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Show " X'i-i?- ; V sir JaSV T .'A'1,.'! J- -' ,?:,( : rtfSi.-iiS Jv . '.' .WfcAafn t'. SALT FLAT NEWS, APRIL,' 1975 Four happy archer-golfe- rs 1 go the rounds onWendooers unusual golf course in the desert So far, then's no waiting at the tees.' by Richard Menzies ... Wendover. lias a new golf course, but unless youlmow what to look for, you might not be able to find it. There are no greens; instead of grass, the fairways are covered with tumbleweeds 'and greasewood. The rough is more' or less everywhere, yet you wont have to worry about losing golfballs. If you hear someone shout fore! however, youd better duck, before the point of it all becomes painfully evident. ' : The new game is called archery golf, and instead of dubs and balls, golfers go the rounds with bows and arrows. The game has been played before in other parts of the country, but until recently most r Wendoverites had : .. never heard of it Robert Sax,' a dealer at Jims Casino and an avid archer, came up with the idea last month to course lay out. an eighteen-hol- e west of; town on the site of the old airport After a rudimentary survey and two days of post hole taken with the same arrow, and the putt is attempted with a rubber tipped blunt, of flu-fl- u arrow. The usual golfing etiquette .applies, except that experienced archer golfers refrain from coaching their companions from downrange, since there is no such thing as a soft shot. ' All shots are full pull,. explained Smith. Otherwise, you' dont have any control over the r arrow. The rocky surface is conducive to ricochet, and often a miss is as good as a mile. To keep the game moving, however, no golfer is required. to take more than five shots, or a triple bogey, on one hole. any " Should an archer place his tee shot within a hands span of the puck, its 'considered a explained Sax, adding that it has to be your own hand, not Wilt Chamberlains., On any sbot, if the player can stand with one foot planted at the tip of his previous arrow, reach out and touch the puck with a second arrow, then its considered a tap-iAgain, Wilt the Stilt seems to enjoy an advantage, v If the golfers arrow misses the target, but strikes close' enough to kick dust on the digging,' Sue hadlaid out eight-- , een holes, ranging in length from thirty to more, than two hundred f yards! i , - holes'are actually not' targefpucks, each fashioned .from, an eight or ten inch section of canvas firehose and stuffed., with .cCtton. The pucka stand upright at the base of each flagstaff, and the object of the game is to knock them T. fait with an arrow. ' Each. hole, regardless ; of length, is rated at par two, the reasoning' being that a strong archer could conceivably score a e on even the longest hole. (Improbable as this seemed r, I to me, an avid, our watched amazed as two of foursome zapped the thirty yard The holes but . . hole-in-on- e, : n. hole-in-on- - non-arche- 's "v. V 't ' - a - archery team Robert and Jackie Sax suit up with protective gear before setting out for an afternoon on die links. puck, its called a duster, and vided by mother nature, there it doesnt count for anything. It are no traps along the fairways. God, was that Where the course crosses a dirt only means, close! said Sax, allowing that a road, the designer has cleverly whole range of expletives might .staked holes four and sue in the be equally applicable bottom of a ditch. On such In general, there are two baric holes, .theres no substitute for strategies to archery golf. One is old fashioned good aim, and no the flat trajectory shot that hits greater reward than the satisfyin front of the target and ing, thunk.. of a direct hit that . tously bounces into it Here the literally knocks the stuffing out strong bowman has an advantage of the target. . To get to. Wendovers new with possibly two chances per shot. But should he get a really golf course, turn south on highgood bounce, hes likely to end way. 50 toward Ely and continue for about a mile and a half. Turn up behind the pin facing a difficult comeback shot at a puck on off the road to the right and the wrong ride 'of a fixed flag park anywhere you want; then pple. The second strategy and look around until you find the one which Roberts wife Jackie first tee. Dont bother looking put to good use, is the high,' arc- ..for a clubhouse, or arrowhouse as 'it were; thats still to come. ing shot tliat, while more difficult to aim,, stays put' when it The course is open to everyone, comes down. and like the best things in life,' ' ' ' Other than the obstacles pro- - its free. Husband-wif- e , . . . 5 hole-in-oon Larry Burk demonstrates the form put scored a ten indies stands The d high. only shot target .a thirty-yarne ai A |