OCR Text |
Show CHICK ! CH&K NEW GUITARS $17. 95 when THEA'' CR fences, any kind... fireplace & repairs... brick & stone work... planter boxes... furniture repr. ...by job or hour...call Reese Anderson CR ; or 69 YOUR FORMICA BURNED 1961 - 62 Season 5 year olds only 2775 East 39th South CR PROFESSIONAlTTfressmaking and alterations. Pattern design a specialty. Call Mrs. Pat Dick at CR HOW A BOUT A BEAUTIFULLY CLEANEDCARPET or furniture? 2-2- It's really something this new Seal Gloss acrylic finish for vinyl and linoleum floors. G. Carlos Smith Fire stone ,46 7 7 Holladay Blvd...CR wedding napkins, thank-yonotes & stationery, yrs. experience, reasonaou. prices. Call LeNora Foster at CR after 6 p. m. GOOD BUY ON HALF BEEF Slim-Downer- s" WANTED OR WOULD LIKE... LAWN AERATION men to assist me hire & train men I NEED 3 COLLEGE AND PLOWING .. Lloyd's Barber EXPERT HAIR CUTTING. CR 8-8- or women for our summer promotion with West Bend. Call Mr. Butler, HU 258 Shop, 3007 East 33rd South 81 GUARANTEED watch repair, 25 yrs. experience, ReedCruser 6217 Highland Drive (across from Reynolds) CR trees topped, trimmed & removed INCOME TAX bothering you? Tax WOULD $40 a week added to Andersen, Auditor, can help you get all your present Income Interest that is coming to you. Call you? Write P. O. Box 17241, Salt Lake City 17, Utah or CR CR J. C. ex-inco- me TREE SERVICE Power and janitorial service. . . . equip't.... IN nec-essar- CA11CR remodeling, carpenter, brick and stone work. Reasonable, Call Oren Jansen at CR EXPERT 85. LAWNMOWERS sharpened...: free pickup & delivery before noon Call CR or after 5:00 p. m. CUSTOM PLOWING, harrowing by the hour. Holladay area. Call STOP WISHING. . . START EARNING, put spare time y, to work for you, car cleaners' CARLUND house CallCR $160 TO average house, also aluminum and tile roofs, save on repairs, RE-RO- OF call Bud at CR MAN WANTED to do light inside carpentry, your convenience, house empty jnat-eriafurnished, CR 01 HOME FREEZER MEAT SERVICE We'll cut and wrap any meat ou may have. MEIERS MEATS 4658 Holladay Blvd.CR WANTED: 2 bedroom house or apartment- - furn. or Permanent resident couple with one child. NEIGHBOR employee. Call 8-0- in own home. The best in instruction, private, family or group HoUaday Music, CR YOU NAME IT, I'LL DO IT Decorated cakes for special CR occasions, cal! IN best and fix the rest! sell the IIOL-LAD- AY FEED AND SPORTS 4644 Holladay Blvd.CR ...Jim's Repair Service.... EL CR 22 popular & Jazz piano in your own home by one of Salt Lake's most popular or CR pianists. LEA RN IN PATIO$79. . 81. Terry &Bil , 16&l7yr.olds will wash windows, wash car, spade garden, rake, trim or mow lawn, have truck, after school & Sat. ..CR South Salt Lake, 2 rms. , bath, stove, refrig. , $40, 176 Ejst Burton, CR . FREE Driveways & retaining walls Custom designed patios Color and exposed aggregate Quality, guaranteed work at For free reasonable prices DA call estimates, DRESSMAKING, all kinds, . UNFURNISHED DUPLEX fun! Sprinkling systems. Expert planning. Free estimates Call AM costumes, mending, etc. Jessie White...AM .4 puppies, half Doberman Pincer & half German Shepherd, come and see at 4162 South 23rd East FREE. . or call CR CR loan of our ctficient Carpet Shampooers with purchase of Blue Lustre shampoo at G. Carlos Smith, 4677 Holladay Blvd. TEACH yon the cha-ch- a or any ballroom dance, $1. 25 couple FOR SALE buys$2700 equity in 3 bedrm. 2 bath, full basmt. yr.old brick home. Must sel Immediately, bring checkNobook to trades, 6665 o. 2440 E. ' no realtors, please, we want to '.ell, not talk. POOL, 3 bedrm, bath hrlcli home, landscaping A sprinkler $28, ol'O. Call CR SWIMMING EYES EXAMINED in Holladay Evenings by appointment DR. GERALD H. BAGLEV EL CLIFF HOPKINS When was your piano BUY NOW Lionel , CR 7-7- outfit. Call IN Ricky's Grandma told this one about him and his tiny sister, Debbie. "They were playing Inaian and Debbie repeatedly had to play dead. Finally she rebelled. "I don't want to play Indian anymore! "Why not, Debbie?" Ricky asked. "Cause I'm tired of playing dead.thaf s why. It's too hard. " "No It Isn't, Debbie. It's easy. All you have to do Is lay down for a few minutes and then get up and take Alka Selcer." Words are not easy for the adults to handle. The youngsters have their troubles with them, too. Freddie and Bessie were walking over to Granny Eatham's for a visit when they passed a very emposing building. They stopped to aamire it. "We jflassed a pretty Cat-lic- k church, " Freddie bubbled. Granny, "An, we did not," corrected Bessie, " He called It a Cat-lic- k church when every- "BUY LINES" DEAD- LINE IS MONDAY1 SAND 150X1: large 5 1" con-tfir Jia. liea SIGN Ted sent us this one. He was visiting a farm and was commenting on some eggs. He philosphicallycommentedtohis farmer host that it was wonderful to see a ch er host that it was wonderful to see a chick burst from its shell. Unnoticed the farmer's small son had joined them and had his own comment to make on the situation," Wonderful? Gosh, what beats me is how they get in there in the first place." boy from a family of six sons told us tnis one. The boys range from age sixteen downward and clothes have to be handed down the line. "You can have this pair of trousers, Donald, "beamed Eddie, the pleasure being on the giving end, for a change, instead of the receiving. Grimly, Donald turned to his mother, "Mom, will I have to marry his widow when he dies?" not-so-ti- 6 THE NEIGHBOR, 4708 Holladay Blvd ny Four year old Danny Ortiz added this bit of wisdom to our column. When his daddy came home from work he led him outdoors to view six lines full of sparkling white wash. "Look there," lie said proudly waving at thw wash but looking back toward his mother, "Aren't you proud of your wife?" If you have a bright saying of your child or grandchild, share It with your and ask for "Neighbor." CallCR Grandma. .l &. 12 G r, delivered PAINTING, bedrm. 2 level brick, 34 bath, hot water heat, built-i- n range, ocn& disposal, walkout' nascinent, covered patio. Call Taggart at EL Weigel IN Ivory at 3 ! During recent weeks, we have been talking about bicycle safety. The safety :h seems to be violated mostrn our neighborhood by bicyclists Is the very most Important rule, ricle on the right hand side of the road! Two weeks age we explained about the impact forced involved, and ided a photograph showing the danger, might reread that article, if you saved your copy of the "Neighbor. " For tnosewho want to refer to the law section of the Utah Code Annotated 1953, defines a bicycle as a vehicle, andn is governed by the same basic traffic rules as all other vehicles. Section says bicyclists "shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practical. " This is the law in Utah. This is the sound bicycle rule everywhere. Why are so many bicyclists riding on the wrong side of the road? Is It because we don't care how they ride? Is it because we ourselves ignore or flout traffic laws, and are content to seta dangerous example and attitude for others in our family? Is it because we don't value the lives of our young bicyclists? Whatever the reason , it seems aoout time that we face the problem in our neighborhood. Whose job is It to teach our bicyclists the correct traffic rules and souna riding practices? It seems to me that everyone la Involved. Yet, so far, nobody seems to have taken the initiative in solving the problem. Let's discuss briefly what can oe done, and by whom. First and foremost, is the bicyclist, It is up to the boy and girl. . . . and adult. . . . cyclist to learn and obey sound bl cycle practices. These rules should be followed at all times when riding a bike. Second, parents have an obligation to see that the new bike rider is taught how to ride properly, and is taught safe bicycle rules. Parents cannot escape this basic responsibility. Third, the schools have the opportunity to develop good traffic citizens in an ed favorable situation. The social in my opinion the aspects of traffic most crucial of all phases of the traffic picture. . .can be developed more adequately by the schools than by any other agency in the community. The tremendous influence of the peer group isexceedingly effective; a capable teacher is trained In using this power for socially desired goals. Fourth, our enforcement personnel must set a good example in traffic citizenship. Youngsterscainot be expected to have much respect for traffic law if uniformed officers seta poor example. Our officers may need help in developing good traffic practices. Fifth, every one must set a good example in our town traffic practice s.Young bicyclists will have more respect for traffic regulations. . . and us. . .if we reinforce our teachings by our own good traffic practices. You teach by your example; make it good teaching at all rimes. 41-6-- 84 41-0-- 87 lel Continental show 433 & CR Beers HU4-354- 3 Real Estate and Insurance Company E. Brockbank Alan (Ail cards, posters, etc. Call Nancy at CR Salt Lake City 17, Utah 1 HU 1 il church." Calf-lic- k PROBLEMS ....OPPORTUNITY BUY.... Sa les commission not in price transferring & employer pays it 28 CLAY, TOPSOIL, fill dirt, . sand & gravel. CR fly." SOLVING BICYCLE EXTRA "BUY LINE" REMEMBER eats, paiite for Christmas, "What's he flying 'round and 'round like that for. Daddy?" "He wants something to eat so he's looking fci a mouse. " "Don't be silly. Daddy, mouses can't 801 with plenty of sand. 85 (Jail or CR 75410. CR 4'x6 di'plav train Jean Staten who lives at South called this one in about her young son, Ricky. Coming home from Spokane, Washington, Ricky's Daddy pointed skyward and said, "Look, there's a hawk up there 3115 Registered piano service Mem. Piano Technicians Guilt RALPH M. BARRUS 2 CR 5-6- 269 4689 H illaday Blvd last tuned? ROCK BOTTOM $1000 cash WE WILL ....Call 67. FREE 1 ....BARNES REST HOME.... 24 hour nursing service, 17 years experience, attractive rooms, fenced vard, 1843 E. 4625 So... Ck - 54 Goff A FREE YOUR:iiL.F- - FOR SUMMER ... 10x20 .FACTORY AUTHORIZED. Service on washers & dryers. All work guaranteed....esti mates given.. ..call us FIRST, save time and money Mention this ad & receive Silicone dust cloth 48. FOR RENT. 75' SCHWINN BIKES, we n. un-fur- by Robert 1437 East on body knows its a SOMEONE to come and baby sit with 2 children on Friday & Saturday, call CR CR ORGAN lessons ls 26 BUY LINES GET RESULTS It takes the wee ones to pull off the and the grownups to retell the wit- gags circling around. or hind quarter, and anything else you need for your home freezer. MEIERS MEATS at .4658 Holladav Blvd.CR Join our reducing group,The to lose 20 lbs. by June. Activities & discussions led by social worker. Call Arleen at CR 6-5- $1.25 84 YOUR NAME engraved in gold on books. Books of Remembrance and genealogy Machine cleaned by experts... Unique Carpet Cleaners or AM CR by grandma . . . WORMS. . . . WORMS. . . For fishing and soil Improvement. Retail & wholesale lots. Call IN 6 -- 1131 or AM u TOP? CALL DAVE KEMPE AND HE AT CR WILL FIX IT! I - 4658 Holladay Boulevard TERRACE KINDERGARTEN SMALLCARPENTERjobs 168 zer in REGISTER NOW How to drive and alive 51 GROUND BEEF for your free25 lb. lots, 39 lb. MEIERS MEATS, CR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPECIA L. ...kitchen chairs re covered in Naugahyae $5 & up... free pickup & delivery. Call Fred Beesley HU Wit Knee-hig- h you sign up for lessons at Holladay Music Company 7-6- 148 Organization K. j 2nd So. El. 5 3438 -- If You Love GOD AND AMERICA Lirten to "Lifeline" Monday through Friday KSL Radio 8:10 to 8:25 p.in. |