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Show Jr THE DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Sept. 6, 1968 Desert Drifts Dugways Post by Julia Clark Bowling Alley School liells will lie ringing for the Dugway Officers' and Civilians' Wives Club. Circle the calendar for Septemlier 16. Mrs. Paul Sheffler and Mrs. Lee Yerkes will lie the hostesses and you should coine prepared to register for your favorite activities. Dr. Geoffrey Orr, Dug-waauthority on mushrooms, will lecture and recipes will lie distributed so everyone come to the Back to School luncheon! Also on the Septemlier agenda is a tea for Mrs. Charles M. Shadle on Tuesday, Septemlier 10 at the Dugway Officers Open Mess. This tea is to welcome Mrs. Shadle to post and will lie from 2:30 to 3:30. THE AUGUST coffee was on Tuesday, August 6 and the hostesses for the coffee were Mrs. R. R. Johnson and Mrs, Fred Minnesang. The executive board meeting, presided over by Mrs. John Franznick, preceded the coffee. Mrs. Barton, guest of Mrs. Andrew Hereim was introduced and farewells were said to Mrs. Ralph Rashid and Mrs. Brady Erlewine. We would like to welcome the following newcomers: Dr. and Mrs. Jim DeGracie who come to Dugway from Ames, Iowa. They have three children, Debra and f, Daniel two and age 1. Jim works for CEIR and Marlene's occupation is her family. Captain and Mrs. Martin Cooper are former New Yorkers. Captain Cooper is a doctor at the hospital. The Coopers have three children, Jennifer 6, Cindy and Scott 3 and one-Ka- lf Jill's hobby is painting. LTC AND Mrs. Thomas C. Lodge who came to Dugway from Deland, Florida. The Lodges have two children at home, Tommy 7, and Linda 11 and a married daughter, Patsy who lives in Dallas, Texas. High on Joyces interests is gardening. Lieutenant and Mrs. John Hanby who are planning to take advantage of the skiing and hiking opportunities in the area. Elaine is from Wisconsin and John from Alabama. She hopes to return to school. Major and Mrs. K. H. Malone Jr., who hail from Huntsville, Texas. They have three children, Debra 12, Harold 11, and Michael Seccter lists one and one-h- a. sewing as one of her babbies. NEW parents as BRAND well as newcomers are Lieutenant and Mrs. Nicholas Nahas who were joined by Christopher June 18. Mary Lou is from Mountain Home, Arkansas and she lists handicrafts, literature sewing, and journalism among her in8, one-hal- Donald, to be Refurbish have Final arrangements lieen made to enlarge and recondition the post bowling alley. The new howling alley will have a total of 12 lanes with new wooden floors plus new pen setters and other improvements. The Brunswick Corporation has been Awarded a contract for the of Dugways bowling alley with the completion date set at February 1969. The cost of the of Dugways liowling alley was set at $197,500 with the ground breaking in middle of Septemlier. All liowling at the post bowling alley will be discontinued in January so that the workers can begin work on the alley. The price of liowling at the new bowling alley will be kept at 35 Service Club Activities Among the many activities scheduled for this month at' Dugways service club are free ball room dance instruction, the organization of a coin club, ynd weekly art classes. BALL ROOM dance instruction classes will lie held September 16 'and 30 at 2000 hours, with Mrs. Linda Scartezini as instructor of the classes. ' Dance instruction will be open to all adults, with officer and civilian personnel to be placed on a space' available basis. Couples are' welcome and dancing partners will be provided for single students. If the turnout is sufficient, dance instruction will lie provided on a weekly basis. THERE WILL lie a meeting Septemlier 8 at 1400 hours at the service club for anyone at Dugway interested in the organization of a coin club. Anyone may join, and for those desiring more information please contact SGT Clark at the mess hall or Mrs. Garvin at the service club. ' Art classes will be held each Wednesday' from 180Q to 2130 hours with individual instruction provided by Mr. Tony 'Azzclio of GBR. Anyone interested may attend, and no experience in art .. Is necessary. .. So many lively tasting dishos, brimming with dalidous goodness can ba prepared at unr, usual savings with an Albertson's Swifts Premium round stack. This is year bast budget buy . . . Abartsan's tasty tender. Swifts Premium loan, joky of lha vary highest quafity now at law price. tasty-tende- Dmaat sl ,59 - CATTLEMANS srv98 SKINLESS WIENERS TOP ROUND STEAK IQ LDi ROAST Sfs $d8 (to Ik jfimlh o o o QM3ZD DtF ALBERTSONS I TUNA $ terests. Our newest parents are Captain and Mrs. Hugh M. Scilly who welcomed a daughter the 23rd of August. Jennifer Nettie weighed in at nine pounds. The Scilleys are from Colorado and Judith likes outdoor activities, NO. Vi CANS sewing and cards. ' Reminder: the Thrift shop reopens in Septemlier and the Bridge group starts again. EGGS u 2 YOU CAN CLEAN THE OVEN OF THIS NEW WELCHS GRAPE JE i GRAPEFRUIT SECTK FRIGIDAIRE40" CLEANABLE STANDING UP! POUND CAKE sssr CAKE DONUTS S3 RAISIN DINNER ROLLS PECAN ROLLS MCP) COOKIES ssr-i- r Turkey leaf by General Motors! If e11111 ing Unit. Sk3!..59t 5 t $1 WARRANTY hacked DEL M0N1E FACIAL Swiss Steak Chopped Sirloin Mexican Italian $ Roof Enchilada Werranty on Moat loaf 400-C- T JANET LEE ICE CREAM Asst, 2 flavors Carton 39 CYPRESS GARDEN 36 N. Main. $1 TISSUE Chicken entire Range for repair oF any defect Protection without charge, plus Plan (parti only) for furnishing replace, mint for any defective Surface Heating Unit, Surface Unit Switch, or Oven Heat- 20 LIQUID DETERGENT ALUMINUM FOIL s INSTANT BREAKFA! GOLD MEDAL FLOG SOFT-PL- Y DINNERS NATIONWIDE 49 FLEISHMAN MARGj SWANSONS MAM ar-- .98 ORANGE JUICE Florida Fraien 5 6-- Cane ftOC Q BOXES 303 CAN! 01 I H i |