a good MONEY income as an AVON Represen- LARGE apt. air con tative. Don't delay. Gall now 2 baths, $70. Also dilioned, 17 or write' Mrs. Cook. 355-5- 1 air con. furnished Box 52. Bountiful, Utah. $65. Apartments, luikepoiiil 25 luikepoint. WANTED -BEAUTICIANS in-Gladys' Fashion Flair. If t crested in full or wrt time 1 lieauty work eall Guaranteed salary or 25 of $20 per week. and Lid Furniture and ance, 54 South Main. Also dustrial 0 Ph 8824)852. 882-085- 0. P-- - SERVICE domestic makes. Washers, dryers, dish washers, ranges. Al - PEST CONTROL Termites, roaches, spiders, yards, trees, basements spraved. M. O. Foies 8 Ph Oziuin" EASIER! BREATHE air sanitizer, $1.75; All SALE. REASONABLE, FARM. 140 BY OWNERS acres, irrigated. Pi miles smith ELECTRIC DRYER Excellent east of Stockton. Utah on Socondition. $75. 8821683. ldier Creek. 2080 sq. ft. house and 960 si, liunklioiise or USED SEWING MACHINES -ft. cinder blia-utility building iCall $14 and up. Fabric Specialty 28 5 p.m. . Center. 15 South Main. FOR 2-4603. HELP WANTED - APPLIANCE 882-262- 1. 884-504- AMERICAN LEGION POST 17 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th WEDNESDAYS, 8 p.m. CRI Saw Service. , 882-389- 4 LOYAL (Sears-Jacobse- - - Lawnboy Tecumseh Sharpening or repair service on all hand or powered lawn and garden equip. Tote Cotes, Chain Saws, Mini Bikes, etc. five FOR SALE BY OWNER Neontetras TROPICAL FISH liedroom home, full basement. ; Platy, 39c; Serpae Tetra 39c H4 dliaths, fully lan- USED COLOR TVS Garage, 199.95 and 39c; Berts Aquarium,' Phone scaped. 272 North' 1st Street,, Al and Lid Furniture and up. CRI 8821241. 4 54 South Main. 882-022- 61 N. Main. Toro i) DRAPERIES READY MADE or CUSTOM BUILT. All fabrics, modem designs. CORDON FURNITURE CO., 60 S. Main. CRI Briggs and Stratton - 882-488- 2. - I FACTORY AUTHORIZED PARTS & SERVICE CENTER , (Wholesale and Retail) REMOVE excess lxidy fluid with FLUIDEX tablets, only $1.49 SEWING MACHINE 16 PFAFF at Hood Drug. 262 MODEL. THE LATEST AND THE FINEST. TAKE USED WASHERS 49.95 and OVER PAYMENTS. 8824131. up. Al and Lid Furniture and 4 Appliance, 54 S. Main. three liedroom FOR SALE home. Fainilv room with fire- 882-143- 0. LEASE - SALE -FOR cement building 70x170 Large foot. Suitable for storage, ma- Childcraft. CRI 882-264- 1. ex RENT - and cyclopedia ? (tfrwiKg (r TALK ABOUT HIGH PRICES AND VALUES RECEIVED? If you want real value in a house broom call Parley SavCRI age 8824)866. En- 882-121- 6. TWO AND THREE bedroom du-plapts with attached garage. $70 and $80 monthly. We furnish fridge and stove. Ph &NOiTilGES at SEE THE NEW World Book 882-192- 5. BATCH. APARTMENTS Clicking facilities. Private liath, heat and air conditioning. $50 and up. Utilities included. 365 East Vine St. Phone 7 after 4:30 p.m. BPO ELKS NO. 1673 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. (Mam) (ai gem) d WANT to do 8824)776. I liaise work - Ph F28-- 1 |