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Show of time and temporary arrangements should be made. 2. "QUARTERS will lie made available during his tour of duty on a mandatory basis and he should make temporary arrangements for housing ILT Lou II. Keniiard, Chief. Visitor accordingly. Support Division fur CBK 1 "Quarters may lie made lupous Orientation Course, available during his tour of duty ha successfully completed some make he should and temporary 20 quarter hours of study at the or semi permanent arrangements University of I'tah and some 10 at his own discrehours of work at Brig- tion. tain Young I'niversity, with all 4. "Quarters will not lie made courses leing taken through the available during his tour of duty I'nited States Armed Forces In- and he should make permanent stitute il'SAFI' college corresarrangements pondence program. THE LAST statement should l.T kVnnard. who started the lie issued to incoming personnel, respondence classes Sept. 5, the directive said, when it is is still going strong, as he known or anticipated from past has just signed up for eight more experience, size of waiting lists quarter hours at the I'niversity and knowledge of possible future of I'tah. Included in these courses troop movements or changes in will lie (me on real estate and installation mission that involun- a course in accounting. LT KENNARD, who holds a tary assignments should not be required. degree in Zoology fnnn the I'niIt also was pointed out that versity of Utah, and who is also for personal reasons such as a a law student there at present, normal desire to be a homeowner lists the most exciting courses in the nearby community, spon- that he has taken through USAFI sors may request to lie German and Spanish. d housing and that commanding ofsaid he had always desired ficers should give favorable con- to take these two languages, hut sideration to such requests where "just never had a cliance to take they can keep government units them in school" before lie enrollfilled and have sufficient waiting ed in the correspondence lists. off-ba- The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Sept. 20, 1968 1LT Keniiard USAFI DOD Gives Additional Details On Family Housing Assignment The Department of Defense has spelled out in greater detail its polity concerning assignment to military family housing and suggested additional guidelines for commanding officers in newly-revise-d Instruction 4165.44. NEW POLICY in the directive requires incoming military sponsors to report to the installation family housing office as a part of the reporting for duty procedure. Also included in the direc- - piacing new arrivals within the tive is a paragraph which states top ten per cent regardless of that "under unusual and compell- - grade or duty assignment, THE DIRECTIVE recognized ing circumstances occupants of military family housing may he that "military necessity" may take permitted to remain in the assign- - precedence over all other coned housing up to a maximum of siderations in priority of assign-9- 0 days after the sponsor has de- - ment to government owned or ceased or liecause of a severe controlled housing, hut that such hardship which has. occurred, assignments shall he held to a Normally, it is expected that the iiimum. housing will be vacated in 30 "Military necessity" was out-t- o 60 days. During this period of lined as a situation where occupancy rent ecniiva- - nated key and essential military lent to the lasic allowance for personnel may lie assigned to quarters (BAQ) normally forfeited available housing upon arrival or lie placed in positions of prior-will apply." Assignment priorities also were ity on the list. It also included spelled out in greater detail. For situation where individual the relative position of ten are designated "prestige the top ten per cent of personnel position quarters." Where anticipated assignment on each waiting list will be to and not altered stal)li,ed by housing tor personnel on the desig-extend- quar-examp- Correspondence Student waiting list is scheduled to occur within 60 days, the stabilized portion of the waiting list may be extended beyond the top ten per cent to include such personnel. THE DIRECTIVE states that except for military necessity, assignments will lie made from the top of the list, and revisions which add names to the stabilized portion of the waiting list will be published at least once each 30 days and posted on installation bulletin boards. In order to provide an equitable and efficient assignment system and to minimize possible hardship involving quarters assignment, the directive states that each individual shall, upon reporting to the installation (or preferably in advance of reporting), be given one of the following statements in writing. 1. "Quarters will be made available on a mandatory basis within the initial 30 days; or, a definite date of occupancy is assured within a specified period ruWated la tht faitnwt of the Military aad dviliaa personnel at Domt ya Center, Sill Laka City aad Dugway Froviag Ground, Dugway, Utak. week by tiw TraMcripi Bullrtia Fubluhiag Co, Tootle, Utah. rouciei aad atatcBaeaU iadividaal writon irflcrtrd ia the new aad editorial eoauacata represent virwi of tat and under no circuauUacei an to be considered those of tfaa Departmeat of Array. Advertiamenti ia thit publication do not constitute aa endofieracnt by the Department of Defeat of tht products or anvicai advertised. AH aewi Butter for publice-tio- a should be Mat to the Uuontution Office, Detent Teat Center DESERET SAMPLER, Dugway, I'tah, telephone SXM033. Thii if not aa official Araty new paper, however thii publication receive! Armed Forces Press Service aad Army News AFPS aad Kratum material sad papers are aathoriaed to reprint ANF material without written permission. Distribution: One copy per five military personnel, one copy per family unit and one copy per five civilian employee. Advcrtninf copy should be seat tot Tht Transcript Bulletin Publishing Oh, SO North Main, Tooele, or tJO. Boa W0 to place classified ads. All pictures in official V& Araty photographs unless otherwise noted. Tht publication of these it ant restricted except fat cues involving republication for advertising purposes at which lime permission of the Department of the Army smut he obtained. Tm Mr. king lists as one of the advantages of the correspondence program, the direct lelatiousliip oi student to his protessor, and and 'in this maimer sayil. ". . the student's professor cm frd to him more itcrsoiiual atteutiou, due to the tad that the student docs correspond directly with his instructor." . WI' , ,j c. ..... . SHUH1)' f Miller SerV.CC Miller retired COI. Siilnc-from tho I'.S. Army on his (fthh birthday making; that day an extra sKi'iul invasion. COl. Millers last tour of duty with the Army was spent at Deseret Test ('enter. Fort Douglas. Ttali, where he was Chief, Medieal and Safety OUiee. The eolouel, who graduated from DeWitt Clinton High Sehool in New York City in 1924. attended Coluuiliia College, City, and reeeiveil his AB degree there. He then went on and received his Master's degree from Long Island College of Medicine at Brooklyn. The lieutenant's reason for IMM the colonel In Sept. taking these college credit courses received a direct commission in is explained well in his own the U.S. Army, anil from 1944 words, "By taking these courses to H)4fi he served as a medical I hope to broaden my overall officer on active duty with the knowledge and increase my over- U.S. Navy. all educational background." LT retirement from the I'pon Kennard encourages everyone to COL Miller received the consider taking one or more of Army, of Merit Medal. Legion the courses, as there are many courses offered with the probability of at least one icing of interest to a particular individual. LT Kennard says, "It is too bad, but there arc many people who know little or nothing at all about this wonderful program, and many who do know alxnit it take no advantage of it whatsoever." When asked about the cost of obtaining an education through the correspondence program, he said, "I do not believe that there is any cheaper method of getting an education than through this college program." Mr. Dale P. King, Dugway's Education Director, has said of LT Kennard. "He (Kennard) is by far the most accomplished student that we have had to date in the college program. Certainly his diligent study and hard work have paid him rewards." Mr. King asked LT Kennard what his "study secret" was, and he got this answer, "1 do not set a particular time out of each day to study, but I set up a lesson goal of maylie three lessons Final Standings of Summer Bowling y ' 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place 6th Place Ken-nar- pro-grai- SEPTEMBER 1 The DTC Deseret Sampler 7x35 BINOCULARS PRACTICE WITH AMMO CASE and CENTER FOCUS Non-corrosi- Lets you cover big chunks of territory fast and accurately . . . coated lenses for bright clear, sharp pictures. Deluxe leather case with rich red lining and straps for case and binoculars. Rf. u 19.95 HI-POW- s 1 29 30 Rwnds 30 CALIBER CARBINE PRACTICE AMMO so 2" 3" Mounds TRUCK GUN RACKS RIFLE SCOPE SALE ER Heavy rubber coated steel racks ONE WEEK ONLY! BUSHNELL REDFIELD LEUPOLD WEAVER SUPER COTE 2 1 GUN hfulir You'll make big savings on our stock of fine scopes during this event! You special p can select from the most famous names in qualify scopes . . . and if your gun is tapped and drilled we will install and sight them in 3.95 29 3 GUN Regular S.95 22 LONG Bushnell 3--9, Supercote 4X, Longs UM 19.50 reg. 49 JO 26.66 Redfield 4X, reg. 59 JO 39.97 31.99 Bushnell 4X, reg. 36.50 li.76 Weaver 4X, reg. 45.00 course ox of SO tlx. INSTANT CREDIT 94 WINCHESTER CLASSIC RIFLE 243, 301,270, and 30-0- 6 WITH OCTABOH UN 71X11! BANK... GUN SCOPE MOUNTS ridge head the strongest action put in any rifle clean trigger pull complete with TOTAL VALUE 158.SS scope crystal clear brtte image in II stalled and ready to go. 11 Octagonal barrel b rifled the classic way, hand American walnibbed satin finished nut, gold plated loading gate. J95 semi-fanc- y 99 308 and 243 SAVAGE MODEL LEVER ACTION IN CALIBER 30-3- 0- IMPROVE THE LOOKS OF YOUR GUN AND rOUR SHOOTINQ WITH A NEW STOCK THAT FITS YOU Reg. 112.50 Superbly balanced big game rifle, unique rotary magazine and quick throw lever, six shots as fast as you can aim. from First Security Bank checking account means immediate money in the bank on pay day for A civilian and military personnel at Dugway. A plan has been developed permitting the delivery of your pay check to the First Security Bank on Base each pay day with credit to your account immediately! When you pay by check you keep an accurate record of your expenses, making the tedious task of balancing your budget simple and easy. Your cancelled checks become your legal ceipt or proof of payment Open your account today re- choose either and request Regular or Checkway plans your pay check to be sent directly to the Base Bank in the Post Exchange. It'll save you valuable time and money. Thursday, Sept. 26 NAME AND ADDRESS PRINTED is Announcement Day. FREE on each check See the '69 Chevrolets at FIRST SECURITY BANK Mantes Chevrolet.Co Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Pott Exchange Building Dugway Proving Ground $10 for most gunt 2400 TARGET THROWER Hand operated clay pigeon thrower 99 Rof. 1M.9S For Dugway Employees and Military Personnel 8MB mm BARREL TOTAL VALUE Three rings of solid steel surround the cart- PFC Grondul SP5 Schroeder 1 SSgt Ballesteros rJKIBY in The USAFI does not pick it's universities at random, but selects the liest .qualified institution out of three different universities that have been considered to handle a particular course or courses. NO INTEREST MODEL offerings courses. Nothing Down REMINGTON MODEL 700 RIFLE WITH 4 POWER SCOPE & MOUNTS in program has 50 colleges and universities throughout the country. Most colleges and universities will accept up to 43 quarter hours completed under USAFI if a student should wish to transfer to their institution. Another point that should be stressed here is that there will be no military obligation whatsoever after completion of the RIFLE Bets n. a week." THE USAFI 57c and n Shorts or 23 Limit 39.SS 69 AMMUNITION FREE. Leupold 4X, reg. 59.50 1 Sgt. Robinson Sgt. Springer SP4 Mahar Headquarters Company No. New-Yor- 1 30-0- 6 Hospital Detachment Military Police Headquarters Company No. 2 W elfare and Morale BTU CATALYTIC HEATERS 4 24 HOURS hnpravi your shotgun ONE ON FIUIM shooting with the easily RK. optirated or that ellowi yea It throw torgtts any way you likt . . . aeworfw spring action. I 7 99 14.95 I value) Free from smoke, fumes, FORD TRUCKS odors, smoke and soot not burn flameless-w- ill anything touching heating element-lightwe- M CLAY TARGETS White or black doma II 3 F-2- F-1- F-2- ight and compact. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE GREAT OUTDOORS The New 1969 On ranrh or roadway the 1969 Ford picknp track makes the ideal combination of IoukIi workliowe and nmouth-ridin- g vehicle. The Farm & Kanch Special ia available on the and Styleaide (top) pickups with Standard or Cuatora Cab and ia equipped with an option group moat popular with farmers and rancher. The luxury Ranger option ia available, on the Styleaide pickups. (bottom) and Rof. 1 99 Cm of 13S at IMm7DDD 278 North Main, fitoft Tooele Immediate delivery on models not in stock! |