OCR Text |
Show V CHKX THESES CHECK THESE'' good buy oy ia i i: w:i:r or hind quarter, and anything else you need f.s .our home' 71" UPRIGHT AMANA FREEZER IN covered in Naugalivdc $5 & up... free pickup & delivery. Tall Fred Beesley HU SMA LL C A RPEN T ER jobs fences, any kind.. .fireplace & repairs... brick & stone work... planter boxes.. .furniture repr, ...by job or hour... call Reese Anderson CR or BURNED YOUR FORMICA TOP? CA LL DA V E KEMPfl AND HE AT CR WILL FIX IT!! PROFESSIONAL dressmaking and alterations. Pattern design a specialty. Call Mrs. Pat Dick at CR HOW ABOUT A BEAUTIFULLY CLEANEDCARPET or furniture? Machine cleaned by experts... Unique Carpet Cleaners or AM CR 6-5- EXPERT HAIR CUTTING. . . . $1 25 Lloyd's Barber WILL DO IRONING in home. Call June, my CR RCA ... WANTED OR WOULD LIKE... Whirlpool washer and dryer repairing.... prompt service and reasonable rates free estimates. Eureka Appliance Company 141 East Broadway. . . . .... TAX RETURNS .;.... ... DA "Nearing half century of service" DURACLEAN Suburban, car- pets and furniture cleaned In your home the safe "Flower Fresh" way. No scrubbing, no soaking. The only cleaning process approved by all three, McCalls, Barents Magazine and American Institute , of Testing. Call CR FREE use of our Carpet Sham-pooe- r with purchase of Blue Lustre shartrpoo. . . . G. Carlos Smith Firestone, 4677 Hol-lad- BOXE, 5 I'J', heavy J" fir cons. , 5 eat painted & delivered wp!eu ofsaud$s. WORMS... WORMS For fishing and oil improvement. Retail & wholesale lots. Call IN 6 -- 1131 or AM I'ried it yet? The new Seal acrylic finish for vinyl and all hard surface floors... it's different... G. Carlos Smith Firestone, 4677 Hol- 85. trees topped, trimmed & removed TREE SERVICE Powerequip't....IN CUSTOM PLOWING, harrowing bv the hour. Holladay area. Call CR in own home. in The best instruction, private, family or group HoDaday Music, CR ORGAN lessons HEATING& air conditioning water heaters, all types sheet metalwork, call Fred Cal! at or IN CR Blvd. INCOME TAX J. C. Andersen, bothering you? Tax Auditor, can help you get all that is coming to you. Call ex-inco- or CR CR laday. Blvd. CA RLUND house cleaners and Janitorial service. ... . 2775 East 39th BABYSITTING in area. CallCR 46. popular & jazz piano in your own home by one of Salt Lake's most popular or CR pianists. LEARN IN 81. P EYES EXAMINED in Holladay 1 Evening? by appointment DR. GERALD H. BAGLEY EL 5-6- 269 When was your piano last tuned? Registered piano service Mem. Piano Technicians Guild RALPH M. BARRUS CR aCHWINN lilRE.'i, we sellthe HOL- classical beginning to Advanced Modem. Now registering a limited number of students. For Information call CR man to cut lawn, weed, etc. 5900 llolladav SUITS CR every Wednesday FATHER & SON BREAKFAST Every Sat. between Free breakfast for the son, the same as his father eats. Watch for the opening of 23. NEED 3 COLLEGE men to ail 9-- BEST 81 FOR RENT. FRIEND FURNISHED 2 bedroom No smoking CR Cleaners K apt. Utilities, $80 month Holladay SOFT SKT" DRY Cl.lvMN(I 11 MOTHER 8. DAUGHTER BRUNCH Between 1- every Sat. Free meal for daughter, the same as mother eats. our private dinning room. -3 WANT' A JOIN THE NAVY? SEE THE WORLD? You're too young. But how about something you CAN do? Join the good gang of "Neighbor" carriers! It's a great job and your earnings can be terrific! Interested? BOYS! (12 CALL CR. 7-3- to 15) and tell 7-6- 148 Calvary Luthoran UNFURNISHED DUPLEX South Salt Lake, 2 rms. , bath, stove, refrig. , $40, . . you press Also finest custom cleaning South 17th East CR. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a. m. " Tne Lutheran Hour" Sun. 9:30 KALL "This is The Life" Sat. 4 p.m. Channel 5 KSL Radio 8:10 to 8:25 p.m, . . . . Our new money saving service ... 8 lbs. $1 .60 Arthur H. Schmid, Pastor Listen to "Lifeline" Monday through Friday ELF We clean (Missouri Synod) 7136 about yourself. us DO-IT-UR-S- Church If You Love GOD AND AMERICA 3200 Highland Dr. IN 1 7-2- 7-3- 834 S fun! Sprinkling systems. Expert planning. Free estimates Call AM PLANNER ... e'timates, call a Little . . .famous Lot fot FREE YOURSELF FOR SUMMER by Paul McCobb! EL sharpeneu.. free pickup & delivery before noon Call CR or after 5:00 p. m 1 X 1' . I 1 m .FACTORY AUTHORIZED. Service on washers & dryers. All work guaranteed....esti mates glven...call us FIRST save time and money Mention this ad & receive Silicone dust cloth ....Jim's Repair Service.... EL CR FOR SALE CLAY, sand & Af 1UU TOPSOIL, fill dirt, gravel. CR 1957 BU1CK SUPER Riviera, power steering & 4-d- oor brakes. Call CR 46, evening. TOY POODLES White female 8 wks. old AKC Registered $125. CR A CR LADAY FEED AND SPORTS 4644 Holladay Blvd.CR 7-7- 801 CLIFF HOPKINS formerly of downtown Salt Lake has moved to j320 Highland Drive. We would like to get acquainted with yc assist me hire & train men or women for our summer promotion with West Bend, Mr. Butler, HU HOME FREEZER MEAT SERVICE LAWNMOWERs CR Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Every day except Sunday From 5 a. m. to 9 p. m. YARD MAN WANTED 1 We'll cut and wrap any meat ou may have. MEIERS MEATS 4658 Holladay Blvd.CR 8- - 0061 Hobday TERRACE KINDERGARTEN RESTAURANT1 FREE COFFEE Blvd. CUSTOM SPRAYING.. .don't take chances, call Emerson Spray Service, free estimates & guar, service 35 yrs. in metro politan area.... AM Sou: REGISTER NOW 3 176 East Burton, CR best and fix the restl r HEY LOOK! m f WIl!a Adams Elderly YOU! SA NITON 10x20 PATIO$79... Driveways & retaining walls Custom designed patios Color and exposed aggregate Ouality, guaranteed work at For free runnable prices 1961 - 62 Season 5 year olds only machine. Gloss CAU CR remodeling, penter, brick and stone work. Reasonable, Call Oren Jansen at CR or & George wor'c TYPIST for part-tim- e in my home. Must be able to take dictation from 22 car- EXPERT at ay $3 & UP YOUR HOME OR MINE... FRANK LAVER, CR ATS SAND 48. EXPERT AUTHORIZED Shop, 3007 East 33rd South GUARANTEED watch repair, 25 yrs. experience, ReedCruser 6217 Highland Drive (across from Reynolds) CR IN '.' Mlv GROUN D BE'iF for your freezer in :.5 !h. lon.'XV lb. MLIFRs N!F .TS, CR 4G5S I Ini Lit. av boulevard SERVICES I... .kitchen chairs re- MEIF.Rn .4658 llolladav CUSSIFIEO ADVERTISING SPECIA freezer. i SAND BOXES large 5 12' dia. heavy 2 fir constr, 6 seats, painted & delivered with plenty of sand. $5 Call CR or CR 16. RUMMAGE SALE CONTINUES Skirst & blouses, maternity clothes, curtains & curtain rods, 2 sliding doors & hard- ware, air conditioner, clothes hamper, training chair. . . . 2194 E. 70th So.. .CR Restores sparkle to patterns and colors Puts new life in limp a it fabrics - u A iNfiUniTn Lilill iiiii 48 x 24 dask . . . desk chair Banishes spots and perspiration odor. (4 Keeps suits looking " service ill 0 Planner ft... America's design group. ..is ideal for child's room, guest room, family room... as well as your living and award-winnin- 19.95 bookcaia wall group 2 banchas) bookcatas "169.50 new longer Recommended by leading manufacturers . Call today for Sanitone . . . 50 UNITS TO g CHOOSE FROM dining areas! Choose from oil walnut, tobacco, ebony black and . satiny white (with porcelain handles). ..all in the finest solid north- ern maple! The desk and bookcases shown solve a problem. ..at WALNUT, TOBACCO la price! There are unlimited solutions to furnishing BLACK OR WHITE in illustrated in our free,gIifhtly the 50 Planner lproblems highr I brochure! sweet-and-lo- s... mmm CALL CR for 7-06- j FACE SETTER HOUSE 2977 Highland Drive 31 pick-u- p HU and delivery -- .' ' 525133252 news magazine Your weekly community 'liv 'd 4-2- 736 1 ' Thursday, April 6, 1961 |