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Show 'n j r , Library S.lt f' t City 1C, Utah t, 2, V 0 t v. 7 The Serving the Southeast Salt Lake Communities of Volume I Number 27 Wednesday, July 17, 1963 Holladay, Cottonwood, East Mill Creek Parade, Queen Contestants Sought for Holladay Eve Only throe weeks remain for and other organizations in the judging and will not be used in Although the highlights of Hie sion booth spaces left for interindividuals and organizations area are invited to participate the actual judging itself. Holladay Eve community cele- ested church, civic, scout and planning to enter the annual Hol- ' in the parade and all girls age Queens will lx judged on bration arc reserved for Aug. 3 other groups. laday Eve parade scheduled for seven through 19 are urged to beauty, poise, personality, and there will be carnival rides for Introduction of the Holladay 6 p.in. Saturday, Aug. 3. enter the queen contest, which other thc kiddies and concession Eve Queen, the parade, free enWardrobe and attire. Any girls desiring to enter the' will feature two divisions. Girls seven through 12 will, prizes await the queen sclcc-- i stands open fur the fun of every- tertainment and the awarding of queen contest should contact one Friday afternoon. Aug. 2. a 1963 Monza to a lucky ticket division tions. Estelle McKinney at Holladay enter the "Tween" while girls 13 through 19 will Hair Stylists. six divisions are There open Merchants will also feature spe- holder will climax the two-daand parade Queen entry compete in the Teen" division. to parade participants, accord- cial prices on their goods. celebration the evening uf Aug. blanks may be found on this Contribution tickets will be ing lo Dr M. Curtis Dcarden. Focal points for thc affair 3. used solely for the purpose of Chairman. One division will he will be thc parking lot on Holla-da- y page. Tickets may to obtained irom All children, church groups qualifying girls for the final devoted to color bearers, sport Blvd. queen contestants and Ilolladay There arc still some conces businessmen. ears and thc Queen float: another to marchers and childHOLLADAY EVE PARADE ENTRY ren wilh tricycles or hikes; a Looking over plans for the forthcoming BYU general chairman Jordan Valley Education third division will be for miniaNome HOLLADAY EVE QUEEN CONTEST Education Week are, from left to right. Dr. Week; Keith L. Smith, supervisor; and Kirk ture floats; another for large fifth BYU-Saa not (if M. Organization motorized; any) chairman. Stake chairman Lake of groups Lynn Hilton, Brimley, Holladay Nciinc divj.ion for motorized floats Address Ill Adult Education Center; Junior W. Child, and still another for horses. Please enter ( individual nr organization) Thc parade will get under way A 3 al 6 p.m., but entrants Aug. Is at thc must assemble I starting will in tlin Holladay Eu Parade Aug. J. meet al point no later than 5 p.m., Mr IlllUlC by parade point starling p.m. Walker states. in Enlry is made in the following division: (rlieck Starting at Kentucky Avc. and Address . Holladay Third Ward, the parade band, convertibles, sports cars, color tourone) 1 to will west move Holladay ers; 2 tricycles, bikes, walkers; .1 miniature Blvd., then swing north along Division (check one) TWEEN TEEN mofloats; 4 A "state of emergency" exists large groups not motorized; 5 thc boulevard- to terminate on in the development of parks in thc west side of thc Holladay torized floats; (i horses. A fishing pond with 1800 'This coupon must lx registered in person with School. veryISa,t Lakc Coun(y lhe Recrea- - The BYU Adult Education mail to: or Deliver ltiuch alive fish will highlight tion Board declared Monday Center in Salt Lake will sponsor Certain lavish floats have 4689 Ilolladay Blvd. Estelle McKinney. 2280 East WOO South, in order the Winder Sixth Ward Stake in a resolution passed g by large private firms Education Week in the Jordan to committed been the Cl DKARDEN VISUAL JN1C mously. ready Fund Carnival. valley area on Monday, Tuesday to receive clarification on contest rules. The Recreation Board request-man- y and Wednesday at the throughout Hie Salt Lake ValThe fishing pond along with Murray cd a be and that baton twirlers letter sent to the Bands, will be ley. South 5770 concessions South other Stake Center, drill teams are also needed to in operation on Saturday, July County Commission by Paul 300 East. make this the most colorful uf Rose, director of county recStakes participating in the all Holladay Eve efforts. reation, urging the commission annual event are. Cottonwood, The Holladay sponsoring Winder Sixth ard under the di-- to lake act on by acquiring East Jordan, Holladay, Midvale, of Commerce has Chamber Loren P31 sites immediately. rection of president South, Murray, Murray Sandy Shortage of parks is particu- - East and Suulh Cottonwood. planned to have carnival rides Iiroekbank are utilizing 5 acres and other treats available for larly noticeable in the eastern An oulstqanding staff of in of land to stage the Carnaval. at thc parade's end. Then will lx: in addition to Part f the county and in the structors will be available to Virginia Gough and Louise York City for orientation priur participants iterach the eleven periods each Lycan, Senior Girl Scouts from to her departure on July 25 for the fishing pond a greased pig southern portion. Thc Concerts arc free to the Early to Rise" has been The county has designated a day. There will be an option of the Utah Girl Scout chase, a putting contest for Lima. While in Lima, Virginia Council, Public. Lake Salt for the thc theme number of sites for seven and diifcrcnl a car use, many wash, park subjects during golf fans, will leave this week for inter-- ' will live with a 16 year old Girl Salt Lakes own mermaids other booths of food and sundry if1118 preventing the construe- - each of the eleven periods, County Recreation Department of homes, but has not purInslruliun will begin al 9:00 national Girl Guide, Teresa Corozzo, and her and regional items. Prizes will be awarded lon will emerge from the depth Youth Orcchcstras. chased the properties. p.m every hour. Scout opportunities. 'family. She will enter into the Thc Orchestras, cacty having Monday, July 29, 1963 at 8:00 Conlcsranls participating in he amy nd try to see P.M. long enough to stage a of Mr it Virginia, daughter approximately 75 musicains of Water the fishing pond will be expected things from their point of view. Pageant at Liberty Park 3382 LarchMi's Ray Gough,, shc wju to pay for their catches but no jr. high aud high school age, Pool. gttend school, go mont Drive, East Mill Creek, sightseing, and attend Girl license is necessary and most The Pageant is sponsored by practices in thc mornings from will be method of will fishing travel to Lima, Peru as 'Guide meetings. Thc Guias any 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. Mr Dow Young thc Salt Lake County Recreaaccepted. Construction should begin in is the Salt Lake City Director tion Department as part of the one of four Girl Scouts in the 9irl Gui(!cs of Pcru) arc. ,plan: Festivities are slated to begin a fcw trips outside of the in spring of nest year on thc and Mr John Catclain is the Salt Summer Pool program. to United Slates participate Lima. at 2:00 p.m. and the public is In thc pageant, Cottonwood Medical CenNew Opening Ghost towns of yesteryear and . Since huge Bingham Cupper an experiment in international In preparation for this trip ter at 6083 invited. Night on Broadway, will be Dr. ac- Lake County Director. modern mining operations tell Minc is thc Highland hih point f this living which gives the girls an Virginia has been improving her cording Chad K. Fisher, chair- Thc results of six weeks of 120 girls representing the sumthe story of Utahs mineral lour it is wise lo u.ave lhat opportunity to learn about thc Spanish, learning about customs man of thc center. pratice sessions was exhibited mer recreation pools. The pagwealth on the Oquirrh Circle a, traction till Iasi as a fitting history, culture and economics and people of Peru, and corThe center will provide up to at a concert Sunday, July 14, eant is free to the public. with her "family. Tour southwest of Salt Lake Salt Lake County Youngsters 40 medical and dental offices climax . So lhc lour ,s dcscribcd of another country by living responding She will go prepared to cook that will be either sold on a 1963 at 2:00 P.M. at thc East who spent the summer learning Valley. jin lhat order, with families in that Country. a typical Amcrcian dish if condominium basis or leased to High School and will be exhibited new skills and hobbies will put V. S. 40 skirts thc new Intcr-iSa- lt i Thc tour liegins and ends in Virginia will fly to Girl Scout called upon, and has been tak- occupants. Thursday, July 18, 1963 at 8:00 about 2,500 products of their national Airort of one the Lake City and covers H5 in New ing pictures of Salt Lake City, National Headquarters a will The also include Center P.M. most in the Wasatch Bowl industry on display Wednesday lion's modern and heads which will show Peruvians an doctors conference room and miles or paved highway, and Thursday (July 31, August across the almost wrfhj westward (Foothill Blvd at American community. I) in the City and County Buildmod4(1 miles of side trips. It j a a about room, Bonnc-olounge, banquet flat botom of f Bene Arnold, the directress complctly in back of the Red Cross ing. and ern of Cost meals, lodging directly and medical suppharmaev the School of Ballet Arts, takes about one to two days and' vil'c Basin toward Great Salt Thc show includes carving, transportation will be provided ply, a coffee shop, cashier and Building. 2931 East 3300 South, announces can )k, til).(,n f the !a!iC- - From 1,10 highway, can be Low World a Juliette the anyjnu. by basket weaving, needlework, area. saM ' parking large lie to laige reducing plants, the ballet demonstration although Middle Canyon Fund, only leaving Friendship clay paperwork, painsculpture, will Mr said Fisher that (his 8 short distance west rise closed during the given by her studcnls at Sky'j'oudc extras such as sight seeing and be the largest and finest faciting, drawing and model buildthe curious shaes of Old Saltair, souvenirs for Virginia. ing. e a lity of its kind in the county. popular lake resort Louise Lyean. daughter of Mr Thc exhibit is sponsored by Thc center is located on thc no longer in use. The highway & Airs Stanley W. Lyean. 4201 thc Salt Lake County Recreation center wilh easy access with curves around the lake, which Marquis Way, Holladay, Utah, Cottonwood Diagonal linking thc Department with Mr Edward can be sen not far away: also is thc rcdipicnl of a Sierra Club most 11. McGean as Department of the visible are huge mills, smelters, county. parts Iiconnnl A. DeGroot, Midvale, and will particiSupervisor in charge of Arts The three fourths of a million and refineries at Magna and :s a candidate for board of di- Campcrship in a Sierra Club Pack Trip dollar structure will have a Winners were announced last and Crafts and is in charge of Garfield, which process ores rector of thc international Lulh- - pate National in Park, Sequoia white from Bingham. Tf you care to pillared front that will add week in thc Rcvcll Model car this exhibit which will represent California. to thc building and to contest sponsored by Hammonds work done at 85 playgrounds in swim in thc lake. Sunset Beach d:gnity The entire two week trip, be- thc area. thc County. is open during the summer Toys in the Cottonwood Mall. ginning July 20th, will cover Storytelling thc oldest of all months. (It is impossible to sink about 60 miles and a layover Winning thc intermediate di- the Arts will attract Salt Lakin Great Salt Lake.) Salt Lake Man Hurt vision for boys between the ages ers of all ages Wednes., July 31, day will follow each hiking day. The tour route leaves Highwill provide opportunof 13 to 15 was Alan Crawford, when thc Salt Lake County RecHie In Crash Auto trip way 4(1 at Mills Junction and A Salt Lake man. Larry I). 4034 Lisa Dr., son of Mr & Mrs reation ity for a wide range of Department holds its asses throurh Tooele Valley. in a primitive Nelson. 27. 1839 Donald Prescott. Senior divi- annual Story Telling Fest va! activities Orange Osage Note srpawling Tooele Army) setting. The layover day at Avc.. was injured Sunday when sion winner Gary Page, son of Thc program will start at 6:00 Depol to the west, and Tooele each camp will give her a his car rammed a steel utility Mr & Mrs R. D. rage, 321 P.M. and will to held near the Smeller against the mountain to chance to do additional hiking pole at the I'arleys Inter- South 800 West. flag pole in thc center uf the the east. Detour at Tooele for a and swimming, change. exploration, Winning both first and second park. climb up Midthrilling fishing or just relaxing. Groups of children will act Investigating officer Deputy in thc junior division was Joe dle Canyon lo the Oquirrh sumthis trip Sheriff Niek Morgan HI said Pieper, son of Mr & Mrs E. A. out story roles as they are being for Requirements mit overlooking Bingham mine, include interest and experience .the car was :icadng north on pPicpcr, 3810 South 2000 East. told. Colorful backdrops will be Salt Lake Valley, and Utah in conservation, and thorough Wasatch Boulevard when lie apsun of Mr & provided to give the stories Danny Young, in one of thc states Vally knowledge with experience in parently lost control of his ear Mrs Donald Young. 3069 West more enchantment. most impressive panoramas. amping skills, all of which in the gully south of thc intcr-- i ILehi Dr. won first place in thc Eight stories will be told sim(This drive is not fur those her change. has from Louise his displays and ultaneously. It will to possible of gained painting of a fear having heights.) The car swerved and hit the second in thc senior division to hear six different stories dur-lin- g seven years experience in Girl South of Tooele thc highway ' thc evening. pole. Scouting. modeling. enters vast Rush Valley and hispasses through Stockton, a toric town. Short detours lead east to Opliir. one of Utah's colorful old mining communiUonird A. DeGroot ties (still almost intact) and Three dollars in discount tick- boat shows. Fourth of July or- railroad man with the acumen cactus garden was planted, and tlie ruins of Mcrcur. another eran Laymen's League. He will ets good for Lagoon rides any ations, symphony "pops" con- to realize that his Bamberger a sunken garden created. Thc certs and just plain carnival-typ- e Railroad would carry passen-Igor- s scope of activities was so broamining town of yesteryear. allend (he league's convention time any season is At Fairfield, visit thc military at (he Conrad Hilton Hotel in day any fun. if they had sumc place to dened that no oldster could honacIts patrons span thc age spec- go. cemetery. Old Stagecoach Inn, Chicago July 28 through 31, yours when you fill in the estly snort: "Lagoon? That's and Army Commissary A fun house, restaurant and a place for kids" and no young(all whore Hie election will take companying subscription blank trum from one to one hundred, three comprising Camp Floyd place. below and mail to this news- and no wonder. Operating in an saloon spurred interest in travel ster could resist it. For the s Historic State park). Thnn arra of relatively sparse popu- on the Bampcrgcr. and water and slightly above, If elected, Mr DeGroot will paper. drive on to Slate 68. turn into represent Region 13, which comcould hope to from a spring and artesian wells Lagoon signed top orchestras lation. Lagoon of the fun you'll have Think Salt Lake Va'lcy, and follow prises the districts of Washingprosper only by offering some- made a huge outdoor swimming and such entertainers as Nat at Lagoon and think of lhe goixl thing to everyone. Hence, there pixil , Start HI along the Oquirrh ton. Oregon, and possible. Lagoon outlived "King" Cole, lhe Kingston Trio, fiKithills to Bingham Canyon, on the national hoard. He has read ng you'll get all year long is a lure for anyone who does thc railroad which spawned il. Johnny Mathis, Dave Bructock. locale of thc largest opcn-cu- t Swim in But its At tagoon, you served in var ous capacities in wilh Hie Neighbor. anything, and for anyone who period of greatest mine in the world an immense the Utah-ldahDistrict in the Touring north out of Salt Lake docs nothing, ton. growth began after World War Water Fit (o Drink" (no idle ho'e which produces almost a past, as president of the dist- City, a motorist traveling U.S. Of Utah's population of H, when there was some ques- boast it's true): you ride Hie third of the nation's copper. rict, district editor, d' strict club Highway encounters the an estimated 750.1XX) go to tion if it would survive at all. roller coaster, drive a Dodgem, Continuing northward, pass the services chairman, and memb- scent of hay, a suc- Lagoon at one time or another, The Bamberger family leased go up in a Rocket, travel (lie cession of roadside fruit stands and the ojH'rators cannot under- Lagoon to tilt Utah Amusement Lake Shore Express, visit s Ipigc Her Jules missile instal ership secretary. lation at Bacchus (where stages Mr DeGroot is eurontly pres- and niral small towns the stand how or why they have Corporation headed by Ranch S. Crazy House, a Spook House, of the Minutcman and Inlaris ident of Christ Lutheran cong- dean, tingling charms of ihc failed" the other 150,000. Kiinhal, president and general drive along a Speedway, play At regation. 222 East 5600 South; countryside. rockets are golf. produced). Volley Ball, Lagoon nearly died once. In manager, and Robert E. Freed, miniature Lagoon is a picnic ground. It's its early years, it flourished secretary and assistant mana- baseball, test your prowess in Manga, view tto great president of the Lutheran Men a Machine Gun Gallery, picnic 'an outdoor dance hall. It's a partially at least because it was ger. mills, then return to of Utah organization, and Salt Lake City via U. S. 5(1 of Christ Lutheran playground, a senior citizens' a pleasant stopping-ill- ' The sprawling GO acres at the in one of 13 shaded terraces or point (21st South), which affords a Laymen's League. (gathering place, a headquarters for travelers between Salt Lake foot of Utah's Wasatch Mount- relax in Lagoona Fatio GarHe is employed as pr'ntcr at for family reunions, political City and Ogden. Simon Bamb- ains underwent s spectacular dens, and if youre still game, grand pananioric sweep of the I the Midvale Sentinel. Wasatch peaks. who built schoo's out" parties. erger, of rcvivii'atiun. A dance until one in thc morning. it, was a program rallies, j y lt Winder 6th BYU Plans "Emergency" Declared Plans Fund Education Week Aug. 5 County Parks Raising Fest . - unani-Buildin- . Two Girl Scouts Prepare For Peru, California Trips 1 Recreation Dept. Plans Summer Pageants, Exhibits Medical Center i Oquirrh Tour Hits New And Old Mining Sites Planned ; : i DeGroot Seeks Natl. Model Winners Church Post Listed at L. j i one-tim- Hammonds Toys high-countr- y I Free Lagoon Tickets Offered with Subscriptions ! teen-ager- Utah-ldaho- o 900-00- 89-9- 1 new-mow- n J) |