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Show Friday, June 2, 1961 SOUTH SALT LAKE HERALD Page 3 Editorial Articulated Phonics Flourides This writer has worked with a great doctor an Ogden dentist who became interested in flourides and the action they induce to prevent decay. This writer has read, in the American Dental Association Magazine about flourides and their beneficial effect as a decay preventative. This writer has worked, in a public relations capacity, to educate the public concerning the benefits of flouride. Dr.Toutz has read his research at National Dental Conventions. That flourides will help prevent decay this writer will brook no argument. It is the fact that when taken internally with water by pregnant women and by small children before the second teeth are formed that it is most beneficial. This is the prime time for flourides to be most beneficial. This can be done by diluting a flouride pill in water at a very small cost to the person wishing the flouride benefit. You can get flouride benefits from your own dentist, at any age, if you wish. To turn to the State and ask people to pay for flouride benefits for all people is wrong on several counts. First. It forces those who do not want flouride benefit to seek other waetr supplies at their own expense. Second. It is an enormous wasts of a benefit because of the small amount of water con Sharp Shooter Sant Sinks Six Special Shooters Gary Sant son of Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Sant, 2132 Logan Ave., of Salt Lake City recently earned the title as the best shooter in the Utah National Guards Junior Rifle Club program, according to Maj. Gen. Maxwell E. Rich, Utah Adjutant General. Sant bestThe Steady-eye- d ed six other top shooters for the title during a shoot-o- ff May 20 at the Salt Lake City armory. He recorded a fine score of 344 out of a possible 400 points. Sant is a member of the Special Forces team, coached by 1st Lt. Wayne Holt. He will receive a trophy ..and a shooting jacket. Second to the champ was Norman Robinson who hit 325 out of 400, good for a shooting jacket. Robinson is a member of XI Corps Artillery, coached by Sgt. Paul Anderson. The Special Forces team won the team crown with the Utah Air National Guard second. Sixteen-year-o- ld pared to the amount of the water which must be treated. Third. If once done it cannot be undone. , Fourth. This will create more governments, more taxes. i Fifth. It is immoral in that it; offers no choice, one person is determining what shall be done for another persons good, puts the government in competition with private industry. ' It is not the same as chlorine which is a sanitation measure to stop disease. The idea of going to the state to solve problems is the work of people who are busy-body who for the most part, are not the type of people who can do things for themselves. Examine the proponents of such ideas and you will find that, in the main, they are predators who exist upon the efforts of the producers. They derive their income from tax supported institutions. The balance of those who are the drum beaters of such actions are people who believe that government is other than an agent of force with a gun, whose existance is other than perpetuation and growth. The state can do no other thing than enforce with a gun- It can produce nothing. It can only waste. It is better by far that each man do what he can for himself than to depend upon government to solve his problems. The government is in the business of enforcement only. do-good- ers - very well be entrusted to insurance companies, which have a vital interest in doing the job efficiently and at the least cost. -- The Rise and Fall of Society Frank Chodorov The reading of THE DEVIL AND DANIEL WEBSTER might help Mrs. Eleanor and Mr. Reuther understand that you cannot traffic with the devil. If 4,000 names can pass a 9 million dollar bond issue can that many more names get articulated phonics taught in the first grade along with the alphabet? Faith in political power is a comfortable flight from reality. The rise and Fall of Society - Frank Chodorov ours? I deplore the controversy which has involved parents and school administrators all over the country. But perhaps the school people should take a second look and discover that the parents most vocal in their criticisms of schools are not the illiterates of our population on the contrary, they comprise for the most part the substantial citizens in their respective communities who are miserably unhappy because they know that their normal, average chil- - . dren are being cheated in learning to read and spell, The best way to quiet the controversy in your own school system is to conduct an objective experiment for two rs years. Take 100 entering next fall, give them able teachers who understand what is meant by real phonics instruction, compare them at the end of two years with a group of 100 youngsters of equal intelligence who have s. been subjected to At the end of two years, examine the achievement results. We do not believe that this is an unfair request, and during the past 14 years that is all we have ever asked any school system to do. Thank you for your interest, and 1 will be interested in learning what develops in the Granite School District. Sincerely yours, J. B. LIPPIN COTT CO. John V. Gordon THAT THE SYMBOLS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE' REPRESENT SPEECH SOUNDS. Furthermore, most basal readers completely ignore the teaching of vowel sounds in the first grade. This omission is, of course, absolutely inexcus-abl- e, well-educat- and their position on it is untenable in view of the fact that every syllable in the English language includes a vowel sound. With all of the which the basal readers are recently paying to phonics teaching, they completely indict themselves with their continued reliance on controlled, watered-dow- n vocabularies of lip-serv- ice 250 to 350 words for first- - gra- mal with comprehension vocabularies ranging from 15,000 to 30,000 words six-year-o- lds disgusted look-gues- and disin- terested in the process of learning to read when they are fed on a diet of look, look, Sally, Sally, during their first year in school. Any normal child instructed by a competent teacher emarticulated phonics ploying should be able by the end of the.first year in school to read stories involving thousands of . words! They do it in Russia, they do it in France, they do it in England, they do it in Sweden. In fact, they do it rent is not a charge production but is merely payment for the opportunity to ed, first-grade- ders. It is no wonder that nor- become ON PRIVATE INDUSTRY DOING PUBLIC SERVICES... The putting out of fires could everywhere in the world where the language is based on symbols which represent sounds. Are the youngsters in these countries more intelligent than (From Page 1) child has forgotten how to read lump, he may find himself in a dilemma from which the experts have not as yet explained how he is to extricate himself. The basal readers do not even teach well the sketchy phonics they do introduce in the first or any other grade, and many youngsters are pushed along with never the vaguest notion about the most important phonetic concept of all sumed! nternally by those who wish it com- . . . JVG:cc cc: Mr Hartwell Goodrich cc: Mr. Paul Marsh inst produce. 'SUMMER The Rise and Fall of Society - Frank Chodorov V : WHATfe : OBTY V o ONICE . PETER s LAWFORD ; ywrlwit KIRBY STONE FOUR j THE ; . ; t : iSJw1 : CAPADES! : cMiu, - Lnntandia THE BEST LOAN IS A (VALLEY STATE) Continental Cuisine BANK LOAN' LOW COST ECONO-LOAN- S CXOTV Dancing Friday and Saturday evenings , 39th South at Wasatch Blvd. CR 7-- 1 121 Go IPAA d Ga Ea eD 2 JJiyJKIG 6 : ( |