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Show 4 ' SALT FLAT NEWS, MARCH, 1975 There was tumult on the hillside near that quaint old Salem Town, And the canyons thronged with people climbing restless up and down. Crowds were jostling in the highways, for strange news was sped along, And wild anguish gripped their faces with emotion deep and strong. From the poem Victory by Carter Grant . As if life mirrored art and fact followed fiction, a large crowd estimated by the Salt Lake Tribune at one thousand did indeed crowd the hillside above Salem , Utah, on the night of October 20, 1974. They had come to see flying saucers, as forecast by one Paul R. Solem of Phoenix, Arizona. Solem described himself as the late traditional former personal secretary to a member of the Hopi Indian tribe. It was the latest episode in an odd chronicle that began eighty-on- e years ago when John H. Koyle, a Mormon farmer turned visionary, claimed to have been visited in the night by a ghostly messenger. The spirit identified himself as a Nephite (the name of an ancient civilization in the western hemisphere, according to Mormon theology), and described a lost gold mine in the nearby mountains: The mine had once been worked by die Nephites, and was to contain not only the richest body of gold ore in the world, but also f cache of refined gold and stores of Nephite treasure. Koyle has subsequently set out to unearth the treasure , and, although the gold remained elusive, managed to attract a great many investors to his mystical venture. He also drew criticism from the first presidency of the LDS Church, and in 1948 Koyle was excommunicated. A year later, on May 17, 1949, he died. The story didn't stop there, as the however: Relief Mine , the dream mine company still does enough digging to hold its claim, and the board of directors continues to hold regukur meetings. The most outspoken of these is Norman C. Pierce, 70, who has been involved with the mine since 1909, when his father first, became attached to it. In his book The Dream Mine Story, published privately three years ago, Mr. Pierce recorded some of the prophecies of the late Mr. Koyle. (see SFN, Oct 1971) According to Koyle, the dream mine was not to pan out until the time was ripe, when riches from the ' mine would pay for the construction of a white city at , the south end of Utah Valley. Then after a fiery cataclysm, this new city would become the new capital of a bankrupt and blackened United States. The time is how very ripe, says Mr. Pierce, and the day of judgement at hand, when the earth will be scorched by a solar flare and Utah will get .the . Dream mine founder John H. Koyle, as he appeared in later years. Koyle qent fifty-fiv-e years looking for gold in Utah and silver in. Nevada. One of his predictions, according to Norman Pierce, was the eventual collapse of the U.S. economy. SALT FLAT NEWS: Could you clarify the mystery concerning the flying saucer and its at the dream mine? non-appearan- ce Well, this whole thing started out with the contactee, whose name was Paul Solem. He has about a ten year history of making contact with a certain group of flying saucers. Now, his principal background deals with the Hopi Indians. About four or five years ago, he claims he was instructed to contact them, and help them get their legend out about the true white brother and the stone tablets with the engravings on them, and so on. And he rated the front page of the Prescott Courier three or. four days in a row, and he got the legend published about the Hopi and their day of purification. Arid to verify that that was true, why,' these flying saucers put in their appearance, but all they got of them was a high They published pictures of these streaks across the sky that they made. And that was. supposed to confirm the truthfulness of the Hopi legend about the day of purification or the day of judgement being at hand. So here last year, he contacted me and said that he would like me to help him get this story all over the world. And to back it up, he took me and some of my Mends up here in the canyon, and those flying saucers came in on his timetable the timetable Ire had for contact with them was between 8:15 and 9:15. fly-ove- r. couldnt produce any. flying saucer. SALT FLAT NEWS: Was there a reason why not? he claimed it was a little and stormy they. didnt like to come in the rain. I dont know why. Ordinarily, youd think if they had such advanced powers, they could control the weather. But there was a slight sprinkle, and I dont know what he used as an excuse the other times. But in the meanwhile, he explained to me that his objective was to take over the dream mine. He had his own board of directors picked out, and if I would help him, I could be chairman of the board. Well, SALT FLAT NEWS: So it was a corporate coup, is what it was. Yes, and the idea was that the flying saucers would scare the present board of directors, so that they would back off and let him take over. But I said, Paul, the flying saucers dont have charge of that mountain; the three Nephites do. They always have had,, and do now, and always will have. And he wasnt going to take them into consideration at all. I said, Id be the first one to advise the board of directors not to back off, because I dont think your flying saucers are the ones who are sup- . SALT FLAT NEWS: Excuse me. You saw the flying saucers? Yes, I saw them and so did my friends. brunt of it" SALT FLAT NEWS: What did In. hopes of preparing our look like? readers for this aid other pre- they dicted events, we interviewed (he moon. And they could hover or move across the horizon. When one of them did come in dose, it was just like a big flash. Apparently they can turn their lights on and off. So, later on he wrote me that they had asked him to conduct five Sunday meetings near the dream mine. And they would appear at . each one of. those meetings. As close as a hundred and fifty feet. And, I helped him arrange for a location there, near (he old Nephite highway, and got a picnic table to put his P.A. system on, so that he could have these meetings. And he got a lot of publicity on radio, two-wa- y radio, and TV and newspapers. So that on October the twentieth, when he scheduled his first one, there must have been three or four thousand people come. The cars were bumper to bumper as far as you could see. But he Well, they were so far away, Mr. Pierce at his home in you can't say what they looked Spanish Fork, Utah, in the shad- like. They were bigger than any ow of the dream mine hill other image in the sky except The brunt of that solar flare strikes right here. Obviously, on the dark side of the earth it wouldn't be as bad. And the Bible speaks' of them being scorched, but here we get burnt up ... so what happens to the Salt Flat News about that time? v The number of people that will be destroyed here, at least in Utah, would be about ninety percent. Thats ninety percent tares and ten percent wheat. Now, if the ratio of that ten percent is seven women to one man, that means that theres only abOut one man out of a hundred thats going to make the grade. posed to be running this thing at all. And then he began to preach reincarnation, that he' was a re- incarnated prophet, John the Revelator, John the Beloved. And he . was going to set everything straight around here. And he gave me a very excellent background in reincarnation: He said "that I had been George Washington. Not only that I was a scribe at the time of Christ and was a martyr and lost my life for the gospel in writing the words of Christ. Then I came back as George Washington. And later as the brother of the prophet Joseph Don Carlos Smith who was editor of And Seasons. And now,I was at it again with these books. And he had himself bought a lot of these books, and thats why I was on a friendly basis with him, because he had purchased so many of my books and put them out, and used them as a wedge to get in with these other doc-- , trines. Well, I couldnt accept that at all. As much as it was an honor to be George Washington, I was the first to disbelieve it. And I still do. No, the only life Im concerned with is this one, and I think its the only one 111 The-Time- e, s ever get. Anyway, he Oh, the silver mine is one that Bishop Koyle was identified with out in Mountain City, Nevada. He was mining superintendent there in 1926, and made a lot of prophecies about that mine how it would serve the same purposes as the dream mine did and operate hand in glove with it. Well, last fall the mine at Mountain City, which is in control of dream mine stockholders but not the dream mine company they made a very rich strike. Only about fourteen feet down from the surface, they uncovered a big ledge of silver ore. And my nephew made a contract with the people who have it leased to open it up hes a successful mine operator. And he took his heavy duty equipment bulldozer, back-hoand so forth and he got out quite a bit of that ore. Approximately a hundred tons. Then winter came on and you. cant operate an open pit mine out there in the wintertime. Its too cold, and too much snow. So, the activity had to be called off until next spring. But meanwhile, theyre still going ahead with building their own oven to smelt this ore. There is a flotation plant already out there, from which they can get their concentrate, and then they can take this concentrate and put it in this oven and get silver bars. Well, that mine, according to his prophecy, was to turn out just a called those meetings up there by the dream mine, and not a single time, could he get a flying saucer to come in. And by the second fail' . ure, I told him I didnt want to be identified with him. I told him he couldnt stay here, that hed have to go somewhere else. And- - that fellow called those meetings eight Sundays in a row. People still came, til it got so cold, I suppose they couldnt take it any longer. But not a one of those eight Sundays was he able to call in a flying saucer. And I told him they had deceived him, and he was deceiving the public. And that the three Nephites had charge of that mountain, and they had stronger medicine than the flying saucers, and thats why they couldnt come in, even though they were for real. If I were to pinpoint a date, which is not always a very.safe thing to do, it would be 1977 that we have this great fire that is brought on by a solar flare a solar fine that will light up the moon and make it as bright as the sun and jump the temperature up here on earth to' seven hundred degrees, plus or minus. jump ahead of the dream mine, which we consider a very, important signpost. . Now, that would be our chief supply, of diver, and the dream mine our chief supply of gold that we would use to mint our own coin. Now, one very important signpost was that it had to Ire legal to own gold, which it hasnt been for over forty yefcrs. Because if they hadnt passed that law, the government would have taken it for about forty-tw- o dollars an ounce. But according to his prophecy, they're not to get any of it, not even a tax on it. Because by Hie time this SALT FLAT NEWS: A current big stock market crash comes, rumor is that miners have un- the government would be out of covered a large vein of silver in business within days, so the dream mine. Is this true? them wouldn't ninety be any federal |